In [1]:
# Useful starting lines
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Logistic Regression

Classification Using Linear Regression

Load your data.

In [2]:
from helpers import sample_data, load_data, standardize

# load data.
height, weight, gender = load_data()

# build sampled x and y.
seed = 1
y = np.expand_dims(gender, axis=1)
X = np.c_[height.reshape(-1), weight.reshape(-1)]
y, X = sample_data(y, X, seed, size_samples=200)
x, mean_x, std_x = standardize(X)

Use least_squares to compute w, and visualize the results.

In [4]:
from least_squares import least_squares
from plots import visualization

def least_square_classification_demo(y, x):
    # classify the data by linear regression
    tx = np.c_[np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)), x]
    w = least_squares(y, tx)

    # visualize your classification.
    visualization(y, x, mean_x, std_x, w, "classification_by_least_square")
least_square_classification_demo(y, x)

Logistic Regression

Compute your cost by negative log likelihood.

In [70]:
def sigmoid(t):
    """apply sigmoid function on t."""
    return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-t))

In [71]:
def calculate_loss(y, tx, w):
    """compute the cost by negative log likelihood."""
    pred = sigmoid(
    loss = + (1 - y) - pred))
    return np.squeeze(- loss)

In [72]:
def calculate_gradient(y, tx, w):
    """compute the gradient of loss."""
    pred = sigmoid(
    grad = - y)
    return grad

Using Gradient Descent

Implement your function to calculate the gradient for logistic regression.

In [73]:
def learning_by_gradient_descent(y, tx, w, gamma):
    Do one step of gradient descen using logistic regression.
    Return the loss and the updated w.
    loss = calculate_loss(y, tx, w)
    grad = calculate_gradient(y, tx, w)
    w -= gamma * grad
    return loss, w


In [74]:
from helpers import de_standardize

def logistic_regression_gradient_descent_demo(y, x):
    # init parameters
    max_iter = 10000
    threshold = 1e-8
    gamma = 0.01
    losses = []

    # build tx
    tx = np.c_[np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)), x]
    w = np.zeros((tx.shape[1], 1))

    # start the logistic regression
    for iter in range(max_iter):
        # get loss and update w.
        loss, w = learning_by_gradient_descent(y, tx, w, gamma)
        # log info
        if iter % 100 == 0:
            print("Current iteration={i}, loss={l}".format(i=iter, l=loss))
        # converge criterion
        if len(losses) > 1 and np.abs(losses[-1] - losses[-2]) < threshold:
    # visualization
    visualization(y, x, mean_x, std_x, w, "classification_by_logistic_regression_gradient_descent")
    print("loss={l}".format(l=calculate_loss(y, tx, w)))

logistic_regression_gradient_descent_demo(y, x)

Current iteration=0, loss=138.62943611198904
Current iteration=100, loss=43.46403230562902
Current iteration=200, loss=41.545892808759405
Current iteration=300, loss=41.098638973663114
Current iteration=400, loss=40.96487063560558
Current iteration=500, loss=40.92008945871305
Current iteration=600, loss=40.90418744318991
Current iteration=700, loss=40.89834994668996
Current iteration=800, loss=40.89616496609549
Current iteration=900, loss=40.89533753382109
Current iteration=1000, loss=40.895021964118996
Current iteration=1100, loss=40.894901086855555
Current iteration=1200, loss=40.89485466141426
Current iteration=1300, loss=40.89483680124478
Current iteration=1400, loss=40.894829923283595
Current iteration=1500, loss=40.89482727289551

Calculate your hessian below

In [75]:
def calculate_hessian(y, tx, w):
    """return the hessian of the loss function."""
    pred = sigmoid(
    pred = np.diag(pred.T[0])
    r = np.multiply(pred, (1-pred))

Write a function below to return loss, gradient, and hessian.

In [76]:
def logistic_regression(y, tx, w):
    """return the loss, gradient, and hessian."""
    loss = calculate_loss(y, tx, w)
    gradient = calculate_gradient(y, tx, w)
    hessian = calculate_hessian(y, tx, w)
    return loss, gradient, hessian

Using Newton's method

Use Newton's method for logistic regression.

In [77]:
def learning_by_newton_method(y, tx, w):
    Do one step on Newton's method.
    return the loss and updated w.
    loss, gradient, hessian = logistic_regression(y, tx, w)
    w -= np.linalg.solve(hessian, gradient)
    return loss, w


In [78]:
def logistic_regression_newton_method_demo(y, x):
    # init parameters
    max_iter = 100
    threshold = 1e-8
    lambda_ = 0.1
    losses = []

    # build tx
    tx = np.c_[np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)), x]
    w = np.zeros((tx.shape[1], 1))

    # start the logistic regression
    for iter in range(max_iter):
        # get loss and update w.
        loss, w = learning_by_newton_method(y, tx, w)
        # log info
        if iter % 1 == 0:
            print("Current iteration={i}, the loss={l}".format(i=iter, l=loss))
        # converge criterion
        if len(losses) > 1 and np.abs(losses[-1] - losses[-2]) < threshold:
    # visualization
    visualization(y, x, mean_x, std_x, w, "classification_by_logistic_regression_newton_method")
    print("loss={l}".format(l=calculate_loss(y, tx, w)))

logistic_regression_newton_method_demo(y, x)

Current iteration=0, the loss=138.62943611198904
Current iteration=1, the loss=63.41155373909588
Current iteration=2, the loss=47.30458619935061
Current iteration=3, the loss=41.997467422484476
Current iteration=4, the loss=40.95639863723794
Current iteration=5, the loss=40.89511993648957
Current iteration=6, the loss=40.89482561762708
Current iteration=7, the loss=40.89482560989058

Using penalized logistic regression

Fill in the function below.

In [82]:
def penalized_logistic_regression(y, tx, w, lambda_):
    """return the loss and gradient."""
    num_samples = y.shape[0]
    loss = calculate_loss(y, tx, w) + lambda_ * np.squeeze(
    gradient = calculate_gradient(y, tx, w) + 2 * lambda_ * w
    return loss, gradient

In [83]:
def learning_by_penalized_gradient(y, tx, w, gamma, lambda_):
    Do one step of gradient descent, using the penalized logistic regression.
    Return the loss and updated w.
    loss, gradient = penalized_logistic_regression(y, tx, w, lambda_)
    w -= gamma * gradient
    return loss, w

In [86]:
def logistic_regression_penalized_gradient_descent_demo(y, x):
    # init parameters
    max_iter = 10000
    gamma = 0.01
    lambda_ = 0.1
    threshold = 1e-8
    losses = []

    # build tx
    tx = np.c_[np.ones((y.shape[0], 1)), x]
    w = np.zeros((tx.shape[1], 1))

    # start the logistic regression
    for iter in range(max_iter):
        # get loss and update w.
        loss, w = learning_by_penalized_gradient(y, tx, w, gamma, lambda_)
        # log info
        if iter % 100 == 0:
            print("Current iteration={i}, loss={l}".format(i=iter, l=loss))
        # converge criterion
        if len(losses) > 1 and np.abs(losses[-1] - losses[-2]) < threshold:
    # visualization
    visualization(y, x, mean_x, std_x, w, "classification_by_logistic_regression_penalized_gradient_descent")
    print("loss={l}".format(l=calculate_loss(y, tx, w)))
logistic_regression_penalized_gradient_descent_demo(y, x)

Current iteration=0, loss=138.62943611198904
Current iteration=100, loss=46.076072692504965
Current iteration=200, loss=45.136990805865345
Current iteration=300, loss=45.02816989532987
Current iteration=400, loss=45.013256927182994
Current iteration=500, loss=45.011094778803134
Current iteration=600, loss=45.01077474325605
Current iteration=700, loss=45.01072699869884
Current iteration=800, loss=45.01071985437807

In [ ]: