Access TTree in Python using PyROOT and fill a histogram

First import the ROOT Python module.

In [1]:
import ROOT

Welcome to JupyROOT 6.07/07

Optional: activate the JavaScript visualisation to produce interactive plots.

In [2]:
%jsroot on

Open a file which is located on the web. No type is to be specified for "f".

In [3]:
f = ROOT.TFile.Open("");

Loop over the TTree called "events" in the file. It is accessed with the dot operator. Same holds for the access to the branches: no need to set them up - they are just accessed by name, again with the dot operator.

In [4]:
h = ROOT.TH1F("TracksPt","Tracks;Pt [GeV/c];#",128,0,64)
for event in
    for track in event.tracks:
c = ROOT.TCanvas()