In [5]:
import numpy as np
def hadamardmatrix(N):
def bitsum(x):
s = 0 * x
while x.any():
s += x & 1
x >>= 1
return s
n = np.floor(np.log(N)/np.log(2))
if 2**n != N:
raise Exception('error: size {0} is not multiple of power of 2'.format(N))
u, x = np.meshgrid(range(N), range(N))
A = ((-1)**(bitsum(x & u)))/np.sqrt(N)
return A
In [1]:
testing = (__name__ == "__main__")
if testing:
! jupyter nbconvert --to python hadamardmatrix.ipynb
import numpy as np
import sys,os
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
ia898path = os.path.abspath('../../')
if ia898path not in sys.path:
import ia898.src as ia
In [2]:
if testing:
A = ia.hadamardmatrix(128)
ia.adshow(ia.normalize(A, [0, 255]))
In [4]:
if testing:
A = ia.hadamardmatrix(4)
print(, np.transpose(A)))
In [5]:
if testing:
print('Computational time is:')
%timeit ia.hadamardmatrix(128)
In [ ]: