In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge, LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures, StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from os.path import exists
import qgrid as qgrid
In [4]:
# consts for column names
score_code_col = 'DistrictCode'
staff_code_col = 'DCODE'
subject_col = 'Subject Name'
grade_col = 'Grade'
subgroup_col = 'Subgroup'
num_students_col = 'Number Tested'
proficient_col = 'Percent Proficient'
avg_score_col = 'Average Scaled Score'
stddev_col = 'Standard Deviation'
num_teachers_col = 'TEACHER'
num_librarians_col = 'LIB_SPEC'
num_library_support_col = 'LIB_SUPP'
In [5]:
# basic database creation and loading funcs
# hdf is very fast but requires extra installs
# hdf5 from homebrew/science tap, tables from pip
# clean junk here
def cleanData(combined):
combined.drop(staff_code_col, 1, inplace=True)
# look at scores on district level only
combined = combined[combined['BuildingName'] == 'All Buildings']
combined.drop('BuildingName', 1, inplace=True)
# Old format listed small number of students as '< 10' and lists no results,
# drop these
if combined.dtypes[num_students_col] == 'O':
combined = combined[combined[num_students_col] != '< 10']
# New formats list small proficiencies as '< 5%'
# Round to 5 to convert to numeric.
if combined.dtypes[proficient_col] == 'O':
percent_idx = combined[proficient_col] == '< 5%'
combined.loc[percent_idx, proficient_col] = 5
combined.loc[:, num_students_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[num_students_col])
combined.loc[:, proficient_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[proficient_col])
combined.loc[:, avg_score_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[avg_score_col])
combined.loc[:, stddev_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[stddev_col])
# replace NAN librarian cells with 0
combined.loc[:, num_teachers_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
combined.loc[:, num_librarians_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
combined.loc[:, num_library_support_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
return combined
# I/O here
hdf_key = 'table'
def buildAndSaveCombinedSet(meap_csv, staff_csv, hdf_file):
scores = pd.read_csv(meap_csv)
scores.drop('BuildingCode', 1, inplace=True)
staff = pd.read_csv(staff_csv)
staff.drop('DNAME', 1, inplace=True)
combined = pd.merge(scores, staff, left_on=score_code_col, right_on=staff_code_col)
combined = cleanData(combined)
combined.to_hdf(hdf_file, hdf_key, mode='w')
In [6]:
# build and load hdf5 for 12-13.
combined_12_hdf = 'all_data-12-13.hdf'
if not exists(combined_12_hdf):
buildAndSaveCombinedSet('csv/meap-12-13.csv', 'csv/staff-12-13.csv', combined_12_hdf)
combined_12 = pd.read_hdf(combined_12_hdf, hdf_key)
# print list of columns
In [6]:
# build and load hdf5 for 13-14.
combined_13_hdf = 'all_data-13-14.hdf'
if not exists(combined_13_hdf):
buildAndSaveCombinedSet('csv/meap-13-14.csv', 'csv/staff-13-14.csv', combined_13_hdf)
combined_13 = pd.read_hdf(combined_13_hdf, hdf_key)
# print list of columns
In [7]:
# print valid grades + subjects
# look at both together, as not all subjects are tested at each grade level
valid_grade_subject = list(combined_12.groupby([grade_col, subject_col], sort=True).groups.keys())
In [8]:
There are some weird schools. Detroit has way more teachers than every other school (2323.7), and one school has 0 teachers (but 3 career teachers).
In [7]:
all_subgroup = 'All Students'
poor_subgroup = 'Economically Disadvantaged'
In [8]:
# compare scores only within a single grade + subject combination
def examineFor(database, grade, subject, subgroup):
grouped = database.groupby([grade_col, subject_col, subgroup_col])
data = grouped.get_group((grade, subject, subgroup))
data = data.drop(grade_col, 1).drop(subject_col, 1).drop(subgroup_col, 1)
return data
In [10]:
# test with 8th grade reading.
data = examineFor(combined_12, 8, 'Reading', 'All Students')
In [11]:
# summary statistics
total = data.shape[0]
desc_data = data[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col,
stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]
In [20]:
# Librarian specific stats
idx_w_teachers = data[num_librarians_col] > 0
percent_w_teachers = np.sum(idx_w_teachers) / total
print("Percent of schools with librarians: " + str(percent_w_teachers))
scores_w = data[idx_w_teachers][avg_score_col]
scores_wo = data[idx_w_teachers == 0][avg_score_col]
print("Average score w librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_w)))
print("Average score wo librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_wo)))
percent_prof_w = data[idx_w_teachers][proficient_col]
percent_prof_wo = data[idx_w_teachers == 0][proficient_col]
avg_prof_w = np.average(percent_prof_w)
avg_prof_wo = np.average(percent_prof_wo)
print("Average proficiency w librarians: " + str(avg_prof_w))
print("Std: " + str(np.std(percent_prof_w)))
print("Average proficiency wo librarians: " + str(avg_prof_wo))
print("Std: " + str(np.std(percent_prof_wo)))
print("Diff: " + str((avg_prof_w / avg_prof_wo - 1) * 100) + "%")
print("Norm test on with: " + str(stats.normaltest(percent_prof_w)))
print("Norm test on without: " + str(stats.normaltest(percent_prof_wo)))
print("T-test: " + str(stats.ttest_ind(percent_prof_w, percent_prof_wo)))
In [11]:
# examining avg_score_col asks: do kids score better on average?
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=num_teachers_col, kind='scatter')
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=num_librarians_col, kind='scatter')
In [ ]:
In [12]:
# examining proficient_col asks: do more kids pass?
data.plot(x=proficient_col, y=num_teachers_col, kind='scatter')
data.plot(x=proficient_col, y=num_librarians_col, kind='scatter')
In [13]:
students_per_teacher_col = 'Students per teacher'
data.loc[:,students_per_teacher_col] = data[num_students_col].values / data[num_teachers_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=students_per_teacher_col, kind='scatter')
# since many districts have no librarians and dividing by zero is out
# use librarians / student instead of students / librarian
librarian_per_student_col = 'Librarians per student'
data.loc[:,librarian_per_student_col] = data[num_librarians_col].values / data[num_students_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=librarian_per_student_col, kind='scatter')
# add in library support
all_library_per_student_col = 'All Library Staff per student'
data.loc[:,all_library_per_student_col] = (data[num_librarians_col].values + data[num_library_support_col].values) / data[num_students_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=all_library_per_student_col, kind='scatter')
In [14]:
def runRegression(data, x_col, y_col, basis_degree=2):
''' From librarians / student predict the percent proficient.
scaler = StandardScaler()
model = make_pipeline(scaler,
x = data[librarian_per_student_col].values
X = x[:, np.newaxis]
y = data[y_col].values, y)
x_truth = scaler.fit_transform(X)
x_plot = np.linspace(x_truth.min(),x_truth.max(),1000)
X_plot = x_plot[:, np.newaxis]
y_plot = model.predict(X_plot)
plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label="prediction")
plt.scatter(x_truth, y, label="truth")
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
# ideally we'd get a second data set to score on
# different year, maybe
print('R^2: ' + str(model.score(X, y)))
In [15]:
runRegression(data, librarian_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
runRegression(data, librarian_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
runRegression(data, all_library_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
runRegression(data, all_library_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
Logistic regression
In [22]:
def logit(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def runLogistic(data, x_col, y_col, basis_degree=1, threshold=50):
''' From librarians / student predict the percent proficient.
scaler = StandardScaler()
regression = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=5, penalty='l2', solver='liblinear')
model = make_pipeline(scaler,
# PolynomialFeatures(basis_degree),
x = data[librarian_per_student_col].values
X = x[:, np.newaxis]
y = (data[y_col].values > threshold).astype('int'), y)
# plot
x_truth = scaler.transform(X)
x_plot = np.linspace(x_truth.min(),x_truth.max(),1000)
y_plot = logit(x_plot * regression.coef_ + regression.intercept_).ravel()
plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label="prediction")
plt.scatter(x_truth, y, label="truth")
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
# ideally we'd get a second data set to score on
# different year, maybe
print('Accuracy: ' + str(model.score(X, y)))
In [38]:
runLogistic(data, librarian_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1, 65)
#runLogistic(data, librarian_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
#runLogistic(data, all_library_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
#runLogistic(data, all_library_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
In [37]:
# For a given proficiency percentage: what percent of schools beat it?
proscr = data[proficient_col].values
above_fifty = np.sum((proscr > 65).astype('int'))
print(above_fifty / proscr.shape[0])
4th grade reading.
In [9]:
# test with 4th grade reading.
data4 = examineFor(combined_12, 4, 'Reading', 'All Students')
In [30]:
# summary statistics
total = data4.shape[0]
desc_data = data4[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col,
stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]
In [35]:
# Librarian specific stats
idx_w_teachers = data4[num_librarians_col] > 0
percent_w_teachers = np.sum(idx_w_teachers) / total
print("Percent of schools with librarians: " + str(percent_w_teachers))
scores_w = data4[idx_w_teachers][avg_score_col]
scores_wo = data4[idx_w_teachers == 0][avg_score_col]
print("Average score w librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_w)))
print("Average score wo librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_wo)))
percent_prof_w = data4[idx_w_teachers][proficient_col]
percent_prof_wo = data4[idx_w_teachers == 0][proficient_col]
avg_prof_w = np.average(percent_prof_w)
avg_prof_wo = np.average(percent_prof_wo)
print("Average proficiency w librarians: " + str(avg_prof_w))
print("Average proficiency wo librarians: " + str(avg_prof_wo))
print("Diff: " + str((avg_prof_w / avg_prof_wo - 1) * 100) + "%")
ttest_ind(percent_prof_w, percent_prof_wo)
In [10]:
# correlation b/w SES and librarians
data4Dis = examineFor(combined_12, 4, 'Reading', poor_subgroup)
desc_data4Dis = data4Dis[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col,
stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]
In [22]:
num_rich_schools = data4.shape[0] - data4Dis.shape[0]
not_rich_ids = data4Dis[score_code_col]
data4AllNotRich = data4[numpy.in1d(data4[score_code_col], not_rich_ids)]
print(numpy.all(data4AllNotRich[score_code_col] == data4Dis[score_code_col]))
percent_dis = np.divide(data4Dis[num_students_col], data4AllNotRich[num_students_col])
data4DisPlot = np.array([percent_dis, data4[num_librarians_col]])
plt.scatter(percent_dis, data4AllNotRich[num_librarians_col])