Try manual and OWSLib methods to retrieve WFS data as JSON from a version 1.1.0 server.

The two methods should return the same result, but only the manual method is returning points in the (lon,lat) order requested by srsName=EPSG:4326. The OWSLib version results are still coming back with the default 1.1.0 order (lat,lon), indicating that srsName=EPSG:4326 was not passed to the WFS

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# some USGS ScienceBase Geoserver WFS endpoints:

Method 1: building WFS request by hand and using requests

In [ ]:
import requests
import geojson

In [38]:
url = ('%s?service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&'
'typeNames=%s&srsName=EPSG:4326&outputFormat=application/json') % (endpoint, 'sb:Conservation_Zone_WGS84')
print url

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Here we get [lon,lat] ordering of points, as requested by using srsName=EPSG:4326

In [39]:
print json_response[:300]


Method 2: Use OWSLib to construct the request

In [42]:
from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService

In [43]:
wfs = WebFeatureService(endpoint, version='1.1.0')
print wfs.version


In [44]:
json_response = wfs.getfeature(typename=['sb:Conservation_Zone_WGS84'], propertyname=None, srsname='EPSG:4326', outputFormat='application/json').read()

Here we get still getting [lat,lon] ordering of points, the default if no srsName is provided, despite requesting srsname='EPSG:4326'

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