Overlaying point-observations with expert range-maps

The two main sources of global species datasets are GBIF and IUCN. GBIF provides point-observations of species occurrences, while IUCN provides range-maps (geometrical shapes/polygons) of potential species occurrence, based on expertise.

In some situations, we may want to restrict (overlay, clip) the point-observations to the range maps area. For example, because certain point-observations are obviously wrong/inacurate, or outliers. We will use the species Graptemys oculifera (turtles) as a running example, as it exists in both sources.

just some logging/plotting magic to output in this notebook, nothing to care about.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import logging
root = logging.getLogger()

1. Find and download all matching species data from GBIF.

In [2]:
from iSDM.species import GBIFSpecies
gbif_species = GBIFSpecies(name_species="Graptemys oculifera")

Loading species ... 
Number of occurrences: 164 
Loaded species: ['Graptemys oculifera'] 
accessrights associatedsequences basisofrecord bibliographiccitation catalognumber class classkey collectioncode collectionid continent ... type typestatus typifiedname verbatimcoordinatesystem verbatimelevation verbatimeventdate verbatimlocality verbatimtaxonrank vernacularname year
0 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 172126 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2013-05-27 NaN NaN NaN 2013.0
1 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166440 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2010-05-20 NaN NaN NaN 2010.0
2 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 34-789 Reptilia 358 LA-NHP NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2010.0
3 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166433 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2008-05-26 NaN NaN NaN 2008.0
4 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166434 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2008-05-26 NaN NaN NaN 2008.0

5 rows × 118 columns

In [3]:

Saved data: /home/daniela/git/iSDM/notebooks/Graptemys oculifera2443106.pkl 
Type of data: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 

Let's get a general idea of where the species is distributed on the map

In [4]:

Data geometrized: converted into GeoPandas dataframe.
Points with NaN coordinnates ignored. 

The map is always zoomed to the species borders.

Notice the information "Points with NaN coordinnates ignored." Some records may be missing the most essential latitude/longitude information, and those are filtered out in the process of plotting. To explicitely filter such records out, you can also do:

In [5]:
gbif_species.geometrize(dropna=True) # converts the lat/lon columns into a geometrical Point, for each record

Data geometrized: converted into GeoPandas dataframe.
Points with NaN coordinnates ignored. 

In [6]:
gbif_species.get_data().head() # notice the last 'geometry' column added now

accessrights associatedsequences basisofrecord bibliographiccitation catalognumber class classkey collectioncode collectionid continent ... typestatus typifiedname verbatimcoordinatesystem verbatimelevation verbatimeventdate verbatimlocality verbatimtaxonrank vernacularname year geometry
0 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 172126 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2013-05-27 NaN NaN NaN 2013.0 POINT (-90.36156 31.26969)
1 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166440 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2010-05-20 NaN NaN NaN 2010.0 POINT (-90.25060999999999 31.11566)
3 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166433 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2008-05-26 NaN NaN NaN 2008.0 POINT (-90.09295 31.84567)
4 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 166434 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2008-05-26 NaN NaN NaN 2008.0 POINT (-89.99353000000001 31.88526)
5 NaN NaN UNKNOWN NaN 159534 Reptilia 358 Herp NaN NORTH_AMERICA ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2008-06-18 NaN NaN NaN 2008.0 POINT (-89.65921 30.36236)

5 rows × 119 columns

In [7]:
gbif_species.get_data().shape # there are 40 records left (containing lat/lon) at this point.

(40, 119)

2. Load data from IUCN, and find particular species.

In [8]:
from iSDM.species import IUCNSpecies
iucn_species = IUCNSpecies(name_species='Graptemys oculifera')

Loading data from: ../data/FW_TURTLES/FW_TURTLES.shp
The shapefile contains data on 181 species.

There are rangemaps for 181 species. Lets filter out only those for our turtles.

In [9]:
iucn_species.find_species_occurrences()  # IUCN datasets have a 'geometry' column

Loaded species: ['Graptemys oculifera'] 
binomial category citation class_name compiler dist_comm family_nam genus_name geometry id_no ... presence seasonal shape_area shape_leng source species_na subpop subspecies tax_comm year
6 Graptemys oculifera VU CRF REPTILIA Rhodin None EMYDIDAE Graptemys POLYGON ((-89.12554931640625 33.19378662109375... 9499.0 ... 1.0 1.0 2.01769 10.636744 CBFTT oculifera None None None 2013.0

1 rows × 26 columns

In [10]:
iucn_species.plot_species_occurrence() # the rangemap seems to be around the same area as the point-records

Finally, let's overlay the point-records with the range-maps. This will filter-out only the point records that belong to the rangemap area.

Just for backup, lets copy the records before filtering out.

In [11]:
backup_gbif_species = gbif_species.get_data().copy()

In [12]:

Overlayed species occurrence data with the given range map.

How many records are left after filtering out?

In [13]:
gbif_species.get_data().shape # 39 records, so one unlucky observation falls outside the rangemap

(39, 119)

In [14]:

It seems like the bottom-left point from above (In [4]), was removed.

It's easy to plot both filtered datasets (IUCN and GBIF) on a single map. They are both geopandas datastructures, so they have a geometry column, which is all we need. Geometries can be directly plotted with .plot()

In [15]:
gbif_species_geometry = gbif_species.get_data().geometry
iucn_species_geometry = iucn_species.get_data().geometry

In [62]:
from geopandas import GeoSeries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
combined_geometries = GeoSeries(gbif_species_geometry.append(iucn_species_geometry))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f5d3e1c2278>

In [56]:

0             POINT (-90.36156 31.26969)
1    POINT (-90.25060999999999 31.11566)
3             POINT (-90.09295 31.84567)
4    POINT (-89.99353000000001 31.88526)
5             POINT (-89.65921 30.36236)
Name: geometry, dtype: object

In [57]:

6    POLYGON ((-89.12554931640625 33.19378662109375...
Name: geometry, dtype: object

Remember we backed up the GBIF data before overlaying, so let's also map it together with the rangemap, to see exactly what got left out.

In [63]:
combined_geometries = GeoSeries(backup_gbif_species.geometry.append(iucn_species_geometry))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f5d3dff0198>

See that point in the lower-left corner?

In [ ]:

In [ ]: