In [14]:
!pip3 install dateutils
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): dateutils in c:\users\radhika\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): argparse in c:\users\radhika\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\lib\site-packages (from dateutils)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): python-dateutil in c:\users\radhika\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\lib\site-packages (from dateutils)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pytz in c:\users\radhika\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\lib\site-packages (from dateutils)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.5 in c:\users\radhika\appdata\local\programs\python\python35-32\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil->dateutils)
In [15]:
import pandas as pd
In [16]:
earthquake = {
'rms': '1.85',
'updated': '2014-06-11T05:22:21.596Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'magType': 'mwp',
'longitude': '-136.6561',
'gap': '48',
'depth': '10',
'dmin': '0.811',
'mag': '5.7',
'time': '2014-06-04T11:58:58.200Z',
'latitude': '59.0001',
'place': '73km WSW of Haines, Alaska',
'net': 'us',
'nst': '',
'id': 'usc000rauc'}
In [17]:
import dateutil.parser
import datetime
In [18]:
def time_of_day(timestring):
time = timestring['time']
yourdate = dateutil.parser.parse(time)
time_words = int(yourdate.strftime("%H"))
if time_words <11:
return "Morning"
elif time_words >=11 & time_words < 15:
return "Noon"
elif time_words >=15 & time_words < 19:
return "Evening"
elif time_words >= 19 & time_words < 24:
return "Night"
In [26]:
def day_in_words(timestring):
time = timestring['time']
yourday = dateutil.parser.parse(time)
day_words = yourday.strftime("%a")
return day_words
In [20]:
def date_in_words(timestring):
time = timestring['time']
yourdate = dateutil.parser.parse(time)
date_words = yourdate.strftime("%b %d")
return date_words
'Jun 04'
In [21]:
def depth_is(My_Parameter):
number = int(My_Parameter['depth'])
if number >=0 & number <= 70:
return "shallow"
elif number >= 71 & number <= 300:
return "intermediate"
elif number >= 301 & number <= 700:
return "deep"
In [22]:
def mag_words(my_mag):
num = float(my_mag['mag'])
if num < 2:
return "Micro"
elif num < 4:
return "Minor"
elif num < 5:
return "Light"
elif num < 6:
return "Moderate"
elif num < 7:
return "Strong"
elif num < 8:
return "Major"
elif num > 8:
return "Great"
In [23]:
def mag_is(my_mag):
num = str(my_mag['mag'])
return num
In [24]:
def place_is(my_place):
place = my_place['place']
return place
'73km WSW of Haines, Alaska'
In [27]:
def eq_to_sentence(my_dict):
return "A " + depth_is(my_dict), mag_words(my_dict), mag_is(my_dict) + " earthquake was reported " + day_in_words(my_dict), time_of_day(my_dict) + " on " + date_in_words(my_dict), place_is(my_dict)
('A shallow',
'5.7 earthquake was reported Wed',
'Noon on Jun 04',
'73km WSW of Haines, Alaska')
In [28]:
earthquakes_df = pd.read_csv("1.0_month.csv")
earthquakes = earthquakes_df.to_dict('records')
In [29]:
[{'depth': 58.0,
'depthError': 0.5,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.2,
'id': 'ak13670692',
'latitude': 61.443000000000005,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -151.0296,
'mag': 3.2,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '57km W of Big Lake, Alaska',
'rms': 0.57,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T02:11:34.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:37:41.259Z'},
{'depth': 55.2,
'depthError': 1.3,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.4,
'id': 'ak13670282',
'latitude': 62.231,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -149.5123,
'mag': 1.5,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '19km ENE of Y, Alaska',
'rms': 0.22,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T01:38:22.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:03:07.400Z'},
{'depth': 30.5,
'depthError': 0.4,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.5,
'id': 'ak13670280',
'latitude': 60.8851,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -150.8646,
'mag': 1.7,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '31km NE of Nikiski, Alaska',
'rms': 0.57,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T01:30:23.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:03:06.673Z'},
{'depth': 10.11,
'depthError': 0.36,
'dmin': 0.051829999999999994,
'gap': 29.0,
'horizontalError': 0.15,
'id': 'ci37393647',
'latitude': 33.9506667,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -117.235,
'mag': 2.34,
'magError': 0.222,
'magNst': 25.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 87.0,
'place': '3km NNW of Moreno Valley, CA',
'rms': 0.19,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T00:43:36.790Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:54:13.520Z'},
{'depth': 3.4,
'depthError': 1.67,
'dmin': 0.06544,
'gap': 124.0,
'horizontalError': 1.22,
'id': 'ci37393639',
'latitude': 34.1623333,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -118.49583329999999,
'mag': 1.58,
'magError': 0.336,
'magNst': 33.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 13.0,
'place': '0km NE of Encino, CA',
'rms': 0.33,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T00:14:55.970Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:18:34.661Z'},
{'depth': 5.0,
'depthError': 1.8,
'dmin': 0.02,
'gap': 81.0,
'horizontalError': 1.2,
'id': 'us200065m9',
'latitude': 36.4519,
'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': -98.735,
'mag': 2.9,
'magError': 0.061,
'magNst': 69.0,
'magSource': 'us',
'magType': 'mb_lg',
'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '30km NW of Fairview, Oklahoma',
'rms': 0.63,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-21T00:10:30.740Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:29:48.538Z'},
{'depth': 1.74,
'depthError': 0.59,
'dmin': 0.1024,
'gap': 58.0,
'horizontalError': 0.27,
'id': 'ci37393631',
'latitude': 36.037833299999996,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -117.36516670000002,
'mag': 2.43,
'magError': 0.115,
'magNst': 25.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 28.0,
'place': '30km N of Searles Valley, CA',
'rms': 0.17,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-21T00:04:44.680Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:15:56.810Z'},
{'depth': 216.5,
'depthError': 8.5,
'dmin': 3.7,
'gap': 80.0,
'horizontalError': 11.0,
'id': 'us200065m1',
'latitude': -17.2388,
'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': 168.4476,
'mag': 4.7,
'magError': 0.09300000000000001,
'magNst': 35.0,
'magSource': 'us',
'magType': 'mb',
'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '56km NNE of Port-Vila, Vanuatu',
'rms': 1.12,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T23:27:23.550Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:38:02.511Z'},
{'depth': 0.87,
'depthError': 0.32,
'dmin': 0.03218,
'gap': 103.0,
'horizontalError': 0.27,
