CS446/546 - Class Session 12 - Pagerank/Katz/Eigenvector centrality

In this class session we are going to compute the outgoing-edge PageRank centrality of each gene (vertex) in a human gene regulatory network (a directed graph) from a landmark paper on human gene regulation (Neph et al., Cell, volume 150, pages 1274-1286, 2012; see PDF on Canvas)

Let's start by having a look at the Neph et al. data file, neph_gene_network.txt. It is in edge-list format, with no header and no "interaction" column. Just two columns, first column contains the "regulator gene" and the second column contains the "target gene":

head neph_gene_network.txt
AHR     BCL6

Now let's load the packages that we will need for this exercise

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Using read.table, read the file shared/neph_gene_network.txt; name the two columns of the resulting data frame, regulator and target. Since there is no header, we will use header=FALSE:

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edge_list_neph <- read.table("shared/neph_gene_network.txt",

Load the edge-list data into a directed Graph object in igraph, using graph_from_data_frame. Make sure to reverse the columns of the data frame when you input the data frame into graph_from_data_frame, since we want the outgoing pagerank centrality not incoming pagerank centrality. Print out a summary of the graph.

In [4]:
neph_graph <- graph_from_data_frame(edge_list_neph[,c(2,1)], directed=TRUE)

IGRAPH d6906e8 DN-- 538 47945 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c)

Compute the pagerank centrality measures of all vertices, using page_rank. The page_rank function will return a list. You want list item vector.

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pageranks <- page_rank(neph_graph)$vector

Which vertex has highest pagerank centrality in the gene regulatory network, and what is its pagerank centrality value? (think which.max).

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FOS: 119

Calculate the in-degree of all vertices in the graph, and scatter plot log(degree) vs. log(pagerank). (Do you see why we used in here? Note the column swapping we did earlier)

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degree_vals <- degree(neph_graph, mode="in")
plot(degree_vals[degree_vals > 0], 
     pageranks[degree_vals > 0], 

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which.max(degree(neph_graph, mode="in"))

FOS: 119

See if you can calculate the pagerank centrality yourself, using the matrix inversion (Eq. 7.19 from Newman). Test your function on a small directed graph.

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my_page_rank <- function(g) {
    # get the number of vertices N
    N <- length(V(g))
    # alpha is the damping parameter, set to 0.85
    alpha <- 0.85
    # beta = (1-alpha)/N
    beta = (1-alpha)/N
    # get the out-degree values of all the vertices
    degree_values <- degree(g, mode="out")
    # get the adjacency matrix; take transpose to get it into Newman format
    M <- t(as.matrix(get.adjacency(g)))
    # for each column j of M, divide it by the out-degree of vertex j (unless the outdegree of vertex j is zero;
    # in that case set the column j of M to zero):
    M <- sapply(1:N,
               function(col_ind) {
                   degree_value <- degree_values[col_ind]
                   if (degree_value > 0) {
                       M[, col_ind]/degree_value
                   } else {
                       rep(0, N)
    # use the equation from the board to compute the pagerank, as the vector "pr"
    pr <- (solve(diag(N) - alpha*M) %*% rep(beta,N))[,1]
    # normalize the "pr" vector to unity
    pr / sum(pr)

Test out your homegrown pagerank function on a small five-vertex graph:

In [118]:
g <- barabasi.game(n=5, m=2, directed=TRUE)

my_pageranks <- my_page_rank(g)
official_pageranks <- page_rank(g, algo="prpack")$vector

[1] 0.4243328 0.1824414 0.1889527 0.1021366 0.1021366
[1] 0.4243328 0.1824414 0.1889527 0.1021366 0.1021366

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