meap analysis

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Ridge, LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures, StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from os.path import exists
import qgrid as qgrid

In [4]:
# consts for column names
score_code_col = 'DistrictCode'
staff_code_col = 'DCODE'
subject_col = 'Subject Name'
grade_col = 'Grade'
subgroup_col = 'Subgroup'
num_students_col = 'Number Tested'
proficient_col = 'Percent Proficient'
avg_score_col = 'Average Scaled Score'
stddev_col = 'Standard Deviation'
num_teachers_col = 'TEACHER'
num_librarians_col = 'LIB_SPEC'
num_library_support_col = 'LIB_SUPP'

In [5]:
# basic database creation and loading funcs
# hdf is very fast but requires extra installs
# hdf5 from homebrew/science tap, tables from pip

# clean junk here
def cleanData(combined):
    combined.drop(staff_code_col, 1, inplace=True)
    # look at scores on district level only
    combined = combined[combined['BuildingName'] == 'All Buildings']
    combined.drop('BuildingName', 1, inplace=True)
    # Old format listed small number of students as '< 10' and lists no results,
    # drop these
    if combined.dtypes[num_students_col] == 'O':
        combined = combined[combined[num_students_col] != '< 10']

    # New formats list small proficiencies as '< 5%'
    # Round to 5 to convert to numeric.
    if combined.dtypes[proficient_col] == 'O':
        percent_idx = combined[proficient_col] == '< 5%'
        combined.loc[percent_idx, proficient_col] = 5
    combined.loc[:, num_students_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[num_students_col])
    combined.loc[:, proficient_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[proficient_col])
    combined.loc[:, avg_score_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[avg_score_col])
    combined.loc[:, stddev_col] = pd.to_numeric(combined[stddev_col])
    # replace NAN librarian cells with 0
    combined.loc[:, num_teachers_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    combined.loc[:, num_librarians_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    combined.loc[:, num_library_support_col].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    return combined

# I/O here
hdf_key = 'table'
def buildAndSaveCombinedSet(meap_csv, staff_csv, hdf_file):
    scores = pd.read_csv(meap_csv)
    scores.drop('BuildingCode', 1, inplace=True)

    staff = pd.read_csv(staff_csv)
    staff.drop('DNAME', 1, inplace=True)

    combined = pd.merge(scores, staff, left_on=score_code_col, right_on=staff_code_col)
    combined = cleanData(combined)
    combined.to_hdf(hdf_file, hdf_key, mode='w')


In [6]:
# build and load hdf5 for 12-13.
combined_12_hdf = 'all_data-12-13.hdf'
if not exists(combined_12_hdf):
    buildAndSaveCombinedSet('csv/meap-12-13.csv', 'csv/staff-12-13.csv', combined_12_hdf)

combined_12 = pd.read_hdf(combined_12_hdf, hdf_key)
# print list of columns

Index(['SchoolYear', 'ISDCode', 'ISDName', 'DistrictCode', 'DistrictName',
       'Grade', 'Subject Name', 'Subgroup', 'Number Tested',
       'Level 1 Proficient', 'Level 2 Proficient', 'Level 3 Proficient',
       'Level 4 Proficient', 'Percent Proficient', 'Average Scaled Score',
       'Standard Deviation', 'TEACHER', 'INST_AID', 'INST_SUP', 'GUIDANCE',


In [6]:
# build and load hdf5 for 13-14.
combined_13_hdf = 'all_data-13-14.hdf'
if not exists(combined_13_hdf):
    buildAndSaveCombinedSet('csv/meap-13-14.csv', 'csv/staff-13-14.csv', combined_13_hdf)

combined_13 = pd.read_hdf(combined_13_hdf, hdf_key)
# print list of columns

Index(['SchoolYear', 'ISDCode', 'ISDName', 'DistrictCode', 'DistrictName',
       'Grade', 'Subject Name', 'Subgroup', 'Number Tested',
       'Level 1 Proficient', 'Level 2 Proficient', 'Level 3 Proficient',
       'Level 4 Proficient', 'Percent Proficient',
       'Average Scaled Score (rounded)', 'TEACHER', 'INST_AID', 'INST_SUP',
       'SE_AID', 'SE_SUPP', 'SE_OTH', 'CT_TEACH', 'CONS', 'LEA_DIR', 'COORD',
       'SUPERVSR', 'SCH_DIR'],

In [7]:
# print valid grades + subjects
# look at both together, as not all subjects are tested at each grade level
valid_grade_subject = list(combined_12.groupby([grade_col, subject_col], sort=True).groups.keys())

[(3, 'Mathematics'),
 (3, 'Reading'),
 (4, 'Mathematics'),
 (4, 'Reading'),
 (4, 'Writing'),
 (5, 'Mathematics'),
 (5, 'Reading'),
 (5, 'Science'),
 (6, 'Mathematics'),
 (6, 'Reading'),
 (6, 'Social Studies'),
 (7, 'Mathematics'),
 (7, 'Reading'),
 (7, 'Writing'),
 (8, 'Mathematics'),
 (8, 'Reading'),
 (8, 'Science'),
 (9, 'Social Studies')]

In [8]:

dict_keys(['Hispanic', 'Male', 'Two or More Races', 'Not English Language Learners', 'American Indian or Alaskan Native', 'Female', 'All Students', 'White, not of Hispanic origin', 'Black, not of Hispanic origin', 'Not Economically Disadvantaged', 'Economically Disadvantaged', 'English Language Learners', 'Students with Disabilities', 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', 'Asian'])

There are some weird schools. Detroit has way more teachers than every other school (2323.7), and one school has 0 teachers (but 3 career teachers).

In [7]:
all_subgroup = 'All Students'
poor_subgroup = 'Economically Disadvantaged'

In [8]:
# compare scores only within a single grade + subject combination
def examineFor(database, grade, subject, subgroup):
    grouped = database.groupby([grade_col, subject_col, subgroup_col])

    data = grouped.get_group((grade, subject, subgroup))
    data = data.drop(grade_col, 1).drop(subject_col, 1).drop(subgroup_col, 1)
    return data

In [10]:
# test with 8th grade reading.
data = examineFor(combined_12, 8, 'Reading', 'All Students')

In [11]:
# summary statistics
total = data.shape[0]
desc_data = data[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col, 
                  stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]

Number Tested Percent Proficient Average Scaled Score Standard Deviation TEACHER LIB_SPEC LIB_SUPP
count 693.000000 693.000000 693.000000 693.000000 693.000000 693.000000 693.000000
mean 160.759019 62.277778 825.996349 23.131515 99.691905 0.798788 0.764012
std 237.327433 15.218558 9.062744 2.994371 152.289482 2.315006 2.008205
min 10.000000 0.000000 785.670000 11.480000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 47.000000 54.200000 821.280000 21.350000 30.510000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 88.000000 64.500000 826.990000 23.150000 55.670000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 183.000000 72.600000 831.340000 24.990000 111.560000 1.000000 0.500000
max 3132.000000 100.000000 850.670000 40.890000 2323.700000 25.700000 15.390000

In [20]:
# Librarian specific stats
idx_w_teachers = data[num_librarians_col] > 0
percent_w_teachers = np.sum(idx_w_teachers) / total
print("Percent of schools with librarians: " + str(percent_w_teachers))
scores_w = data[idx_w_teachers][avg_score_col]
scores_wo = data[idx_w_teachers == 0][avg_score_col]
print("Average score w librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_w)))
print("Average score wo librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_wo)))
percent_prof_w = data[idx_w_teachers][proficient_col]
percent_prof_wo = data[idx_w_teachers == 0][proficient_col]
avg_prof_w = np.average(percent_prof_w)
avg_prof_wo = np.average(percent_prof_wo)
print("Average proficiency w librarians: " + str(avg_prof_w))
print("Std: " + str(np.std(percent_prof_w)))
print("Average proficiency wo librarians: " + str(avg_prof_wo))
print("Std: " + str(np.std(percent_prof_wo)))
print("Diff: " + str((avg_prof_w / avg_prof_wo - 1) * 100) + "%")
print("Norm test on with: " + str(stats.normaltest(percent_prof_w)))
print("Norm test on without: " + str(stats.normaltest(percent_prof_wo)))
print("T-test: " + str(stats.ttest_ind(percent_prof_w, percent_prof_wo)))

Percent of schools with librarians: 0.336219336219

Average score w librarians: 828.458111588
Average score wo librarians: 824.749413043

Average proficiency w librarians: 65.9991416309
Std: 13.9403018773
Average proficiency wo librarians: 60.392826087
Std: 15.4729670524
Diff: 9.28308196055%

Norm test on with: NormaltestResult(statistic=26.253349855949203, pvalue=1.9913954616400677e-06)
Norm test on without: NormaltestResult(statistic=43.95504343865484, pvalue=2.8528805713026742e-10)
T-test: Ttest_indResult(statistic=4.6490953086250846, pvalue=3.9942978335124898e-06)

In [11]:
# examining avg_score_col asks: do kids score better on average?
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=num_teachers_col, kind='scatter')
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=num_librarians_col, kind='scatter')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1147ee438>

In [ ]:

In [12]:
# examining proficient_col asks: do more kids pass?
data.plot(x=proficient_col, y=num_teachers_col, kind='scatter')
data.plot(x=proficient_col, y=num_librarians_col, kind='scatter')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e2ac8d0>

In [13]:
students_per_teacher_col = 'Students per teacher'
data.loc[:,students_per_teacher_col] = data[num_students_col].values / data[num_teachers_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=students_per_teacher_col, kind='scatter')

# since many districts have no librarians and dividing by zero is out
# use librarians / student instead of students / librarian
librarian_per_student_col = 'Librarians per student'
data.loc[:,librarian_per_student_col] = data[num_librarians_col].values / data[num_students_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=librarian_per_student_col, kind='scatter')

# add in library support
all_library_per_student_col = 'All Library Staff per student'
data.loc[:,all_library_per_student_col] = (data[num_librarians_col].values + data[num_library_support_col].values) / data[num_students_col].values
data.plot(x=avg_score_col, y=all_library_per_student_col, kind='scatter')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11541e5f8>

In [14]:
def runRegression(data, x_col, y_col, basis_degree=2):
    ''' From librarians / student predict the percent proficient.
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    model = make_pipeline(scaler,
    x = data[librarian_per_student_col].values
    X = x[:, np.newaxis]
    y = data[y_col].values, y)
    x_truth = scaler.fit_transform(X)
    x_plot = np.linspace(x_truth.min(),x_truth.max(),1000)
    X_plot = x_plot[:, np.newaxis]
    y_plot = model.predict(X_plot)
    plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label="prediction")
    plt.scatter(x_truth, y, label="truth")
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
    # ideally we'd get a second data set to score on
    # different year, maybe
    print('R^2: ' + str(model.score(X, y)))

In [15]:
runRegression(data, librarian_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
runRegression(data, librarian_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
runRegression(data, all_library_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
runRegression(data, all_library_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)

R^2: 0.00546659277697
R^2: 0.0119010262896
R^2: 0.00546659277697
R^2: 0.0119010262896


Logistic regression

In [22]:
def logit(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

def runLogistic(data, x_col, y_col, basis_degree=1, threshold=50):
    ''' From librarians / student predict the percent proficient.
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    regression = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=5, penalty='l2', solver='liblinear')
    model = make_pipeline(scaler,
#                           PolynomialFeatures(basis_degree),
    x = data[librarian_per_student_col].values
    X = x[:, np.newaxis]
    y = (data[y_col].values > threshold).astype('int'), y)
    # plot
    x_truth = scaler.transform(X)
    x_plot = np.linspace(x_truth.min(),x_truth.max(),1000)
    y_plot = logit(x_plot * regression.coef_ + regression.intercept_).ravel()
    plt.plot(x_plot, y_plot, label="prediction")
    plt.scatter(x_truth, y, label="truth")
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
    # ideally we'd get a second data set to score on
    # different year, maybe
    print('Accuracy: ' + str(model.score(X, y)))

In [38]:
runLogistic(data, librarian_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1, 65)
#runLogistic(data, librarian_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)
#runLogistic(data, all_library_per_student_col, proficient_col, 1)
#runLogistic(data, all_library_per_student_col, avg_score_col, 1)

Accuracy: 0.558441558442

In [37]:
# For a given proficiency percentage: what percent of schools beat it?
proscr = data[proficient_col].values
above_fifty = np.sum((proscr > 65).astype('int'))

print(above_fifty / proscr.shape[0])


4th grade reading.

In [9]:
# test with 4th grade reading.
data4 = examineFor(combined_12, 4, 'Reading', 'All Students')

In [30]:
# summary statistics
total = data4.shape[0]
desc_data = data4[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col, 
                  stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]

Number Tested Percent Proficient Average Scaled Score Standard Deviation TEACHER LIB_SPEC LIB_SUPP
count 720.000000 720.000000 720.000000 720.000000 720.000000 720.000000 720.000000
mean 146.694444 64.525972 430.691889 25.327944 96.633528 0.778556 0.722792
std 230.119848 16.652309 10.671594 3.568205 150.201279 2.275024 1.958220
min 10.000000 11.800000 394.110000 13.460000 4.500000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 43.000000 55.300000 424.660000 23.157500 28.857500 0.000000 0.000000
50% 81.000000 67.500000 431.760000 25.455000 52.090000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 157.500000 76.700000 438.180000 27.345000 108.030000 1.000000 0.407500
max 3548.000000 100.000000 456.950000 49.740000 2323.700000 25.700000 15.390000

In [35]:
# Librarian specific stats
idx_w_teachers = data4[num_librarians_col] > 0
percent_w_teachers = np.sum(idx_w_teachers) / total
print("Percent of schools with librarians: " + str(percent_w_teachers))

scores_w = data4[idx_w_teachers][avg_score_col]
scores_wo = data4[idx_w_teachers == 0][avg_score_col]
print("Average score w librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_w)))
print("Average score wo librarians: " + str(np.average(scores_wo)))

percent_prof_w = data4[idx_w_teachers][proficient_col]
percent_prof_wo = data4[idx_w_teachers == 0][proficient_col]
avg_prof_w = np.average(percent_prof_w)
avg_prof_wo = np.average(percent_prof_wo)
print("Average proficiency w librarians: " + str(avg_prof_w))
print("Average proficiency wo librarians: " + str(avg_prof_wo))
print("Diff: " + str((avg_prof_w / avg_prof_wo - 1) * 100) + "%")

ttest_ind(percent_prof_w, percent_prof_wo)

Percent of schools with librarians: 0.333333333333
Average score w librarians: 433.819375
Average score wo librarians: 429.128145833
Average proficiency w librarians: 68.70125
Average proficiency wo librarians: 62.4383333333
Diff: 10.0305634893%
Ttest_indResult(statistic=4.8306437012233197, pvalue=1.664434307435971e-06)

In [10]:
# correlation b/w SES and librarians
data4Dis = examineFor(combined_12, 4, 'Reading', poor_subgroup)
desc_data4Dis = data4Dis[[num_students_col, proficient_col, avg_score_col, 
                  stddev_col, num_teachers_col, num_librarians_col, num_library_support_col]]

Number Tested Percent Proficient Average Scaled Score Standard Deviation TEACHER LIB_SPEC LIB_SUPP
count 677.000000 677.000000 677.000000 677.000000 677.000000 677.000000 677.000000
mean 77.409158 57.573117 425.374269 24.154594 101.468301 0.824682 0.759616
std 148.165097 14.904889 8.560548 3.667812 153.531306 2.338034 2.011485
min 10.000000 8.300000 394.980000 13.430000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 29.000000 48.100000 420.580000 21.900000 31.010000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 50.000000 59.700000 426.430000 23.890000 57.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 79.000000 68.000000 431.030000 26.110000 113.000000 1.000000 0.500000
max 3040.000000 92.300000 453.870000 42.130000 2323.700000 25.700000 15.390000

In [22]:

num_rich_schools = data4.shape[0] - data4Dis.shape[0]

not_rich_ids = data4Dis[score_code_col]
data4AllNotRich = data4[numpy.in1d(data4[score_code_col], not_rich_ids)]


print(numpy.all(data4AllNotRich[score_code_col] == data4Dis[score_code_col]))

percent_dis = np.divide(data4Dis[num_students_col], data4AllNotRich[num_students_col])
data4DisPlot = np.array([percent_dis, data4[num_librarians_col]])

plt.scatter(percent_dis, data4AllNotRich[num_librarians_col])

(720, 37)
(677, 37)
(677, 37)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x11565a860>