Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions
by David I. Ketcheson, Randall J. LeVeque, and Mauricio del Razo Sarmina
The Github repository containing these notebooks is https://github.com/clawpack/riemann_book.
You can view html versions of these notebooks at http://www.clawpack.org/riemann_book/html/Index.html.
Parts I and II of these notebooks will also be published by SIAM as a paperback book, to appear with luck in late 2019.
- Preface -- Describes the aims and goals, and different ways to use the notebooks.
Part I: The Riemann problem and its solution
- Introduction -- Introduces basic ideas with some sample solutions.
- Advection -- The scalar advection equation is the simplest hyperbolic problem.
- Acoustics -- This linear system of two equations illustrates how eigenstructure is used.
- Burgers' equation -- The classic nonlinear scalar problem with a convex flux.
- Traffic flow -- A nonlinear scalar problem with a nice physical interpretation.
- Nonconvex_scalar -- More interesting Riemann solutions arise when the flux is not convex.
- Shallow water waves -- A classic nonlinear system of two equations.
- Shallow water with a tracer -- Adding a passively advected tracer and a linearly degenerate field.
- Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics -- The classic equations for an ideal gas.
Part II: Approximate solvers
- Approximate_solvers -- Introduction to two basic types of approximations.
- Burgers approximate -- Approximate solvers for a scalar problem.
- Shallow water_approximate -- Roe solvers, the entropy fix, positivity, HLL, and HLLE.
- Euler approximate -- Extension of these solvers to gas dynamics.
- Euler comparisons -- Comparing how different approximate solvers perform in a finite volume method.