calling a function: function_name(parameters)
In [1]:
def hello(a,b):
return a+b
In [2]:
print hello(1,2)
In [3]:
print hello('a','b')
Remember indentation is important
In [4]:
def hello1(a,b):
return a+b
Use a tap or specific amount of white space. Use one of it for the whole script, not both.
In [5]:
def Fibonacci(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)
print Fibonacci(10)
In [6]:
def Fibonacci(n):
return n if n < 2 else Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2)
print Fibonacci(10)
In [7]:
a = 'Alice'
print a
def change_my_name(my_name):
my_name = 'Bob'
print a
In [8]:
a = 'Alice'
print a
def change_my_name(my_name):
my_name = 'Bob'
return my_name
b = change_my_name(a)
print b
In [9]:
a_list_of_names = ['Alice','Bob','Christ','Dora']
print a_list_of_names
def change_a_value(something):
something[0] = 'Not Alice'
print a_list_of_names
In [10]:
a_list_of_names = ['Alice','Bob','Christ','Dora']
print a_list_of_names
a_new_list_of_names = a_list_of_names
print a_new_list_of_names
def change_a_value(something):
something[0] = 'Not Alice'
print "After change_a_value:"
print a_list_of_names
print a_new_list_of_names
print "Is 'a_new_list_of_names' same as 'a_list_of_names' ?"
print a_new_list_of_names is a_list_of_names
In [11]:
some_guy = 'Alice'
a_list_of_names = []
print "Is 'some_guy' same as the first element in a_list_of_names ?"
print (some_guy is a_list_of_names[0])
In [12]:
another_list_of_names = a_list_of_names
print "Is 'a_list_of_names' same as the 'another_list_of_names' ?"
print (a_list_of_names is another_list_of_names)
In [13]:
some_guy = 'Bob'
print "We have added Bob to the list, now is 'a_list_of_names' same as the 'another_list_of_names' ? "
print (a_list_of_names is another_list_of_names)
In [14]:
print (some_guy,a_list_of_names,another_list_of_names)
some_guy = 'Christ'
print (some_guy,a_list_of_names,another_list_of_names)
In [ ]: