In [2]:
%load_ext cythonmagic
In [47]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import random
class HCVHepatocyte:
def __init__(self, cellID, parentID, infType, tLat, cellType, tInf = None, tDead = None):
self.cellID = cellID #ID of cell
self.parentID = parentID #ID of infector, whether it is virus or infected cell
self.infType = infType #type of infection (from virus or from infected cell)
self.tLat = tLat #time of infection of cell (time cell became latently infected)
self.cellType = cellType #type of cell latent, longterm, infectious, infectious from longterm,
#dead, dead from long term
self.tInf = tInf #time to become infectious
self.tDead = tDead #time of death
if cellType in ('Infected', 'InfectedL'):
if tInf == None:
print("Error: Infectious cells must have time Infectious")
elif cellType in ('Dead', 'DeadL'):
if tInf == None:
print("Error: Dead cells must have time of death")
#define method for infecting a susceptible cell
def InfectCell(self, newID, simTime, newInfType):
''' Method for infecting new cell'''
if self.cellType not in ['Infected', 'InfectedL']:
print("Error: Latent Cell cannot infect")
return HCVHepatocyte(newID, self.cellID, 'Cell', simTime, newInfType)
#Create function to randomly select one cell to infect
def CreateLatent(cellHandle, newID, state_idx, simTime):
if state_idx in [0,1]:
newLatent = cellHandle.InfectCell(newID, simTime, 'Latent')
return newLatent
elif state_idx in [2,3]:
newLatent = cellHandle.InfectCell(newID, simTime, 'LatentL')
return newLatent
print("Error: State is not an infecting transition")
#Create function to Kill Infected cell
def KillInfected(cellHandle, time):
cellHandle.tDead = time
if cellHandle.cellType == 'Infected':
cellHandle.cellType = 'Dead'
elif cellHandle.cellType == 'InfectedL':
cellHandle.cellType = 'DeadL'
print("Error: Cannot kill uninfected cell")
return cellHandle
#Create function to move latent to infectious
def LatentInfectious(cellHandle, time):
cellHandle.tInf = time
if cellHandle.cellType == 'Latent':
cellHandle.cellType = 'Infected'
elif cellHandle.cellType == 'LatentL':
cellHandle.cellType = 'InfectedL'
print("Error: Cell not Latent")
return cellHandle
In [83]:
#Number of state transitions to observe
M = int(1e5)
# time vector
time = np.zeros(M)
#Define parameters
init=10 #10 #initial number of infected hepatocytes
v_init = 0#initial viral load
ALT_init = 100 #initial ALT level
rho = 8.18 #viral export rate
c = 22.3 #viral clearance rate
gamma = 1500 #scaling factor -
R = 4.1825 #average HCV RNA in infected hepatocyte
N_liver = int(1e11) #Number of cells in liver
alpha = 1 #1/latent period (days)
alpha_x = 1.3e-2 #1/long-term latent period
nu_T = 1.4e-2 #death rate of healthy cells
nu_I = 1/7 #death rate of infected cells
phi_T = 10*nu_T #regeneration rate of dead healthy cells
phi_I = .8*phi_T #regeneration rate of dead infected cells
beta_V = .5e-8 #viral transmision rate
beta_L = R*1e-5/(60*24) #cell-cell transmission rate
eta = .01 #proportion of infected cells that go long-term latent
kappa = 0 #.1 #proportion of dead infected cells regenerated as infected cells
changes = 12;
delta = .33 #ALT degradation rate
N=N_liver/1e7 #initial number of hepatocytes
eps = (delta*ALT_init)/(nu_T*N) #rate of ALT production
Q = np.zeros(changes)
Q[0] = (1-eta)*(beta_L*init) #Infection of Target cell by cell-> latent
