This is a notebook to explore opSim outputs in different ways, mostly useful to supernova analysis. We will look at the opsim output called (minion_1016)[]. Other relevant OpSim outputs are listed on a confluence page. All of the newer outputs are in the format of sqlite databases (zipped up to save space), while older OpSim versions are in ASCII files. The database table which I think has all of the information we will need is the Summary Table. The quantities in the columns of this table are described (here)[]. The OpSim outputs are official products that the LSST project provides. This notebook will demonstrate a way of exploring these outputs (which is by no means official or project supplied).

Note: The Summary Table is only about a GB in size, and has ~ million rows. For newish laptops, this is a small table and can be easily read into memory. For more constrained memory systems or computations that require a lot of memory, this may be a bad thing to do.

Gotcha: The column obsHistID is unique identifier of OpSim observations. Very often, you might end up with a table with multiple rows with the same obsHistID, but with other columns (like propID) having different values. These are not different observations, and a SN light curve corresponding to these observations should include only one of these.

A bit more information about the columns from a SN perspective

The LSST observations are over roughly half of the sky (~20000 sq degrees, or ~2\pi). This is covered by overlapping pointings of the telescope each covering (~10 sq degrees). These pointings are currently thought of as being located on a grid along with dithers. The grid locations of the pointings are assigned a unique integer called fieldID which is associated with its location :(fieldRa, fieldDec ). The actual location of the pointings (including dithers) are in (ditheredRA, ditheredDec). There are a number of columns that hold quantities of similar information, and the exact definitions of each quantity is provided in the description. For most purposes filtSkyBrightness and FWHMeff rather than the other similar looking quantities are probably recommended. PropID (also described there) refers to proposals under which the observation was taken. For the basic SN purposes, we will want the proposals (Wide Fast Deep (WFD)) and (Deep Drilling Fields (DDF)). The propID for these quantities differs from one opsim output to another. To find out what these are, you can use OpSim utils as in this notebook or look at the PROPOSAL table (5 lines) like this : and pick the integers corresponding to DDcosmology1.conf and Universal ...


In [1]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
# Required packages sqlachemy, pandas (both are part of anaconda distribution, or can be installed with a python installer)
# One step requires the LSST stack, can be skipped for a particular OPSIM database in question
import opsimsummary as oss
import opsimsummary.summarize_opsim as so
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
print so.__file__


In [3]:
# This step requires LSST SIMS package MAF. The main goal of this step is to set DD and WFD to integer keys that 
# label an observation as Deep Drilling or for Wide Fast Deep.
# If you want to skip this step, you can use the next cell by uncommenting it, and commenting out this cell, if all you
# care about is the database used in this example. But there is no guarantee that the numbers in the cell below will work
# on other versions of opsim database outputs

from lsst.sims.maf import db
from lsst.sims.maf.utils import opsimUtils

In [4]:
# DD = 56
# WFD = 54

Read in OpSim output for modern versions: (sqlite formats)

Here we will use the opsim output minion_1016 I have downloaded this database, unzipped and use the variable dbname to point to its location

In [5]:
# Change dbname to point at your own location of the opsim output
dbname = '/Users/rbiswas/data/LSST/OpSimData/minion_1016_sqlite.db'
opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbname)
propID, propTags = opsdb.fetchPropInfo()
DD = propTags['DD'][0]
WFD = propTags['WFD'][0]

In [6]:
print("The propID for the Deep Drilling Field {0:2d}".format(DD))
print("The propID for the Wide Fast Deep Field {0:2d}".format(WFD))

The propID for the Deep Drilling Field 56
The propID for the Wide Fast Deep Field 54

Read in the OpSim DataBase into a pandas dataFrame

Here we will read the opsim database into a pandas.DataFrame

In [7]:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + dbname)

The opsim database is a large file (approx 4.0 GB), but still possible to read into memory on new computers. You usually only need the Summary Table, which is about 900 MB. If you are only interested in the Deep Drilling Fields, you can use the read_sql_query to only select information pertaining to Deep Drilling Observations. This has a memory footprint of about 40 MB. Obviously, you can reduce this further by narrowing down the columns to those of interest only. For the entire Summary Table, this step takes a few minutes on my computer.

