In [1]:
#importing all required modules
#important otherwise pop-up window may not work
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import *
import seaborn
from ipywidgets import interact
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, output_notebook, show
Auxiliary variables definition
In [2]:
# RMS value of voltage
u = 230
#time vector
t = np.linspace(0,0.08, 100)
#frequency & angular frequency
f = 50
omega = 2 * pi * f
R = 5
L = 0.1
XL = 2*pi*f*L
#Phase angle
#closing angle [rad]
alpha = 0
In [3]:
print "Reactance value:", XL
print "Phase angle value:", phi
Definition of voltages
In [4]:
ua = [sqrt(2)*u*sin(omega*k + alpha) for k in t]
ub = [sqrt(2)*u*sin(omega*k + 2*pi/3 + alpha) for k in t]
uc = [sqrt(2)*u*sin(omega*k - 2*pi/3 +alpha) for k in t]
In [5]:
plt.title("Three phase voltages")
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.ylabel("Voltage [V]")
plt.axis([0, 0.02, -400, 400])
Definition of the current in phase A, B and C
In [6]:
#Phase A
#Current response
ia = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*(sin(omega*k+alpha-phi)-sin(alpha-phi)*exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#DC component of the current
iadc = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*-sin(alpha-phi)*(exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#AC steady state current
iau = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*sin(omega*k+alpha-phi)) for k in t]
#Phase B
#Current response
ib = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*(sin(omega*k+alpha-phi+4*pi/3)-sin(alpha-phi+4*pi/3)*exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#DC component of the current
ibdc = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*-sin(alpha-phi+4*pi/3)*(exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#AC steady state current
ibu = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*sin(omega*k+alpha-phi+4*pi/3)) for k in t]
#Phase C
#Current response
ic = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*(sin(omega*k+alpha-phi+2*pi/3)-sin(alpha-phi+2*pi/3)*exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#DC component of the current
icdc = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*-sin(alpha-phi+2*pi/3)*(exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#AC steady state current
icu = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*sin(omega*k+alpha-phi+2*pi/3)) for k in t]
In [7]:
def kresl(t, i, idc, iu, phase):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, i, label="final current")
ax.plot(t, idc, label="aperiodic component")
ax.plot(t, iu, label="periodic component")
ax.set_ylabel("Current [A]")
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_title("Current in " + phase)
In [8]:
kresl(t, ia, iadc, iau, "Phase A")
kresl(t, ib, ibdc, ibu, "Phase B")
kresl(t, ic, icdc, icu, "Phase C")
In [9]:
def kresl2(t, i, idc, iu, phase):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, i, label="final current")
ax.plot(t, idc, label="aperiodic component")
ax.plot(t, iu, label="periodic component")
ax.set_ylabel("Current [A]")
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_title("Current in " + phase)
ax.axis([0, 0.08, -30, 30])
In [10]:
def current(u, alpha):
t = np.linspace(0,0.08, 100)
#Current response
i = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*(sin(omega*k+alpha-phi)-sin(alpha-phi)*exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#DC component of the current
idc = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*-sin(alpha-phi)*(exp(-R/L*k))) for k in t]
#AC steady state current
iu = [(sqrt(2)*u/(sqrt(R**2+XL**2))*sin(omega*k+alpha-phi)) for k in t]
kresl2(t, i, idc, iu, "Phase A")
In [13]:
interact(current, u=(100,400), alpha=(0,phi))
In [11]:
In [12]:
p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400)
p.line(t,ia, color="navy", line_width=2, legend="final current")
p.line(t,iau, color="red", line_width=1, legend="periodic component")
p.line(t,iadc, color="green", line_width=1, legend="aperiodic component")
In [ ]: