Space Growth Winners

This notebook imports OD600 data from each of the three ground plates and three space plates and writes plots and tables pertaining to the three space-based contests (Best Huddle, Best Tipoff, Best Sprint). It also writes the plots and tables comparing the growth results of the experiments aboard the Space Station to those conducted at UC Davis.

I regret that, although functional, this some of the worst code I've ever written. I beg forgiveness on the grounds that SpectraMax file format is mind-bendingly stupid. Also, we re-designed the project and switched goals and deadlines frequently as we adapted to launch window delay and conflicting information about the capabilities of the SpectraMax device aboard the International Space Station. I had considered re-writing it now that the project is complete, but in the interests of full disclosure, I decided to preserve it in its original form. This is a citizen science project, and I felt it was more impotant for the public to see how things were actually done. All that I've done is added comments where things are particularly confusing or stupid.

As we discovered the need for various different plots (and versions of plots), I found myself cutting and pasting a lot of this code. This is a terrible practice that ought to be avoided, and led to much of the needless complexity seen here.

I am especially sorry about this line :

for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :

To use this notebook

First, run the first to code cells. The first one loads pylab inline, and the second one parses the raw data from the un-altered data files from the plate readers.

Then, choose the "event" you want to run (huddle, tipoff, print). Run the two cells for the event. If you want to run a different event, I suggeset re-loading the data by re-running the second cell in the notebook.

If you want to run the Space vs. Ground comparison, first load the data, then run one of the events (it shouldn't matter which one), and the run the cells for Space vs. Ground.

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [1]:
import numpy
import csv
import copy

# Contrary to all reason, when you read multiple points in each well
# with a SpecraMax plate reader, it proceeds as follows :
#     for each point
#         for each row
#             for each column
#                 for each replicate
#                     read OD600
#                 average replicates
# This maximizes the time it takes to complete a read cycle. It *should*
# read all nine points before moving on to the next well, there's no way
# to make it do that. There's also no way to make it read more than a 3x3
# grid, which is also unfortunate, though given the way it orders these
# operations, it's not surprising. The file format it writes reflects this
# bizarre design choice.

# This is the whitespace that marks the boundary between blocks of reads
stupid_delimeter = '\t\t\n\t\t\n'
stop_at = 273 # in case the run was not completed, stop here
#stupid_delimeter = '\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\n'

# import species metadata and plate map
spacebugs = []
with open('spacebugsnames_2.txt', 'rb') as csvfile :
    csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='|')
    for row in csvreader:
        spacebugs.append( { 'source'   : row[1], 
                            'species'  : row[2], 
                            'name'     : row[3],
                            'longname' : row[4],
                            'alive'    : False,
                            'alpha'    : 0,
                            'N0'       : 0,
                            'Hsat'     : 0,
                            'huddle'   : 0,
                            'huddle_d' : '',
                            'tipoff'   : 0,
                            'tipoff_d' : '',
                            'sprint'   : 0,
                            'sprint_d' : '',
                            'data_1_1' : [], 
                            'data_1_2' : [], 
                            'data_2_1' : [], 
                            'data_2_2' : [], 
                            'data_3_1' : [], 
                            'data_3_2' : [] } )

groundbugs = copy.deepcopy(spacebugs)

for experiment,venue in zip( ( spacebugs, groundbugs ), ( 'space', 'ground' ) ) :
    for plateN in range(1,4) :
        # import plate data
        if venue == 'space' :
            expN, mapdesig, datafileprefix = 'S', 'space', 'Space'
            name = 'Space Plate ' + str(plateN)
            prefix = 'Spaceplate3_timeseries'
        if venue == 'ground' :
            expN, mapdesig, datafileprefix = 'G', 'ground', 'Ground'
            name = 'Ground Plate ' + str(plateN)
            prefix = 'Groundplate3_timeseries'
        files = [ ( 0,  datafileprefix + 'plate' + str(plateN) + '_0.txt'),
                  ( 24, datafileprefix + 'plate' + str(plateN) + '_24.txt'), 
                  ( 48, datafileprefix + 'plate' + str(plateN) + '_48.txt'),
                  ( 72, datafileprefix + 'plate' + str(plateN) + '_72.txt'),
                  ( 96, datafileprefix + 'plate' + str(plateN) + '_96.txt') ]
        platemap = numpy.zeros((8,12),
        with open('platemap_' + mapdesig + str(plateN) + '.csv', 'rb') as csvfile :
            csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
            for i,row in enumerate(csvreader) :
                for j,n in enumerate(map(int,row)) :
                    platemap[i,j] = n
        data = []
        for TT,file in files :
            blob = open( file ).read()
            # different versions of the plate reader software put End tokens in different places.
            # Sad panda is sad.
            if venue == 'space' :
                block = blob.split('End')[0]
            if venue == 'ground' :
                block = blob.split('End')[1]
            ttimes = []
            ttemps = []
            frames = []
            for tn,tpoint in enumerate(block.split(stupid_delimeter)[:stop_at]) :
                if tn == 0 : # skip header stuff
                    tpoint = tpoint.split('12\t\t\n')[1]
                if tn == 9 : break # stop after nine frames
                frame = numpy.zeros((8,12))
                for rn,row in enumerate(tpoint.split('\n')) :
                    for cn,col in enumerate(row.split('\t')) :
                        if rn != 0 and cn == 0 : continue
                        if rn != 0 and cn == 1 : continue
                        if cn == 14 : continue
                        if cn == 15 : continue
                        if rn == 0 and cn == 0 : ttimes.append(col); continue
                        if rn == 0 and cn == 1 : ttemps.append(col); continue
                        #print tn,rn,cn-2,col
                        frame[rn,cn-2] = float(col)
            frames = numpy.array(frames)
            times = numpy.arange( 0, len(frames) / 96.0, 1/96.0 ) # not actual times here...
        for TT,run in enumerate(data) :
            for i in range(8) :
                for j in range(12) :
                    n = platemap[i,j]-1
                    if i < 4 : replicate = 1 
                    else : replicate = 2
                    experiment[n]['data_' + str(plateN) + '_' + str(replicate)].append( list(run[:,i,j]) )

Best huddle

Which bug achieved the largest increase in OD600 for any signle day?

In [2]:
from scipy import optimize
from numpy import median,array,exp,log,e

def N(n,a,x) :
    return n*(1-exp(-a*x))

def residuals( p, y, x ) :
    n, a = p
    err = y - N(n,a,x)
    return err

def Neval(x) :
    return N(N0,a,x)

datasetnames = [ 'data_1_1', 'data_1_2', 'data_2_1', 'data_2_2', 'data_3_1', 'data_3_2' ]

# for each bug, choose their biggest increase in OD among the six trials
# as their 'huddle' score
for experiment in ( spacebugs, groundbugs ) :
    for bug in experiment :
        for name in datasetnames :
            medians = map( median, bug[name] )
            huddle = max(medians) - min(medians) # <- this line computes the actual 'huddle' values
            # least squares fit to exponential saturation model
            N0, a = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1,0.5], args=(array(medians),array([1,2,3,4,5])))[0]
            Hsat = -log(e**(-a)/2.0)/a
            # mark bug as alive or dead
            if Hsat > 1.6 and a < 1.5 :
                alive = True
            else :
                alive = False

            if bug['huddle'] < huddle and alive : 
                bug['N0'], bug['alpha'], bug['Hsat'] = N0, a, Hsat
                bug['huddle'] = huddle
                bug['huddle_d'] = name
                bug['alive'] = True

# print the huddle rankings
f = open('BestHuddleRankings.tsv','w')
f.write('\t'.join( ( 'ranking', 'long name', 'sample name', 'gain in OD (space)', 'gain in OD (ground)', 'alive\n') ) )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['huddle'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    f.write( '\t'.join( ( str(n+1), bug['longname'], bug['name'], str(bug['huddle']), str(groundbug['huddle']), str(bug['alive']) ) ) + '\n' )
    print str(n+1), bug['name'], str(bug['huddle']), str(groundbug['huddle']), bug['alive']
# plot the top players
fig, ax = pylab.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle( 'Best Huddle', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['huddle'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    if bug['alive'] :
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['huddle_d']]), color='green')
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,groundbug[groundbug['huddle_d']]), color='brown')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(bug['name'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestHuddle.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestHuddle.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

1 YNLA1 1.5392 1.142 True
2 Spurs2 1.4346 1.2157 True
3 DIS2A 1.4302 1.3057 True
4 CHF3A 1.3493 1.3068 True
5 YNNC1 1.3464 1.4979 True
6 PM1B 1.3427 1.4473 True
7 PW-PWB2A2 1.3388 1.2653 True
8 CH2B 1.3282 1.2778 True
9 OB179 1.3089 1.3319 True
10 MER TA 108 1.3089 0.9859 True
11 SMI9 1.2649 1.0295 True
12 RAID3B 1.2537 1.2598 True
13 Chit1C 1.2485 0.7429 True
14 PWLB1C 1.2379 1.2969 True
15 MER TA 28 1.2336 1.2638 True
16 MER 157 1.2247 1.3049 True
17 DMNS8A 1.2189 0.9837 True
18 Kit3 1.1862 1.4155 True
19 MI1C 1.1847 0.9803 True
20 FM1B 1.1764 1.0692 True
21 TIT1C 1.1681 1.3502 True
22 FI1B 1.1622 1.4624 True
23 STJO1A 1.1597 1.6844 True
24 PWS2AY 1.1489 1.2433 True
25 273.1.3 1.1372 1.5495 True
26 FN1H 1.1332 1.4392 True
27 THU 1.1264 1.2225 True
28 ANS3A 1.1187 1.1104 True
29 MER TA 21 1.1133 1.1414 True
30 InSight12-2 1.0828 1.1135 True
31 G4B 1.0675 1.5184 True
32 PATS2B 1.0205 1.1801 True
33 ATT5A 1.0155 1.0908 True
34 LB3A 0.994 1.6108 True
35 ORL2 0.981 1.1771 True
36 MER TA 8-2 0.9736 1.2464 True
37 PWA1C 0.9637 1.4997 True
38 YNNY5 0.924 1.3179 True
39 Phillies10A 0.9131 0.6907 True
40 DCNFL1C 0.9114 0.9023 True
41 COR2C 0.8599 1.359 True
42 D1B 0.7959 1.143 True
43 PWCor2B 0.7882 0.9085 True
44 SK5 0.7508 0.8961 True
45 TOD3A 0.7406 1.2783 True
46 WHYY3B 0.7178 1.2855 True
47 SN8 0.7129 1.3415 True
48 MONT1D 0.4967 1.1945 True
/home/russell/opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 600.
  warnings.warn(errors[info][0], RuntimeWarning)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-5e5189e2e7a1> in <module>()
     50 # plot the top players
---> 51 fig, ax = pylab.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(16,5))
     52 fig.suptitle( 'Best Huddle', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
     53 for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['huddle'], reverse=True)) :

NameError: name 'pylab' is not defined

In [16]:
# plot the top players
fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(8,2.5))
#fig.suptitle( 'Best Huddle', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['huddle'], reverse=True)[:3]) :
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    if bug['alive'] :
        title(bug['longname'] + '\n' + bug['species'])
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['huddle_d']]), color='green')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(bug['longname'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestHuddle_top3.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestHuddle_top3.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

Best tipoff

Which bug had the largest increase in OD600 on the first day of growth?

In [17]:
from scipy import optimize

def N(n,a,x) :
    return n*(1-exp(-a*x))

def residuals( p, y, x ) :
    n, a = p
    err = y - N(n,a,x)
    return err

def Neval(x) :
    return N(N0,a,x)

datasetnames = [ 'data_1_1', 'data_1_2', 'data_2_1', 'data_2_2', 'data_3_1', 'data_3_2' ]

# for each bug, choose their biggest first-day increase in OD among the six trials
# as their 'tipoff' score
for experiment in ( spacebugs, groundbugs ) :
    for bug in experiment :
        for name in datasetnames :
            medians = map( median, bug[name] )
            tipoff = medians[1] - medians[0] # <- this line computes the actual 'tipoff' values
            # least squares fit to exponential saturation model
            N0, a = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1,0.5], args=(array(medians),array([1,2,3,4,5])))[0]
            Hsat = -log(e**(-a)/2.0)/a
            # mark bug as alive or dead
            if Hsat > 1.6 and a < 1.5 :
                alive = True
            else :
                alive = False
            if bug['tipoff'] < tipoff and alive : 
                bug['N0'], bug['alpha'], bug['Hsat'] = N0, a, Hsat
                bug['tipoff'] = tipoff
                bug['tipoff_d'] = name
                bug['alive'] = True

# print the tipoff rankings
f = open('BestTipoffRankings.tsv','w')
f.write('\t'.join( ( 'ranking', 'long name', 'sample name', 'gain in OD (space)', 'gain in OD (ground)', 'alive\n') ) )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['tipoff'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    f.write( '\t'.join( ( str(n+1), bug['longname'], bug['name'], str(bug['tipoff']), str(groundbug['tipoff']), str(bug['alive']) ) ) + '\n' )
    print str(n+1), bug['name'], str(bug['tipoff']), str(groundbug['tipoff']), bug['alive']
# plot the top players
fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle( 'Best Tipoff', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['tipoff'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    if bug['alive'] :
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['tipoff_d']]), color='green')
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,groundbug[groundbug['tipoff_d']]), color='brown')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(bug['name'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestTipoff.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestTipoff.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

1 Chit1C 0.9916 0.5717 True
2 SMI9 0.9633 1.0295 True
3 PWS2AY 0.8961 0.8622 True
4 PWLB1C 0.8804 0.6457 True
5 FN1H 0.8612 0.8248 True
6 TIT1C 0.8488 0.977 True
7 273.1.3 0.8385 0.7987 True
8 PW-PWB2A2 0.8239 0.9501 True
9 LB3A 0.821 0.8448 True
10 DCNFL1C 0.8142 0.7939 True
11 ATT5A 0.806 0.8732 True
12 InSight12-2 0.7615 0.8858 True
13 RAID3B 0.7469 0.9347 True
14 PM1B 0.7377 0.8022 True
15 Spurs2 0.7063 0.9416 True
16 MER 157 0.6994 0.7441 True
17 CH2B 0.6924 1.0287 True
18 TOD3A 0.6888 0.6831 True
19 YNLA1 0.6638 0.6142 True
20 CHF3A 0.6626 0.9201 True
21 OB179 0.6282 0.9961 True
22 D1B 0.6188 0.4784 True
23 ORL2 0.5993 0.7621 True
24 FI1B 0.5872 0.7773 True
25 SN8 0.5781 0.4562 True
26 FM1B 0.5724 0.8126 True
27 DIS2A 0.5722 1.0877 True
28 PWA1C 0.5605 0.9592 True
29 YNNC1 0.5468 1.0836 True
30 PWCor2B 0.5316 0.3128 True
31 SK5 0.5269 0.5301 True
32 STJO1A 0.519 0.9437 True
33 MER TA 108 0.4959 0.7096 True
34 WHYY3B 0.489 0.9726 True
35 MER TA 21 0.4542 0.5216 True
36 ANS3A 0.4513 0.8561 True
37 G4B 0.4497 0.8239 True
38 MER TA 8-2 0.4457 0.8944 True
39 PATS2B 0.4405 0.695 True
40 MER TA 28 0.4366 0.8927 True
41 MI1C 0.4063 0.8573 True
42 Phillies10A 0.3715 0.55 True
43 DMNS8A 0.3463 0.4545 True
44 Kit3 0.3367 0.8683 True
45 THU 0.2515 1.0273 True
46 YNNY5 0.1763 0.7384 True
47 MONT1D 0.1078 0.4151 True
48 COR2C 0.1064 0.5813 True

In [18]:
# plot the top players

fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(8,2.5))
#fig.suptitle( 'Best Tipoff', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['tipoff'], reverse=True)[:3]) :
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    #fulltitle = r'' + bug['longname'].replace('&','\&') + '\n {\em ' + bug['species'] + '}'
    if bug['alive'] :
        title(bug['longname'] + '\n' + bug['species'])
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['tipoff_d']]), color='green')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(fulltitle, alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestTipoff_top3.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestTipoff_top3.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

Best sprint

Which bug had the largest increase in OD600 on any day?

In [3]:
from scipy import optimize

def N(n,a,x) :
    return n*(1-exp(-a*x))

def residuals( p, y, x ) :
    n, a = p
    err = y - N(n,a,x)
    return err

def Neval(x) :
    return N(N0,a,x)

datasetnames = [ 'data_1_1', 'data_1_2', 'data_2_1', 'data_2_2', 'data_3_1', 'data_3_2' ]

# for each bug, choose their biggest first-day increase in OD among the six trials
# as their 'tipoff' score
for experiment in ( spacebugs, groundbugs ) :
    for bug in experiment :
        for name in datasetnames :
            medians = map( median, bug[name] )
            # least squares fit to exponential saturation model
            N0, a = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1,0.5], args=(array(medians),array([1,2,3,4,5])))[0]
            Hsat = -log(e**(-a)/2.0)/a
            sprint = max( [ ( medians[1] - medians[0] ),
                            ( medians[2] - medians[1] ),
                            ( medians[3] - medians[2] ),
                            ( medians[4] - medians[3] ) ] ) # <- this line computes the actual 'sprint' values
            # mark bug as alive or dead
            if Hsat > 1.6 and a < 1.5 :
                alive = True
            else :
                alive = False
            if bug['sprint'] < sprint and alive : 
                bug['N0'], bug['alpha'], bug['Hsat'] = N0, a, Hsat
                bug['sprint'] = sprint
                bug['sprint_d'] = name
                bug['alive'] = True

# print the sprint rankings
f = open('BestSprintRankings.tsv','w')
f.write('\t'.join( ( 'ranking', 'long name', 'sample name', 'gain in OD (space)', 'gain in OD (ground)', 'alive\n') ) )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    f.write( '\t'.join( ( str(n+1), bug['longname'], bug['name'], str(bug['sprint']), str(groundbug['sprint']), str(bug['alive']) ) ) + '\n' )
    print str(n+1), bug['name'], str(bug['sprint']), str(groundbug['sprint']), bug['alive']
# plot the top players
fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle( 'Best Sprint', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    if bug['alive'] :
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['sprint_d']]), color='green')
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,groundbug[groundbug['sprint_d']]), color='brown')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(bug['name'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestSprint.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestSprint.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

1 RAID3B 1.0518 0.9347 True
2 Chit1C 0.9916 0.5717 True
3 MER 157 0.9726 0.7441 True
4 SMI9 0.9633 1.0295 True
5 DIS2A 0.958 1.0877 True
6 DMNS8A 0.9508 0.9437 True
7 YNLA1 0.9451 0.6142 True
8 Spurs2 0.9324 0.9416 True
9 Kit3 0.9223 0.8683 True
10 THU 0.8973 1.0273 True
11 PWS2AY 0.8961 0.8622 True
12 PWLB1C 0.8804 0.9924 True
13 FN1H 0.8612 0.8811 True
14 TIT1C 0.8488 0.977 True
15 273.1.3 0.8385 0.7987 True
16 FI1B 0.8255 0.7773 True
17 PW-PWB2A2 0.8239 0.9501 True
18 LB3A 0.821 0.8448 True
19 DCNFL1C 0.8142 0.7939 True
20 ATT5A 0.806 0.8732 True
21 MER TA 108 0.7728 0.7679 True
22 InSight12-2 0.7615 0.8858 True
23 CHF3A 0.7595 0.9201 True
24 PM1B 0.7561 0.8022 True
25 STJO1A 0.7514 0.9437 True
26 MI1C 0.7277 0.8573 True
27 YNNC1 0.7184 1.0836 True
28 COR2C 0.6937 0.5813 True
29 CH2B 0.6924 1.0287 True
30 TOD3A 0.6888 0.733 True
31 MER TA 28 0.6664 0.8927 True
32 OB179 0.6282 0.9961 True
33 MER TA 8-2 0.6277 0.8944 True
34 YNNY5 0.6264 0.7384 True
35 PATS2B 0.6204 0.7486 True
36 D1B 0.6188 0.7506 True
37 ORL2 0.5993 0.7621 True
38 SN8 0.5781 0.7884 True
39 FM1B 0.5724 0.8126 True
40 G4B 0.5721 0.8862 True
41 PWA1C 0.5605 0.9592 True
42 PWCor2B 0.5316 0.5605 True
43 SK5 0.5269 0.5971 True
44 ANS3A 0.4922 0.8561 True
45 WHYY3B 0.489 0.9726 True
46 Phillies10A 0.4815 0.55 True
47 MER TA 21 0.4542 1.1011 True
48 MONT1D 0.2749 0.8502 True
/home/russell/opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 600.
  warnings.warn(errors[info][0], RuntimeWarning)

In [20]:
# plot the top players

fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(8,2.5))
#fig.suptitle( 'Best Tipoff', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)[:3]) :
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    #fulltitle = r'' + bug['longname'].replace('&','\&') + '\n {\em ' + bug['species'] + '}'
    if bug['alive'] :
        title(bug['longname'] + '\n' + bug['species'])
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug[bug['sprint_d']]), color='green')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(fulltitle, alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['data_1_1']), color='green')

savefig( 'BestSprint_top3.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'BestSprint_top3.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

Space vs. Ground

How did these bugs grow differently in space and on the ground?

In [6]:
from scipy import optimize

def N(n,a,x) :
    return n*(1-numpy.exp(-a*x))

def residuals( p, y, x ) :
    n, a = p
    err = y - N(n,a,x)
    return err

def Neval(x) :
    return N(N0,a,x)

datasetnames = [ 'data_1_1', 'data_1_2', 'data_2_1', 'data_2_2', 'data_3_1', 'data_3_2' ]

# for each bug, choose their biggest first-day increase in OD among the six trials
# as their 'tipoff' score
for experiment in ( spacebugs, groundbugs ) :
    for bug in experiment :
        bug['alldata'] = map( lambda x: x[0]+x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4]+x[5], 
                            zip(  bug['data_1_1'], \
                                  bug['data_1_2'], \
                                  bug['data_2_1'], \
                                  bug['data_2_2'], \
                                  bug['data_3_1'], \
        medians = map( numpy.median, bug['alldata'] )
        # least squares fit to exponential saturation model
        N0, a = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1,0.5], args=(numpy.array(medians),numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5])))[0]
        Hsat = -numpy.log(numpy.e**(-a)/2.0)/a
# print the rankings
f = open('Space_vs_Ground.tsv','w')
f.write('\t'.join(( "n", 
                    "short name", 
                    "long name", 
                    "space 96h OD",
                    "space 96h OD std", 
                    "ground 96h OD",
                    "ground 96h OD std",
                   "alive")) + '\n' )
print '\t'.join(( "n", 
                  "short name", 
                  "long name",
                  "space 96h OD",
                  "space 96h OD std",
                  "ground 96h OD",
                  "ground 96h OD std",
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
    space96OD     = numpy.mean( bug['alldata'][-1])
    space96ODstd  = numpy.std(  bug['alldata'][-1])
    ground96OD    = numpy.mean( groundbug['alldata'][-1])
    ground96ODstd = numpy.std(  groundbug['alldata'][-1])
    f.write( '\t'.join((str(n+1), bug['name'], bug['longname'], str(space96OD), str(space96ODstd), str(ground96OD), str(ground96ODstd), str(bug['alive']), '\n')) )
    print '\t'.join((str(n+1), bug['name'], bug['longname'], str(space96OD), str(space96ODstd), str(ground96OD), str(ground96ODstd), str(bug['alive'])))
# plot the top players
fig, ax = subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle( 'Space vs. Ground', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    groundbug = groundbugs[n]
    if bug['alive'] :
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['alldata']), color='green')
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,groundbug['alldata']), color='brown')
        N0, a = bug['N0'], bug['alpha']
    else :
        title(bug['name'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(median,bug['alldata']), color='green')

savefig( 'Space_vs_Ground.png', format='png', dpi=100 )
savefig( 'Space_vs_Ground.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=100 )

n	short name	long name	space 96h OD	space 96h OD std	ground 96h OD	ground 96h OD std	alive
1	OB179	1975 Viking Mars Orbiter	1.68963703704	0.0972095032245	1.38148518519	0.417281549595	True
2	MER TA 8-2	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	1.43973703704	0.138228133086	1.46337407407	0.409780946986	True
3	MER TA 21	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	0.971818518519	0.314732064222	1.49160925926	0.23472336063	True
4	273.1.3	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	1.60178518519	0.0947990357964	1.84844814815	0.205192925245	True
5	MER TA 108	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	1.68501111111	0.0766577015692	1.23271481481	0.280417770615	True
6	MER 157	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	1.39186666667	0.220612010687	0.960022222222	0.434332976749	True
7	InSight12-2	Insight 2016 Robotic Arm	1.32296111111	0.225346845762	1.49202592593	0.18258165214	True
8	MER TA 28	Mars Exploration Rover (JPL)	1.6088537037	0.137039231627	1.32321296296	0.304306287009	True
9	SK5	Sacramento Kings	1.01176296296	0.171355345858	1.00127222222	0.288848925281	True
10	THU	Davis, California	1.0328462963	0.404089476117	1.63362037037	0.163127030005	True
11	Spurs2	San Antonio Spurs	1.93140740741	0.0779059305779	1.46881851852	0.314739816165	True
12	YNLA1	Yuri's Night: Los Angeles	2.01070925926	0.163581304135	1.23322407407	0.415942648707	True
13	YNNY5	Yuri's Night: New York	1.54133333333	0.153387625654	1.38025	0.245154020181	True
14	YNNC1	Yuri's Night: North Carolina	1.77172962963	0.0873377514354	1.77758518519	0.117359966055	True
15	ORL2	Orlando Magic	1.35234074074	0.082368970062	1.45278703704	0.170716588886	True
16	ANS3A	Academy of Natural Sciences 	1.34054814815	0.187741820102	1.42290185185	0.240989918715	True
17	CHF3A	Chemical Heritage Foundation	1.56665925926	0.353221128158	1.58275925926	0.156158646205	True
18	DMNS8A	Denver Museum of Natural History	1.62327222222	0.0739100038753	1.15056481481	0.259303588809	True
19	FI1B	Franklin Institute (PA)	1.40321851852	0.131827510862	1.43518888889	0.545934919696	True
20	Kit3	KARE 11 Kitchen Show	1.1093462963	0.413027863697	1.75524074074	0.163982894906	True
21	LB3A	Liberty Bell	1.3826462963	0.155669065783	1.47242592593	0.37258690221	True
22	Phillies10A	Philadelphia Phillies	1.41159444444	0.0981061602186	1.00670555556	0.312489363029	True
23	SN8	Philadelphia 76ers	1.17801481481	0.16221204048	1.4501	0.297769829081	True
24	MI1C	Pop Warner Broncos	1.64597222222	0.21122110709	1.33203333333	0.25657543328	True
25	PWS2AY	Pop Warner Saints	1.63709444444	0.118406461624	1.35797962963	0.207955339204	True
26	PWLB1C	Pop Warner Lake Brantley	1.70765185185	0.0839096598437	1.37142592593	0.330093843663	True
27	Chit1C	Pop Warner Chittenango	1.17468518519	0.474196162882	0.985909259259	0.245506758803	True
28	FN1H	SF 49ers	1.57365740741	0.10861577643	1.4499962963	0.274047581002	True
29	PM1B	Parkway Middle School	1.53096481481	0.36470732617	1.40992777778	0.500557361724	True
30	PWA1C	Pop Warner Apopka	0.985696296296	0.436269951242	1.58012222222	0.295331147262	True
31	PWCor2B	Pop Warner Coronado	0.847805555556	0.292307660355	1.18163703704	0.344737949483	True
32	PW-PWB2A2	Pop Warner Bengals	1.65777037037	0.136801094632	1.59317962963	0.123041311008	True
33	SMI9	Smithsonian A&S Museum	1.5653537037	0.127038146375	1.24644259259	0.235466849599	True
34	FM1B	Chicago Field Museum	1.57132962963	0.100913511979	1.25766666667	0.26229512993	True
35	CH2B	Chapman Hill Elementary	1.66900925926	0.191616863354	1.70982777778	0.133650980538	True
36	D1B	Deerfield Academy	1.23158148148	0.200126677543	1.5353537037	0.268003070541	True
37	G4B	Georgia Tech	1.41820555556	0.116432365388	1.45765740741	0.542055776002	True
38	RAID3B	Oakland Raiders	1.61832037037	0.190052544761	1.44582592593	0.444494559057	True
39	DIS2A	Discover Magazine	1.67510740741	0.389364638606	1.22174814815	0.300231236032	True
40	MONT1D	Catholic Montessori School	0.989724074074	0.234744081245	1.19687407407	0.356867877401	True
41	WHYY3B	WHYY Radio	1.06343148148	0.236525087405	1.43094814815	0.249345034441	True
42	ATT5A	AT&T Park (San Francisco)	1.30001296296	0.161724266997	1.40459814815	0.369050962802	True
43	DCNFL1C	Washington D.C. NFL Team	1.25848703704	0.176384127368	1.04936851852	0.398164661092	True
44	TOD3A	Today Show	1.0021037037	0.221853963448	1.42462777778	0.23342270861	True
45	STJO1A	St. Joseph's Prep School	1.60897962963	0.276867609343	1.62887962963	0.278927847022	True
46	PATS2B	New England Patriots	1.41113888889	0.14719327986	1.30189814815	0.27431165264	True
47	TIT1C	Tennessee Titans	1.47159444444	0.181294255815	1.1151	0.411630109938	True
48	COR2C	UC Davis	1.28105555556	0.310476563597	1.70126296296	0.176278310357	True

In [5]:
# write each space vs. ground plot to a seperate file

%matplotlib inline
from scipy import optimize
from pylab import * 

def N(n,a,x) :
    return n*(1-numpy.exp(-a*x))

def residuals( p, y, x ) :
    n, a = p
    err = y - N(n,a,x)
    return err

def Neval(x) :
    return N(N0,a,x)

datasetnames = [ 'data_1_1', 'data_1_2', 'data_2_1', 'data_2_2', 'data_3_1', 'data_3_2' ]

# for each bug, choose their biggest first-day increase in OD among the six trials
# as their 'tipoff' score
for experiment in ( spacebugs, groundbugs ) :
    for bug in experiment :
        bug['alldata'] = map( lambda x: x[0]+x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4]+x[5], 
                            zip(  bug['data_1_1'], \
                                  bug['data_1_2'], \
                                  bug['data_2_1'], \
                                  bug['data_2_2'], \
                                  bug['data_3_1'], \
        medians = map( numpy.median, bug['alldata'] )
        # least squares fit to exponential saturation model
        N0, a = optimize.leastsq(residuals, [1,0.5], args=(numpy.array(medians),numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5])))[0]
        Hsat = -numpy.log(numpy.e**(-a)/2.0)/a
# print the rankings
#f = open('BestSprintRankings.tsv','w')
#f.write('\t'.join( ( 'ranking', 'long name', 'sample name', 'gain in OD (space)', 'gain in OD (ground)', 'alive\n') ) )
#for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
#    groundbug = groundbugs[map( lambda k: k['name'], groundbugs ).index(bug['name'])]
#    f.write( '\t'.join( ( str(n+1), bug['longname'], bug['name'], str(bug['sprint']), str(groundbug['sprint']), str(bug['alive']) ) ) + '\n' )
#    print str(n+1), bug['name'], str(bug['sprint']), str(groundbug['sprint']), bug['alive']
# plot the top players
#fig, ax = plt.subplots( 4, 12, figsize=(32,8))
#fig.suptitle( 'Space vs. Ground', fontsize=18, x=0.05,y=1.05 )
for n,bug in enumerate(sorted(spacebugs, key=lambda k: k['sprint'], reverse=True)) :
    yticks( linspace( 0.5, 2.0, 3 ) )
    groundbug = groundbugs[n]
    if bug['alive'] :
        #plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(numpy.median,bug['alldata']), color='green')
        errorbar( [1,2,3,4,5],map(numpy.median,bug['alldata']), yerr=map(numpy.std,bug['alldata']), color='green', label='Space' )
        errorbar([1,2,3,4,5],map(numpy.median,groundbug['alldata']), yerr=map(numpy.std,groundbug['alldata']), color='brown', linestyle='--', label='Ground')
        xlim([0.7, 5.3])
    else :
        title(bug['name'], alpha=0.2)
        plot([1,2,3,4,5],map(numpy.median,bug['alldata']), color='green')
    lgd = legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=2)
    savefig( 'Space_v_Ground/' + bug['name'] + '.png', format='png', 
             dpi=100, additional_artists=[lgd], bbox_inches="tight" )
    savefig( 'Space_v_Ground/' + bug['name'] + '.pdf', format='pdf',
             dpi=100, additional_artists=[lgd], bbox_inches="tight" )

In [ ]: