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Follow these steps to create soil files from SSURGO datset for EPIC:
1. Modify config_SSURGO.txt
2. Execute to create EPIC soil files, ieSlList.dat and merge all county SSURGO rasters to a
state-wide raster.
3. Execute to just create EPIC soil files only.
################################## config_SSURGO.txt #################################
project_name = OpenLands_LS ; Name of project directory (to be created within out_dir)
TAG = SSURGO ; A log file is created as Log_<TAG>.txt
LIST_STATES = ['wi','mn','mi'] ; List of states to process
base_dir = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\ ;
data_dir = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\Data\GIS\SSURGO ; Contains SSURGO input data
out_dir = C:\Users\ritvik\Documents\PhD\Projects\Lake_States\EPIC ;
ZERO_LINES = 23 ; Number of lines with zero's
SLLIST = ieSlList.dat ;
SIZE = 56 ; Resolution of soil raster
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from prettytable import PrettyTable
from prettytable import from_csv
fp = open('..\\Meta\\SSURGO_Soil_Params.csv','r')
pt = from_csv(fp)
print pt
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