How Bias Enters a Model

This notebook is a simple demonstration of how bias with respect an attribute can get encoded into a model, even if the labels are perfectly accurate and the model is unaware of the attribute.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex
import numpy as np
import sklearn
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import sklearn.linear_model
import seaborn
import scipy.special
seaborn.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (8, 6)}, font_scale=1.5)

Generate Data

Let's generate some data with a simple model. There's a binary sensitive attribute $A$, predictor1 $p_1$ uncorrelated with the attribute, predictor2 $p_2$ correlated with the attribute, random noise $\epsilon$, and a binary label $y$ that's correlated with both predictors.

$$P(y=1) = \mathrm{Logistic}(p_1 + p_2 + \epsilon)$$


$$p1 \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0,1)$$$$p2 \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0,1) \iff A=a$$$$p2 \sim \mathrm{Normal}(1,1) \iff A=b$$$$\epsilon \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0,1)$$

In [2]:
n = 10000 # Sample size.

# Create an attribute.
attribute = np.choose(np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, ['a', 'b'])

# Create an uncorrelated predictor.
predictor1 = np.random.randn(n) 

# Create a predictor correlated with the attribute.
disparity_scale = 1.0
predictor2 = np.random.randn(n) + ((attribute == 'b') * disparity_scale)

# Generate random noise.
noise_scale = 1.0
noise = np.random.randn(n) * noise_scale

# Calculate the probability of the binary label.
scale = 1.0
p_outcome = scipy.special.expit(scale * (predictor1 + predictor2 + noise))

# Calculate the outcome.
y = p_outcome > np.random.rand(n)

In [3]:
seaborn.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (8, 6)}, font_scale=1.5)
c0 = seaborn.color_palette()[0]
c1 = seaborn.color_palette()[2]

plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))[0], [y[attribute == 'a'].mean()], fc=c0)[1], [y[attribute == 'b'].mean()], fc=c1)
plt.xticks([0.0,1.0], ['$A=a$', '$A=b$'])
plt.xlabel("Attribute Value")

plt.scatter(predictor1[attribute == 'b'], p_outcome[attribute == 'b'], c=c1, alpha=0.25, label='A=b')
plt.scatter(predictor1[attribute == 'a'], p_outcome[attribute == 'a'], c=c0, alpha=0.25, label='A=a')

plt.scatter(predictor2[attribute == 'b'], p_outcome[attribute == 'b'], c=c1, alpha=0.25, label='A=b')
plt.scatter(predictor2[attribute == 'a'], p_outcome[attribute == 'a'], c=c0, alpha=0.25, label='A=a')

Above you can see that the probability of (actually) being in the positive class is correlated with the attribute and with both of the predictors.

In [13]:
display(Markdown("Condition Positive Fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): {:.3f} {:.3f}".format(
    y[attribute == 'a'].mean(), y[attribute == 'b'].mean())))
    "Members of the $A=b$ group are {:.0f}% more likely to have the positive label than $a$ group.".format(
    100.0 * (y[attribute == 'b'].mean()/y[attribute == 'a'].mean() - 1.0))))

Condition Positive Fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): 0.506 0.650

Members of the $A=b$ group are 28% more likely to have the positive label than $a$ group.

Fit a Model

We have our dataset now, with two predictors and a binary outcome. Let's fit a logistic regression model to it.

In [5]:
# Put the predictors into the expected sklearn format.
X = np.vstack([predictor1, predictor2]).T
# Initialize our logistic regression classifier.
clf = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression()
# Perform the fit., y)
# Model fit parameters:
clf.intercept_, clf.coef_

(array([-0.00794129]), array([[ 0.81930492,  0.84255871]]))

Now generate predictions from the model.

In [6]:
p = clf.predict_proba(X)[:,1]
yhat = p > 0.5

Amplification of bias

There was an initial disparity between the attribute classes in terms of their actual labels: the $A=b$ group was much more likely to get the positive label than the $A=a$ group. Now let's see how that disparity is reflected in the predicted labels.

In [7]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))[0, 2], [y[attribute == 'a'].mean(), y[attribute == 'b'].mean()],
        fc=c0, label='Actual Labels')[1, 3], [yhat[attribute == 'a'].mean(), yhat[attribute == 'b'].mean()],
        fc=c1, label='Predicted Labels')

plt.xticks([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], ['$A=a$ \n actual', '$A=a$ \n pred', '$A=b$ \n actual', '$A=b$ \n pred'])
plt.ylabel("Positive Label Fraction")

In [8]:
display(Markdown("Condition Positive fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): {:.0f}% {:.0f}%".format(
    100.0 * y[attribute == 'a'].mean(), 100.0 * y[attribute == 'b'].mean())))
display(Markdown("Predicted Positive fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): {:.0f}% {:.0f}%".format(
    100.0 * yhat[attribute == 'a'].mean(), 100.0 * yhat[attribute == 'b'].mean())))
So the initial {:.0f}% disparity in the _actual_ labels is amplified by the model.
**Members of the $A=b$ group are {:.0f}% more likely to have the positive _predicted_ label than $b$ group.**
The model has amplified the initial disparity by a factor of {:.2f}. 
    100.0 * (y[attribute == 'b'].mean()/y[attribute == 'a'].mean() - 1.0),
    100.0 * (yhat[attribute == 'b'].mean()/yhat[attribute == 'a'].mean() - 1.0),
    (yhat[attribute == 'b'].mean()/yhat[attribute == 'a'].mean()) / 
        (y[attribute == 'b'].mean()/y[attribute == 'a'].mean())

Condition Positive fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): 51% 65%

Predicted Positive fraction for each attribute class: (a,b): 51% 76%

So the initial 28% disparity in the actual labels is amplified by the model. Members of the $A=b$ group are 49% more likely to have the positive predicted label than $b$ group. The model has amplified the initial disparity by a factor of 1.16.

Model Performance

ROC Curve

Let's plot ROC curves for the whole dataset and for each attribute group to compare model performance:

In [9]:
fpr_all, tpr_all, t_all = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y, p)
fpr_falseclass, tpr_falseclass, t_falseclass = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y[attribute == 'a'], p[attribute == 'a'])
fpr_trueclass, tpr_trueclass, t_trueclass = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y[attribute == 'b'], p[attribute == 'b'])

plt.plot(fpr_falseclass, tpr_falseclass, label='attribute=a', alpha=0.5, lw=3)
plt.plot(fpr_all, tpr_all, label='all', alpha=0.5, lw=3)
plt.plot(fpr_trueclass, tpr_trueclass, label='attribute=b', alpha=0.5, lw=3)

From the ROC curves, it looks like the model performs about equally well for all groups.

True Positive Rate

Let's check the true positive rate $P(\hat{y}=1 \vert y=1)$ vs the score threshold. We find that the true positive rate is better at all thresholds for the attribute $A=b$ group:

In [10]:
plt.plot(t_falseclass, tpr_falseclass, label='attribute=a', lw=3)
plt.plot(t_all, tpr_all, label='all', lw=3)
plt.plot(t_trueclass, tpr_trueclass, label='attribute=b', lw=3)

So it looks like the model will actually perform better in terms of TPR (aka recall) for group $A=b$.

Now let's check the false positive rate $P(\hat{y}=0 \vert y=1)$ vs the score threshold:

In [11]:
plt.plot(t_falseclass, fpr_falseclass, label='attribute=a', lw=3)
plt.plot(t_all, fpr_all, label='all', lw=3)
plt.plot(t_trueclass, fpr_trueclass, label='attribute=b', lw=3)

We find that the false positive rate is much higher at all thresholds for the $A=b$ group. If the negative class is preferred (e.g. in a model predicting fraud, spam, defaulting on a loan, etc.), that means we're much more likely to falsely classify an actually-good member of group $b$ as bad, compared to a actually-good member of group $a$.

In [12]:
def fpr(y_true, y_pred):
    fp = (np.logical_not(y_true) & y_pred).sum()
    cn = np.logical_not(y_true).sum()
    return 100.0 * fp * 1.0 / cn

At a threshold of model score $= 0.5$, the false positive rate is {:.0f}% overall, **{:.0f}% for group $a$, 
and {:.0f}% for group $b$**.
    fpr(y, yhat), fpr(y[attribute=='a'], yhat[attribute=='a']), fpr(y[attribute=='b'], yhat[attribute=='b']))))

At a threshold of model score $= 0.5$, the false positive rate is 41% overall, 31% for group $a$, and 54% for group $b$.


We've demonstrated that a model trained on correct labels, and with no directly access to a particular attribute, can be biased against members a group who deserve the preferred label, merely because that group has a higher incidence of the non-prefered label in the training data. Furthermore, this bias can be hidden, because it's only revealed by comparing false positive rates at a fixed threshold, not other performance metrics.