Class 27 - Boolean Networks

In [44]:
# define the names of the nodes (molecules) in the model

nodes <- c("Cell Size",
# count the number of nodes in the network
N <- length(nodes)

# define an NxN matrix of dependencies (these are the "edges" in the network)
# the row (first index) identifies the "regulator", and the column
# (second index) identifies the target molecule.
# NOTE:  I define aij as the transpose of how Li et al. define theirs!
a <- matrix(nrow=N, ncol=N)

# label the rows and columns of the matrix by the node names
rownames(a) <- nodes
colnames(a) <- nodes

# initialize all entries of the matrix to zero
a[,] <- 0

# define the activation edges (green arrows)
a["Cell Size",    "Cln3"]        <- 1
a["Cln3",         "MBF"]         <- 1
a["Cln3",         "SBF"]         <- 1
a["SBF",          "Cln1,2"]      <- 1
a["MBF",          "Clb5,6"]      <- 1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Sic1"]        <- 1
a["Clb5,6",       "Mcm1/SFF"]    <- 1
a["Clb5,6",       "Clb1,2"]      <- 1
a["Mcm1/SFF",     "Clb1,2"]      <- 1
a["Clb1,2",       "Mcm1/SFF"]    <- 1
a["Mcm1/SFF",     "Cdc20&Cdc14"] <- 1
a["Mcm1/SFF",     "Swi5"]        <- 1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Swi5"]        <- 1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Cdh1"]        <- 1
a["Clb1,2",       "Cdc20&Cdc14"] <- 1
a["Swi5",         "Sic1"]        <- 1

# define the repression edges (red arrows)
a["Clb1,2",       "SBF"]         <- -1
a["Clb1,2",       "MBF"]         <- -1
a["Clb1,2",       "Cdh1"]        <- -1
a["Clb1,2",       "Swi5"]        <- -1
a["Clb1,2",       "Sic1"]        <- -1
a["Cln1,2",       "Sic1"]        <- -1
a["Clb5,6",       "Sic1"]        <- -1
a["Sic1",         "Clb5,6"]      <- -1
a["Cln1,2",       "Cdh1"]        <- -1
a["Clb5,6",       "Cdh1"]        <- -1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Clb5,6"]      <- -1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Clb1,2"]      <- -1
a["Sic1",         "Clb1,2"]      <- -1
a["Cdh1",         "Clb1,2"]      <- -1

# define the autorepression edges (yellow loops)
a["Cln3",         "Cln3"]        <- -1
a["Swi5",         "Swi5"]        <- -1
a["Cdc20&Cdc14",  "Cdc20&Cdc14"] <- -1
a["Cln1,2",       "Cln1,2"]      <- -1
a["Mcm1/SFF",     "Mcm1/SFF"]    <- -1

# define the fixed points of the model
num.fp <- 7
fixed.points <- matrix(nrow=num.fp,
fixed.points[,] <- 0
colnames(fixed.points) <- nodes

# define the nonzero entries of the fixed-point matrix
fixed.points[1,"Cdh1"] <- 1
fixed.points[1,"Sic1"] <- 1
fixed.points[2,"SBF"] <- 1
fixed.points[2,"Cln1,2"] <- 1
fixed.points[3,"MBF"] <- 1
fixed.points[3,"Cdh1"] <- 1
fixed.points[3,"Sic1"] <- 1
fixed.points[4,"Sic1"] <- 1
fixed.points[5,"MBF"] <- 1
fixed.points[5,"Sic1"] <- 1
fixed.points[7,"Cdh1"] <- 1

# set up the vector for recording the number of times you end up at each
# of the different fixed points
basin.counts <- vector(length=num.fp, mode="integer")
basin.counts[] <- 0

Define a function hamming.dist that gives the hamming distance between two states of the Boolean network

In [3]:
hamming.dist <- function(x1,x2) {
# return the Hamming distance between state vectors x1 and x2

Define a function evolve that takes the network from one Boolean vector state to another Boolean vector state

In [4]:
evolve <- function(state) {
  # "state" is a vector of length N, containing zeros or ones.
  # A zero for a given node means it is in the "off" state; a
  # one means that the node is in the "on" state. Update for one
  # time-step according to the instructions in Eq. 1 of the Li et al. paper,
                                        # and return the new state

  # compute the influence function as product of state and the a matrix
  result <- state %*% a

  # positive entries get set to 1
  result[result > 0] <- 1

  # for any node for which the influence function is zero, use the current state
  result[result == 0] <- state[result == 0]
  # negative entries get set to 0
  result[result < 0] <- 0

Write a function that runs 10,000 simulations of the network. In each simulation, the procedure is:

  • create a random binary vector of length 12, and call that vector state (make sure the 1st position of the vector is set to zero)
  • iteratively call "evolve", passing the state to evolve and then updating state with the return value from evolve
  • check if state changes in the last call to evolve; if it does not, then you have reached a fixed point; stop iterating
  • compare the state to the rows of fixed.points; for the unique row i for which you find a match, increment the element in position i of basin.counts
  • print out basin.counts

In [53]:

   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11 
4293  283 4536  395  197   21  180    1   59   17   18