Make Textfile Demo

Demonstrates how to read in the topography or an event and write it out to a text file, as might be needed to read it into ArcGIS, for example.

In [ ]:
%pylab inline

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os
from ptha_paths import data_dir, events_dir

Read in topography data

In [ ]:
fixed_grid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'MapsTopo', 'fixedgrid_xyB_small.npy')

print("x,y,B are 1-dimensional arrays of length %s" % len(x))

# to reshape them as 2-dimensional arrays:

topo = reshape(B, (250,250), order='F')
X = reshape(x, (250,250), order='F')
Y = reshape(y, (250,250), order='F')

print("X,Y,topo are 2-dimensional arrays with shape ", X.shape)

Write out to text file

The file will have 3 columns containing x, y, B at each of the $250^2 = 62500$ grid points.

In [ ]:
fname = 'xyB.txt'
f = open(fname,'w')
for npts in range(len(B)):
    f.write('%24.10f %24.10f %24.10f\n' % (x[npts],y[npts],B[npts]))
print("Created file ", os.path.abspath(fname))

Another way to do the same thing:

In [ ]:
fname = 'xyB.txt'
data_array = vstack((x, y, B)).T
savetxt(fname, data_array, fmt='%24.10f')
print("Created file ", os.path.abspath(fname))

Read in zeta for a single event:

In [ ]:
event = 'AASZb'
event_dir = os.path.join(events_dir, event)
zeta_file = os.path.join(event_dir, 'h_eta_small.npy')
zeta = load(zeta_file)

Write out to text file

Either of the approaches above could be used, e.g.

In [ ]:
fname = '%s.txt' % event
data_array = vstack((x, y, zeta)).T
savetxt(fname, data_array, fmt='%24.10f')
print("Created file ", os.path.abspath(fname))

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