In [3]:
%pylab inline
import seaborn
In [4]:
from SuchTree import SuchTree
has two ways to calculate distances. One pair at a time using
, or several large groups at once using SuchTree.distances()
The later avoids the interpreter's overhead and is much faster.
Note that the dendrograms in the cluster maps shown below are re-computed from
the distances in the matrix using neighbor joining, and so they do not exactly match
the phylogeny. Send complaints to the authors of seaborn
In [11]:
from ete2 import Tree, TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TextFace
from numpy import linspace
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.mode = 'r'
ts.show_leaf_name = True
ts.branch_vertical_margin = 2
ts.scale = 10
ts.show_leaf_name = False
ts.show_scale = False
nstyle = NodeStyle()
nstyle['size'] = 0
ete_tree = Tree( 'SuchTree/tests/test.tree' )
for node in ete_tree.traverse() :
if node.is_leaf :
tf = TextFace('_',' ').replace('\'','') )
tf.fsize = 10
tf.hz_align = 100
node.add_face( tf, 0 )
In [12]:
ete_tree.render("%%inline", w=120, units="mm", tree_style=ts)
In [12]:
T = SuchTree( '../SuchTree/tests/test.tree')
In [13]:
D1 = zeros( ( len(T.leafs),len(T.leafs) ) )
for i,a in enumerate(T.leafs.values()) :
for j,b in enumerate( T.leafs.values() ) :
D1[i,j] = T.distance( a, b )
In [14]:
In [15]:
D2_list = []
for i,a in enumerate(T.leafs.values()) :
for j,b in enumerate( T.leafs.values() ) :
D2_list.append( ( a, b ) )
D2_array = array( D2_list )
D2 = T.distances( D2_array )
D2 = D2.reshape( ( len(T.leafs), len(T.leafs) ) )
In [17]:
SuchTree can also import data from the internets. Here is the distance matrix for the penguins, from the Global Phylogeny of Birds.
In [16]:
T3 = SuchTree( '' )
D3_list = []
for i,a in enumerate(T3.leafs.values()) :
for j,b in enumerate( T3.leafs.values() ) :
D3_list.append( ( a, b ) )
D3_array = array( D3_list )
D3 = T3.distances( D3_array )
D3 = D3.reshape( ( len(T3.leafs), len(T3.leafs) ) )
In [17]:
Here, we use SuchTree
to compare the topology of two trees containing the same taxa
but constructed with different methods (FastTree
). One million random pairs are
sampled from each tree.
On my rather elderly laptop, the distance calculations in both trees are completed in 22 seconds (most of which is mapping the names to the node indicies).
In [20]:
T1 = SuchTree( '' )
T2 = SuchTree( '' )
print 'nodes : %d, leafs : %d' % ( T1.length, len(T1.leafs) )
print 'nodes : %d, leafs : %d' % ( T2.length, len(T2.leafs) )
In [25]:
import random
N = 1000000
v = T1.leafs.keys()
pairs = []
for i in range(N) :
pairs.append( ( random.choice( v ), random.choice( v ) ) )
%time D1, D2 = T1.distances_by_name( pairs ), T2.distances_by_name( pairs)
In [22]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame( { 'ML' : D1, 'neighbor joining' : D2 } )
with seaborn.axes_style("white"):
seaborn.jointplot( 'ML', 'neighbor joining', data=df, color=seaborn.xkcd_rgb['dark teal'], alpha=0.3,
xlim=(0,3.5), ylim=(0,1.2), size=8 )
In [86]:
from scipy.stats import spearmanr, kendalltau, pearsonr
print 'Spearman\'s rs : %0.3f' % spearmanr( D1, D2 )[0]
print 'Kendall\'s tau : %0.3f' % kendalltau( D1, D2 )[0]
print 'Pearson\'s r : %0.3f' % pearsonr( D1, D2 )[0]
If you use SuchTree.distances()
to compute a bunch of distances at once,
these calculations can run outside of Python's
global interpreter lock.
You can parallelize with Threads,
which are easier to use than the
intentionally does not allow the user to alter trees once they are created,
and so distance calculations are always thread safe. This makes it possible to use only
one instance of a tree for all threads, which ought to give you the best chance of
keeping it within L2 cache.
In [16]:
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
n = 2
m = 12
work_q = Queue()
done_q = Queue()
for i in xrange( m ) :
work_q.put( pairs )
for i in xrange( n ) :
work_q.put( 'STOP' )
def worker( work_q, done_q ) :
for task in iter( work_q.get, 'STOP' ) :
D1 = T1.distances_by_name( task )
D2 = T2.distances_by_name( task )
r = correlation( D1, D2 )
done_q.put( r )
return True
threads = []
for i in xrange( n ) :
thread = Thread( target=worker, args=( work_q, done_q ) )
threads.append( thread )
for thread in threads :
done_q.put( 'STOP' )
for r in iter( done_q.get, 'STOP' ) :
print r