In [1]:
from LSSTmetrics import PerSNMetric
from LSSTmetrics.efficiencyTable import EfficiencyTable

In [2]:
import LSSTmetrics as metrics
print metrics.__file__


In [3]:
from opsimsummary import summarize_opsim as oss

In [4]:
import pandas as pd
import sncosmo

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
import copy

In [6]:
from lsst.sims.photUtils import BandpassDict

Setup : Bandpasses

In [7]:
# Catsim bandpasses
lsst_bp = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

In [8]:
# sncosmo Bandpasses required for fitting
throughputsdir = os.getenv('THROUGHPUTS_DIR')

from astropy.units import Unit
bandPassList = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
banddir = os.path.join(os.getenv('THROUGHPUTS_DIR'), 'baseline')

for band in bandPassList:

    # setup sncosmo bandpasses
    bandfname = banddir + "/total_" + band + '.dat'

    # register the LSST bands to the SNCosmo registry
    # Not needed for LSST, but useful to compare independent codes
    # Usually the next two lines can be merged,
    # but there is an astropy bug currently which affects only OSX.
    numpyband = np.loadtxt(bandfname)
    print band
    sncosmoband = sncosmo.Bandpass(wave=numpyband[:, 0],
                                   trans=numpyband[:, 1],
    sncosmo.registry.register(sncosmoband, force=True)


In [9]:
# You will have to download this file and change the value of the variable opsimHDF to the absolute path of this file on your disk:
opsimHDF = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'data', 'LSST', 'OpSimData', 'storage.h5')
summarydf = pd.read_hdf(opsimHDF, 'table')
# df = df.query('propID == [364, 366]')

In [10]:
# Look at the output

obsHistID sessionID propID fieldID fieldRA fieldDec filter expDate expMJD night ... wind humidity slewDist slewTime fiveSigmaDepth ditheredRA ditheredDec gamma N0sq alpha
0 1 1189 364 316 1.676483 -1.082473 y 2771 49353.032079 0 ... 0 0 1.620307 0.000000 21.084291 1.643930 -1.108924 0.039924 0.000002 0.039924
1 2 1189 364 372 1.694120 -1.033972 y 2810 49353.032525 0 ... 0 0 0.049266 4.542362 21.088257 1.664257 -1.060423 0.039924 0.000002 0.039924
2 3 1189 364 441 1.708513 -0.985271 y 2848 49353.032971 0 ... 0 0 0.049298 4.561422 21.091100 1.680878 -1.011722 0.039924 0.000002 0.039924
3 4 1189 364 505 1.720374 -0.936476 y 2887 49353.033417 0 ... 0 0 0.049266 4.570186 21.092714 1.694604 -0.962927 0.039924 0.000002 0.039924
4 5 1189 364 587 1.730248 -0.887672 y 2925 49353.033864 0 ... 0 0 0.049177 4.568530 21.093091 1.706054 -0.914123 0.039924 0.000002 0.039924

5 rows × 48 columns

In [11]:
# summarydf = summarydf.query('propID == [364, 366]').query('night < 365')

In [12]:
# Create the summary instance
so = oss.SummaryOpsim(summarydf)

In [13]:
_ = so.cadence_plot(fieldID=290, mjd_center=49540)

In [14]:
_ = so.cadence_plot(fieldID=309, mjd_center=49540)

In [16]:
# 1st Season for a WFD field
_ = so.cadence_plot(fieldID=309, sql_query='night < 366')

In [17]:
# 1st Season for a deep field
_ = so.cadence_plot(fieldID=290, sql_query='night < 366')


In [18]:
qm = PerSNMetric(fieldID=309, t0=49540, summarydf=summarydf, lsst_bp=lsst_bp)

In [19]:

/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/LSSTmetrics/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  lc['modelFlux'] = lc['flux']
/Users/rbiswas/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/LSSTmetrics/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  lc['deviation'] = np.random.normal(size=len(lc['flux']))
(19, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [20]:
# Coadd the light curve 

(19, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [34]:
#Let us see how this looks compared to fiveSigmaDepth
xx = qm.lightcurve[['time', 'band','flux', 'fluxerr', 'fiveSigmaDepth']].copy()

(19, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [26]:
xx['mag'] = -2.5 * np.log10(xx['flux'])

In [29]:

time band flux fluxerr fiveSigmaDepth mag
147681 49544.025007 i 4.361511e-10 4.592902e-11 24.111145 23.400908
147630 49544.001843 i 4.362569e-10 4.638890e-11 24.099905 23.400644
162503 49558.059849 i 3.030492e-10 1.234757e-10 23.020787 23.796217
162463 49558.041699 i 3.032675e-10 1.253292e-10 23.004614 23.795435
162578 49558.094256 i 3.026351e-10 1.388577e-10 22.893359 23.797702

In [29]:
# qm.writeLightCurve('coadded_lc.dat',nightlyCoadd=True)

Now Look at a Deep Field

In [35]:
cm = PerSNMetric(fieldID=290, t0=49540, summarydf=summarydf, lsst_bp=lsst_bp)

In [37]:
_ = cm.lcplot()

(804, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [39]:
_ = cm.lcplot(nightlyCoadd=True)

In [43]:
yy = cm.lightcurve[['time', 'band','flux', 'fluxerr', 'fiveSigmaDepth']].copy()

(804, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [45]:
yy['mag'] = -2.5 * np.log10(yy.flux)

In [46]:

time band flux fluxerr fiveSigmaDepth mag
152756 49548.415128 r 6.729189e-10 3.110622e-11 24.578616 22.930093
152757 49548.415545 r 6.729068e-10 3.111954e-11 24.578089 22.930113
152758 49548.415961 r 6.728947e-10 3.113294e-11 24.577559 22.930132
152759 49548.416378 r 6.728826e-10 3.114642e-11 24.577026 22.930152
152760 49548.416795 r 6.728705e-10 3.116004e-11 24.576488 22.930171
152761 49548.417211 r 6.728584e-10 3.117374e-11 24.575947 22.930191
152762 49548.417628 r 6.728464e-10 3.118753e-11 24.575403 22.930210
152763 49548.418045 r 6.728343e-10 3.120140e-11 24.574856 22.930230
152748 49548.411795 r 6.730155e-10 3.141803e-11 24.566396 22.929937
152749 49548.412211 r 6.730035e-10 3.186211e-11 24.549239 22.929957
152750 49548.412628 r 6.729914e-10 3.187524e-11 24.548735 22.929976
152751 49548.413045 r 6.729793e-10 3.188848e-11 24.548227 22.929996
152752 49548.413461 r 6.729672e-10 3.190183e-11 24.547715 22.930015
152753 49548.413878 r 6.729551e-10 3.191527e-11 24.547200 22.930035
152754 49548.414295 r 6.729430e-10 3.192885e-11 24.546680 22.930054
152755 49548.414711 r 6.729310e-10 3.194249e-11 24.546158 22.930074
152764 49548.418461 r 6.728222e-10 3.528350e-11 24.426328 22.930249
152765 49548.418878 r 6.728101e-10 3.530030e-11 24.425760 22.930269
152766 49548.419295 r 6.727980e-10 3.531726e-11 24.425187 22.930288
152767 49548.419711 r 6.727859e-10 3.533432e-11 24.424611 22.930308
142239 49534.251421 r 8.032777e-10 5.544420e-11 23.910751 22.737836
142238 49534.250993 r 8.032669e-10 5.547938e-11 23.910033 22.737850
142237 49534.250565 r 8.032561e-10 5.551477e-11 23.909311 22.737865
142236 49534.250137 r 8.032453e-10 5.555033e-11 23.908586 22.737880
142235 49534.249708 r 8.032344e-10 5.558612e-11 23.907857 22.737894
142234 49534.249280 r 8.032236e-10 5.562026e-11 23.907162 22.737909
142233 49534.248863 r 8.032131e-10 5.565742e-11 23.906406 22.737923
142232 49534.248435 r 8.032023e-10 5.569387e-11 23.905665 22.737938
142214 49534.244604 r 8.031055e-10 5.722551e-11 23.875011 22.738068
142212 49534.244187 r 8.030950e-10 5.726689e-11 23.874195 22.738083
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
176778 49575.157544 u 4.239669e-13 7.591402e-11 23.519884 30.931670
176769 49575.153701 u 4.232853e-13 7.579316e-11 23.521563 30.933417
176777 49575.157115 u 4.238909e-13 7.603440e-11 23.518214 30.931865
176776 49575.156687 u 4.238150e-13 7.615541e-11 23.516538 30.932059
176775 49575.156259 u 4.237391e-13 7.627718e-11 23.514854 30.932254
176768 49575.153284 u 4.232113e-13 7.629896e-11 23.514553 30.933607
176774 49575.155831 u 4.236632e-13 7.639631e-11 23.513209 30.932448
176773 49575.155414 u 4.235892e-13 7.651954e-11 23.511510 30.932638
176772 49575.154986 u 4.235133e-13 7.664333e-11 23.509806 30.932832
176771 49575.154557 u 4.234372e-13 7.676790e-11 23.508094 30.933028
175745 49574.158565 u 2.249323e-13 7.278152e-11 23.564248 31.619870
175751 49574.161134 u 2.255004e-13 7.686934e-11 23.506686 31.617132
175750 49574.160706 u 2.254058e-13 7.699032e-11 23.505028 31.617587
175749 49574.160278 u 2.253111e-13 7.711207e-11 23.503362 31.618043
175748 49574.159850 u 2.252165e-13 7.723438e-11 23.501691 31.618499
175747 49574.159421 u 2.251216e-13 7.735739e-11 23.500013 31.618957
175759 49574.164537 u 2.262525e-13 7.784077e-11 23.493444 31.613517
175746 49574.158993 u 2.250270e-13 7.748117e-11 23.498327 31.619414
175758 49574.164109 u 2.261579e-13 7.795939e-11 23.491838 31.613971
175757 49574.163681 u 2.260633e-13 7.807863e-11 23.490226 31.614425
175756 49574.163252 u 2.259685e-13 7.819538e-11 23.488650 31.614880
175755 49574.162836 u 2.258766e-13 7.831609e-11 23.487023 31.615322
175754 49574.162407 u 2.257818e-13 7.843407e-11 23.485435 31.615778
175753 49574.161991 u 2.256899e-13 7.855618e-11 23.483794 31.616220
175752 49574.161563 u 2.255952e-13 7.867884e-11 23.482148 31.616675
175764 49574.166655 u 2.267203e-13 8.115294e-11 23.449470 31.611274
175763 49574.166238 u 2.266282e-13 8.127408e-11 23.447895 31.611715
175762 49574.165810 u 2.265337e-13 8.139285e-11 23.446353 31.612168
175761 49574.165394 u 2.264418e-13 8.151541e-11 23.444764 31.612609
175760 49574.164965 u 2.263470e-13 8.163885e-11 23.443166 31.613063

724 rows × 6 columns

In [47]:

{'MWE(B-V)': 0.023147746920585632,
 'ModelSource': 'salt2-extended',
 '_dec': -1.1051599999999999,
 '_ra': 6.097944,
 'c': 0.0,
 'hostebv': 0.0,
 'hostr_v': 3.1000000000000001,
 'mwebv': 0.0,
 'mwr_v': 3.1000000000000001,
 't0': 49540.0,
 'x0': 1.0068661711630977e-05,
 'x1': 0.0,
 'z': 0.5}

In [48]:
# Write Light Curve to Disk

In [49]:

(804, Index([        u'obsHistID',         u'sessionID',            u'propID',
                 u'fieldID',           u'fieldRA',          u'fieldDec',
                  u'filter',           u'expDate',            u'expMJD',
                   u'night',         u'visitTime',      u'visitExpTime',
                 u'finRank',         u'finSeeing',      u'transparency',
                 u'airmass',        u'vSkyBright', u'filtSkyBrightness',
               u'rotSkyPos',               u'lst',          u'altitude',
                 u'azimuth',         u'dist2Moon',        u'solarElong',
                  u'moonRA',           u'moonDec',           u'moonAlt',
                  u'moonAZ',         u'moonPhase',            u'sunAlt',
                   u'sunAz',        u'phaseAngle',          u'rScatter',
              u'mieScatter',         u'moonIllum',        u'moonBright',
              u'darkBright',         u'rawSeeing',              u'wind',
                u'humidity',          u'slewDist',          u'slewTime',
          u'fiveSigmaDepth',        u'ditheredRA',       u'ditheredDec',
                   u'gamma',              u'N0sq',             u'alpha',

In [50]:
!head DDF_290_lc.txt

index time band flux fluxerr zp zpsys SNR finSeeing airmass filtSkyBrightness fiveSigmaDepth propID night DetectionEfficiency modelFlux deviation
152756 49548.415128 r 6.72918866666e-10 3.11062193732e-11 0.0 ab 21.6329364424 0.717574 1.245747 21.120225 24.578616 366 195 nan 6.72918866666e-10 1.76405234597
152757 49548.415545 r 6.72906771426e-10 3.11195361099e-11 0.0 ab 21.6232905609 0.717749 1.246357 21.119823 24.578089 366 195 nan 6.72906771426e-10 0.400157208367
152758 49548.415961 r 6.72894705029e-10 3.11329363791e-11 0.0 ab 21.6135958663 0.717925 1.246971 21.119418 24.577559 366 195 nan 6.72894705029e-10 0.978737984106
152759 49548.416378 r 6.72882609463e-10 3.11464201362e-11 0.0 ab 21.6038506679 0.718102 1.24759 21.119011 24.577026 366 195 nan 6.72882609463e-10 2.2408931992
152760 49548.416795 r 6.72870513734e-10 3.11600383735e-11 0.0 ab 21.5940207027 0.718281 1.248214 21.118601 24.576488 366 195 nan 6.72870513734e-10 1.86755799015
152761 49548.417211 r 6.72858446849e-10 3.11737405918e-11 0.0 ab 21.5841421041 0.718461 1.248842 21.118189 24.575947 366 195 nan 6.72858446849e-10 -0.977277879876
152762 49548.417628 r 6.72846350794e-10 3.11875267499e-11 0.0 ab 21.5742131843 0.718642 1.249474 21.117774 24.575403 366 195 nan 6.72846350794e-10 0.950088417526
152763 49548.418045 r 6.72834254576e-10 3.12013970683e-11 0.0 ab 21.5642348675 0.718824 1.250111 21.117356 24.574856 366 195 nan 6.72834254576e-10 -0.151357208298
152748 49548.411795 r 6.73015535701e-10 3.141803032e-11 0.0 ab 21.4213153672 0.727074 1.24096 21.123387 24.566396 366 195 nan 6.73015535701e-10 -0.103218851794

In [ ]: