In [ ]:
%pylab inline
In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
from ptha_paths import data_dir, events_dir
In [ ]:
import sys, os
from ipywidgets import interact
from IPython.display import Image, display
In [ ]:
# Read in topography data:
fixed_grid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'MapsTopo', 'fixedgrid_xyB_small.npy')
topo = reshape(B, (250,250), order='F')
X = reshape(x, (250,250), order='F')
Y = reshape(y, (250,250), order='F')
def plot_topo():
fig = figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = axes()
topo_clines = arange(0,20,2)
CClatitude = 41.75 # to rescale longitude
ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.))
return fig
In [ ]:
CCmap = imread('%s/MapsTopo/CCimage.png' % data_dir)
extent = (235.79781, 235.82087, 41.739671,41.762726) #small region
def plot_CCmap():
fig = figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = axes()
CClatitude = 41.75 # to rescale longitude
ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.))
return fig
This should be a list or array of values $\zeta$ (zeta
) representing depth of flooding on shore, or elevation above sea level offshore (in meters). The hazard curves will be computed by determining the annual probability that the maximum $\zeta$ observed at each spatial point is above $\zeta_k$, for each value $\zeta_k$ in this list.
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# these levels were used in original study:
#zeta = hstack((arange(0,2.,.1), arange(2.0,12.5,.5)))
# you get nicer looking curves by using a denser set of exceedance values:
zeta = linspace(0,12,121)
nzeta = len(zeta)
print('%i exceedance values, \nzeta = %s' % (nzeta,zeta))
Note that we are only using 14 events for this workshop. The probabilities have been adjusted accordingly.
is a Python dictionary. It is initialized to an empty dictionary and then we set event_prob[key] = value
where the keys are the names of the hypothetical events and the associated value is the annual probability.
In [ ]:
all_events = ['AASZa', 'AASZb', 'AASZc', 'AASZd', 'CSZa', 'CSZb', 'CSZc', 'CSZd', 'CSZe', \
'CSZf', 'KmSZa', 'KrSZa', 'SChSZa', 'TOHa']
event_prob = {}
event_prob['AASZa'] = 1./394.
event_prob['AASZb'] = 1./750.
event_prob['AASZc'] = 1./563.
event_prob['AASZd'] = 1./324.
event_prob['CSZa'] = 1./250. * .0125
event_prob['CSZb'] = 1./250. * .0125
event_prob['CSZc'] = 1./250. * .0750
event_prob['CSZd'] = 1./250. * .5000
event_prob['CSZe'] = 1./250. * .1750
event_prob['CSZf'] = 1./250. * .2250
event_prob['KmSZa'] = 1./50.
event_prob['KrSZa'] = 1./167.
event_prob['SChSZa'] = 1./300.
event_prob['TOHa'] = 1./103.
print("Annual probability of each event is set to:")
In [ ]:
def combine_prob(p1,p2):
"""Returns the probability that event 1 or 2 happens"""
return 1. - (1-p1)*(1-p2)
In [ ]:
events = all_events
# Instead, to use a subset of the events, specify a list such as:
#events = ['AASZa', 'AASZb', 'AASZc']
In [ ]:
nx, ny = X.shape # note that X is a 2d array of longitude values at each point
exceed_prob = zeros((nx,ny,nzeta)) # initialize to zero
# loop over all events and update exceed_prob at each grid point by combining
# current value with the probability Pk of this event:
for event in events:
event_dir = os.path.join(events_dir, event)
hmax_file = os.path.join(event_dir, 'h_eta_small.npy')
hmax = load(hmax_file)
Hmax = hmax.reshape((nx,ny),order='F')
for k in range(nzeta):
Pk = exceed_prob[:,:,k] # probabilities at all points for one exceedance value zeta_k
exceed_prob[:,:,k] = where(Hmax > zeta[k], combine_prob(event_prob[event],Pk), Pk)
print("Computed exceedance probabilities. \nMaximum over all grid points is %g" % exceed_prob.max())
The array exceed_prob[i,j,:]
(i.e. fixing i,j and letting the last index k vary from 0 to nzeta - 1
) gives the probability of exceedance at the (i,j)
grid point as we vary the exceedance value zeta[k]
. Plotting this gives exactly the hazard curve at the (i,j)
The function plot_hcurve
defined below plots this for a given (longitude, latitude)
by first figuring out the index (i,j)
for the nearest point on the grid covering Crescent City.
In [ ]:
dx = X[1,0] - X[0,0]
dy = Y[0,1] - Y[0,0]
nx, ny = X.shape
xmin = X.min(); xmax = X.max()
ymin = Y.min(); ymax = Y.max()
def plot_hcurve(longitude, latitude):
i = int(round((longitude - X[0,0]) / dx))
j = int(round((latitude - Y[0,0]) / dy))
if (i<0) or (i>=nx) or (j<0) or (j>=ny):
print("out of domain")
fig = figure(figsize=(12,5))
p = maximum(exceed_prob[i,j,:], 1e-10)
semilogy(zeta, p, 'b')
xlabel('zeta in meters')
ylabel('annual probability')
title('Hazard Curve')
# Also plot the CC image with a red dot showing the location:
ax = subplot(1,2,2)
CClatitude = 41.75 # to rescale longitude
ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.))
plot([longitude], [latitude], 'ro')
In [ ]:
fig = plot_hcurve(235.805, 41.75)
In [ ]:
interact(plot_hcurve, longitude=(xmin,xmax,.001),latitude=(ymin,ymax,0.001))
If we fix k
then exceed_prob[:,:,k]
is a two dimensional array giving the probability of exceedance at all points on the grid for a fixed exceedance level zeta[k]
. We can plot this to obtain a hazard map showing probabilities for a given exceedance value.
will be the probability levels to use in contour maps
will define the color map to use. This is a list of tuples (R,G,B) of red,green,blue values, chosen to go from light blue to red.
Note: The function plot_pmap
defined in the cell below uses the exceedance probabilities exceed_prob
computed above. If you recompute these (e.g. by changing the set of events to include, or the probabilities of individual events), you must re-execute this cell to redefine plot_pmap
before re-making the plots in later cells!
In [ ]:
prob_clines = [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 2e-3, 1e-2, 2e-2, 1e-1]
nlines = len(prob_clines)
n1 = int(floor((nlines-1)/2.))
n2 = nlines - 1 - n1
Green = hstack([linspace(1,1,n1),linspace(1,0,n2)])
Red = hstack([linspace(0,0.8,n1), ones(n2)])
Blue = hstack([linspace(1,0.2,n1), zeros(n2)])
prob_colors = list(zip(Red,Green,Blue))
color_offscale = (.5,0,0) # color to use if above maximum
# Choose the background for plots by uncommenting one line:
background = plot_CCmap
#background = plot_topo
def plot_pmap(k):
fig = background()
contourf(X,Y,exceed_prob[:,:,k], prob_clines, colors=prob_colors,alpha = 0.6, extend='max')
title("Annual probability of flooding above %g meters" % zeta[k])
In [ ]:
k = 13
print('This should plot a probability map for exceedance value zeta[%i] = %g m' % (k,zeta[k]))
fig = plot_pmap(k)
In [ ]:
interact(plot_pmap, k=(0,nzeta-1,1));
A more commonly used map is obtained by fixing a probability (e.g. $p = 0.01$ for a "100-year" flood map) and plotting the maximum depth expected with this annual probability.
This requires determining, for each grid point (i,j)
, the largest value of k
for which exceed_prob[k]
$\geq p$. Then the value zeta[k]
is the largest exceedance value for which the probability is at least $p$.
Recall that zeta
is defined to be maximum depth of inundation on shore, or maximum height above MHW offshore.
Note: The functions compute_zeta
and plot_inundation_map
defined in the cell below uses the exceedance probabilities exceed_prob
computed above. If you recompute these (e.g. by changing the set of events to include, or the probabilities of individual events), you must re-execute this cell to redefine the functions before re-making the plots in later cells!
In [ ]:
def compute_zeta(p):
# create boolean array K with K[i,j,k] == True only where exceed_prob[i,j,k] > p:
K = exceed_prob > p
K[:,:,0] = True
zeta_p = zeros(X.shape)
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny):
zeta_p[i,j] = zeta[K[i,j,:]][-1]
return zeta_p
# Set contour lines and colors for plotting zeta = inundation depth
zeta_clines = [1e-3] + list(linspace(0.5,4.5,9))
nlines = len(zeta_clines)
n1 = int(floor((nlines-1)/2.))
n2 = nlines - 1 - n1
Green = hstack([linspace(1,1,n1),linspace(1,0,n2)])
Red = hstack([linspace(0,0.8,n1), ones(n2)])
Blue = hstack([linspace(1,0.2,n1), zeros(n2)])
zeta_colors = list(zip(Red,Green,Blue))
color_offscale = (.5,0,0) # color to use if above maximum
# Choose the background for plots by uncommenting one line:
background = plot_CCmap
#background = plot_topo
def plot_inundation_map(p):
zeta_p = compute_zeta(p)
fig =background()
contourf(X,Y,zeta_p,zeta_clines, colors=zeta_colors, alpha = 0.6, extend='max')
title("Depth of flooding for annual probability %g\nReturn time %5.0f years" % (p, (1./p)))
In [ ]:
fig = plot_inundation_map(0.002)
In [ ]:
interact(plot_inundation_map, p=(0.00025,0.01,0.00025));
The notebook Make_Transects.ipynb shows how to plot transects of these maps.
See Contents.ipynb for other notebooks.
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