Create a Histogram - C++ version

Create a histogram, fill it with random numbers, set its colour to blue, draw it. Can you:

  • Can you use the native Python random number generator for this?
  • Can you make your plot interactive using JSROOT?
  • Can you document what you did in markdown?

We now create our histogram

In [1]:
TH1F h("h", "My Notebook Histo;x;#", 64, -4, 4)

(TH1F &) Name: h Title: My Notebook Histo NbinsX: 64

It is not easy nor efficient to use the Python random number generator in this context. We go for TRandom3

In [2]:
TRandom3 r(1);
for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(1000)) h.Fill(r.Gaus());

Time for styling the histogram and use jsroot

In [3]:
%jsroot on
TCanvas c;