Project 3 - Behavioral Cloning - Data Analysis & Exploration


In [1]:
import numpy as np

# set random seed

import utils
from dataloader import DataLoader

def get_image(settings, image_name):
    file_name = utils.get_image_file_name(image_name)
    return utils.load_image(settings.data_path + settings.images_path + file_name.strip())

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# plot a list of images in a single row
def plot_images_in_a_row(images, titles):
    cols = len(images)
    rows = 1
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cols * 4, rows * 4))

    for i in range(cols):
        plt.subplot(rows, cols, i+1)
from settings import Settings
default_settings = Settings(
    data_path = '../mydata2/',
    data_file = 'driving_log.csv',
    images_path = 'IMG/',
    batch_size = 512, 
    epochs = 10,
    learning_rate = 0.001,
    epoch_sample_size = 25000

# print settings

data_path: ../mydata2/
data_file: driving_log.csv
images_path: IMG/
batch_size: 512
epochs: 10
learning_rate: 0.001
epoch_sample_size: 25000
samples per epoch: 25088

Data Loading

In [2]:
print("Loading data ...")
dataloader = DataLoader(default_settings)
data = dataloader.get_csv_data()

Loading data ...
Samples before normalization : 63150 and after : 17413

View Data Contents

In [3]:

center left right steering throttle brake speed
0 IMG/center_2016_12_01_13_30_48_404.jpg IMG/left_2016_12_01_13_30_48_404.jpg IMG/right_2016_12_01_13_30_48_404.jpg 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.879630
1 IMG/center_2016_12_01_13_31_12_937.jpg IMG/left_2016_12_01_13_31_12_937.jpg IMG/right_2016_12_01_13_31_12_937.jpg 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.453011
2 IMG/center_2016_12_01_13_31_13_037.jpg IMG/left_2016_12_01_13_31_13_037.jpg IMG/right_2016_12_01_13_31_13_037.jpg 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.438419
3 IMG/center_2016_12_01_13_31_13_177.jpg IMG/left_2016_12_01_13_31_13_177.jpg IMG/right_2016_12_01_13_31_13_177.jpg 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.418236
4 IMG/center_2016_12_01_13_31_13_279.jpg IMG/left_2016_12_01_13_31_13_279.jpg IMG/right_2016_12_01_13_31_13_279.jpg 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.403993

Key Findings

  • Each of the data has left, right and center camera angle images, with only one steering angle for the center camera
  • To utlize left & right camera images, steering data needs to be augmented

Summarize Numerical Data

In [4]:

steering throttle brake speed
count 21050.000000 21050.000000 21050.000000 2.105000e+04
mean -0.015306 0.346059 0.000752 1.316849e+01
std 0.223497 0.460171 0.022612 1.258948e+01
min -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.473046e-07
25% -0.113779 0.000000 0.000000 2.774143e+00
50% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.863840e+00
75% 0.037736 0.985533 0.000000 3.018549e+01
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.070936e+01

Key Findings

  • Steering range : -1.0 to 1.0
  • Throttle was high during most of the recorded run (0.9855)
  • Brake was rarely used during the recording (0 @ 75%)
  • Speed was at the maximum during the recording (30.18 @ 75%)

Visualize the distribution of 'Streering' column data

In [5]:
# plot the distribution of steering angles
data['steering'].plot.hist(range=(-1,1), bins=41, rwidth=0.75)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcd9955bf60>

Key Findings

  • Most of the sterring angle is 0, recorded with mostly driving on the center of the lane
  • Almost all of the steering angles are between -0.5 to 0.5, clearly indicates not much of sharp turns in the track, especially when the recording was done at full speed of the vehicle.

Normalize the distribution of sample data

  • Normalizing the distribution of the sample data is one of the key steps in training the model, especially given there is a huge bias towards driving with straight (zero steering angle)
  • As part of the nomalization, we utilize left/right images with +/- 0.12 steering angles. Based on trial and error with different steering angles (0.5 - 0.25), I have chosen 0.12 as an angle that works better on my environment.
  • Samples are divided into 41 groups (bins) depending on their steering values. Then, a probability is calculated for each group (bin) depending on number of samples per group (bin).
  • Probabilities for each group (bin) are used for randomly selecting samples for training.
  • For each of the EPOCH, training samples are randomly selected based on the probabilities of the steering values distribution.

In [6]:
X, y = dataloader.get_data()
print("Total samples : {} Samples after normalization : {}".format(len(data), len(y)))

Total samples : 21050 Samples after normalization : 17413

Visualize nomalized sample distribution based on steering values

In [7]:
# plot the distribution of steering angles
plt.hist(y, range=(-1,1), bins=41, rwidth=0.75)

Image Processing

In [8]:
# get values of left, center, right images and steering angles
center = [utils.get_image_file_name(file_path) for file_path in data['center'].values] 
left = [utils.get_image_file_name(file_path) for file_path in data['left'].values] 
right = [utils.get_image_file_name(file_path) for file_path in data['right'].values] 
steering = data['steering'].values

# select sample images for data exploration
samples = [1500, 100, 2750]

# load images
center_sample_images = [get_image(default_settings, center[index]) for index in samples]
left_sample_images = [get_image(default_settings, left[index]) for index in samples]
right_sample_images = [get_image(default_settings, right[index]) for index in samples]
print("Input image shape : ", center_sample_images[0].shape)

Input image shape :  (160, 320, 3)

Visualize an image

In [9]:
# display image

Key Findings

  • Top 70 pixels and bottom 24 pixels could be cropped to reduce sky, tree and hood of the car.
  • Left 60 pixels and right 60 pixels could be cropped to make it 66x200 pixels input for NVIDIA model

Visualize images (left, center, right)

In [10]:
for i in range(len(samples)):
    samples_title = ["img{}_{}".format(i, 'left'), "img{}_{}".format(i, 'center'), "img{}_{}".format(i, 'right')]
    plot_images_in_a_row([left_sample_images[i], center_sample_images[i], right_sample_images[i]], samples_title)

Crop Images

In [11]:
cropped_left_images = [utils.crop_image(image) for image in left_sample_images]
cropped_center_images = [utils.crop_image(image) for image in center_sample_images]
cropped_right_images = [utils.crop_image(image) for image in right_sample_images]

print("Original image shape : ", center_sample_images[0].shape)
print("Cropped image shape : ", cropped_center_images[0].shape)

Original image shape :  (160, 320, 3)
Cropped image shape :  (66, 200, 3)

In [12]:
for i in range(len(samples)):
    samples_title = ["img{}_{}_cropped".format(i, 'left'), "img{}_{}_cropped".format(i, 'center'), "img{}_{}_cropped".format(i, 'right')]
    plot_images_in_a_row([cropped_left_images[i], cropped_center_images[i], cropped_right_images[i]], samples_title)

Random Effects

Following are the list of image processing effects randomly added to augment our data, for the training of our model. Appropriate adjustments to steering angle done as well.


In [13]:
image_input = get_image(default_settings, center[100])
steering_angle = steering[100]
image_flipped = utils.flip_image(image_input)
plot_images_in_a_row([image_input, image_flipped],["Original (steering: {})".format(steering_angle), "Flipped (steering: {})".format(steering_angle * -1)])

Brightness Adjustment

In [14]:
image_brightness_adjusted1 = utils.adjust_brightness(image_input, 1.2)
image_brightness_adjusted2 = utils.adjust_brightness(image_input, 0.8)
plot_images_in_a_row([image_input, image_brightness_adjusted1, image_brightness_adjusted2], ['Original', "Brightness (adjustment=1.2)", "Brightness (adjustment=0.8)"])

Gamma Adjustment

In [15]:
from skimage.exposure import adjust_gamma
image_gamma_adjusted1 = adjust_gamma(image_input, gamma=1.2)
image_gamma_adjusted2 = adjust_gamma(image_input, gamma=0.8)
plot_images_in_a_row([image_input, image_gamma_adjusted1,image_gamma_adjusted2], ['Original', "Gamma (adjustment=1.2)", "Gamma (adjustment=0.8)"])


In [16]:
image_translated1 = utils.translate_image(image_input, x_trans=20, y_trans=0.5)
image_translated2 = utils.translate_image(image_input, x_trans=-20, y_trans=-0.5)
plot_images_in_a_row([image_input, image_translated1,image_translated2],['Original', "Trans (shift down)", "Trans (shift up)"])


In [19]:
image_shadowed1 = utils.random_shadow(image_input)
plot_images_in_a_row([image_input, image_shadowed1],['Original', "Shadow Example"])

Recovery Training

In order for the model to be robust, data was collected simulating the situation of recovering from left and right edges of the lane. Example below shows the recovery training.

In [20]:
from IPython import display
display.HTML('<img src="./output/recoverygif.png">')
