In [1]:
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize
import tensorflow as tf
# Our implementation of ConvNet layers and Compact Bilinear in TensorFlow
from vqa_mcb_model import vqa_mcb_model
# For ResNet, we (currently) still use Caffe to extract image features.
# We DO NOT need the vqa Caffe branch. You can use standard Caffe for ResNet.
import sys; sys.path.append('/home/ronghang/workspace/caffe-vqa-mcb/python')
import caffe
# For loading data, we use the LoadVQADataProvider in original code
import vqa_data_provider_layer
from vqa_data_provider_layer import LoadVQADataProvider
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
# constants
GPU_ID = 2
RESNET_MEAN_PATH = "../preprocess/ResNet_mean.binaryproto"
RESNET_LARGE_PROTOTXT_PATH = "../preprocess/ResNet-152-448-deploy.prototxt"
RESNET_CAFFEMODEL_PATH = "../data/resnet/ResNet-152-model.caffemodel"
EXTRACT_LAYER_SIZE = (2048, 14, 14)
VDICT_PATH = "../data/multi_att_2_glove_pretrained/vdict.json"
ADICT_PATH = "../data/multi_att_2_glove_pretrained/adict.json"
# To reproduce exactly the same output, the random vectors
# In Caffe's two CompactBilinear layers are extracted
# For training from scratch, you may use other random vectors
# or leave unspecified
CBP0_RAND_FILE = './tf_vqa_data/cbp0_rand.npz'
CBP1_RAND_FILE = './tf_vqa_data/cbp1_rand.npz'
# Converted from the corresponding Caffe model
PRETRAINED_MODEL = './tf_vqa_data/_iter_190000.tfmodel'
In [4]:
# Set GPU with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment
# Effective for both TensorFlow and Caffe
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(GPU_ID)
In [5]:
# --- VQA Model Params ---
batch_size = 1
num_vocab = 21025
embed_dim = 300
glove_dim = 300
max_time = 15
lstm_output_dim = 1024
lstm_layers = 2
feat_h, feat_w = 14, 14
img_feat_dim = 2048
cbp0_dim = 16000
cbp1_dim = 16000
num_classes = 3000
apply_dropout = False
cbp0_rand = dict(np.load(CBP0_RAND_FILE))
cbp1_rand = dict(np.load(CBP1_RAND_FILE))
In [6]:
# Create a TensorFlow session that allows GPU memory growth.
# Otherwise it's going to take up all available memory
# on the machine.
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
# Input and output Tensors
word_indices = None
glove_vector = None
seq_length = None
img_feature = None
prediction = None
att_softmax0 = None
# Caffe's ResNet for feature extraction
resnet_mean = None
resnet_net = None
# Data Loader
vqa_data_provider = LoadVQADataProvider(VDICT_PATH, ADICT_PATH, batchsize=1,
mode='test', data_shape=EXTRACT_LAYER_SIZE)
In [7]:
def setup():
global resnet_mean
global resnet_net
global word_indices
global glove_vector
global seq_length
global img_feature
global prediction
global att_softmax0
# data provider
# mean substraction
blob = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.BlobProto()
data = open( RESNET_MEAN_PATH , 'rb').read()
resnet_mean = np.array(,224,224)
resnet_mean = np.transpose(cv2.resize(np.transpose(resnet_mean,(1,2,0)), (448,448)),(2,0,1))
# our VQA model in TensorFlow
word_indices = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [max_time, batch_size])
glove_vector = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [max_time, batch_size, glove_dim])
seq_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size])
img_feature = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, feat_h, feat_w, img_feat_dim])
prediction, att_softmax0, _ = vqa_mcb_model(word_indices, glove_vector,
seq_length, img_feature, batch_size, num_vocab, embed_dim, glove_dim, max_time,
lstm_output_dim, lstm_layers, feat_h, feat_w, img_feat_dim, cbp0_dim, cbp1_dim,
num_classes, cbp0_rand, cbp1_rand, apply_dropout)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, PRETRAINED_MODEL)
print('Finished setup')
In [8]:
def trim_image(img):
y,x,c = img.shape
if c != 3:
raise Exception('Expected 3 channels in the image')
resized_img = cv2.resize( img, (TARGET_IMG_SIZE, TARGET_IMG_SIZE))
transposed_img = np.transpose(resized_img,(2,0,1)).astype(np.float32)
ivec = transposed_img - resnet_mean
return ivec
def make_rev_adict(adict):
An adict maps text answers to neuron indices. A reverse adict maps neuron
indices to text answers.
rev_adict = {}
for k,v in adict.items():
rev_adict[v] = k
return rev_adict
def softmax(arr):
e = np.exp(arr)
dist = e / np.sum(e)
return dist
def downsample_image(img):
img_h, img_w, img_c = img.shape
img = resize(img, (448 * img_h // img_w, 448))
return img
def visualize_attention(source_img_path, att_map):
Visualize the attention map on the image and save the visualization.
img =
# downsample source image
img = downsample_image(img)
img_h, img_w, img_c = img.shape
_, att_h, att_w, _ = att_map.shape
att_map = att_map.reshape((att_h, att_w))
# upsample attention map to match original image
upsample0 = resize(att_map, (img_h, img_w), order=3) # bicubic interpolation
upsample0 = upsample0 / upsample0.max()
# create rgb-alpha
rgba0 = np.zeros((img_h, img_w, img_c + 1))
rgba0[..., 0:img_c] = img
rgba0[..., 3] = upsample0
return rgba0
def extract_image_feature(image_path):
img = cv2.imread(image_path)
preprocessed_img = trim_image(img)
resnet_net.blobs['data'].data[0,...] = preprocessed_img
feature = resnet_net.blobs[EXTRACT_LAYER].data[0].reshape(EXTRACT_LAYER_SIZE)
feature = ( feature / np.sqrt((feature**2).sum()) )
return feature
def answer_question(question, img_feature_val):
qvec, cvec, avec, glove_matrix = vqa_data_provider.create_batch(question)
# In TensorFlow, instead of putting the question at the end
# we put it at the beginning, and perform dynamic computation
valid_time_idx = qvec.reshape(-1) > 0
word_indices_val = qvec[:, valid_time_idx].T
glove_vector_val = glove_matrix[:, valid_time_idx, :].transpose((1,0,2))
seq_length_val = np.sum(valid_time_idx)
# Put dummy zeros after the sequence length using dynamic_rnn
word_indices_val = np.concatenate((word_indices_val, np.zeros((max_time-seq_length_val, 1)))).astype(np.int32)
glove_vector_val = np.concatenate((glove_vector_val, np.zeros((max_time-seq_length_val, 1, glove_dim))))
img_feature_val = img_feature_val[np.newaxis, ...].transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
# Forward Pass
scores, att_map =[prediction, att_softmax0],
feed_dict={word_indices: word_indices_val,
glove_vector: glove_vector_val,
seq_length: [seq_length_val],
img_feature: img_feature_val})
scores = softmax(np.squeeze(scores))
top_indices = scores.argsort()[::-1][:5]
top_answers = [vqa_data_provider.vec_to_answer(i) for i in top_indices]
top_scores = [float(scores[i]) for i in top_indices]
return scores, top_indices, top_answers, att_map
In [9]:
In [10]:
image_path = 'example_image.jpg'
question = 'how many cups are there in the image?'
In [11]:
img_feature_val = extract_image_feature(image_path)
scores, top_indices, top_answers, att_map = answer_question(question, img_feature_val)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(visualize_attention(image_path, att_map))
print("Question:", question)
print("Top answers:")
for i in range(len(top_answers)):
print(top_answers[i], '(prob = %f)' % scores[top_indices[i]])