If you are going to do the read from disk step very often, you can further reduce the time used by storing the output on disk as a hdf5 file and reading that into memory

We will look at three different Summaries of OpSim Runs. A summary of the

  1. Deep Drilling fields: These are the observations corresponding to propID of the variable DD above, and are restricted to a handful of fields
  2. WFD (Main) Survey: These are the observations corresponding to the propID of the variables WFD
  3. Combined Survey: These are observations combining DEEP and WFD in the DDF. Note that this leads to duplicate observations which must be subsequently dropped.

In [8]:
# Load to a dataframe
# Summary = pd.read_hdf('storage.h5', 'table') # This loads the table from a hdf file which I store as intermediate result, this is extremely quick
# Summary = pd.read_sql_table('Summary', engine, index_col='obsHistID'), #'loads all of the summary table'
# EnigmaDeep  = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM SUMMARY WHERE PROPID is 366', engine) # loads only the DDF

If we knew ahead of time the proposal ID, then we could have done this quicker using

In [9]:
OpSim_combined = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM SUMMARY WHERE PROPID in ({0}, {1})'.format(DD, WFD), engine, index_col='obsHistID')

In [10]:

sessionID propID fieldID fieldRA fieldDec filter expDate expMJD night visitTime ... moonBright darkBright rawSeeing wind humidity slewDist slewTime fiveSigmaDepth ditheredRA ditheredDec
1 1016 54 316 1.676483 -1.082473 y 2922 59580.033829 0 34.0 ... 0.0 105.610378 0.920473 0.0 0.0 1.620307 0.000000 21.021236 1.643930 -1.108924
2 1016 54 372 1.694120 -1.033972 y 2961 59580.034275 0 34.0 ... 0.0 105.167017 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049266 4.574944 21.026646 1.664257 -1.060423
3 1016 54 441 1.708513 -0.985271 y 2999 59580.034722 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.849578 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049298 4.595615 21.030520 1.680878 -1.011722
4 1016 54 505 1.720374 -0.936476 y 3038 59580.035169 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.669398 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049266 4.605366 21.032718 1.694604 -0.962927
5 1016 54 587 1.730248 -0.887672 y 3077 59580.035616 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.627207 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049177 4.604023 21.033233 1.706054 -0.914123

5 rows × 46 columns

This could have duplicates unlike in the case of the OpSim Deep. This is because there are now two proposal IDs both of which may correspond to the same observation. We can check that this is indeed the case by:

In [11]:
len(OpSim_combined) == len(OpSim_combined.index.unique())


Dropping the duplicate pointings can be done in the following way. The reset_index() makes 'obsHistID' an ordinary column rather than an index, drop_duplicates drops duplicate rows where

In [12]:
OpSim_combined.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset='obsHistID', inplace=True)

In [13]:

sessionID propID fieldID fieldRA fieldDec filter expDate expMJD night visitTime ... moonBright darkBright rawSeeing wind humidity slewDist slewTime fiveSigmaDepth ditheredRA ditheredDec
1 1016 54 316 1.676483 -1.082473 y 2922 59580.033829 0 34.0 ... 0.0 105.610378 0.920473 0.0 0.0 1.620307 0.000000 21.021236 1.643930 -1.108924
2 1016 54 372 1.694120 -1.033972 y 2961 59580.034275 0 34.0 ... 0.0 105.167017 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049266 4.574944 21.026646 1.664257 -1.060423
3 1016 54 441 1.708513 -0.985271 y 2999 59580.034722 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.849578 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049298 4.595615 21.030520 1.680878 -1.011722
4 1016 54 505 1.720374 -0.936476 y 3038 59580.035169 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.669398 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049266 4.605366 21.032718 1.694604 -0.962927
5 1016 54 587 1.730248 -0.887672 y 3077 59580.035616 0 34.0 ... 0.0 104.627207 0.920473 0.0 0.0 0.049177 4.604023 21.033233 1.706054 -0.914123

5 rows × 46 columns

In [14]:
len(OpSim_combined) == len(OpSim_combined.index.unique())


In [15]:
OpSim_Deep = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM SUMMARY WHERE PROPID is ' + str(DD), engine, index_col='obsHistID')

We can also sub-select this from the all-encompassing Summay Table. This can be done in two way:

In [16]:

array([54, 56])

In [17]:


In [18]:
# Get fieldID closest to ra, dec
fieldIDFromRADec = oss.fieldID(OpSim_combined, np.radians(190.), np.radians(-83.0))
print fieldIDFromRADec


Some properties of the OpSim Outputs

Construct our Summary

In [19]:
OpSimDeepSummary = so.SummaryOpsim(OpSim_Deep)
OpSimCombinedSummary = so.SummaryOpsim(OpSim_combined)

Plot the location of deep fields

In [20]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mollweide');
fig = OpSimDeepSummary.showFields(ax=fig.axes[0], marker='o', s=40)

How often do multiple DDF fields get observed ?

In [21]:
DDF_fieldIDs = OpSim_Deep.fieldID.unique()

array([1427, 2786,  290,  744, 2412])

In [22]:
grouped = OpSim_Deep[['night', 'fieldID']].groupby(['night'])

In [23]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
grouped.agg({'fieldID': lambda x: x.unique().size}).hist(ax=ax)

array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12b887e10>], dtype=object)

In [24]:

What about if we count WFD visits to these fields ?

In [25]:
OpSimCombined_DDF_Fields = OpSim_combined.query('fieldID in @DDF_fieldIDs')

In [26]:


In [27]:

array([ 744, 2412, 1427, 2786,  290])

In [28]:
combinedGrouped = OpSimCombined_DDF_Fields.groupby('night')

In [29]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
combinedGrouped.agg({'fieldID': lambda x: x.unique().size}).hist(ax=ax)

array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12fca8ed0>], dtype=object)

In [30]:

Example plotting of a single field

In [31]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mollweide');
opsimFieldSummary = so.SummaryOpsim(OpSim_combined.query('fieldID==347'))
fig = opsimFieldSummary.showFields(ax=fig.axes[0], marker='o', s=40)

Plot all fields

In [32]:
OpSimCombinedSummary.showFields(ax=ax, marker='o', color='r', s=8)


In [33]:
fieldIDFromRADec = oss.fieldID(OpSim_Deep, np.radians(53.), np.radians(-28.))
print fieldIDFromRADec


In [34]:
fieldIDFromRADec = oss.fieldID(OpSim_Deep, np.radians(0.), np.radians(-45.))
print fieldIDFromRADec


In [35]:
fieldIDFromRADec = oss.fieldID(OpSim_combined, np.radians(53.), np.radians(-28.))
print fieldIDFromRADec


In [36]:
fieldIDFromRADec = oss.fieldID(OpSim_combined, np.radians(85.7), np.radians(-14.4))
print fieldIDFromRADec


In [57]:
fieldList = OpSimCombinedSummary.fieldIds

Obtain a list of filters, mjds, depths, and field ra, dec for deep fields

In [38]:

Index([u'sessionID', u'propID', u'fieldID', u'fieldRA', u'fieldDec', u'filter',
       u'expDate', u'expMJD', u'night', u'visitTime', u'visitExpTime',
       u'finRank', u'FWHMeff', u'FWHMgeom', u'transparency', u'airmass',
       u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness', u'rotSkyPos', u'rotTelPos', u'lst',
       u'altitude', u'azimuth', u'dist2Moon', u'solarElong', u'moonRA',
       u'moonDec', u'moonAlt', u'moonAZ', u'moonPhase', u'sunAlt', u'sunAz',
       u'phaseAngle', u'rScatter', u'mieScatter', u'moonIllum', u'moonBright',
       u'darkBright', u'rawSeeing', u'wind', u'humidity', u'slewDist',
       u'slewTime', u'fiveSigmaDepth', u'ditheredRA', u'ditheredDec'],

In [39]:

array([1427, 2786,  290,  744, 2412])

In [40]:
selectedFields = OpSim_combined.query('fieldID in @DDF_fieldIDs')[['expMJD', 'propID', 'filter', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'fieldID', 'fiveSigmaDepth']]#.head()

In [41]:

expMJD propID filter fieldRA fieldDec fieldID fiveSigmaDepth
132712 59760.431760 54 z 0.0 -0.794553 744 22.088572
132741 59760.445023 54 z 0.0 -0.794553 744 22.037498
138180 59770.355327 54 y 0.0 -0.794553 744 21.921016
138192 59770.362167 54 r 0.0 -0.794553 744 24.264669
141306 59773.317909 54 y 0.0 -0.794553 744 21.852082

In [42]:
selectedFields.to_hdf('DDF_Fields_Info.hdf', 'summaryInfo')

/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/miniconda2/4.2.12.lsst1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->unicode,key->axis0] [items->None]

/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/miniconda2/4.2.12.lsst1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->unicode,key->block0_items] [items->None]

/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/miniconda2/4.2.12.lsst1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->unicode,key->block1_items] [items->None]

/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/miniconda2/4.2.12.lsst1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->unicode,key->block2_values] [items->[u'filter']]

  return pytables.to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, self, **kwargs)
/Users/rbiswas/soft/LSST/DarwinX86/miniconda2/4.2.12.lsst1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ PerformanceWarning: 
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->unicode,key->block2_items] [items->None]


In [43]:
read_table = pd.read_hdf('DDF_Fields_Info.hdf', 'summaryInfo')

In [44]:

expMJD propID filter fieldRA fieldDec fieldID fiveSigmaDepth
132712 59760.431760 54 z 0.0 -0.794553 744 22.088572
132741 59760.445023 54 z 0.0 -0.794553 744 22.037498
138180 59770.355327 54 y 0.0 -0.794553 744 21.921016
138192 59770.362167 54 r 0.0 -0.794553 744 24.264669
141306 59773.317909 54 y 0.0 -0.794553 744 21.852082

In [45]:
from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal

In [46]:
assert_frame_equal(read_table, selectedFields)

First Season

We can visualize the cadence during the first season using the cadence plot for a particular field: The following plot shows how many visits we have in different filters on a particular night:

In [47]:
firstSeasonDeep = OpSimDeepSummary.cadence_plot(fieldID=1427, observedOnly=False, sql_query='night < 366')

In [48]:
firstSeasonCombined = OpSimCombinedSummary.cadence_plot(fieldID=1427, observedOnly=False, sql_query='night < 366')

In [80]:

In [53]:

In [49]:
firstSeason = OpSimDeepSummary.cadence_plot(fieldID=744, observedOnly=False, sql_query='night < 732', 
                                             nightMin=0, nightMax=732)

In [58]:
tenCadence = OpSimCombinedSummary.cadence_plot(fieldID=fieldList[2000], observedOnly=False, sql_query='night < 3500', nightMax=3500)

Suppose we have a supernova with a peak around a particular MJD of 49540, and we want to see what the observations happened around it:

In [51]:
SN = OpSimDeepSummary.cadence_plot(summarydf=OpSimDeepSummary.df, fieldID=1427, #racol='fieldRA', deccol='fieldDec',
                                                  observedOnly=False, mjd_center=59640., mjd_range=[-30., 50.])
# ax = plt.gca()
# ax.axvline(49540, color='r', lw=2.)
# ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False)

In [52]:


In [ ]:

In [ ]:
EnigmaDeep.query('fieldID == 744 and expMJD < 49590 and expMJD > 49510').expMJD.size

In [41]:
SN_matrix[SN_matrix > 0.5] = 1

In [52]:


In [55]:


In [56]:
nightlySN_matrix = SN_matrix.copy(deep=True)

In [57]:
nightlySN_matrix[SN_matrix > 0.5] =1

In [64]:


In [69]:


In [ ]: