Extract data from The National Map NLCD WCS Service

In [ ]:
from owslib.wcs import WebCoverageService
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
wcs = WebCoverageService(endpoint,version='1.1.2',timeout=60)

In [3]:
for k,v in wcs.contents.iteritems():
    print k,v.title

11 Impervious_Surface_2001_HI_11
10 Impervious_Surface_2001_AK_10
13 Impervious_Surface_2001_PR_13
12 Impervious_Surface_2001_CONUS_12
15 Canopy_2001_HI_15
14 Canopy_2001_AK_14
17 Canopy_2001_PR_17
16 Canopy_2001_CONUS_16
18 Land_Cover_1992_18
1 Land_Cover_2011_CONUS_1
3 Canopy_2011_CONUS_3
2 Impervious_Surface_2011_CONUS_2
5 Impervious_Surface_2006_CONUS_5
4 Land_Cover_2006_CONUS_4
7 Land_Cover_2001_HI_7
6 Land_Cover_2001_AK_6
9 Land_Cover_2001_CONUS_9
8 Land_Cover_2001_PR_8

In [4]:
v = wcs['1']
print v.title
print v.boundingBoxWGS84
print v.timelimits
print v.supportedFormats

(-130.23284428732586, 21.74226357397646, -63.671993647433084, 52.87727272194017)

In [5]:
# try Boston Harbor
bbox = (-71.05592748611777, 42.256890708126605, -70.81446033774644, 42.43833963977496)
output = wcs.getCoverage(identifier="3",bbox=bbox,crs='EPSG:4326',format='GeoTIFF',
                         resx=0.0003, resy=0.0003)

In [6]:

In [7]:
from osgeo import gdal

In [8]:
ds = gdal.Open('test.tif')

In [9]:
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
elevation = band.ReadAsArray()
nrows, ncols = elevation.shape

# I'm making the assumption that the image isn't rotated/skewed/etc. 
# This is not the correct method in general, but let's ignore that for now
# If dxdy or dydx aren't 0, then this will be incorrect
x0, dx, dxdy, y0, dydx, dy = ds.GetGeoTransform()

if dxdy == 0.0:
    x1 = x0 + dx * ncols
    y1 = y0 + dy * nrows

In [10]:
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
from cartopy.io.img_tiles import MapQuestOpenAerial, MapQuestOSM, OSM

In [11]:
print x0,x1,y1,y0

-71.0559274861 -70.8144603377 42.2568907081 42.4383396398

In [12]:

In [13]:
print elevation.min(), elevation.max()

0 129

In [14]:
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
#tiler = MapQuestOpenAerial()
#ax.add_image(tiler, 14)
plt.imshow(elevation, cmap='jet', extent=[x0, x1, y1, y0],

In [14]: