Getting Started - siamxt

siamxt is a simplified version of the iamxt toolbox. The main difference is that it does not depend on OpenCV, so the toolbox is easier to install. It lacks the visualization methods that iamxt has. Everything else, function calls, code efficiency remains the same. This document will help you get started with the siamxt toolbox.

Loading an image and building its max-tree

The code fragment below illustrates how to load an image and build its max-tree using a defined connectivity rule. Line 1 is a command that makes the plots appear embedded in the jupyter-notebook. Line 4 imports numpy, which is an efficient library for array processing. The entire siamxt was built upon it. The other imports are used to read (PIL, line 8), display (matplotlib, line 11) images and measure processing times (time, 13). Our toolbox is imported in line 15.

The image is read using PIL and converted to a numpy array in line 19. When reading images, make sure it is grayscale and the array type is either uint8 or uint16. The image can be either 2D or 3D. siamxt only works with contiguous arrays, so be careful when using numpy slicing features.

Lines 22 through 26 displays the image. In line 30, the connectivity rule used to build the max-tree is defined. This example uses connectivity-8 The connectivity rule is represented by a boolean odd-sized array that represents a structuring element. The central pixel of the array represents the pixel being analyzed and non-zero pixels represent its neighbors.

The max-tree is built in line 34. siamxt uses the node-array (NA), node-index (NI) max-tree representation proposed in:

R. Souza, L. Rittner, R. Lotufo and R. Machado, "An array-based node-oriented max-tree representation," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Quebec City, QC, 2015, pp. 3620-3624.

Each column of NA represents a node, which is identified by the column index. The lines represent attributes of that node. By default our toolbox computes the area, number of children, bounding-box coordinates, the sum of the coordinates in each axis for every max-tree node, and a seed for reconstruction of the connected component corresponding to the node. The meanings of each line of NA are summarized in the table bellow.

Line Attribute Meaning
0 par Parent
1 nchild Number of children
2 level Gray-level
3 area Node area
4 seed Seed for node reconstruction
5 sumx Sum of x coordinates
6 xmin Minimum x coordinate
7 xmax Maximum x coordinate
8 sumy Sum of y coordinates
9 ymin Minimum y coordinate
10 ymax Maximum y coordinate
11 sumz Sum of z coordinates
12 zmin Minimum z coordinate
13 zmax Maximum z coordinate

NI is an array with the same dimensions of the gray-scale image represented by the max-tree. Each element of the array points to the max-tree node identifier it belongs. Line 38 prints the number of max-tree nodes, which is the number of columns in NA. Line 39 prints the number of leaves, which is the number of nodes in NA with no-children (number of children is coded in the first line of NA).

In [1]:
# This makes plots appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline 

import numpy as np # numpy is the major library in which siamxt was built upon
                   # we like the array programming style =)

# We are using PIL to read images     
from PIL import Image

# and matplotlib to display images
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import time # Let's measure some processing times

import siamxt  

# Loading the image.
# Make sure the image you read is either uint8 or uint16
img = np.asarray("./Sample-images/apple.png"))
print "Image dimensions: %dx%d pixels" %img.shape

#Displaying the image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Original image")

#Structuring element with connectivity-8
Bc = np.ones((3,3),dtype = bool)

t = time.time()
#Building the max-tree with the connectivity defined
mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img,Bc)
t = time.time() -t

print "Max-tree build time: %fs" %t
print "Number of max-tree nodes: %d" %mxt.node_array.shape[1]
print "Number of max-tree leaves: %d" %(mxt.node_array[1,:] == 0).sum()

Image dimensions: 512x512 pixels
Max-tree build time: 0.026582s
Number of max-tree nodes: 14204
Number of max-tree leaves: 11334

Area-open filter

The image loaded is corrupted with pepper noise (black spots). The max-tree is maxima oriented (white regions). In order to filter the pepper noise, we need to work with the min-tree, which is equivalent to process the max-tree of the negated image. Line of the code negates the image. Line 9 builds the max-tree of the negated image (i.e. min-tree). Line 12 makes a hard copy of the max-tree structure. Line 15 applies the area-open filter, which consists in removing nodes with area smaller than a threshold. Line 18 recovers the image corresponding to the filtered max-tree. Line 21 negates the recovered image. We can see that the pepper noise was filtered from the image. Filtering a max-tree is a connected filter, i.e. a filte that does not blur the image.

In [33]:
# Negating the image
img_max = img.max()
img_neg = img_max-img

# Area threshold
area = 25

#Building the max-tree of the negated image, i.e. min-tree
mxt_neg = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img_neg,Bc)

# Making a hard copy of the max-tree
mxt_neg2 = mxt_neg.clone()

#Applying an area-open filter

#Recovering the image 
img_filtered =  mxt_neg.getImage()

# Negating the image back
img_filtered = img_max -img_filtered

#Displaying the filtered image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img_filtered, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("area-open, area = %d " %area)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f02fc412710>

Extinction filter

Extinction filters are extrema oriented filters. They preserve the n extrema (minima or maxima) with highest extinction values. It compared well against attribute filters, like area-open, in the following publication:

R. Souza, L. Rittner, R. Machado, and R. Lotufo, “A comparison between extinction filters and attribute filters,” in ISMM’15, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 27-29, 2015. Proceedings, pp. 63–74, 2015.

In this example, we preserved 5 minima (line 2) in the image. Line 5 extracts the area of the max-tree nodes from the NA structure. Line 8 computes the area extinction values. Line 11 applies the extinction filter. The remaining of the code is similar to the previous area-open example. The filtered image is displayed below.

In [36]:
# Number of leaves to be preserved
n = 5

# Select the area attribute of the max-tree nodes from NA
area = mxt_neg2.node_array[3,:]

# Computes the area extinction values
area_ext = mxt_neg2.computeExtinctionValues(area,"area")

# Applies the  area extinction filter

#Recovering the image 
img_filtered2 =  mxt_neg2.getImage()

# Negating the image back
img_filtered2 = img_max -img_filtered2

#Displaying the filtered image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img_filtered2, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("area extinction filter, n= %d " %n)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f02fc3070d0>

Bounding-box filter

Different features can be extracted from the max-tree nodes. In this example, we use the boundig-box information that siamxt computed when building the max-tree to filter a license plate image the maximum we can without losing the license plate characters. Lines 16 through 20 define parameters of the filter, wich are the minimum and maximum bounding-box lengths and the minimum rectangularity ratio (rr) defined by:

\begin{equation*} rr = \frac{area_{node}}{H_{bbox}W_{bbox}} \end{equation*}

where $area_{node}$, $H_{bbox}$, $W_{bbox}$ are the area of the node and the height and width of the node's connected component bounding-box. The characters are dark, so we have to work with the negative of the image (lines 6 and 7). Lines 16 through 20 set the parameters of the filter. These parameters were set empirically. Lines 23 through 25 define a structuring element with connectivity-4. Line 28 builds the min-tree. Lines 31 and 32 compute the bounding-box height (dx) and width (dy) for each max-tree node. The information of the nodes' bounding-box minimum and maximum coordiantes is computed during the max-tree construction, so computing the height and width comes straightfoward. Line 35 computes the nodes' rectangularity ratios. Line 38 creates a boolean array with the max-tree nodes that attend the filtering criteria set to True. Line 41 performs the filtering using the max-tree direct filtering rule. The remianing of the code is similar to previous examples.

In [42]:
# Loading license plate image
img = np.asarray("./Sample-images/plate.png"))
print "Image dimensions: %dx%d pixels" %img.shape

# Negating the image
img_max = img.max()
img_neg = img.max() - img

#Displaying the image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img_neg, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Negated image")

# Filter parameters
Wmin = 7  # Minimum bounding-box width
Hmin = 13 # Minimum bounding-box height
Wmax = 17 # Maximum bounding-box width
Hmax = 25 # Maximum bounding-box height
rr = 0.45 # Minimum rectangularity ratio

#Structuring element with connectivity-4 
Bc = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = bool)
Bc[1,:] = True
Bc[:,1] = True

# Building the max-tree of the negated image, i.e. min-tree
mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img_neg,Bc)

# Bounding box-lengths
dx = mxt.node_array[7,:] - mxt.node_array[6,:]
dy = mxt.node_array[10,:] - mxt.node_array[9,:]

# Rectangularity ratio
RR = mxt.computeRR()

# Node selection criteria
nodes = (dx>Hmin) & (dx<Hmax) & (dy > Wmin) & (dy < Wmax) & (RR > rr)

#Filtering the max-tree

# Recovering the filtered the image
img_filtered = mxt.getImage()

#Displaying the filtered image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img_filtered, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Bounding-box and rectangularity filter")

Image dimensions: 240x640 pixels
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f02fc746750>

Max-tree area signature analysis

One important concept related to the max-tree is the attribute signature proposed in:

R. Jones, “Connected filtering and segmentation using component trees,” Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 215–228, 1999.

The max-tree signature consists in analyzing an attribute variation starting at a leaf node and going towards the root. Signature analysis is a powerful tool to inspect how the connected components evolve when you go through many threshold values. For instance, when there is a sudden change in the area signature value, it may represent a connected component that split in two or more significant connected components.

In this example, we load a brain MR slice (line 2). A hand-picked pixel corresponding to a regional maximum is selected in line 16 and its corresponding node line 19. The area signature is computed in line 25 and the gradient of the area signature in line 28. The area signature and gradient plots are displayed. Peaks in the gradient represent a CC that split in two or more components. The largest peak in the gradient corresponds to the separation between the background and forground of the image. The second peak corresponds to the threshold where the brain and the skull split. Line 49 selects the second largest peak. Lines 51 through 54 and 56 through 59 reconstruct the nodes that correspond to the gradient peak.

In [7]:
# Loading brain MR image
img = np.asarray("./Sample-images/brain_coronal.png"))
print "Image dimensions: %dx%d pixels" %img.shape

#Displaying the original image
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(img, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Original image")

# Building the max-tree
mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img,Bc)

#Hand-picked regional maxima
x,y = 83,90

# Node corresponding to a regional maximum
node = mxt.node_index[x,y]

# Extracting area attribute from NA
area = mxt.node_array[3,:]

# Area signature computation
levels,signature =  mxt.getSignature(area, node)

#Gradient of the area signature
gradient = signature[0:-1] - signature[1:]

# Display area signature
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title("Area signature")

# Display gradient of the area signature
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title("Gradient signature")

# Selecting the second peak of the gradient
index = np.argsort(gradient)[::-1][1]

#reconstructing the node corresponding to the peak (largest area)
area1 = signature[index]
node1 = np.where(mxt.node_array[3,:] == area1)[0][0]
cc1 = mxt.recConnectedComponent(node1)

#reconstructing the node corresponding to the peak (smaller area)
area2 = signature[index + 1]
node2 = np.where(mxt.node_array[3,:] == area2)[0][0]
cc2 = mxt.recConnectedComponent(node2)

#Displaying the nodes reconstructed    
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(cc1, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Reconstruction at h = %d" %mxt.node_array[2,node1])
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(cc2, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Reconstruction at h = %d" %mxt.node_array[2,node2])

Image dimensions: 256x256 pixels
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f33364b5b10>

In [ ]: