This notebook is optional and was not covered in class. It shows how we converted the raw comma-separated values (CSV) file corresponding to the NYC 311 Complaints database into an SQLite database. It is adapted from the code that appears here.
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from sqlalchemy import create_engine # database connection
import datetime as dt # for timing
import pandas as pd # for data frames
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#CSV_FILE = 'NYC-311-2M.csv'
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assert CSV_FILE
import re
CSV_BASES = re.findall (r'(.*)\.csv$', CSV_FILE, re.I)
assert len (CSV_BASES) >= 1
DB_FILE = "%s.db" % CSV_BASE
print ("Converting: %s to %s (an SQLite DB) ..." % (CSV_FILE, DB_FILE))
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disk_engine = create_engine ('sqlite:///%s' % DB_FILE)
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# Convert .csv to .db
CHUNKSIZE = 25000 # Number of rows to read at a time
# List of columns to keep
KEEP_COLS = ['Agency', 'CreatedDate', 'ClosedDate', 'ComplaintType',
'Descriptor', 'CreatedDate', 'ClosedDate',
'TimeToCompletion', 'City']
start = () # start timer
j = 0
index_start = 1
for df in pd.read_csv(CSV_FILE, chunksize=CHUNKSIZE, iterator=True, encoding='utf-8'):
# Remove spaces from columns
df = df.rename(columns={c: c.replace(' ', '') for c in df.columns})
# Convert to proper date+timestamps
df['CreatedDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['CreatedDate'])
df['ClosedDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ClosedDate'])
df.index += index_start
for c in df.columns:
if c not in KEEP_COLS:
df = df.drop (c, axis=1)
j += 1
print ('{} seconds: completed {} rows'.format(( - start).seconds, j*chunksize))
df.to_sql('data', disk_engine, if_exists='append')
index_start = df.index[-1] + 1