Notebook name:
- Ariella Gladstein - @agladstein : population genetics, biology, high performance computing, programming
- Blake Joyce - @bjoyce3 : biology, genetics, ecology, python, cyber infrastructure, docker
- Marnee Dearnman - @MarneeDear : python, F#, functional programming, .NET
- Julian Pistorius - @julianpistorius : python, data streaming with kafka,
- Heather Lent - @hclent : natural language processing, machine learning, python, scala
- Uwe Hilgert @uhilgert: STEM training, software carpentry, data carpentry, education
- Project managment for Bisque
- Binary, bit arrays, etc
- Agriculture ODIN grammar
Project managment for Bisque
- Blake worked on project management for Bisque
Binary, bit arrays, etc
- Ariella and Julian discussed approaches for Ariella's work using bit arrays
Agriculture ODIN grammar
- Heather reviewed failing tests for her ODIN grammar
Software Carpentry
- Blake, Uwe, and Heather discussed 2 upcomming SC events
- The SC happening Aug 26th and 27th
- The SC happening September 9th and 10th for Human Language Technology (HLT)
- Discussed use of Google forms for application, and the questions that should go there
- Discussed collaboration for SC for digital humanities
- Discussed details for HLT SC workshop
- I didn't catch what @MarneeDear was working on :'( Someone please update these meeting notes!