In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from bqplot import (Axis, ColorAxis, LinearScale, DateScale, DateColorScale, OrdinalScale, OrdinalColorScale,
ColorScale, Scatter, Lines, Figure, Tooltip)
from ipywidgets import Label
In [ ]:
price_data = pd.DataFrame(np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150, 2).dot([[1.0, -0.8], [-0.8, 1.0]]), axis=0) + 100,
columns=['Security 1', 'Security 2'], index=pd.date_range(start='01-01-2007', periods=150))
size = 100
x_data = range(size)
y_data = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(size) * 100.0)
ord_keys = np.array(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'])
ordinal_data = np.random.randint(5, size=size)
In [ ]:
symbols = ['Security 1', 'Security 2']
dates_all = price_data.index.values
dates_all_t = dates_all[1:]
sec1_levels = np.array(price_data[symbols[0]].values.flatten())
log_sec1 = np.log(sec1_levels)
sec1_returns = log_sec1[1:] - log_sec1[:-1]
sec2_levels = np.array(price_data[symbols[1]].values.flatten())
In [ ]:
sc_x = DateScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
scatt = Scatter(x=dates_all, y=sec2_levels, scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y}, default_colors=['dodgerblue'])
ax_x = Axis(scale=sc_x, label='Date')
ax_y = Axis(scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f', label='Security 2')
fig = Figure(marks=[scatt], axes=[ax_x, ax_y])
In [ ]:
# Changing the marker as
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
scatt = Scatter(x=x_data[:10], y=y_data[:10], names=np.arange(10),
scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y}, default_colors=['red'], marker='cross')
ax_x = Axis(scale=sc_x)
ax_y = Axis(scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f')
fig = Figure(marks=[scatt], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], padding_x=0.025)
In [ ]:
scatt.default_opacities = [0.3, 0.5, 1.]
In [ ]:
sc_x = DateScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
sc_c1 = ColorScale()
scatter = Scatter(x=dates_all, y=sec2_levels, color=sec1_returns,
scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'color': sc_c1},
ax_y = Axis(label='Security 2', scale=sc_y,
orientation='vertical', side='left')
ax_x = Axis(label='Date', scale=sc_x, num_ticks=10, label_location='end')
ax_c = ColorAxis(scale=sc_c1, tick_format='0.2%', label='Returns', orientation='vertical', side='right')
m_chart = dict(top=50, bottom=70, left=50, right=100)
fig = Figure(axes=[ax_x, ax_c, ax_y], marks=[scatter], fig_margin=m_chart, title='Scatter of Security 2 vs Dates')
In [ ]:
## Changing the default color.
scatter.default_colors = ['blue'] # In this case, the dot with the highest X changes to blue.
In [ ]:
## setting the fill to be empty
scatter.stroke = None
scatter.fill = False
In [ ]:
## Setting the fill back
scatter.stroke = 'black'
scatter.fill = True
In [ ]:
## Changing the color to a different variable
scatter.color = sec2_levels
ax_c.tick_format = '0.0f'
ax_c.label = 'Security 2'
In [ ]:
## Changing the range of the color scale
sc_c1.colors = ['blue', 'green', 'orange']
In [ ]:
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
sc_c1 = DateColorScale(scheme='Reds')
scatter = Scatter(x=sec2_levels, y=sec1_levels, color=dates_all,
scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'color': sc_c1}, default_size=128,
ax_y = Axis(label='Security 1 Level', scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', side='left')
ax_x = Axis(label='Security 2', scale=sc_x)
ax_c = ColorAxis(scale=sc_c1, label='Date', num_ticks=10)
m_chart = dict(top=50, bottom=80, left=50, right=50)
fig = Figure(axes=[ax_x, ax_c, ax_y], marks=[scatter], fig_margin=m_chart)
In [ ]:
factor = int(np.ceil(len(sec2_levels) * 1.0 / len(ordinal_data)))
ordinal_data = np.tile(ordinal_data, factor)
c_ord = OrdinalColorScale(colors=['DodgerBlue', 'SeaGreen', 'Yellow', 'HotPink', 'OrangeRed'])
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
scatter2 = Scatter(x=sec2_levels[1:],
scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'color': c_ord},
ax_y = Axis(label='Security 1 Returns', scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', tick_format='.2%')
ax_x = Axis(label='Security 2', scale=sc_x, label_location='end')
ax_c = ColorAxis(scale=c_ord, label='Class', side='right', orientation='vertical')
m_chart = dict(top=50, bottom=70, left=100, right=100)
fig2 = Figure(axes=[ax_x, ax_y, ax_c], marks=[scatter2], fig_margin=m_chart)
In [ ]:
ax_c.tick_format = "0.2f"
c_ord.colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange']
In [ ]:
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
sc_y2 = LinearScale()
sc_size = LinearScale()
sc_opacity = LinearScale()
scatter2 = Scatter(x=sec2_levels[1:], y=sec1_levels, size=sec1_returns,
scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'size': sc_size, 'opacity': sc_opacity},
default_size=128, default_colors=['orangered'], stroke='black')
ax_y = Axis(label='Security 1', scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', side='left')
ax_x = Axis(label='Security 2', scale=sc_x)
fig2 = Figure(axes=[ax_x, ax_y], marks=[scatter2])
In [ ]:
## Changing the opacity of the scatter
scatter2.default_opacities = [0.5, 0.3, 0.1]
In [ ]:
## Resetting the size for the scatter
In [ ]:
## Resetting the opacity and setting the opacity according to the date
scatter2.default_opacities = [1.0]
In [ ]:
scatter2.opacity = dates_all
In [ ]:
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
sc_e = LinearScale()
scatter = Scatter(scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'skew': sc_e},
x=sec2_levels[1:], y=sec1_levels,
skew=sec1_returns, stroke="black",
default_colors=['gold'], default_size=200,
marker='rectangle', default_skew=0)
ax_y = Axis(label='Security 1', scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical', side='left')
ax_x = Axis(label='Security 2', scale=sc_x)
Figure(axes=[ax_x, ax_y], marks=[scatter], animation_duration=1000)
In [ ]:
scatter.skew = None
In [ ]:
scatter.skew = sec1_returns
In [ ]:
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
sc_e = LinearScale()
sc_c = ColorScale(scheme='Reds')
x1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, 30)
y1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, 30)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x1,y1)
x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
rot = x**2 + y**2
scatter = Scatter(scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y, 'color': sc_c, 'rotation': sc_e},
x=x, y=y, rotation=rot, color=color,
stroke="black", default_size=200,
marker='arrow', default_skew=0.5,)
Figure(marks=[scatter], animation_duration=1000)
In [ ]:
scatter.rotation = 1.0 / (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + 1)
In [ ]:
## Enabling moving of points in scatter. Try to click and drag any of the points in the scatter and
## notice the line representing the mean of the data update
sc_x = LinearScale()
sc_y = LinearScale()
scat = Scatter(x=x_data[:10], y=y_data[:10], scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y}, default_colors=['orange'],
lin = Lines(scales={'x': sc_x, 'y': sc_y}, line_style='dotted', colors=['orange'])
def update_line(change=None):
with lin.hold_sync():
lin.x = [np.min(scat.x), np.max(scat.x)]
lin.y = [np.mean(scat.y), np.mean(scat.y)]
# update line on change of x or y of scatter
scat.observe(update_line, names=['x'])
scat.observe(update_line, names=['y'])
ax_x = Axis(scale=sc_x)
ax_y = Axis(scale=sc_y, tick_format='0.2f', orientation='vertical')
fig = Figure(marks=[scat, lin], axes=[ax_x, ax_y])
In [ ]:
latex_widget = Label(color='Green', font_size='16px')
def callback_help(name, value):
latex_widget.value = str(value)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
## Restricting movement to only along the Y-axis
scat.restrict_y = True
In [ ]:
## Enabling adding the points to Scatter. Try clicking anywhere on the scatter to add points
with scat.hold_sync():
scat.enable_move = False
scat.interactions = {'click': 'add'}
In [ ]:
## In this case on drag, the line updates as you move the points.
with scat.hold_sync():
scat.enable_move = True
scat.update_on_move = True
scat.interactions = {'click': None}
In [ ]:
## Whenever drag is ended, there is a custom event dispatched which can be listened to.
## try dragging a point and see the data associated with the event being printed
def test_func(self, content):
print("received drag end", content)
In [ ]:
x_sc = LinearScale()
y_sc = LinearScale()
x_data = x_data[:50]
y_data = y_data[:50]
def_tt = Tooltip(fields=['x', 'y'], formats=['', '.2f'])
scatter_chart = Scatter(x=x_data, y=y_data, scales= {'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc}, default_colors=['dodgerblue'],
ax_x = Axis(scale=x_sc)
ax_y = Axis(scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f')
fig = Figure(marks=[scatter_chart], axes=[ax_x, ax_y])
In [ ]:
## removing field names from the tooltip
def_tt.show_names = False
In [ ]:
## changing the fields displayed in the tooltip
def_tt.fields = ['y']