Q[1] = (1-eta)*beta_V*v_init #Infection of Target cell by virus -> latent
Q[2] = eta*beta_L*init #Infection of Target cell by cell -> long-term latent
Q[3] = eta*beta_V*v_init #Infection of Target cell by virus -> long-term latent
Q[4] = nu_T; #Death of target cell
Q[5] = alpha; #latent cell becomes infected
Q[6] = nu_T; #latent cell dies
Q[7] = alpha_x #long-term latent cell becomes infected
Q[8] = nu_T #long-term latent cell dies
Q[9] = nu_I; #Infected cell dies
Q[10] = phi_T; #Healthy cell regenerates
Q[11] = (1-kappa)*phi_I; #Infected cell regenerates into healthy cell
#Q[12] = kappa*phi_I
#Construct matrix of state transition vectors
trans_vecs = np.zeros([6, changes])
#state 1: infection of healthy cell by cell-> latent
trans_vecs[0,0] = -1;
trans_vecs[1,0] = 1;
#state 2: infection of healthy cell by virus -> latent
trans_vecs[0,1] = -1;
trans_vecs[1,1] = 1;
#state 3: infection of healthy cell by cell -> long-term latent
trans_vecs[0,2] = -1;
trans_vecs[2,2] = 1;
#state 4: infection of healthy cell by virus -> long-term latent
trans_vecs[0,3] = -1;
trans_vecs[2,3] = 1;
#state 5: death of healthy cell
trans_vecs[0,4] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,4] = 1;
#state 6: movement of latent cell into infected
trans_vecs[1,5] = -1;
trans_vecs[3,5] = 1;
#state 7: death of latent cell
trans_vecs[1,6] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,6] = 1;
#state 8: movement of long-term latent cell into infected
trans_vecs[2,7] = -1;
trans_vecs[3,7] = 1;
#state 9: death of long-term latent cell
trans_vecs[2,8] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,8] = 1;
#state 10: death of infected cell
trans_vecs[3,9] = -1;
trans_vecs[5,9] = 1;
#state 11: regeneration of dead healthy cell
trans_vecs[4,10] = -1;
trans_vecs[0,10] = 1;
#state 12: regeneration of dead infected cell into healthy cell
trans_vecs[5,11] = -1;
trans_vecs[0,11] = 1;
#state 13: regeneration of dead infected cell into infected cell
#trans_vecs[5,12] = -1;
#trans_vecs[3,12] = 1;
#Intialize random uniform numbers for distributions
time_vec_array = -np.log(np.random.random([M,changes]))
#Initialize state variable vectors
T = np.zeros(M)
E = np.zeros(M)
Ex = np.zeros(M)
I = np.zeros(M)
Dt = np.zeros(M)
Di = np.zeros(M)
VL = np.zeros(M)
ALT = np.zeros(M)
state_vec = np.zeros(M)
InfectionChain = []
Infecteds = []
#Initialize Infected Hepatocyte objects
InfectedDict = range(init)
#for i in range(0,int(init/2)):
# x = HCVHepatocyte(i, None, 'Initial', -1, 'Infected', 0)
# InfectedDict.append(x)
#for i in range(int(init/2),init):
# x = HCVHepatocyte(i, None, 'Initial', -83, 'InfectedL', 0)
# InfectedDict.append(x)
LatentDict = []
LatentLDict = []
DeadDict = []
lastCellID = init-1 #get last cellID
#Input initial conditions
I[0] = init;
T[0] = N-init;
VL[0] = v_init
j =0
InfectionArray = []
while I[j] >= 0 and j<M-1:
#print [T[j],E[j],I[j],Dt[j],Di[j]]
#Update Q to reflect new number of infected cells and viruses
Q[0] = (1-eta)*beta_L*I[j]
Q[1] = (1-eta)*beta_V*VL[j]
Q[2] = eta*beta_L*I[j]
Q[3] = eta*beta_V*VL[j]
#Calculate transition matrix
Qij = Q*[T[j],T[j],T[j], T[j],T[j], E[j],E[j], Ex[j], Ex[j], I[j], Dt[j], Di[j]]
#Draw from exponential distributions of waiting times
time_vec = time_vec_array[j]/Qij
#time_vec = np.random.exponential([1/Qij])[0]
#find minimum waiting time and obtain index to ascertain next state jump
newTime = min(time_vec)
time_vecL = time_vec.tolist()
state_idx = time_vecL.index(min(time_vecL))
state_vec[j] = state_idx
[T[j+1],E[j+1],Ex[j+1],I[j+1],Dt[j+1],Di[j+1]]=[T[j],E[j],Ex[j],I[j],Dt[j],Di[j]]+ trans_vecs[:,state_idx]
#make adjustments to hepatocyte dictionaries according to state transition
#Infection of healthy cell by cell or virus -> latent or longterm latent
if state_idx in [0,1,2,3]:
Infector = random.choice(InfectedDict) #choose random infector cell
newCellID = lastCellID + 1
lastCellID = newCellID
newLatent = newCellID #CreateLatent(Infector, newCellID, state_idx, time[j])
if state_idx in [0,1]:
elif state_idx in [2,3]:
print('Incorrect State')
#Latent cell becomes infectious
elif state_idx in [5,7]:
if state_idx == 5:
LatCell = random.choice(LatentDict)
LatentDict.remove(LatCell) #remove cell from Latent Dict
elif state_idx == 7:
LatCell = random.choice(LatentLDict)
print('Incorrect State')
#x = LatentInfectious(LatCell, time[j]) #add cell to Infected Dict
#Latent cell dies
elif state_idx == 6:
#LatentL cell dies
elif state_idx == 8:
#Infected cell dies
elif state_idx == 9:
KilledCell = random.choice(InfectedDict) #choose random infector cell
#KilledCell.cellType = 'Dead'
#KilledCell.tDead = time[j]
#newDead = KillInfected(KilledCell,time[j])
#DeadDict[newDead.cellID] = newDead
#Dead infected cell regenerates into healthy cell -- just delete from dead dict
elif state_idx == 11:
#Infected cell regenerated from Dead cell
#Output Infection chain and infecteds at each time step
#check lengths of InfectionChain and Infecteds
if len(InfectionChain)< int(time[j])+1:
if len(Infecteds) < int(time[j])+1:
#add to array of infections with timestep
if state_idx in [0,1,2,3]:
#if int(time[j]) in InfectionChain:
# InfectionChain[int(time[j])].append([Infector.cellID, newCellID])
# InfectionChain[int(time[j])] = [[Infector.cellID, newCellID]]
InfectionChain[int(time[j])].append([Infector, newCellID])
#elif state_idx == 12:
#if int(time[j]) in InfectionChain:
# InfectionChain[int(time[j])].append([DeadGen.cellID, newInfected.cellID])
# InfectionChain[int(time[j])] = [DeadGen.cellID, newInfected.cellID]
#InfectionChain[int(time[j])].append([DeadGen.cellID, newInfected.cellID])
# InfectionChain.append([])
#if int(time[j]) in Infecteds:
InfectedIDs = InfectedDict+ LatentDict+LatentLDict
Infecteds[int(time[j])] = list(set(Infecteds[int(time[j])] + InfectedIDs))
#update viral load and ALT
VL[j+1] = np.floor(rho*N_liver*(I[j+1]/N)*R/(gamma*c)) #VL[j] + (I[j]/N)*rho*N_liver*newTime - c*gamma*VL[j]*newTime #
ALT[j+1] = ALT[j] + (eps*(nu_T*(T[j] + E[j] + Ex[j]) + nu_I*I[j])-delta*ALT[j])*newTime
time[j+1] = time[j] + newTime
In [53]:
In [58]:
%timeit np.log(np.random.random(1))/5
In [177]:
#re-write with functions
#Function Definitions
import csv
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import random
In [175]:
def GenTransitionProbs(changes, eta, beta_L, beta_V, nu_T, alpha, alpha_x, nu_I, phi_T, phi_I, iCells, vLoad, state_vec):
''' Generate matrix of transition probabilities given parameters and state vales'''
Q = np.zeros(changes)
Q[0] = (1-eta)*(beta_L*iCells) #Infection of Target cell by cell-> latent
Q[1] = (1-eta)*beta_V*vLoad #Infection of Target cell by virus -> latent
Q[2] = eta*beta_L*init #Infection of Target cell by cell -> long-term latent
Q[3] = eta*beta_V*v_init #Infection of Target cell by virus -> long-term latent
Q[4] = nu_T; #Death of target cell
Q[5] = alpha; #latent cell becomes infected
Q[6] = nu_T; #latent cell dies
Q[7] = alpha_x #long-term latent cell becomes infected
Q[8] = nu_T #long-term latent cell dies
Q[9] = nu_I; #Infected cell dies
Q[10] = phi_T; #Healthy cell regenerates
Q[11] = (1-kappa)*phi_I; #Infected cell regenerates into healthy cell
Qij = Q*state_vec
return Qij
def CalcNextState(Qij, randNums, oldTime):
#Draw from exponential distributions of waiting times using pre-calculated random numbers
time_vec = randNums/Qij
#find minimum waiting time and obtain index to ascertain next state jump
newTime = min(time_vec) + oldTime
time_vecL = time_vec.tolist()
state_idx = time_vecL.index(min(time_vecL))
return newTime, state_idx
def UpdateStateVector(oldStates, trans_vecs, state_idx):
newStates = oldStates + trans_vecs[:,state_idx]
return newStates
def UpdateInfectionLists(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList, lastCellID):
'''Susceptible cell becomes infected: update Latent Lists'''
Infector = random.choice(InfectedList) #choose random infector cell
newCellID = lastCellID + 1
lastCellID = newCellID
newLatent = newCellID #CreateLatent(Infector, newCellID, state_idx, time[j])
if state_idx in [0,1]:
elif state_idx in [2,3]:
print('Incorrect State for Infecting Function')
return InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList, Infector, lastCellID
def UpdateLatent2Infectious(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList):
'''Latent cell becomes infectious'''
if state_idx == 5:
LatCell = random.choice(LatentList)
LatentList.remove(LatCell) #remove cell from Latent List
elif state_idx == 7:
LatCell = random.choice(LatentXList)
print('Incorrect State for Latent2Infectious')
return InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList
def UpdateKillCell(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList):
'''Latent, LatentX, or Infected Cell Dies'''
#Latent cell dise
if state_idx == 6:
#LatentX cell dies
elif state_idx == 8:
#Infected cell dies
elif state_idx == 9:
print("State not a cell-death state")
return InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList
def UpdateInfectionChain(InfectionChain, Infector, lastCellID, time):
'''Update Transmission Chain list'''
if len(InfectionChain)< int(time)+1:
InfectionChain[int(time)].append([Infector, lastCellID])
return InfectionChain
def UpdateInfecteds(Infecteds, time):
'''Update Infecteds List'''
if len(Infecteds) < int(time)+1:
InfectedIDs = InfectedList+ LatentList+LatentXList
Infecteds[int(time)] = list(set(Infecteds[int(time)] + InfectedIDs))
return Infecteds
def UpdateVL(rho, N_liver, N, R, gamma, c, iCells):
VL = np.floor(rho*N_liver*(iCells/N)*R/(gamma*c))
return VL
def UpdateALT(eps, nu_T, nu_I, delta, oldALT, T, E, Ex, I, tStep):
newALT = (eps*(nu_T*(T + E+ Ex) + nu_I*I)-delta*oldALT)*tStep
return newALT
def OutputPrevFile(Infecteds, FileName):
#First, sort Infecteds so they are in order of cell ID
InfectedsSort = dict()
for key, item in enumerate(Infecteds):
InfectedsSort[key] = sorted(Infecteds[i])
f = open(FileName, 'w')
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ' ')
for key, value in InfectedsSort.iteritems():
writer.writerow([key] + value)
def OutputChainFile(InfectionChain, FileName):
#Sort Infecteds and Infection chain, and break up infection chain
InfectionChainSort = dict()
for key, item in enumerate(InfectionChain):
a = sorted(list(InfectionChain[i]), key=lambda x: x[0])
InfectionChainSort[key] = [b for c in a for b in c]
f = open(FileName, 'w')
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ' ')
for key, value in InfectionChainSort.iteritems():
writer.writerow([key] + value)
def saveWorkspace(kwargs, filename = None ):
pickleDict = dict()
for key, item in kwargs.iteritems():
pickleDict[key] = item
#picklelist = [T, E, Ex, I, Dt, Di, time, VL, ALT, Infecteds, InfectionChain]
if filename == None:
now =
filename = 'Workspace_'+ now.strftime("%I%M%S%B%d")
tempFile = open(filename, 'w')
# now let's pickle picklelist
# close the file, and your pickling is complete
return filename
def loadWorkspace(filename):
unpicklefile = open(filename, 'r')
# now load the list that we pickled into a new object
unpickledDict = pickle.load(unpicklefile)
# close the file, just for safety
return unpickledDict
In [120]:
#Number of state transitions to observe
M = int(1e5)
# time vector
time = np.zeros(M)
#Define parameters
init=10 #10 #initial number of infected hepatocytes
v_init = 0#initial viral load
ALT_init = 100 #initial ALT level
rho = 8.18 #viral export rate
c = 22.3 #viral clearance rate
gamma = 1500 #scaling factor -
R = 4.1825 #average HCV RNA in infected hepatocyte
N_liver = int(1e11) #Number of cells in liver
alpha = 1 #1/latent period (days)
alpha_x = 1.3e-2 #1/long-term latent period
nu_T = 1.4e-2 #death rate of healthy cells
nu_I = 1/7 #death rate of infected cells
phi_T = 10*nu_T #regeneration rate of dead healthy cells
phi_I = .8*phi_T #regeneration rate of dead infected cells
beta_V = .5e-8 #viral transmision rate
beta_L = R*1e-5/(60*24) #cell-cell transmission rate
eta = .01 #proportion of infected cells that go long-term latent
kappa = 0 #.1 #proportion of dead infected cells regenerated as infected cells
changes = 12;
delta = .33 #ALT degradation rate
N=N_liver/1e7 #initial number of hepatocytes
eps = (delta*ALT_init)/(nu_T*N) #rate of ALT production
#Construct matrix of state transition vectors
trans_vecs = np.zeros([6, changes])
#state 1: infection of healthy cell by cell-> latent
trans_vecs[0,0] = -1;
trans_vecs[1,0] = 1;
#state 2: infection of healthy cell by virus -> latent
trans_vecs[0,1] = -1;
trans_vecs[1,1] = 1;
#state 3: infection of healthy cell by cell -> long-term latent
trans_vecs[0,2] = -1;
trans_vecs[2,2] = 1;
#state 4: infection of healthy cell by virus -> long-term latent
trans_vecs[0,3] = -1;
trans_vecs[2,3] = 1;
#state 5: death of healthy cell
trans_vecs[0,4] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,4] = 1;
#state 6: movement of latent cell into infected
trans_vecs[1,5] = -1;
trans_vecs[3,5] = 1;
#state 7: death of latent cell
trans_vecs[1,6] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,6] = 1;
#state 8: movement of long-term latent cell into infected
trans_vecs[2,7] = -1;
trans_vecs[3,7] = 1;
#state 9: death of long-term latent cell
trans_vecs[2,8] = -1;
trans_vecs[4,8] = 1;
#state 10: death of infected cell
trans_vecs[3,9] = -1;
trans_vecs[5,9] = 1;
#state 11: regeneration of dead healthy cell
trans_vecs[4,10] = -1;
trans_vecs[0,10] = 1;
#state 12: regeneration of dead infected cell into healthy cell
trans_vecs[5,11] = -1;
trans_vecs[0,11] = 1;
#state 13: regeneration of dead infected cell into infected cell
#trans_vecs[5,12] = -1;
#trans_vecs[3,12] = 1;
#Intialize random uniform numbers for distributions
time_vec_array = -np.log(np.random.random([M,changes]))
#Initialize state variable vectors
T = np.zeros(M)
E = np.zeros(M)
Ex = np.zeros(M)
I = np.zeros(M)
Dt = np.zeros(M)
Di = np.zeros(M)
VL = np.zeros(M)
ALT = np.zeros(M)
#Initialize lists
InfectionChain = []
Infecteds = []
#Initialize Infected Hepatocyte objects
InfectedList = range(init)
#for i in range(0,int(init/2)):
# x = HCVHepatocyte(i, None, 'Initial', -1, 'Infected', 0)
# InfectedDict.append(x)
#for i in range(int(init/2),init):
# x = HCVHepatocyte(i, None, 'Initial', -83, 'InfectedL', 0)
# InfectedDict.append(x)
LatentList = []
LatentXList= []
DeadList = []
lastCellID = init-1 #get last cellID
#Input initial conditions
I[0] = init;
T[0] = N-init;
VL[0] = v_init
j =0
InfectionArray = []
statesVec = [T[0], E[0], Ex[0], I[0], Dt[0], Di[0]]
while I[j] >= 0 and j<M-1:
#Generate Transition Probabilities
mult_vec = [T[j],T[j],T[j], T[j],T[j], E[j],E[j], Ex[j], Ex[j], I[j], Dt[j], Di[j]]
Qij = GenTransitionProbs(changes, eta, beta_L, beta_V, nu_T, alpha, alpha_x, nu_I, phi_T, phi_I, I[j], VL[j], mult_vec)
#Calculate what the next state transition should be
time[j+1], state_idx = CalcNextState(Qij, time_vec_array[j], time[j])
#Update the state vector
statesVec = UpdateStateVector(statesVec, trans_vecs, state_idx)
[T[j+1], E[j+1], Ex[j+1], I[j+1], Dt[j+1], Di[j+1]] = statesVec
if state_idx in [0,1,2,3]:
InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList, Infector, lastCellID = UpdateInfectionLists(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList, lastCellID)
InfectionChain = UpdateInfectionChain(InfectionChain, Infector, lastCellID, time[j])
elif state_idx in [5,7]:
InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList = UpdateLatent2Infectious(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList)
elif state_idx in [6,8,9]:
InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList = UpdateKillCell(state_idx, InfectedList, LatentList, LatentXList)
#Update list of Infecteds
Infecteds = UpdateInfecteds(Infecteds, time[j])
#update viral load and ALT
VL[j+1] = UpdateVL(rho, N_liver, N, R, gamma, c, I[j+1])
ALT[j+1] = UpdateALT(eps, nu_T, nu_I, delta, oldALT, T[j], E[j], Ex[j], I[j], time[j+1]-time[j])
OutputPrevFile(Infecteds, 'InfectedsTest.txt')
OutputChainFile(InfectionChain, 'InfectionChainTest.txt')
kwargs = {'T' : T, 'E' : E, 'Ex': Ex, 'I': I, 'Dt':Dt, 'Di' : Di, 'time' :time, 'VL':VL, 'ALT' : ALT, 'Infecteds' :Infecteds, 'InfectionChain' : InfectionChain}
saveWorkspace(kwargs, 'testFilename')
In [128]:
import pickle
import datetime
In [187]:
In [166]:
kwargs = {'T' : T, 'E' : E, 'Ex': Ex, 'I': I, 'Dt':Dt, 'Di' : Di, 'time' :time, 'VL':VL, 'ALT' : ALT, 'Infecteds' :Infecteds, 'InfectionChain' : InfectionChain}
In [166]:
In [173]:
saveWorkspace(kwargs, 'testFilename')
In [126]:
# lets create something to be pickled
# How about a list?
picklelist = [T, E, Ex, I, Dt, Di, time, VL, ALT]
# now create a file
# replace filename with the file you want to create
testFile = open('SavedStates', 'w')
# now let's pickle picklelist
# close the file, and your pickling is complete
In [112]:
In [113]:
[Infector, lastCellID]
In [ ]: