Accessing Databases via Web APIs

In [1]:
# Import required libraries
import requests
import json
from __future__ import division
import math
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

1. Constructing API GET Request

In the first place, we know that every call will require us to provide:

  1. a base URL for the API,
  2. some authorization code or key, and
  3. a format for the response.

So let's put store those in some variables.

Use the following demonstration keys for now, but in the future, get your own!

  1. ef9055ba947dd842effe0ecf5e338af9:15:72340235
  2. 25e91a4f7ee4a54813dca78f474e45a0:15:73273810
  3. e15cea455f73cc47d6d971667e09c31c:19:44644296
  4. b931c838cdb745bbab0f213cfc16b7a5:12:44644296
  5. 1dc1475b6e7d5ff5a982804cc565cd0b:6:44644296
  6. 18046cd15e21e1b9996ddfb6dafbb578:4:44644296
  7. be8992a420bfd16cf65e8757f77a5403:8:44644296

In [26]:
# set key

# set base url

# set response format

You often want to send some sort of data in the URL’s query string. This data tells the API what information you want. In our case, we want articles about Duke Ellington. Requests allows you to provide these arguments as a dictionary, using the params keyword argument. In addition to the search term q, we have to put in the api-key term.

In [23]:
# set search parameters
search_params = {"q":"Duke Ellington",

Now we're ready to make the request. We use the .get method from the requests library to make an HTTP GET Request.

In [24]:
# make request
r = requests.get(base_url+response_format, params=search_params)

Now, we have a response object called r. We can get all the information we need from this object. For instance, we can see that the URL has been correctly encoded by printing the URL. Click on the link to see what happens.

In [25]:

Click on that link to see it returns!

Challenge 1: Adding a date range

What if we only want to search within a particular date range? The NYT Article Api allows us to specify start and end dates.

Alter the search_params code above so that the request only searches for articles in the year 2015.

You're gonna need to look at the documentation here to see how to do this.

In [ ]:
# set date parameters here

In [8]:
# Uncomment to test
# r = requests.get(base_url+response_format, params=search_params)
# print(r.url)

Challenge 2: Specifying a results page

The above will return the first 10 results. To get the next ten, you need to add a "page" parameter. Change the search parameters above to get the second 10 resuls.

In [ ]:
# set page parameters here

In [9]:
# Uncomment to test
# r = requests.get(base_url+response_format, params=search_params)
# print(r.url)

2. Parsing the response text

We can read the content of the server’s response using .text

In [10]:
# Inspect the content of the response, parsing the result as text
response_text= r.text

{"response":{"meta":{"hits":93,"time":24,"offset":0},"docs":[{"web_url":"http:\/\/\/2015\/11\/27\/billy-strayhorn-centennial-take-the-a-train\/","snippet":"Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated \u201cBilly Strayhorn Day.\u201d","lead_paragraph":null,"abstract":"Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated \u201cBilly Strayhorn Day.\u201d","print_page":null,"blog":[],"source":"The New York Times","multimedia":[{"width":190,"url":"images\/2015\/11\/26\/arts\/WYNTON\/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg","height":126,"subtype":"wide","legacy":{"wide":"images\/2015\/11\/26\/arts\/WYNTON\/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg","wideheight":"126","widewidth":"190"},"type":"image"},{"width":600,"url":"images\/2015\/11\/26\/arts\/WYNTON\/WYNTON-articleLarge.jpg","height":402,"subtype":"xlarge","legacy":{"xlargewidth":"600","xlarge":"images\/2015\/11\/26\/arts\/WYNTON\/WYNTON-articleLarge.j

What you see here is JSON text, encoded as unicode text. JSON stands for "Javascript object notation." It has a very similar structure to a python dictionary -- both are built on key/value pairs. This makes it easy to convert JSON response to a python dictionary.

In [11]:
# Convert JSON response to a dictionary
data = json.loads(response_text)
# data

That looks intimidating! But it's really just a big dictionary. Let's see what keys we got in there.

In [12]:

dict_keys(['copyright', 'response', 'status'])

In [13]:
# this is boring


In [14]:
# so is this

'Copyright (c) 2013 The New York Times Company.  All Rights Reserved.'

In [15]:
# this is what we want!
# data['response']

In [19]:

dict_keys(['docs', 'meta'])

In [20]:


In [21]:
# data['response']['docs']


That looks what we want! Let's put that in it's own variable.

In [22]:
docs = data['response']['docs']

In [23]:

{'_id': '56589a42798810178305b04b',
 'abstract': 'Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated “Billy Strayhorn Day.”',
 'blog': [],
 'byline': {'original': 'By ANDREW R. CHOW',
  'person': [{'firstname': 'Andrew',
    'lastname': 'CHOW',
    'middlename': 'R.',
    'organization': '',
    'rank': 1,
    'role': 'reported'}]},
 'document_type': 'blogpost',
 'headline': {'kicker': 'ArtsBeat',
  'main': 'New York Celebrates Billy Strayhorn’s Centennial With Special ‘A Train’ Ride',
  'print_headline': 'Celebrating Strayhorn'},
 'keywords': [{'name': 'persons', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Ellington, Duke'},
  {'name': 'persons', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'Marsalis, Wynton'},
  {'name': 'organizations', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Jazz at Lincoln Center'},
  {'name': 'organizations', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'New York Transit Museum'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Jazz'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'Music'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '3', 'value': 'Subways'}],
 'lead_paragraph': None,
 'multimedia': [{'height': 126,
   'legacy': {'wide': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg',
    'wideheight': '126',
    'widewidth': '190'},
   'subtype': 'wide',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg',
   'width': 190},
  {'height': 402,
   'legacy': {'xlarge': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-articleLarge.jpg',
    'xlargeheight': '402',
    'xlargewidth': '600'},
   'subtype': 'xlarge',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-articleLarge.jpg',
   'width': 600},
  {'height': 75,
   'legacy': {'thumbnail': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbStandard.jpg',
    'thumbnailheight': '75',
    'thumbnailwidth': '75'},
   'subtype': 'thumbnail',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbStandard.jpg',
   'width': 75}],
 'news_desk': 'Culture',
 'print_page': None,
 'pub_date': '2015-11-27T13:00:02Z',
 'section_name': 'Arts',
 'slideshow_credits': None,
 'snippet': 'Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated “Billy Strayhorn Day.”',
 'source': 'The New York Times',
 'subsection_name': None,
 'type_of_material': 'Blog',
 'web_url': '',
 'word_count': '256'}

3. Putting everything together to get all the articles.

That's great. But we only have 10 items. The original response said we had 93 hits! Which means we have to make 93 /10, or 10 requests to get them all. Sounds like a job for a loop!

But first, let's review what we've done so far.

In [24]:
# set key

# set base url

# set response format

# set search parameters
search_params = {"q":"Duke Ellington",
                 "begin_date":"20150101", # date must be in YYYYMMDD format

# make request
r = requests.get(base_url+response_format, params=search_params)
# convert to a dictionary
# get number of hits
hits = data['response']['meta']['hits']
print("number of hits: ", str(hits))
# get number of pages
pages = int(math.ceil(hits/10))
# make an empty list where we'll hold all of our docs for every page
all_docs = [] 
# now we're ready to loop through the pages
for i in range(pages):
    print("collecting page", str(i))
    # set the page parameter
    search_params['page'] = i
    # make request
    r = requests.get(base_url+response_format, params=search_params)
    # get text and convert to a dictionary
    # get just the docs
    docs = data['response']['docs']
    # add those docs to the big list
    all_docs = all_docs + docs

number of hits:  93
collecting page 0
collecting page 1
collecting page 2
collecting page 3
collecting page 4
collecting page 5
collecting page 6
collecting page 7
collecting page 8
collecting page 9

In [25]:


Challenge 3: Make a function

Turn the code above into a function that inputs a search term and a year, and returns all the documents containing that search term in that year.

In [27]:

In [29]:
# uncomment to test
# get_api_data("Duke Ellington", 2014)

4. Formatting

Let's take another look at one of these documents.

In [30]:

{'_id': '56589a42798810178305b04b',
 'abstract': 'Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated “Billy Strayhorn Day.”',
 'blog': [],
 'byline': {'original': 'By ANDREW R. CHOW',
  'person': [{'firstname': 'Andrew',
    'lastname': 'CHOW',
    'middlename': 'R.',
    'organization': '',
    'rank': 1,
    'role': 'reported'}]},
 'document_type': 'blogpost',
 'headline': {'kicker': 'ArtsBeat',
  'main': 'New York Celebrates Billy Strayhorn’s Centennial With Special ‘A Train’ Ride',
  'print_headline': 'Celebrating Strayhorn'},
 'keywords': [{'name': 'persons', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Ellington, Duke'},
  {'name': 'persons', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'Marsalis, Wynton'},
  {'name': 'organizations', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Jazz at Lincoln Center'},
  {'name': 'organizations', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'New York Transit Museum'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '1', 'value': 'Jazz'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '2', 'value': 'Music'},
  {'name': 'subject', 'rank': '3', 'value': 'Subways'}],
 'lead_paragraph': None,
 'multimedia': [{'height': 126,
   'legacy': {'wide': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg',
    'wideheight': '126',
    'widewidth': '190'},
   'subtype': 'wide',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbWide.jpg',
   'width': 190},
  {'height': 402,
   'legacy': {'xlarge': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-articleLarge.jpg',
    'xlargeheight': '402',
    'xlargewidth': '600'},
   'subtype': 'xlarge',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-articleLarge.jpg',
   'width': 600},
  {'height': 75,
   'legacy': {'thumbnail': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbStandard.jpg',
    'thumbnailheight': '75',
    'thumbnailwidth': '75'},
   'subtype': 'thumbnail',
   'type': 'image',
   'url': 'images/2015/11/26/arts/WYNTON/WYNTON-thumbStandard.jpg',
   'width': 75}],
 'news_desk': 'Culture',
 'print_page': None,
 'pub_date': '2015-11-27T13:00:02Z',
 'section_name': 'Arts',
 'slideshow_credits': None,
 'snippet': 'Concerts celebrating the jazz great will take place Sunday evening and Nov. 29 will be designated “Billy Strayhorn Day.”',
 'source': 'The New York Times',
 'subsection_name': None,
 'type_of_material': 'Blog',
 'web_url': '',
 'word_count': '256'}

This is all great, but it's pretty messy. What we’d really like to to have, eventually, is a CSV, with each row representing an article, and each column representing something about that article (header, date, etc). As we saw before, the best way to do this is to make a lsit of dictionaries, with each dictionary representing an article and each dictionary representing a field of metadata from that article (e.g. headline, date, etc.) We can do this with a custom function:

In [31]:
def format_articles(unformatted_docs):
    This function takes in a list of documents returned by the NYT api 
    and parses the documents into a list of dictionaries, 
    with 'id', 'header', and 'date' keys
    formatted = []
    for i in unformatted_docs:
        dic = {}
        dic['id'] = i['_id']
        dic['headline'] = i['headline']['main']
        dic['date'] = i['pub_date'][0:10] # cutting time of day.

In [32]:
all_formatted = format_articles(all_docs)

In [33]:

[{'date': '2015-11-27',
  'headline': 'New York Celebrates Billy Strayhorn’s Centennial With Special ‘A Train’ Ride',
  'id': '56589a42798810178305b04b'},
 {'date': '2015-03-16',
  'headline': 'In Performance: T. Oliver Reid',
  'id': '550717ee79881074af54e288'},
 {'date': '2015-03-16',
  'headline': 'In Performance | T. Oliver Reid',
  'id': '55071c2679881074af54e29b'},
 {'date': '2015-08-31',
  'headline': 'Gary Keys, Filmmaker Who Documented Duke Ellington, Dies at 81',
  'id': '55e39f487988107ab310a7ce'},
 {'date': '2015-03-17',
  'headline': 'In Performance: T. Oliver Reid',
  'id': '550817e379881074af54e5b3'}]

Challenge 4 Collect more fields

Edit the function above so that we include the lead_paragraph and word_count fields.

HINT: Some articles may not contain a lead_paragraph, in which case, it'll throw an error if you try to address this value (which doesn't exist.) You need to add a conditional statement that takes this into consideraiton. If

Advanced: Add another key that returns a list of keywords associated with the article.

In [34]:
def format_articles(unformatted_docs):
    This function takes in a list of documents returned by the NYT api 
    and parses the documents into a list of dictionaries, 
    with 'id', 'header', 'date', 'lead paragrph' and 'word count' keys
    formatted = []
    for i in unformatted_docs:
        dic = {}
        dic['id'] = i['_id']
        dic['headline'] = i['headline']['main']
        dic['date'] = i['pub_date'][0:10] # cutting time of day.
        # YOUR CODE HERE

In [41]:
# uncomment to test
# all_formatted = format_articles(all_docs)
# all_formatted[:5]

5. Exporting

We can now export the data to a CSV.

In [40]:
keys = all_formatted[1]
# writing the rest
with open('all-formated.csv', 'w') as output_file:
    dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, keys)

Capstone Challenge

Using what you learned, tell me if Chris' claim (i.e. that Duke Ellington has gotten more popular lately) holds water.

In [42]: