Demonstration of how to use the OGC Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) to search for find all datasets containing a specified variable that fall withing a specified date range and geospatial bounding box, and then use the data access service contained in the returned metadata to retrieve and visualize the data.
Here we are accessing a Geoportal Server CSW, but in the future we should be able to point it toward any another CSW service, such as the one provided by
In [28]:
from pylab import *
from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb
from owslib.sos import SensorObservationService
from owslib import fes
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
from IPython.core.display import HTML
In [29]:
HTML('<iframe src= width=950 height=400></iframe>')
In [3]:
# connect to CSW, explore it's properties
endpoint = '' # NGDC Geoportal
#endpoint = '' # NODC Geoportal: granule level
#endpoint = '' # NODC Geoportal: collection level
#endpoint = '' # NRCAN CUSTOM
#endpoint = '' # USGS Woods Hole GI_CAT
#endpoint = '' # USGS CIDA Geonetwork
#endpoint = '' # USGS Coastal and Marine Program
#endpoint = '' # USGS Woods Hole Geoportal
#endpoint = '' # CKAN testing site for new
#endpoint = '' # EPA
#endpoint = '' # CWIC
csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(endpoint,timeout=60)
In [30]:
On the GeoIDE Wiki they give some example CSW examples to illustrate the range possibilities. Here's one where to search for PACIOOS WMS services:
In [31]:
HTML('<iframe src= width=950 height=350></iframe>')
Also on the GEO-IDE Wiki we find the list of UUIDs for each region/provider, which we turn into a dictionary here:
In [33]:
regionids = {'AOOS': '{1E96581F-6B73-45AD-9F9F-2CC3FED76EE6}',
'CENCOOS': '{BE483F24-52E7-4DDE-909F-EE8D4FF118EA}',
'CARICOOS': '{0C4CA8A6-5967-4590-BFE0-B8A21CD8BB01}',
'GCOOS': '{E77E250D-2D65-463C-B201-535775D222C9}',
'GLOS': '{E4A9E4F4-78A4-4BA0-B653-F548D74F68FA}',
'MARACOOS': '{A26F8553-798B-4B1C-8755-1031D752F7C2}',
'NANOOS': '{C6F4754B-30DC-459E-883A-2AC79DA977AB}',
'NAVY': '{FB160233-7C3B-4841-AD4B-EB5AD843E743}',
'NDBC': '{B3F50F38-3DE4-4EC9-ABF8-955887829FCC}',
'NERACOOS': '{E13C88D9-3FF3-4232-A379-84B6A1D7083E}',
'NOS/CO-OPS': '{2F58127E-A139-4A45-83F2-9695FB704306}',
'PacIOOS': '{78C0463E-2FCE-4AB2-A9C9-6A34BF261F52}',
'SCCOOS': '{20A3408F-9EC4-4B36-8E10-BBCDB1E81BDF}',
'SECOORA': '{E796C954-B248-4118-896C-42E6FAA6EDE9}',
'USACE': '{4C080A33-F3C3-4F27-AF16-F85BF3095C41}',
'USGS/CMGP': '{275DFB94-E58A-4157-8C31-C72F372E72E}'}
In [34]:
[ for op in csw.operations]
In [35]:
def dateRange(start_date='1900-01-01',stop_date='2100-01-01',constraint='overlaps'):
if constraint == 'overlaps':
start = fes.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='startDate', literal=stop_date)
stop = fes.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='endDate', literal=start_date)
elif constraint == 'within':
start = fes.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='startDate', literal=start_date)
stop = fes.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='endDate', literal=stop_date)
return start,stop
In [80]:
# get specific ServiceType URL from records
def service_urls(records,service_string='urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:odp:url'):
for key,rec in records.iteritems():
#create a generator object, and iterate through it until the match is found
#if not found, gets the default value (here "none")
url = next((d['url'] for d in rec.references if d['scheme'] == service_string), None)
if url is not None:
return urls
In [74]:
# Perform the CSW query, using Kyle's cool new filters on ISO queryables
# find all datasets in a bounding box and temporal extent that have
# specific keywords and also can be accessed via OPeNDAP
box=[-89.0, 30.0, -87.0, 31.0]
std_name = 'temperature'
region_id = regionids['GCOOS']
# convert User Input into FES filters
start,stop = dateRange(start_date,stop_date,constraint='overlaps')
bbox = fes.BBox(box)
keywords = fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='anyText', literal=std_name)
serviceType = fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:ServiceType', literal=('*%s*' % service_type))
siteid = fes.PropertyIsEqualTo(propertyname='sys.siteuuid', literal=region_id)
In [75]:
# try simple query with serviceType and keyword first
for rec,item in csw.records.iteritems():
print item.title
The filters can be passed as a list to getrecords2, with AND or OR implied by syntax:
[a,b,c] --> a || b || c [[a,b,c]] --> a && b && c [[a,b],[c],[d],[e]] or [[a,b],c,d,e] --> (a && b) || c || d || e
In [76]:
# try simple query with serviceType and keyword first
for rec,item in csw.records.iteritems():
print item.title
In [77]:
# check out references for one of the returned records
csw.records['NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS SOS'].references
In [79]:
# filter for GCOOS SOS data
for rec,item in csw.records.iteritems():
print item.title
In [78]:
# filter for SOS data in BBOX
for rec,item in csw.records.iteritems():
print item.title
In [89]:
urls = service_urls(csw.records,service_string='urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:sos:url')
print "\n".join(urls)
In [90]:
urls = [url for url in urls if 'oostethys' not in url]
print "\n".join(urls)
In [100]:
sos = SensorObservationService(urls[0])
In [101]:
getob = sos.get_operation_by_name('getobservation')
In [102]:
print getob.parameters
In [103]:
off = sos.offerings[1]
offerings = []
responseFormat = off.response_formats[0]
observedProperties = [off.observed_properties[0]]
In [105]:
print sos.offerings[0]
In [ ]: