run this notebook after running the RUN_SCRIPTS notebook.

output written to case name folder within the reports folder

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
import functions as f
import reports as rp

populate the ds_dict (dictionary) with calculated datasets

In [ ]:
ds_dict = f.load_datasets()

read the settings, attribute, and color dictionaries

In [ ]:
sdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_settings.pkl')
adict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_attr.pkl')
cdict = pd.read_pickle('dill/dict_color.pkl')

generate two excel report workbooks:

In [ ]:
# spreadsheets are located within the reports folder
# ret_stats.xlsx and annual_stats.xlsx

generate average retirement attribute charts

In [ ]:
# generating many charts...may take a little while
rp.retirement_charts(ds_dict, adict, cdict)

generate annual average attribute charts for all active employees

In [ ]:
# generating many charts...may take a little while
rp.annual_charts(ds_dict, adict, cdict)

generate spreadsheet report on months in job differential and pay differential

In [ ]:
# this may take some time to complete due to color formatting
rp.job_diff_to_excel('standalone', 'p1', ds_dict)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

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