Reliability calculations module

Plotting reliability

Reliability formula:

$\begin{equation} \mathrm{R} = e^{(\frac{-t}{\eta})^{\beta}} \end{equation}$

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from math import exp, log, ceil, factorial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# characteristic life
eta = 448.3

# beta
beta = [1.5, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5]

# operations
t = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)

def plotReliability(eta, beta, t):
    '''Plots reliability based on formula
    R = exp(-t/eta)**beta
    eta : float (mandatory)
        characteristic life
    beta : list (mandatory)
        exponent in the equation
    t : list or 1d array (mandatory) 
        number of cycles or operations
    Plot of reliability as a function of operations/cycles
    # reliability
    R = np.empty([len(t), len(beta)])
    for i in range(len(beta)):
        for k in range(len(t)):
            R[k,i] = exp(-(t[k]/eta)**beta[i])
    # plotting
    for m in range(len(beta)):
        plt.plot(t, R[:,m], label = "beta = %s" %beta[m])
    plt.xlabel("Number of operations")

plotReliability(eta, beta, t)

Non-parametric binomial calculations

Reliability and number of samples calculation

In [3]:
# functions definitions

def calculateReliabilityNPB (samples, CL, fails = 0):
    '''Calculate reliability based on confidence limits and number of samples.
    This version takes into account non-parametric binomial distribution
    samples: float
        number of tested samples
    CL: float
        confidence limits
    fails: float (optional)
        number of failed samples (by default none)
    reliability: foat
        reliability number
    return (1-CL)**(1/samples)

def calculateSamplesNPB(rel, CL, fails=0):
    Calculate number of samples to prove required reliability @ given confidence limits.
    This version takes into account non-parametric binomial distribution
    rel: float
        target reliability
    CL: float
        confidence limits
    fails: float (optional)
        number of failed samples (by default none)
    samples: foat
        number of samples for the test
    # math.ceil is used to round up to the next full int number
    return ceil(log(1-CL, rel))

In [4]:
# Reliability
R1 = calculateReliabilityNPB(3, 0.5)

# number of samples
n1 = calculateSamplesNPB(0.9, 0.5)

(R1, n1)

(0.7937005259840998, 7)

In [22]:
# trying to solve for reliability with one failure

from scipy import optimize

def f(x, n, CL):
    n = int(n)
    return (1-factorial(n)/factorial(n-1))*x**n + factorial(n)/factorial(n-1)*x**(n-1) + CL -1

def main(x0, n, CL):
    res = optimize.newton(f, x0, args=(n, CL))
    return res

p = main(0.7, 9, 0.5)



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