Store the data to HDF5 file for rapid analysis and calculation

  • This tutorial discuss the analyses that can be performed using the dnaMD Python module included in the _do_x3dna_ package. The tutorial is prepared using Jupyter Notebook and this notebook tutorial file could be downloaded from this link.
  • Download the input files that are used in the tutorial from this link.
  • Two following input files are required in this tutorial

    • L-BP_cdna.dat
    • L-BPS_cdna.dat
    • L-BPH_cdna.dat
    • HelAxis_cdna.dat
    • MGroove_cdna.dat
    • BackBoneCHiDihedrals_cdna.dat

      These files should be present inside tutorial_data of the current/present working directory.

  • The Python APIs should be only used when do_x3dna is executed with -ref option.
  • Detailed documentation is provided here.

Importing Python Modules

  • numpy: Required for the calculations involving large arrays
  • dnaMD: Python module to analyze DNA/RNA structures from the do_x3dna output files.

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dnaMD
%matplotlib inline


Initializing DNA object with HDF5 file

  • DNA object is initialized by using the total number of base-pairs

To store the data in HDF5 file, just initialize the class with the filename as shown below. Here, we named the HDF5 file as cdna.h5.

NOTE: Except initialization, all other methods and functions can be used in similar ways.

In [2]:
# Initialization
dna = dnaMD.DNA(60, filename='cdna.h5')     #Initialization for 60 base-pairs DNA bound with the protein

Store/Save data to HDF5 file

No extra step neccessary to store the data in HDF5 file. Just read the parameters from do_x3dna output files as described in previous tutorials.

In [3]:
# Read Local base-pair parameters
dna.set_base_pair_parameters('tutorial_data/L-BP_cdna.dat', bp=[1, 60], bp_range=True)

# Read Local base-step parameters
dna.set_base_step_parameters('tutorial_data/L-BPS_cdna.dat', bp_step=[1, 59], parameters='All', step_range=True)

# Read Local helical base-step parameters
dna.set_base_step_parameters('tutorial_data/L-BPH_cdna.dat', bp_step=[1, 59], parameters='All', step_range=True, helical=True)

# Read Helical axis

# Generate global axis by interpolation (smoothening)
dna.generate_smooth_axis(smooth=500, spline=3, fill_point=6)

# Calculate curvature and tangent along global helical axis

# Major and minor grooves 
parameters = [ 'minor groove', 'minor groove refined', 'major groove', 'major groove refined' ]
dna.set_major_minor_groove('tutorial_data/MGroove_cdna.dat', bp_step=[1, 59], parameters=parameters, step_range=True)

#Backbone dihedrals
dna.set_backbone_dihedrals('tutorial_data/BackBoneCHiDihedrals_cdna.dat', bp=[2, 59], parameters='All', bp_range=True)

Reading file : tutorial_data/L-BP_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001

Reading file : tutorial_data/L-BPS_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001

Reading file : tutorial_data/L-BPH_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001

Reading file : tutorial_data/HelAxis_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001
|frame:       526| WARNING: Bending angle [-1-0-1] = 20.14 is more than cut-off angle 20;
                     Four maximum distances between three adjacent axis positions = (16.4, 14.4, 13.9, 13.5);
                     Deleting [45, 46] original helical axis positions to remove possible fitting artifact...
|frame:       549| WARNING: Bending angle [-1-0-1] = 27.93 is more than cut-off angle 20;
                     Four maximum distances between three adjacent axis positions = (21.0, 19.1, 15.9, 15.3);
                     Deleting [2, 3] original helical axis positions to remove possible fitting artifact...
|frame:       636| WARNING: Bending angle [-1-0-1] = 33.38 is more than cut-off angle 20;
                     Four maximum distances between three adjacent axis positions = (14.9, 14.6, 14.2, 13.8);
                     Deleting [5, 6] original helical axis positions to remove possible fitting artifact...
|frame:       640| WARNING: Bending angle [-1-0-1] = 28.03 is more than cut-off angle 20;
                     Four maximum distances between three adjacent axis positions = (16.9, 14.0, 13.4, 13.4);
                     Deleting [2, 3] original helical axis positions to remove possible fitting artifact...
/home/rajendra/workspace/github/do_x3dna/dnaMD/dnaMD/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
/home/rajendra/workspace/github/do_x3dna/dnaMD/dnaMD/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
/home/rajendra/workspace/github/do_x3dna/dnaMD/dnaMD/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
Fitting spline curve on helcial axis of frame 1000 out of 1001 frames
Finished spline curve fitting...

Reading file : tutorial_data/MGroove_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001

Reading file : tutorial_data/BackBoneCHiDihedrals_cdna.dat
Reading frame 1000
Finishid reading.... Total number of frame read =  1001

Example to extract a parameter

As shown previously here, data can be extracted from HDF5 by same way as shown in the following.

Also, see that plot is similar.

Note that in this case, data is read from the HDF5 file, while in the previous tutorial, data was stored in memory (RAM).

In [4]:
# Extracting "Shear" of 22nd bp
shear_20bp =['bp']['22']['shear']

#Shear vs Time for 22nd bp
plt.title('22nd bp')
plt.plot(dna.time, shear_20bp)
plt.xlabel('Time (ps)')
plt.ylabel('Shear ($\AA$)')

Example to extract parameter as a function of time

As shown previously here), smae method (dnaMD.DNA.time_vs_parameter(...)) can be used to get parameter values as a function of time.

Also, see that plot is similar.

Note that in this case, data is read from the HDF5 file, while in the previous tutorial, data was stored in memory (RAM).

In [6]:
# Rise vs Time for 25-40 bp segment
plt.title('Rise for 25-40 bp segment')

# Rise is the distance between two base-pairs, so for a given segment it is sum over the base-steps
time, value = dna.time_vs_parameter('rise', [25, 40], merge=True, merge_method='sum')
plt.plot(time, value, label='bound DNA', c='k')

plt.xlabel('Time (ps)')
plt.ylabel('Rise ( $\AA$)')

In [ ]: