\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS that \'s progress : when we prove things wrong . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS isn \'t the progress : if we prove that \'s really wrong . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
isn & 0.001 & 0.001 &
that(3.984, 0.157)\,there(3.163, 0.003)\,of(3.135, 0.002)\,let(3.114, 0.003)\,it(3.103, 0.082) \\
\'t & 0.139 & 0.982 &
that(2.735, 0.006)\,this(2.422, 0.004)\,the(2.402, 0.002)\,\'t(2.356, 0.982)\,about(2.251, 0.003) \\
the & 0.385 & 0.025 &
sharing(2.666, 0.001)\,progress(2.411, 0.108)\,possible(2.231, 0.003)\,when(2.178, 0.001)\,that(2.144, 0.288) \\
progress & 0.436 & 0.552 &
difference(1.713, 0.005)\,concept(1.694, 0.007)\,health(1.673, 0.004)\,program(1.624, 0.002)\,progress(1.607, 0.552) \\
: & 0.624 & 0.843 &
:(1.777, 0.843)\,when(1.440, 0.004)\,if(1.338, 0.004)\,--(1.216, 0.006)\,happens(1.066, 0.002) \\
if & 0.205 & 0.368 &
when(2.476, 0.211)\,whenever(1.253, 0.003)\,where(1.100, 0.002)\,especially(1.059, 0.003)\,if(1.059, 0.368) \\
we & 0.262 & 0.791 &
we(0.700, 0.791)\,prove(0.654, 0.005)\,if(0.587, 0.003)\,that(0.524, 0.010)\,case(0.494, 0.008) \\
prove & 0.427 & 0.657 &
prove(0.529, 0.657)\,realized(0.493, 0.004)\,found(0.482, 0.009)\,learned(0.475, 0.007)\,emphasize(0.346, 0.003) \\
that & 0.145 & 0.482 &
things(1.568, 0.030)\,wrong(0.889, 0.002)\,something(0.426, 0.090)\,evidence(0.333, 0.007)\,that(0.148, 0.482) \\
\'s & 0.301 & 0.103 &
.(0.182, 0.003)\,wrong(0.088, 0.009)\,coke(-0.025, 0.001)\,\'s(-0.079, 0.103)\,things(-0.132, 0.071) \\
really & -0.282 & 0.000 &
wrong(-0.182, 0.363)\,somewhat(-0.276, 0.003)\,things(-0.290, 0.001)\,happening(-0.346, 0.001)\,that(-0.400, 0.004) \\
wrong & -0.150 & 0.789 &
surprising(-0.052, 0.001)\,wrong(-0.374, 0.789)\,something(-0.469, 0.030)\,fake(-0.537, 0.002)\,a(-0.585, 0.008) \\
. & 0.003 & 0.983 &
.(0.004, 0.983)\,?(-0.445, 0.006)\,there(-0.464, 0.001)\,with(-0.484, 0.005) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
EOS (0.003, 1.000) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS my home would have to be whatever i carried around inside me . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS wish , back in my home , and in me , whatever i \'m doing , right ? EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
wish & 0.000 & 0.000 &
my(2.759, 0.463)\,of(2.641, 0.001)\,and(2.444, 0.096)\,thankfully(2.424, 0.002)\,oh(2.407, 0.003) \\
, & 0.039 & 0.569 &
home(2.368, 0.012)\,he(2.249, 0.002)\,went(2.213, 0.001)\,all(2.195, 0.003)\,my(2.133, 0.095) \\
back & 0.203 & 0.009 &
he(2.133, 0.001)\,my(2.064, 0.718)\,since(2.036, 0.003)\,home(2.027, 0.013)\,it(1.996, 0.012) \\
in & 0.236 & 0.093 &
it(1.750, 0.001)\,is(1.745, 0.001)\,there(1.738, 0.004)\,with(1.726, 0.004)\,to(1.721, 0.136) \\
my & 0.349 & 0.389 &
whatever(1.514, 0.026)\,india(1.444, 0.001)\,there(1.336, 0.001)\,our(1.329, 0.024)\,this(1.305, 0.004) \\
home & 0.531 & 0.785 &
head(1.179, 0.001)\,home(1.023, 0.785)\,age(0.942, 0.001)\,place(0.937, 0.005)\,office(0.925, 0.001) \\
, & 0.198 & 0.977 &
whatever(0.818, 0.002)\,that(0.721, 0.003)\,is(0.578, 0.001)\,and(0.361, 0.005)\,was(0.309, 0.001) \\
and & 0.138 & 0.054 &
whatever(0.741, 0.459)\,anyway(0.507, 0.005)\,have(0.502, 0.001)\,everything(0.472, 0.001)\,it(0.466, 0.005) \\
in & 0.092 & 0.002 &
whatever(0.324, 0.116)\,it(0.259, 0.011)\,anyway(0.241, 0.004)\,my(0.229, 0.003)\,all(0.210, 0.004) \\
me & 0.195 & 0.206 &
argentina(0.466, 0.001)\,it(0.171, 0.003)\,\'(0.169, 0.003)\,any(0.131, 0.001)\,me(0.089, 0.206) \\
, & 0.034 & 0.677 &
.(0.349, 0.003)\,whatever(0.181, 0.003)\,it(0.033, 0.003)\,there(-0.012, 0.122)\,all(-0.050, 0.002) \\
whatever & 0.130 & 0.304 &
whatever(-0.043, 0.304)\,anyway(-0.187, 0.003)\,everything(-0.245, 0.001)\,it(-0.259, 0.008)\,since(-0.286, 0.004) \\
i & 0.337 & 0.917 &
.(-0.022, 0.005)\,it(-0.137, 0.021)\,else(-0.229, 0.003)\,there(-0.278, 0.003)\,he(-0.328, 0.002) \\
\'m & -0.185 & 0.201 &
gave(-0.253, 0.001)\,went(-0.254, 0.002)\,go(-0.267, 0.002)\,give(-0.271, 0.002)\,want(-0.285, 0.001) \\
doing & -0.159 & 0.041 &
involved(-0.024, 0.001)\,around(-0.084, 0.002)\,wearing(-0.110, 0.018)\,down(-0.187, 0.002)\,walking(-0.210, 0.002) \\
, & -0.139 & 0.015 &
.(-0.078, 0.022)\,?(-0.192, 0.002)\,there(-0.194, 0.007)\,it(-0.200, 0.009)\,them(-0.212, 0.001) \\
right & -0.122 & 0.145 &
anyway(-0.175, 0.016)\,including(-0.191, 0.001)\,ok(-0.210, 0.002)\,it(-0.212, 0.013)\,whatever(-0.270, 0.002) \\
? & -0.108 & 0.563 &
anyway(0.061, 0.001)\,.(0.038, 0.047)\,it(-0.001, 0.002)\,around(-0.043, 0.006)\,there(-0.044, 0.076) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.997 &
EOS (0.001, 0.997)\,i(-0.487, 0.001) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS their relationship is a love story that feeds the earth . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS more is a forecast who entered the earth . the camp . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
more & 0.000 & 0.004 &
relationship(3.897, 0.002)\,their(3.874, 0.322)\,of(3.393, 0.001)\,this(3.271, 0.022)\,a(3.259, 0.013) \\
is & 0.109 & 0.388 &
relationship(3.857, 0.160)\,importantly(3.450, 0.117)\,is(3.285, 0.388)\,their(3.120, 0.004)\,openness(3.087, 0.013) \\
a & 0.529 & 0.633 &
a(3.405, 0.633)\,is(3.110, 0.002)\,this(2.700, 0.004)\,with(2.606, 0.001)\,kind(2.604, 0.001) \\
forecast & 0.430 & 0.006 &
love(3.063, 0.004)\,library(2.862, 0.002)\,feminine(2.854, 0.001)\,relationship(2.762, 0.234)\,trillion(2.561, 0.002) \\
who & 0.339 & 0.002 &
is(1.811, 0.003)\,relationship(1.748, 0.003)\,journey(1.709, 0.002)\,survey(1.708, 0.001)\,that(1.686, 0.106) \\
entered & 0.236 & 0.002 &
feeds(1.537, 0.004)\,envision(1.329, 0.001)\,perceives(1.313, 0.009)\,believes(1.275, 0.002)\,founded(1.267, 0.004) \\
the & 0.286 & 0.630 &
the(0.906, 0.630)\,that(0.758, 0.001)\,this(0.689, 0.004)\,earth(0.628, 0.355)\,a(0.624, 0.002) \\
earth & 0.443 & 0.936 &
earth(0.804, 0.936)\,ground(0.372, 0.002)\,world(0.309, 0.036)\,way(0.270, 0.001)\,globe(0.218, 0.001) \\
. & 0.881 & 0.672 &
.(0.553, 0.672)\,that(0.466, 0.040)\,with(0.368, 0.013)\,earth(0.350, 0.001)\,this(0.260, 0.002) \\
the & 0.030 & 0.012 &
\"(0.077, 0.004)\, EOS (-0.003, 0.958)\,the(-0.104, 0.012)\,this(-0.217, 0.004)\,right(-0.218, 0.002) \\
camp & -0.004 & 0.000 &
earth(0.104, 0.798)\,gap(0.030, 0.001)\,u.s.(-0.161, 0.003)\,soil(-0.203, 0.006)\,ground(-0.245, 0.002) \\
. & -0.288 & 0.938 &
EOS (-0.002, 0.001)\,earth(-0.091, 0.002)\,here(-0.298, 0.002)\,.(-0.325, 0.938)\,is(-0.443, 0.013) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.999 &
EOS (-0.001, 0.999) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS i took this video in cape town last year . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS i took the last video last year in l.a. . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
i & 0.001 & 0.616 &
and(5.019, 0.145)\,i(4.886, 0.616)\,but(4.602, 0.006)\,so(4.447, 0.068)\,because(4.374, 0.002) \\
took & 0.218 & 0.880 &
took(6.204, 0.880)\,started(4.730, 0.001)\,saw(4.714, 0.003)\,showed(4.351, 0.007)\,built(4.246, 0.002) \\
the & 0.603 & 0.025 &
this(5.624, 0.912)\,video(3.523, 0.004)\,that(3.468, 0.033)\,it(3.261, 0.002)\,a(3.200, 0.007) \\
last & 0.538 & 0.570 &
video(2.320, 0.367)\,final(2.298, 0.008)\,following(2.283, 0.002)\,last(2.256, 0.570)\,latest(2.170, 0.003) \\
video & 0.442 & 0.654 &
last(1.814, 0.016)\,video(1.683, 0.654)\,year(1.587, 0.219)\,clip(1.540, 0.012)\,shot(1.538, 0.001) \\
last & 0.233 & 0.274 &
in(1.597, 0.178)\,installed(1.346, 0.002)\,shot(1.286, 0.015)\,last(1.114, 0.274)\,laboratory(1.090, 0.001) \\
year & 0.480 & 0.988 &
year(1.145, 0.988)\,video(0.894, 0.001)\,week(0.749, 0.004) \\
in & 0.183 & 0.725 &
.(0.935, 0.035)\,in(0.381, 0.725)\,for(0.375, 0.010)\,we(0.233, 0.002)\,with(0.140, 0.003) \\
l.a. & 0.030 & 0.070 &
town(0.626, 0.018)\,offices(0.452, 0.001)\,downtown(0.448, 0.003)\,afghanistan(0.427, 0.007)\,hospitals(0.409, 0.001) \\
. & 0.087 & 0.197 &
spills(0.164, 0.001)\,haiti(0.094, 0.001)\,.(0.034, 0.197)\, EOS (-0.001, 0.297)\,last(-0.064, 0.005) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.999 &
EOS (-0.000, 0.999) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS this animation from my friends at proton studios shows looking at the big bang from the outside . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS we touched this from of friends . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
we & 0.000 & 0.008 &
this(3.002, 0.395)\,of(2.867, 0.002)\,from(2.851, 0.009)\,at(2.835, 0.002)\,and(2.835, 0.090) \\
touched & 0.004 & 0.002 &
reuse(3.052, 0.003)\,pump(2.981, 0.001)\,converted(2.954, 0.002)\,from(2.921, 0.004)\,learn(2.852, 0.005) \\
this & 0.068 & 0.125 &
at(2.795, 0.002)\,from(2.692, 0.387)\,by(2.661, 0.087)\,videos(2.661, 0.004)\,between(2.586, 0.001) \\
from & 0.168 & 0.399 &
series(2.724, 0.021)\,from(2.642, 0.399)\,email(2.635, 0.002)\,by(2.576, 0.337)\,talk(2.552, 0.001) \\
of & 0.209 & 0.008 &
mythology(3.058, 0.002)\,prehistoric(2.971, 0.001)\,tens(2.804, 0.007)\,email(2.535, 0.002)\,perspectives(2.491, 0.001) \\
friends & 0.262 & 0.582 &
meetings(2.437, 0.002)\,thousands(2.275, 0.007)\,from(2.244, 0.004)\,paintings(2.211, 0.005)\,millions(2.166, 0.002) \\
. & 0.259 & 0.035 &
at(2.532, 0.012)\,tracking(2.277, 0.001)\,looking(2.264, 0.006)\,by(2.035, 0.003)\,between(2.020, 0.002) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.221 &
at(2.011, 0.008)\,slices(1.987, 0.002)\,looking(1.979, 0.001)\,maths(1.922, 0.001)\,by(1.794, 0.003) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS 1900s : maybe one percent . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS there may an land that is perhaps one percent . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
there & 0.045 & 0.008 &
or(2.710, 0.002)\,one(2.690, 0.003)\,UNK(2.670, 0.053)\,a(2.651, 0.005)\,\"(2.594, 0.002) \\
may & 0.646 & 0.192 &
maybe(2.689, 0.033)\,UNK(2.468, 0.002)\,was(2.347, 0.120)\,will(2.205, 0.005)\,has(2.201, 0.001) \\
an & 0.638 & 0.004 &
one(1.951, 0.002)\,maybe(1.707, 0.004)\,include(1.589, 0.018)\,add(1.310, 0.001)\,seem(1.305, 0.002) \\
land & 0.136 & 0.001 &
one(1.071, 0.002)\,maybe(0.877, 0.024)\,election(0.736, 0.049)\,47(0.733, 0.001)\,enormous(0.675, 0.003) \\
that & 0.038 & 0.181 &
fluke(0.617, 0.001)\,maybe(0.515, 0.118)\,mining(0.363, 0.003)\,percent(0.305, 0.008)\,breakdown(0.246, 0.001) \\
is & -0.018 & 0.048 &
one(0.867, 0.005)\,maybe(0.527, 0.209)\,requires(0.419, 0.001)\,percent(0.089, 0.004)\,live(0.069, 0.002) \\
perhaps & -0.236 & 0.366 &
maybe(0.004, 0.152)\,one(-0.013, 0.033)\,less(-0.129, 0.001)\,needed(-0.258, 0.003)\,like(-0.412, 0.006) \\
one & 0.033 & 0.349 &
