Testing the Bessel Basis

In [1]:
import dvr_1d
%matplotlib inline

With a Morse potential

In [15]:
d = dvr_1d.BesselDVR(npts=100, R=20, dim=3, lam=0)
d.morse_test(xmax=20., ymax=0.5)

Testing 1-D DVR with a Morse potential
The first 5 energies are:
[-1.75751018 -0.76051377 -0.21815647 -0.00674606  0.05559304]

With a Woods-Saxon potential

In [11]:
d = dvr_1d.BesselDVR(npts=100, R=10, dim=3, lam=0)

Testing 1-D DVR with a Woods-Saxon potential
The first 5 energies are:
[-43.55090359 -36.58134219 -29.25606017 -21.92813792 -14.94875837]

In [ ]: