Normalize the pixels values between the specified range.
g = normalize(f, range)
Normalize the input image f. The minimum value of f is assigned to the minimum desired value and the maximum value of f, to the maximum desired value. The minimum and maximum desired values are given by the parameter range. The data type of the normalized image is the same data type of input image, unless the range is [0,255], in which case the dtype is set to 'uint8'.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
def normalize(f, range=[0,255]):
f = np.asarray(f)
range = np.asarray(range)
if f.dtype.char in ['D', 'F']:
raise Exception('error: cannot normalize complex data')
faux = np.ravel(f).astype(float)
minimum = faux.min()
maximum = faux.max()
lower = range[0]
upper = range[1]
if upper == lower:
g = np.ones(f.shape) * maximum
if minimum == maximum:
g = np.ones(f.shape) * (upper + lower) / 2.
g = (faux-minimum)*(upper-lower) / (maximum-minimum) + lower
g = g.reshape(f.shape)
if f.dtype == np.uint8:
if upper > 255:
raise Exception('normalize: warning, upper valuer larger than 255. Cannot fit in uint8 image')
if lower == 0 and upper == 255:
g = g.astype(np.uint8)
g = g.astype(f.dtype) # set data type of result the same as the input image
return g
In [1]:
testing = (__name__ == "__main__")
if testing:
import numpy as np
import sys,os
ia898path = os.path.abspath('../../')
if ia898path not in sys.path:
import ia898.src as ia
In [2]:
if testing:
f = np.array([100., 500., 1000.])
g1 = ia.normalize(f, [0,255])
In [3]:
if testing:
g2 = ia.normalize(f, [-1,1])
In [4]:
if testing:
g3 = ia.normalize(f, [0,1])
In [5]:
if testing:
f = np.array([-100., 0., 100.])
g4 = ia.normalize(f, [0,255])
g5 = ia.normalize(f, [-1,1])
g6 = ia.normalize(f, [-0.5,0.5])
f = np.arange(10).astype('uint8')
g7 = ia.normalize(f)
f = np.array([1,1,1])
g8 = ia.normalize(f)
In [7]:
if testing:
print('testing normalize')
print(repr(ia.normalize(np.array([-100., 0., 100.]), [0,255])) == repr(np.array([ 0. , 127.5, 255. ])))
In [ ]: