Make Hazard Curves and Maps

This notebook illustrates how to make hazard curves and hazard maps by combining results from several events.

First set up some things needed in notebook....

In [ ]:
%pylab inline

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function
from ptha_paths import data_dir, events_dir

In [ ]:
import sys, os
from ipywidgets import interact
from IPython.display import Image, display

Read in the topography data and define a function to make a contour plot:

In [ ]:
# Read in topography data:

fixed_grid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'MapsTopo', 'fixedgrid_xyB_small.npy')
topo = reshape(B, (250,250), order='F')
X = reshape(x, (250,250), order='F')
Y = reshape(y, (250,250), order='F')

def plot_topo():
    fig = figure(figsize=(6,6))
    ax = axes()
    topo_clines = arange(0,20,2)
    CClatitude = 41.75  # to rescale longitude
    ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.)) 
    return fig

Read in image of Crescent City as background for plots

In [ ]:
CCmap = imread('%s/MapsTopo/CCimage.png' % data_dir)
extent = (235.79781, 235.82087, 41.739671,41.762726)   #small region

def plot_CCmap():
    fig = figure(figsize=(6,6))
    ax = axes()
    CClatitude = 41.75  # to rescale longitude
    ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.)) 
    return fig

Set the exceedance values

This should be a list or array of values $\zeta$ (zeta) representing depth of flooding on shore, or elevation above sea level offshore (in meters). The hazard curves will be computed by determining the annual probability that the maximum $\zeta$ observed at each spatial point is above $\zeta_k$, for each value $\zeta_k$ in this list.

In [ ]:
# these levels were used in original study:
#zeta = hstack((arange(0,2.,.1), arange(2.0,12.5,.5))) 

# you get nicer looking curves by using a denser set of exceedance values:
zeta = linspace(0,12,121)
nzeta = len(zeta)
print('%i exceedance values, \nzeta =  %s' % (nzeta,zeta))

Set the desired annual probability for each event

Note that we are only using 14 events for this workshop. The probabilities have been adjusted accordingly.

event_prob is a Python dictionary. It is initialized to an empty dictionary and then we set event_prob[key] = value where the keys are the names of the hypothetical events and the associated value is the annual probability.

In [ ]:
all_events = ['AASZa', 'AASZb', 'AASZc', 'AASZd', 'CSZa', 'CSZb', 'CSZc', 'CSZd', 'CSZe', \
              'CSZf', 'KmSZa', 'KrSZa', 'SChSZa', 'TOHa']

event_prob = {}
event_prob['AASZa'] = 1./394.
event_prob['AASZb'] = 1./750.
event_prob['AASZc'] = 1./563.
event_prob['AASZd'] = 1./324.
event_prob['CSZa'] = 1./250. * .0125
event_prob['CSZb'] = 1./250. * .0125
event_prob['CSZc'] = 1./250. * .0750
event_prob['CSZd'] = 1./250. * .5000
event_prob['CSZe'] = 1./250. * .1750
event_prob['CSZf'] = 1./250. * .2250
event_prob['KmSZa'] = 1./50.
event_prob['KrSZa'] = 1./167.
event_prob['SChSZa'] = 1./300.
event_prob['TOHa'] = 1./103.

print("Annual probability of each event is set to:")

Define a function to combine two events

In [ ]:
def combine_prob(p1,p2):
    """Returns the probability that event 1 or 2 happens"""
    return 1. - (1-p1)*(1-p2)

Specify the set of events to include in computing hazard curves:

In [ ]:
events = all_events

# Instead, to use a subset of the events, specify a list such as:
#events = ['AASZa', 'AASZb', 'AASZc']

Compute the combined probability of exceeding each exceedance value:

exceed_prob is computed as an array of shape

In [ ]:
nx, ny = X.shape  # note that X is a 2d array of longitude values at each point
exceed_prob = zeros((nx,ny,nzeta))  # initialize to zero

# loop over all events and update exceed_prob at each grid point by combining
# current value with the probability Pk of this event:

for event in events:
    event_dir = os.path.join(events_dir, event)
    hmax_file = os.path.join(event_dir, 'h_eta_small.npy')
    hmax = load(hmax_file)
    Hmax = hmax.reshape((nx,ny),order='F')
    for k in range(nzeta):
        Pk = exceed_prob[:,:,k]  # probabilities at all points for one exceedance value zeta_k
        exceed_prob[:,:,k] = where(Hmax > zeta[k], combine_prob(event_prob[event],Pk), Pk)
print("Computed exceedance probabilities.  \nMaximum over all grid points is %g" % exceed_prob.max())

Plot hazard curves

The array exceed_prob[i,j,:] (i.e. fixing i,j and letting the last index k vary from 0 to nzeta - 1) gives the probability of exceedance at the (i,j) grid point as we vary the exceedance value zeta[k]. Plotting this gives exactly the hazard curve at the (i,j) point.

The function plot_hcurve defined below plots this for a given (longitude, latitude) by first figuring out the index (i,j) for the nearest point on the grid covering Crescent City.

In [ ]:
dx = X[1,0] - X[0,0]
dy = Y[0,1] - Y[0,0]
nx, ny = X.shape
xmin = X.min(); xmax = X.max()
ymin = Y.min(); ymax = Y.max()

def plot_hcurve(longitude, latitude):
    i = int(round((longitude - X[0,0]) / dx))
    j = int(round((latitude - Y[0,0]) / dy))
    if (i<0) or (i>=nx) or (j<0) or (j>=ny):
        print("out of domain")
    fig = figure(figsize=(12,5))
    p = maximum(exceed_prob[i,j,:], 1e-10)
    semilogy(zeta, p, 'b')
    xlabel('zeta in meters')
    ylabel('annual probability')
    title('Hazard Curve')
    # Also plot the CC image with a red dot showing the location:
    ax = subplot(1,2,2)
    CClatitude = 41.75  # to rescale longitude
    ax.set_aspect(1. / cos(pi*CClatitude/180.)) 
    plot([longitude], [latitude], 'ro')

Plot the hazard curve for one location:

In [ ]:
fig = plot_hcurve(235.805, 41.75)

Interactive viewer to move the point around:

In [ ]:
interact(plot_hcurve, longitude=(xmin,xmax,.001),latitude=(ymin,ymax,0.001))

Hazard Maps

If we fix k then exceed_prob[:,:,k] is a two dimensional array giving the probability of exceedance at all points on the grid for a fixed exceedance level zeta[k]. We can plot this to obtain a hazard map showing probabilities for a given exceedance value.

Define contours and colors and a function to plot probability maps

prob_clines will be the probability levels to use in contour maps

prob_colors will define the color map to use. This is a list of tuples (R,G,B) of red,green,blue values, chosen to go from light blue to red.

Note: The function plot_pmap defined in the cell below uses the exceedance probabilities exceed_prob computed above. If you recompute these (e.g. by changing the set of events to include, or the probabilities of individual events), you must re-execute this cell to redefine plot_pmap before re-making the plots in later cells!

In [ ]:
prob_clines = [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 2e-3, 1e-2, 2e-2, 1e-1]
nlines = len(prob_clines)
n1 = int(floor((nlines-1)/2.))
n2 = nlines - 1 - n1

Green = hstack([linspace(1,1,n1),linspace(1,0,n2)])
Red = hstack([linspace(0,0.8,n1), ones(n2)])
Blue = hstack([linspace(1,0.2,n1), zeros(n2)])
prob_colors = list(zip(Red,Green,Blue))

color_offscale = (.5,0,0)  # color to use if above maximum

# Choose the background for plots by uncommenting one line:
background = plot_CCmap
#background = plot_topo

def plot_pmap(k):
    fig = background()
    contourf(X,Y,exceed_prob[:,:,k], prob_clines, colors=prob_colors,alpha = 0.6, extend='max')
    title("Annual probability of flooding above %g meters" % zeta[k])

Plot a sample probability map for one exceendance value:

In [ ]:
k = 13
print('This should plot a probability map for exceedance value zeta[%i] = %g m' % (k,zeta[k]))
fig = plot_pmap(k)

Interactive viewer of all hazard maps:

In [ ]:
interact(plot_pmap, k=(0,nzeta-1,1));

Inundation maps for given probability:

A more commonly used map is obtained by fixing a probability (e.g. $p = 0.01$ for a "100-year" flood map) and plotting the maximum depth expected with this annual probability.

This requires determining, for each grid point (i,j), the largest value of k for which exceed_prob[k] $\geq p$. Then the value zeta[k] is the largest exceedance value for which the probability is at least $p$.

Recall that zeta is defined to be maximum depth of inundation on shore, or maximum height above MHW offshore.

Note: The functions compute_zeta and plot_inundation_map defined in the cell below uses the exceedance probabilities exceed_prob computed above. If you recompute these (e.g. by changing the set of events to include, or the probabilities of individual events), you must re-execute this cell to redefine the functions before re-making the plots in later cells!

In [ ]:
def compute_zeta(p):

    # create boolean array K with K[i,j,k] == True only where exceed_prob[i,j,k] > p:
    K = exceed_prob > p

    K[:,:,0] = True
    zeta_p = zeros(X.shape)
    for i in range(nx):
        for j in range(ny):
            zeta_p[i,j] = zeta[K[i,j,:]][-1]
    return zeta_p

# Set contour lines and colors for plotting zeta = inundation depth 

zeta_clines = [1e-3] + list(linspace(0.5,4.5,9))
nlines = len(zeta_clines)
n1 = int(floor((nlines-1)/2.))
n2 = nlines - 1 - n1
Green = hstack([linspace(1,1,n1),linspace(1,0,n2)])
Red = hstack([linspace(0,0.8,n1), ones(n2)])
Blue = hstack([linspace(1,0.2,n1), zeros(n2)])
zeta_colors = list(zip(Red,Green,Blue))
color_offscale = (.5,0,0)  # color to use if above maximum

# Choose the background for plots by uncommenting one line:
background = plot_CCmap
#background = plot_topo

def plot_inundation_map(p):
    zeta_p = compute_zeta(p)
    fig =background()
    contourf(X,Y,zeta_p,zeta_clines, colors=zeta_colors, alpha = 0.6, extend='max')
    title("Depth of flooding for annual probability %g\nReturn time %5.0f years" % (p, (1./p)))

Plot a sample map:

In [ ]:
fig = plot_inundation_map(0.002)

Interactive viewer for a range of probabilities:

In [ ]:
interact(plot_inundation_map, p=(0.00025,0.01,0.00025));

Next steps:

The notebook Make_Transects.ipynb shows how to plot transects of these maps.

See Contents.ipynb for other notebooks.

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