one(0.582, 0.349)\,maybe(0.418, 0.003)\,less(0.165, 0.003)\,percent(0.148, 0.014)\,94(0.116, 0.004) \\
percent & 0.203 & 0.992 &
percent(0.669, 0.992)\,.(-0.075, 0.002) \\
. & 0.391 & 0.919 &
.(0.529, 0.919)\,percent(-0.016, 0.001)\,one(-0.168, 0.022)\,place(-0.200, 0.001)\,for(-0.357, 0.002) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.999 &
EOS (0.003, 0.999) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS you need to know how to tell a story . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS well you have to know how to tell you . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
well & 0.001 & 0.002 &
you(5.061, 0.936)\,we(4.645, 0.012)\,and(4.297, 0.010)\,so(4.235, 0.005)\,i(4.197, 0.003) \\
you & 0.166 & 0.601 &
you(4.693, 0.601)\,we(4.353, 0.014)\,needless(4.303, 0.001)\,to(4.178, 0.005)\,they(4.114, 0.002) \\
have & 0.458 & 0.717 &
need(6.184, 0.174)\,really(3.863, 0.002)\,can(3.793, 0.001)\,know(3.757, 0.021)\,have(3.755, 0.717) \\
to & 0.439 & 0.997 &
to(3.424, 0.997) \\
know & 0.640 & 0.785 &
know(3.351, 0.785)\,need(2.562, 0.008)\,tell(2.488, 0.003)\,learn(1.974, 0.006)\,remember(1.897, 0.001) \\
how & 0.974 & 0.908 &
how(3.127, 0.908)\,where(1.608, 0.005)\,what(1.399, 0.020)\,--(1.300, 0.002)\,a(1.104, 0.006) \\
to & 1.551 & 0.843 &
to(3.753, 0.843)\,a(1.119, 0.065)\,we(1.039, 0.001)\,it(1.019, 0.026)\,many(1.015, 0.002) \\
tell & 1.475 & 0.924 &
tell(2.578, 0.924)\,a(1.208, 0.002)\,be(1.051, 0.002)\,give(0.700, 0.002)\,make(0.694, 0.012) \\
you & 0.064 & 0.420 &
a(2.580, 0.235)\,story(0.445, 0.002)\,your(0.435, 0.002)\,.(0.408, 0.129)\,them(0.399, 0.011) \\
. & 0.185 & 0.289 &
a(0.619, 0.646)\,.(0.001, 0.289)\,story(-0.303, 0.006)\,this(-0.638, 0.001)\,the(-0.789, 0.004) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.992 &
EOS (-0.002, 0.992)\,story(-1.052, 0.005) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS but you can go beyond that . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS but you know it out beyond that . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
but & 0.022 & 0.885 &
you(2.808, 0.045)\,but(2.730, 0.885)\,and(2.706, 0.027)\,well(2.450, 0.002)\,can(2.303, 0.003) \\
you & 0.716 & 0.629 &
you(3.758, 0.629)\,if(2.673, 0.004)\,as(2.537, 0.001)\,we(2.456, 0.029)\,do(2.443, 0.001) \\
know & 0.939 & 0.002 &
can(3.423, 0.953)\,know(1.854, 0.002)\,\'ll(1.842, 0.002)\,could(1.732, 0.006)\,may(1.711, 0.002) \\
it & 0.333 & 0.020 &
can(0.878, 0.004)\,beyond(0.811, 0.037)\,that(0.802, 0.084)\,nothing(0.750, 0.004)\,something(0.722, 0.004) \\
out & 0.157 & 0.014 &
go(0.584, 0.032)\,outside(0.531, 0.010)\,beyond(0.510, 0.133)\,further(0.380, 0.021)\,happens(0.370, 0.003) \\
beyond & 0.212 & 0.422 &
further(0.232, 0.004)\,.(0.224, 0.051)\,today(0.200, 0.002)\,that(0.172, 0.008)\,outside(0.124, 0.002) \\
that & 0.387 & 0.446 &
that(0.795, 0.446)\,scale(0.069, 0.004)\,.(0.003, 0.178)\,stuff(-0.004, 0.001)\,others(-0.013, 0.001) \\
. & 0.428 & 0.994 &
.(0.294, 0.994)\,?(-0.016, 0.001)\,,(-0.960, 0.002) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
EOS (0.001, 1.000) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS and like , knock like a woodpecker on my door until i opened it up . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS and he UNK like a UNK brought to my closed until i gave it a new way . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
and & 0.000 & 0.948 &
and(2.696, 0.948)\,it(2.406, 0.003)\,he(2.397, 0.037)\,so(2.314, 0.002) \\
he & 0.012 & 0.795 &
like(3.024, 0.001)\,there(2.727, 0.001)\,by(2.589, 0.002)\,on(2.585, 0.001)\,when(2.489, 0.002) \\
UNK & 0.114 & 0.168 &
knocked(3.009, 0.002)\,showed(2.841, 0.002)\,feels(2.836, 0.008)\,felt(2.786, 0.004)\,said(2.782, 0.012) \\
like & 0.229 & 0.393 &
on(2.513, 0.016)\,like(2.326, 0.393)\,by(2.311, 0.001)\,there(2.274, 0.003)\,wire(2.259, 0.002) \\
a & 0.414 & 0.453 &
a(2.044, 0.453)\,swimming(1.965, 0.001)\,\"(1.873, 0.006)\,it(1.864, 0.003)\,leaping(1.839, 0.002) \\
UNK & 0.292 & 0.175 &
slap(2.107, 0.001)\,lawn(2.098, 0.001)\,shop(2.046, 0.010)\,two-wheeler(2.036, 0.001)\,mercedes-benz(1.949, 0.002) \\
brought & 0.245 & 0.000 &
on(1.653, 0.008)\,climb(1.509, 0.001)\,door(1.492, 0.131)\,alley(1.466, 0.002)\,address(1.402, 0.001) \\
to & 0.195 & 0.387 &
on(1.215, 0.009)\,door(1.152, 0.003)\,by(1.079, 0.002)\,up(1.053, 0.064)\,mine(0.983, 0.006) \\
my & 0.244 & 0.972 &
her(0.652, 0.004)\,this(0.625, 0.001)\,my(0.614, 0.972)\,the(0.560, 0.007)\,me(0.487, 0.005) \\
closed & 0.117 & 0.000 &
throat(1.050, 0.001)\,until(0.832, 0.001)\,address(0.802, 0.001)\,door(0.792, 0.673)\,head(0.694, 0.017) \\
until & 0.175 & 0.397 &
until(0.485, 0.397)\,him(0.455, 0.002)\,door(0.448, 0.006)\,up(0.386, 0.003)\,when(0.357, 0.002) \\
i & 0.375 & 0.805 &
i(0.584, 0.805)\,we(0.380, 0.004)\,until(0.323, 0.003)\,his(0.282, 0.003)\,he(0.246, 0.026) \\
gave & 0.045 & 0.013 &
opened(0.857, 0.008)\,wished(0.500, 0.001)\,just(0.479, 0.005)\,meet(0.459, 0.011)\,knocked(0.432, 0.001) \\
it & 0.110 & 0.234 &
up(0.181, 0.024)\,.(0.087, 0.001)\,them(0.038, 0.024)\,him(0.032, 0.632)\,it(0.001, 0.234) \\
a & 0.011 & 0.072 &
up(0.474, 0.052)\,.(0.008, 0.023)\,very(0.003, 0.002)\,it(-0.010, 0.006)\,down(-0.035, 0.004) \\
new & -0.001 & 0.012 &
cd(-0.079, 0.001)\,piece(-0.091, 0.023)\,side(-0.094, 0.001)\,ruler(-0.096, 0.002)\,year(-0.104, 0.002) \\
way & -0.157 & 0.397 &
coat(0.222, 0.005)\,angle(-0.042, 0.002)\,break(-0.046, 0.004)\,.(-0.065, 0.014)\,cover(-0.077, 0.002) \\
. & -0.071 & 0.817 &
.(-0.043, 0.817)\,there(-0.176, 0.003)\,him(-0.220, 0.005)\,of(-0.265, 0.004)\,ago(-0.302, 0.001) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 0.997 &
EOS (0.000, 0.997)\,\"(-0.048, 0.002) \\
\mathbf{Groundtruth} & \textrm{ BOS you don \'t have to remember that part , but trust me . EOS }\\
\mathbf{Prediction} & \textrm{ BOS that \'s what you have to think , though , but there you can think . EOS }
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Reward} & \textrm{Actor prob}. & \textrm{Critic best Q} \\
BOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
BOS (1.261, 1.000) \\
that & 0.000 & 0.052 &
you(4.612, 0.401)\,don(4.216, 0.010)\,if(3.903, 0.002)\,and(3.741, 0.055)\,we(3.738, 0.008) \\
\'s & 0.046 & 0.558 &
don(4.072, 0.040)\,you(3.894, 0.076)\,they(3.251, 0.021)\,wouldn(3.144, 0.001)\,,(3.099, 0.021) \\
what & 0.241 & 0.102 &
don(3.906, 0.004)\,you(2.864, 0.047)\,they(2.689, 0.001)\,why(2.665, 0.005)\,still(2.568, 0.005) \\
you & 0.341 & 0.624 &
you(2.490, 0.624)\,we(2.346, 0.017)\,they(2.261, 0.256)\,i(2.186, 0.007)\,to(1.969, 0.008) \\
have & 0.355 & 0.130 &
don(3.559, 0.432)\,have(2.001, 0.130)\,didn(1.969, 0.005)\,can(1.922, 0.015)\,want(1.848, 0.006) \\
to & 0.560 & 0.910 &
to(1.820, 0.910)\,doesn(1.392, 0.005)\,you(1.307, 0.001)\,at(1.278, 0.001)\,,(1.223, 0.025) \\
think & 0.225 & 0.025 &
don(1.700, 0.007)\,remember(1.450, 0.708)\,have(1.404, 0.001)\,accept(1.354, 0.002)\,listen(1.342, 0.004) \\
, & 0.247 & 0.496 &
,(1.005, 0.496)\,:(0.942, 0.005)\,you(0.882, 0.043)\,we(0.825, 0.001)\,if(0.801, 0.005) \\
though & 0.109 & 0.129 &
don(0.835, 0.004)\,but(0.785, 0.702)\,\"(0.692, 0.003)\,doesn(0.516, 0.001)\,you(0.504, 0.017) \\
, & 0.068 & 0.911 &
you(0.468, 0.030)\,it(0.270, 0.010)\,,(0.242, 0.911)\,they(0.233, 0.008)\,that(0.153, 0.001) \\
but & 0.372 & 0.179 &
trust(0.792, 0.054)\,but(0.445, 0.179)\,personally(0.384, 0.003)\,let(0.319, 0.012)\,see(0.306, 0.001) \\
there & 0.017 & 0.001 &
trust(1.637, 0.050)\,forgive(0.792, 0.011)\,please(0.629, 0.003)\,me(0.478, 0.002)\,interests(0.405, 0.001) \\
you & -0.002 & 0.476 &
me(0.104, 0.012)\,.(-0.052, 0.058)\,?(-0.082, 0.004)\,you(-0.117, 0.476)\,for(-0.164, 0.001) \\
can & -0.192 & 0.039 &
trust(0.183, 0.020)\,forgive(0.088, 0.005)\,don(0.002, 0.016)\,listen(-0.001, 0.002)\,ask(-0.057, 0.002) \\
think & -0.166 & 0.102 &
me(0.014, 0.068)\,trust(0.004, 0.017)\,join(-0.054, 0.003)\,ask(-0.098, 0.001)\,.(-0.124, 0.197) \\
. & -0.074 & 0.451 &
.(-0.067, 0.451)\,me(-0.089, 0.004)\,?(-0.165, 0.005)\,you(-0.212, 0.004)\,for(-0.229, 0.003) \\
EOS & 0.000 & 1.000 &
EOS (0.002, 1.000) \\