Perform linear interpolation
For each cell the following equation needs to be solved:
1D: $ v = a + bx $
2D: $ v = a + bx + cy + exy $
3D: $ v = a + bx + cy + dz + exy + fxz + gyz + hxyz $
where $x, y$ and $z$ are the fractional part of the coordinate.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
def interpollin(f, pts):
# f - one, two or three dimention array
# pts - array of points to interpolate:
# throws IndexError if there are indices out of range in pts
#from iainterpollin import iainterpollin1D, iainterpollin2D, iainterpollin3D
f = f.astype(float)
if f.ndim == 1:
return interpollin1D(f, np.ravel(pts))
if f.ndim == 2:
return interpollin2D(f, pts)
if f.ndim == 3:
return interpollin3D(f, pts)
In [2]:
def interpollin1D(f, pts):
# f - one dimention array
# pts - array of points to interpolate:
# throws IndexError if there are indices out of range in pts
import numpy as np
# integer indices
ipts = np.floor(pts).astype(int)
# fractional indices
fpts = pts - ipts
# workaround for the case some index equals the last valid index
fpts[ipts>=f.shape[0]-1] += 1
ipts[ipts>=f.shape[0]-1] -= 1
I = ipts.copy()
Ix = ipts.copy()+1
a = f[I]
b = f[Ix] - a
return a + b*fpts
In [3]:
def interpollin2D(f, pts):
# f - bi-dimentional image
# pts - array (2xN) of points to interpolate:
# throws IndexError if there are indices out of range in pts
# let's consider x the first and y the second dimention
import numpy as np
# integer indices
ipts = np.floor(pts).astype(int)
# fractional indices
fpts = pts - ipts
# workaround for the case some index equals the last valid index in the respective dimension
fpts[0][ipts[0]>=f.shape[0]-1] += 1
ipts[0][ipts[0]>=f.shape[0]-1] -= 1
fpts[1][ipts[1]>=f.shape[1]-1] += 1
ipts[1][ipts[1]>=f.shape[1]-1] -= 1
I = ipts.copy()
Ix = ipts.copy()
Ix[0] += 1
Iy = ipts.copy()
Iy[1] += 1
Ixy = Ix.copy()
Ixy[1] += 1
a = f[I[0], I[1]]
b = f[Ix[0], Ix[1]] - a
c = f[Iy[0], Iy[1]] - a
e = f[Ixy[0], Ixy[1]] - a - b - c
return a + b*fpts[0] + c*fpts[1] + e*fpts[0]*fpts[1]
In [4]:
def interpollin3D(ff, pts):
# ff - tri dimentional image
# pts - array (3xN) of points to interpolate:
# throws IndexError if there are indices out of range in pts
# let's consider x the first dimension, y the second and z the third
import numpy as np
# integer indices
ipts = np.floor(pts).astype(int)
# fractional indices
fpts = pts - ipts
# workaround for the case some index equals the last valid index in the respective dimension
fpts[0][ipts[0]>=ff.shape[0]-1] += 1
ipts[0][ipts[0]>=ff.shape[0]-1] -= 1
fpts[1][ipts[1]>=ff.shape[1]-1] += 1
ipts[1][ipts[1]>=ff.shape[1]-1] -= 1
fpts[2][ipts[2]>=ff.shape[2]-1] += 1
ipts[2][ipts[2]>=ff.shape[2]-1] -= 1
I = ipts.copy()
Ix = ipts.copy()
Ix[0] += 1
Iy = ipts.copy()
Iy[1] += 1
Iz = ipts.copy()
Iz[2] += 1
Ixy = Ix.copy()
Ixy[1] += 1
Ixz = Ix.copy()
Ixz[2] += 1
Iyz = Iy.copy()
Iyz[2] += 1
Ixyz = Ixy.copy()
Ixyz[2] += 1
a = ff[I[0], I[1], I[2]]
b = ff[Ix[0], Ix[1], Ix[2]] - a
c = ff[Iy[0], Iy[1], Iy[2]] - a
d = ff[Iz[0], Iz[1], Iz[2]] - a
e = ff[Ixy[0], Ixy[1], Ixy[2]] - a - b - c
f = ff[Ixz[0], Ixz[1], Ixz[2]] - a - b - d
g = ff[Iyz[0], Iyz[1], Iyz[2]] - a - c - d
h = ff[Ixyz[0], Ixyz[1], Ixyz[2]] - a - b - c - d - e - f - g
return a + b*fpts[0] + c*fpts[1] + d*fpts[2] + e*fpts[0]*fpts[1] + \
f*fpts[0]*fpts[2] + g*fpts[1]*fpts[2] + h*fpts[0]*fpts[1]*fpts[2]
In [1]:
testing = (__name__ == "__main__")
if testing:
! jupyter nbconvert --to python interpollin.ipynb
import numpy as np
import sys,os
ia898path = os.path.abspath('../../')
if ia898path not in sys.path:
import ia898.src as ia
In [2]:
if testing:
print("1D interpolation")
Im = np.array([1, 7, 10, 5, 3, 0, -5, 6])
points = np.array([1.5, 2.1, 2.5, 2.9, 0.1])
print("Im= ", Im)
print("points= ", points)
print("Interpol vaules= ", ia.interpollin(Im, points))
print("2D interpolation")
Im = np.arange(0, 9)
Im.shape = (3, 3)
print("Im=\n", Im)
points = np.array([[0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.5, 2],
[0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2]])
print("points=\n", points)
print("Interpol vaules= ", ia.interpollin(Im, points))
print("3D interpolation")
Im = np.arange(0, 27)
Im.shape = (3, 3, 3)
print("Im=\n", Im)
points = np.array([[0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 2],
[0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 2],
[0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2]])
print("points=\n", points)
print("Interpol vaules= ", ia.interpollin(Im, points))
In [ ]: