Table Conversions

In [1]:
import requests

In [2]:
from io import BytesIO

In [3]:
import pandas as pd

In [4]:
spreadsheet_url = ""

In [5]:
stream = requests.get("{0}/export?format=xlsx".format(spreadsheet_url))

In [6]:
full_table = pd.read_excel(BytesIO(stream.content), sheetname="Project-DB")

In [7]:

url title kind area status description logo hashtags categories orgacontact_name ... code_repository programming_languages languages organization_type organization_name code_license releasedate entrydate software_development_needs random_generated_key
0 Afeefa website Dresden NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... NaN NaN information, map, event, donation, material NaN ... NaN NaN German, English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Serbia... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Asyl in Mönchengladbach website Mönchengladbach NaN Vernetzungsportal für Hilfsangebote und Hilfes... NaN NaN coordination, donation, volunteer, information NaN ... NaN NaN Google Translate NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Trace the face website international NaN A number of National Red Cross Societies in Eu... NaN NaN coordination, family reunion, NaN ... NaN NaN English, Arabic, French, Spanish NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 Germany Says Welcome Website, App, Germany NaN Helping refugees by providing a map with all a... NaN NaN information, map, volunteer, refugee NaN ... NaN Weblanguages, Android Framework, Java (so far) English, German (Translation part is Arabic too) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 Moin Refugees! App Hamburg so far NaN Help refugees and helpers communicate via the ... NaN NaN instant help NaN ... NaN Objective-C, Java EE English, german NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 32 columns

In [8]:
curated = full_table[:38]

In [9]:

Index(['url', 'title', 'kind', 'area', 'status', 'description', 'logo',
       'hashtags', 'categories', 'orgacontact_name', 'orgacontact_email',
       'orgacontact_language', 'contact_email', 'contact_phone',
       'contact_socialmedia_fb', 'contact_socialmedia_twitter',
       'contact_adress_street', 'contact_adress_housenr',
       'contact_adress_postalcode', 'contact_adress_city',
       'contact_adress_state', 'contact_adress_country', 'code_repository',
       'programming_languages', 'languages', 'organization_type',
       'organization_name', 'code_license', 'releasedate', 'entrydate',
       'software_development_needs', 'random_generated_key'],

The following columns are ignored for later processing:

  • kind, is a category
  • area, is geospatial information
  • status, has categories
  • hashtags, become project tags
  • categories, need to be merged with our list
  • orgacontact_*, will become part of contact information
  • contact_*, will become part of contact information
  • programming_languages, are categories
  • languages, part of contact details
  • organization_type, is a category
  • entrydate, automatic DB entry
  • software_development_needs, is now a Boolean 'dev_support_needed' combined with categories of platform, etc.
  • random_generated_key, should be part of the user information who is entitled to modifying the DB

Create Primary 'projects' Table

In [10]:
matching = {
    "url": "web_url",
    "title": "title",
    "description": "description_content",
    "logo": "logo_url",
    "code_repository": "repository_url",
    "organization_name": "organization_name",
    "code_license": "code_license",
    "releasedate": "publishedAt"

In [11]:
projects_columns = ["id", "user_id", "title", "description_tech", "description_content",
              "code_license", "data_license", "logo_url", "web_url", "repository_url",
              "organization_name", "dev_support_needed", "general_support_needed",
              "publishedAt", "createddAt", "updatedAt"]

In [12]:
projects_export = curated[list(matching.keys())].copy()
projects_export.columns = [matching[key] for key in projects_export.columns]
projects_export["id"] = projects_export.index + 1

In [13]:
for key in projects_columns:
    if key not in projects_export.columns:
        projects_export[key] = None

In [14]:

repository_url web_url code_license title logo_url publishedAt organization_name description_content id user_id description_tech data_license dev_support_needed general_support_needed createddAt updatedAt
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None
1 NaN NaN Asyl in Mönchengladbach NaN NaN NaN Vernetzungsportal für Hilfsangebote und Hilfes... 2 None None None None None None None
2 NaN NaN Trace the face NaN NaN NaN A number of National Red Cross Societies in Eu... 3 None None None None None None None
3 NaN NaN Germany Says Welcome NaN NaN NaN Helping refugees by providing a map with all a... 4 None None None None None None None
4 NaN NaN Moin Refugees! NaN NaN NaN Help refugees and helpers communicate via the ... 5 None None None None None None None

In [15]:
projects_export.to_csv("projects.csv", index=False, header=False, columns=projects_columns)

Create 'contact_informations'

In [ ]:

Create 'projects_categories' Table

In [16]:
s = pd.DataFrame(curated["categories"].str.split(',').tolist()).stack()

0  0    information
   1            map
   2          event
   3       donation
   4       material
dtype: object

In [17]:
s.index = s.index.droplevel(-1)

In [18]: = 'category'

In [19]:

0    information
0            map
0          event
0       donation
0       material
Name: category, dtype: object

In [27]:
category_join = projects_export.join(s)

In [28]:

repository_url web_url code_license title logo_url publishedAt organization_name description_content id user_id description_tech data_license dev_support_needed general_support_needed createddAt updatedAt category
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None information
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None map
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None event
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None donation
0 NaN NaN Afeefa NaN NaN NaN commented map for Dresden, including lots of d... 1 None None None None None None None material

Load categories. Create dict to ID. Columns:

  1. project_id
  2. category_node_id

In [22]:
category_nodes_translations_columns = ["id", "category_node_id", "title", "locale"]

In [23]:
categories_german = pd.read_csv("category_nodes_translations.csv", header=None, names=category_nodes_translations_columns)

In [24]:

id category_node_id title locale
0 1 1 ... de
1 2 2 Abschiebung de
2 3 3 Ankunft de
3 4 4 Arbeit de
4 5 5 Art d. V. de

In [25]:
title2id = dict(categories_german[["title", "category_node_id"]].itertuples(index=False))

Try to find categories from project table in the existing list. Will probably introduce a lot of missing values. A real string search (using different languages) would yield better results.

In [29]:
category_join["category_node_id"] = [title2id.get(category) for category in category_join["category"]]

In [32]:
project_categories_export = category_join[["id", "category_node_id", "category"]].copy()

In [34]:
project_categories_export.rename(columns={"id": "project_id"}, inplace=True)

In [36]:

project_id category_node_id category

Empty table.