'id': 'ci37393599',
'latitude': 36.0181667,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -117.804,
'mag': 1.6,
'magError': 0.172,
'magNst': 25.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 17.0,
'place': '13km NE of Little Lake, CA',
'rms': 0.15,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T23:24:38.390Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T23:28:29.123Z'},
{'depth': 4.5,
'depthError': 0.9,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.2,
'id': 'ak13669867',
'latitude': 64.968,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -147.3769,
'mag': 1.0,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '20km NNE of Badger, Alaska',
'rms': 0.86,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T23:02:19.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T23:52:15.615Z'},
{'depth': 12.2,
'depthError': 7.6,
'dmin': 0.271,
'gap': 170.74,
'horizontalError': nan,
'id': 'nn00548744',
'latitude': 39.601,
'locationSource': 'nn',
'longitude': -119.0644,
'mag': 1.3,
'magError': 0.27,
'magNst': 4.0,
'magSource': 'nn',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'nn',
'nst': 5.0,
'place': '16km E of Fernley, Nevada',
'rms': 0.1446,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:56:41.353Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T23:52:26.404Z'},
{'depth': 12.95,
'depthError': 2.13,
'dmin': 0.1463,
'gap': 246.0,
'horizontalError': 1.04,
'id': 'nc72653631',
'latitude': 39.336,
'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -122.78933329999998,
'mag': 1.57,
'magError': 0.242,
'magNst': 5.0,
'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 6.0,
'place': '21km NNE of Upper Lake, California',
'rms': 0.03,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:49:14.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:02:02.595Z'},
{'depth': 20.7,
'depthError': 1.28,
'dmin': 0.1274,
'gap': 97.0,
'horizontalError': 0.84,
'id': 'ci37393591',
'latitude': 32.5466667,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -115.29016670000001,
'mag': 2.02,
'magError': 0.262,
'magNst': 23.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 12.0,
'place': '6km ESE of Puebla, B.C., MX',
'rms': 0.25,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:45:49.700Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T22:49:39.542Z'},
{'depth': 34.0,
'depthError': 2.1,
'dmin': 0.36381769,
'gap': 187.2,
'horizontalError': 1.2,
'id': 'pr16172009',
'latitude': 18.5351,
'locationSource': 'pr',
'longitude': -65.5895,
'mag': 3.2,
'magError': 0.0,
'magNst': 18.0,
'magSource': 'pr',
'magType': 'Md',
'net': 'pr',
'nst': 19.0,
'place': '22km NE of Luquillo, Puerto Rico',
'rms': 0.23,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:41:35.500Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T23:20:19.115Z'},
{'depth': 536.53,
'depthError': 7.5,
'dmin': 3.035,
'gap': 118.0,
'horizontalError': 13.5,
'id': 'us200065lp',
'latitude': -17.6227,
'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': -178.7657,
'mag': 4.4,
'magError': 0.064,
'magNst': 70.0,
'magSource': 'us',
'magType': 'mb',
'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '238km SE of Lambasa, Fiji',
'rms': 0.91,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:29:38.700Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T23:16:37.717Z'},
{'depth': 7.01,
'depthError': 0.8,
'dmin': 0.058710000000000005,
'gap': 156.0,
'horizontalError': 0.39,
'id': 'nc72653626',
'latitude': 37.5383333,
'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -118.86433329999998,
'mag': 1.15,
'magError': 0.331,
'magNst': 15.0,
'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 16.0,
'place': '15km SE of Mammoth Lakes, California',
'rms': 0.02,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:24:36.600Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:07:02.224Z'},
{'depth': 0.11,
'depthError': 0.61,
'dmin': 0.015080000000000001,
'gap': 171.0,
'horizontalError': 0.31,
'id': 'nc72653621',
'latitude': 38.757831599999996,
'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -122.7133331,
'mag': 1.22,
'magError': 0.1,
'magNst': 5.0,
'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 11.0,
'place': '4km ESE of The Geysers, California',
'rms': 0.04,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:16:02.980Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:01:04.209Z'},
{'depth': 20.7,
'depthError': 0.2,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.2,
'id': 'ak13669458',
'latitude': 61.4308,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -146.6473,
'mag': 1.9,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '37km NNW of Valdez, Alaska',
'rms': 0.68,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T22:06:49.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T22:45:34.212Z'},
{'depth': 30.4,
'depthError': 0.2,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.3,
'id': 'ak13669455',
'latitude': 61.5631,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -146.4893,
'mag': 1.7,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '48km N of Valdez, Alaska',
'rms': 0.85,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:47:17.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T22:13:35.262Z'},
{'depth': 0.0,
'depthError': 0.7,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.5,
'id': 'ak13669453',
'latitude': 63.4847,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -147.8505,
'mag': 1.2,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '55km E of Cantwell, Alaska',
'rms': 0.68,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:28:03.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T22:13:33.106Z'},
{'depth': 10.19,
'depthError': 0.5,
'dmin': 0.01163,
'gap': 206.0,
'horizontalError': 0.68,
'id': 'nc72653611',
'latitude': 37.6488333,
'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -122.4755,
'mag': 1.11,
'magError': 0.027000000000000003,
'magNst': 5.0,
'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 7.0,
'place': '3km SSW of Colma, California',
'rms': 0.09,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:26:39.320Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:41:03.324Z'},
{'depth': -0.29,
'depthError': 31.61,
'dmin': 0.013009999999999999,
'gap': 126.0,
'horizontalError': 0.31,
'id': 'nc72653606',
'latitude': 37.323,
'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -122.1015,
'mag': 1.33,
'magError': 0.287,
'magNst': 12.0,
'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 11.0,
'place': '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA',
'rms': 0.06,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:11:43.170Z',
'type': 'quarry blast',
'updated': '2016-06-21T00:42:50.928Z'},
{'depth': -0.65,
'depthError': 31.61,
'dmin': 0.1137,
'gap': 93.0,
'horizontalError': 0.42,
'id': 'uw61171021',
'latitude': 48.082,
'locationSource': 'uw',
'longitude': -121.9395,
'mag': 1.85,
'magError': 0.12300000000000001,
'magNst': 26.0,
'magSource': 'uw',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'uw',
'nst': 11.0,
'place': '2km E of Granite Falls, Washington',
'rms': 0.14,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:08:25.330Z',
'type': 'explosion',
'updated': '2016-06-20T21:32:49.690Z'},
{'depth': 0.0,
'depthError': 0.0,
'dmin': 0.28300000000000003,
'gap': 165.03,
'horizontalError': nan,
'id': 'nn00548719',
'latitude': 36.9539,
'locationSource': 'nn',
'longitude': -117.5885,
'mag': 1.4,
'magError': 0.23,
'magNst': 12.0,
'magSource': 'nn',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'nn',
'nst': 22.0,
'place': '57km NE of Lone Pine, California',
'rms': 0.1388,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T21:05:12.880Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T21:30:09.221Z'},
{'depth': 3.4,
'depthError': 3.2,
'dmin': 0.271,
'gap': 59.77,
'horizontalError': nan,
'id': 'nn00548716',
'latitude': 37.916,
'locationSource': 'nn',
'longitude': -117.5916,
'mag': 1.1,
'magError': 0.12,
'magNst': 7.0,
'magSource': 'nn',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'nn',
'nst': 15.0,
'place': '35km WSW of Tonopah, Nevada',
'rms': 0.1041,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T20:39:28.782Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T21:17:10.970Z'},
{'depth': 1.19,
'depthError': 0.18,
'dmin': 0.0077280000000000005,
'gap': 48.0,
'horizontalError': 0.13,
'id': 'hv61304631',
'latitude': 19.4043333,
'locationSource': 'hv',
'longitude': -155.2798333,
'mag': 1.82,
'magError': 0.08900000000000001,
'magNst': 10.0,
'magSource': 'hv',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'hv',
'nst': 22.0,
'place': '5km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii',
'rms': 0.08,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T20:28:49.910Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T20:51:40.630Z'},
{'depth': 8.4,
'depthError': 4.4,
'dmin': 1.262,
'gap': 70.0,
'horizontalError': 5.1,
'id': 'us200065ky',
'latitude': 35.7107,
'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': 68.4557,
'mag': 4.4,
'magError': 0.114,
'magNst': 22.0,
'magSource': 'us',
'magType': 'mb',
'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '21km S of Hukumati Dahanah-ye Ghori, Afghanistan',
'rms': 0.89,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-20T20:27:13.590Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T22:25:09.246Z'},
{'depth': 0.07,
'depthError': 31.61,
'dmin': 0.06423999999999999,
'gap': 52.0,
'horizontalError': 0.39,
'id': 'ci37393487',
'latitude': 35.0525,
'locationSource': 'ci',
'longitude': -118.32,
'mag': 1.18,
'magError': 0.1,
'magNst': 23.0,
'magSource': 'ci',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ci',
'nst': 16.0,
'place': '13km W of Mojave, CA',
'rms': 0.17,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T20:14:52.180Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T20:18:47.730Z'},
{'depth': 2.6630000000000003,
'depthError': 0.16,
'dmin': 0.00583,
'gap': 87.0,
'horizontalError': 0.17,
'id': 'hv61304576',
'latitude': 19.3995,
'locationSource': 'hv',
'longitude': -155.26,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:33:17.731Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:05:02.036Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:39:04.320Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:08:02.340Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T20:12:55.400Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:23:14.950Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T15:58:39.821Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:14:30.990Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:10:21.030Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T13:59:06.570Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:01:26.874Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:32:03.883Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T13:41:52.990Z',
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'time': '2016-06-20T12:57:25.230Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:57:04.380Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:24:30.265Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:58.791Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:14:40.028Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:50.505Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T12:07:38.760Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:03:04.477Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T12:07:04.436Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:25:37.580Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:41:30.470Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:36:39.428Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T09:47:28.403Z'},
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'place': '105km NNW of Road Town, British Virgin Islands',
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'nst': nan,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T10:52:34.751Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:50:57.500Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:27:54.710Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:26:05.740Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T08:20:56.986Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:45.385Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T08:14:57.420Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:43.030Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T08:11:15.953Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:40.799Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:39.108Z'},
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'net': 'hv',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:59:08.370Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T08:03:27.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T08:37:18.190Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T07:55:33.348Z',
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'time': '2016-06-20T07:53:30.430Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T09:44:39.688Z'},
{'depth': 13.3,
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:36:10.975Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T07:43:57.838Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:23.769Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:50:01.610Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T08:00:03.739Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T07:14:47.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:38:59.741Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:02:14.190Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T06:21:29.630Z'},
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'net': 'nc',
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'time': '2016-06-20T05:19:18.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T05:52:36.121Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:53:35.375Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T04:33:26.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T05:14:57.846Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:20:15.220Z'},
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'place': '63km W of Anchor Point, Alaska',
'rms': 0.35,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T05:14:57.215Z'},
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'place': '7km N of Big Bear Lake, CA',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:55:55.183Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:44:07.808Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:50:50.404Z'},
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'rms': 0.02,
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:57:05.480Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T05:14:02.257Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:50:55.360Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:56:38.000Z'},
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'place': '3km W of Cobb, California',
'rms': 0.04,
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:48:53.740Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:48:03.193Z'},
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'place': '16km S of Road Town, British Virgin Islands',
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:44:19.900Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T07:45:20.868Z'},
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'rms': 0.74,
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:41:13.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:42:49.568Z'},
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'rms': 0.6,
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:27:31.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:03:23.694Z'},
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'place': '15km ESE of Sutton-Alpine, Alaska',
'rms': 0.44,
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'time': '2016-06-20T03:06:14.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:03:26.056Z'},
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'place': '38km N of Otra Banda, Dominican Republic',
'rms': 0.5,
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'time': '2016-06-20T02:22:33.500Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:36:25.248Z'},
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'rms': 0.1708,
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'time': '2016-06-20T02:18:55.575Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:35:05.315Z'},
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'place': '108km W of Cantwell, Alaska',
'rms': 0.76,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T02:10:41.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T02:46:55.395Z'},
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'rms': 0.47,
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'time': '2016-06-20T02:10:35.250Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:24:22.181Z'},
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'rms': 0.32,
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'time': '2016-06-20T02:09:45.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T02:46:52.953Z'},
{'depth': 3.0,
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'rms': 0.09,
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:49:02.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:08:42.349Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:42:51.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:48:00.111Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:31:21.390Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:12:29.040Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:26:06.460Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:03:15.190Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:25:38.360Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T04:03:25.381Z'},
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'magError': 0.23600000000000002,
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'nst': 18.0,
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'rms': 0.07,
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'time': '2016-06-20T01:23:03.510Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:30:03.290Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-20T00:59:54.670Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T01:22:19.314Z'},
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'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '59km NE of Taitung City, Taiwan',
'rms': 1.07,
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'time': '2016-06-20T00:39:43.850Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T01:10:56.783Z'},
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'net': 'nc',
'nst': 30.0,
'place': '8km WNW of The Geysers, California',
'rms': 0.05,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T00:29:58.720Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T01:01:02.543Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'rms': 0.19,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-20T00:02:57.140Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T00:06:41.863Z'},
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'nst': nan,
'place': "164km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand",
'rms': 1.27,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T23:56:55.900Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T01:16:53.742Z'},
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'place': '130km NNW of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands',
'rms': 0.31,
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'time': '2016-06-19T23:30:45.900Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T03:39:12.860Z'},
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'nst': nan,
'place': 'Ascension Island region',
'rms': 0.95,
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'time': '2016-06-19T23:13:44.780Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T01:56:37.000Z'},
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'place': '21km NNE of Badger, Alaska',
'rms': 0.74,
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'time': '2016-06-19T23:12:48.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-19T23:58:55.566Z'},
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'nst': nan,
'place': 'Ascension Island region',
'rms': 1.2,
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'time': '2016-06-19T22:52:23.790Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T23:13:45.333Z'},
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'locationSource': 'ak',
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'rms': 0.72,
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'time': '2016-06-19T22:38:02.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T23:23:16.220Z'},
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'longitude': -115.8833,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:10:27.672Z'},
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'locationSource': 'nc',
'longitude': -122.7636642,
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'place': '3km W of Cobb, California',
'rms': 0.03,
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'time': '2016-06-19T22:15:35.930Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T23:20:03.678Z'},
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'place': '10km SW of Bridgeport, Washington',
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'time': '2016-06-19T22:14:06.320Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:49:16.550Z'},
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'locationSource': 'ak',
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'nst': nan,
'place': '50km NNW of Talkeetna, Alaska',
'rms': 0.6,
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'time': '2016-06-19T22:11:15.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:47.751Z'},
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'nst': nan,
'place': '62km ESE of Healy, Alaska',
'rms': 0.4,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-19T22:02:57.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:49.093Z'},
{'depth': -0.23,
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'place': '4km NNW of The Geysers, California',
'rms': 0.06,
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'time': '2016-06-19T21:56:56.920Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:27:04.508Z'},
{'depth': 35.1,
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:49:11.380Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T21:37:35.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:07:27.112Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:41:27.770Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:47:45.680Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:43:18.779Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T21:28:19.262Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:41:34.920Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T20:59:38.330Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T20:47:02.184Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T20:20:56.477Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:32:16.680Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:47:50.400Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:47:54.930Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:53:03.373Z'},
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'place': '79km NW of Chirikof Island, Alaska',
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'rms': 0.98,
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'updated': '2016-06-19T18:25:01.846Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:40:26.210Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:06:02.220Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T17:46:10.240Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T17:46:09.189Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T18:50:42.208Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:08:51.211Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T18:13:39.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:17:56.860Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T16:18:19.680Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T18:10:34.338Z'},
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'rms': 0.65,
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'time': '2016-06-19T16:15:17.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T17:09:38.755Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:59:35.645Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T15:51:26.690Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:38:25.360Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-19T15:36:34.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T16:30:58.573Z'},
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'rms': 0.32,
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'time': '2016-06-19T15:35:57.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T16:29:37.403Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T16:12:31.018Z'},
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'rms': 0.56,
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'time': '2016-06-19T14:29:30.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T15:12:01.790Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T14:22:20.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T15:12:00.930Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:27:12.109Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T17:31:22.761Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:33:22.420Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:07:43.649Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T14:30:04.097Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T18:18:32.040Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T13:34:44.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T14:00:33.574Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T13:31:52.327Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:09:38.835Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T14:16:56.381Z'},
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'rms': 0.15,
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'time': '2016-06-19T13:09:48.840Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:24:50.820Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T13:04:40.790Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T03:03:03.454Z'},
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'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T12:27:52.760Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:18:04.248Z'},
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'rms': 0.04,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T12:24:56.950Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:56:04.196Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T12:17:54.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:13:47.826Z'},
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'rms': 0.25,
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'updated': '2016-06-19T12:17:11.231Z'},
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'place': '51km W of West Yellowstone, Montana',
'rms': 0.17,
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'updated': '2016-06-19T15:06:50.030Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:10:08.802Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T12:12:05.778Z'},
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'net': 'pr',
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'time': '2016-06-19T11:13:57.900Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T15:54:42.175Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:50:20.840Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:05:45.047Z'},
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'rms': 0.19,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:50:25.930Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:59:23.510Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T10:03:23.830Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:28:55.551Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:58:21.630Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:50:32.670Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:55:18.980Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:51:40.300Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:48:18.673Z',
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:47:23.600Z',
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'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:47:03.620Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:04:36.390Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T09:46:51.840Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T10:29:03.347Z'},
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'rms': 0.12,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:49:41.249Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T09:55:13.187Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T20:41:33.956Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T08:35:27.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T14:15:30.800Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:49:05.290Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T07:42:28.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T08:18:29.488Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T07:40:00.250Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T20:33:28.212Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:51:00.837Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T07:11:41.600Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:22:04.108Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T07:48:23.570Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T06:33:13.690Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T07:09:15.730Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T06:30:56.640Z',
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'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T06:01:58.680Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:03:03.684Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:57:11.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T06:40:36.190Z'},
{'depth': 3.15,
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'place': '24km S of Twentynine Palms, CA',
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:43:28.370Z',
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:34:15.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T06:06:41.468Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:33:50.400Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:52:05.624Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:53:12.610Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:10:50.040Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T20:08:25.593Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T05:05:25.180Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:18:04.307Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T05:21:34.337Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:36:30.367Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:06:54.752Z'},
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'place': '9km WNW of Cobb, California',
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:34:09.030Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T05:33:04.516Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:22:54.220Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:11:03.415Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:21:51.030Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:20:04.103Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:21:50.705Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T03:08:26.496Z'},
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'rms': 0.05,
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'time': '2016-06-19T04:11:58.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:33:03.639Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:53:17.690Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-19T03:30:52.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T04:21:30.817Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:21:06.840Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T03:39:51.479Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T02:38:56.513Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T02:38:58.012Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T02:38:57.395Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:53:44.960Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T01:44:59.171Z'},
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'rms': 0.74,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T01:16:11.240Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T01:35:45.326Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T01:12:13.220Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T01:29:48.658Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T00:50:23.280Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:53:25.090Z'},
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'rms': 0.26,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-19T00:46:26.670Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:31:27.801Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:52:54.609Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:54:30.520Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-19T00:30:51.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T00:59:21.989Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-19T00:22:34.510Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:53:05.250Z'},
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'rms': 0.16,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:52:40.931Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'updated': '2016-06-19T00:23:25.907Z'},
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'rms': 0.36,
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'time': '2016-06-18T23:07:13.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T23:45:05.729Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T23:02:48.690Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T00:27:05.719Z'},
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'nst': nan,
'place': '91km ENE of Norsup, Vanuatu',
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'time': '2016-06-18T22:34:00.950Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T22:53:14.951Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T22:33:06.120Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:33:07.489Z'},
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'rms': 0.05,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-18T21:44:21.930Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:07:04.224Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T21:41:24.300Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T23:54:54.192Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T21:34:28.520Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T02:48:02.342Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T21:33:15.820Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T21:45:15.812Z'},
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'place': '16km NNE of Angwin, California',
'rms': 0.14,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-18T21:30:11.160Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T02:53:03.584Z'},
{'depth': 36.251999999999995,
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:23:16.860Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-18T21:15:51.930Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T01:56:32.000Z'},
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'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-18T21:11:48.050Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:40:03.660Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T20:43:14.870Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T23:15:54.925Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T20:38:08.810Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T22:55:08.998Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T20:31:02.780Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T22:30:50.505Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T20:27:53.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:30:10.240Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T20:02:29.770Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T21:18:34.978Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T19:45:19.880Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:00:04.382Z'},
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'magSource': 'ci',
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'rms': 0.15,
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'time': '2016-06-18T19:29:26.760Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:54:43.790Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T19:26:04.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T19:57:15.635Z'},
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'place': '7km NE of Larkfield-Wikiup, California',
'rms': 0.11,
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'time': '2016-06-18T19:18:53.620Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-21T01:44:03.162Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:29:09.490Z'},
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'nst': 45.0,
'place': '11km NE of Running Springs, CA',
'rms': 0.19,
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'time': '2016-06-18T18:29:49.790Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T13:55:48.770Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T16:51:18.908Z'},
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'place': '35km E of Hydesville, California',
'rms': 0.06,
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'time': '2016-06-18T18:19:23.820Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:42:02.145Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'rms': 0.47,
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'time': '2016-06-18T18:18:19.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T18:43:22.812Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T17:50:11.790Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:33:22.710Z'},
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'place': '78km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina',
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'time': '2016-06-18T17:29:44.860Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:33:49.040Z'},
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'gap': 93.6,
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'rms': 0.31,
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'time': '2016-06-18T17:14:55.400Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T21:37:43.340Z'},
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'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': 71.1686,
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'nst': nan,
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'rms': 1.08,
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'time': '2016-06-18T16:54:27.310Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T17:16:44.254Z'},
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'longitude': -149.5225,
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-18T16:47:25.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T17:30:27.115Z'},
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'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '135km S of Cape Yakataga, Alaska',
'rms': 0.11,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-18T16:33:58.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T17:30:26.201Z'},
{'depth': 7.99,
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'locationSource': 'nc',
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'magSource': 'nc',
'magType': 'md',
'net': 'nc',
'nst': 51.0,
'place': '8km ESE of East Foothills, California',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:14:44.701Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T16:09:02.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T16:54:28.033Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T16:05:56.240Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T16:19:52.650Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T15:53:18.500Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T20:58:51.034Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T15:44:03.056Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T15:36:28.426Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T15:21:22.296Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T14:59:25.160Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:35:04.133Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T14:54:15.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T15:44:06.843Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T14:52:38.150Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T15:26:18.494Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T21:59:43.340Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:12:56.560Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:55:58.050Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:31:03.385Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T13:26:14.190Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:56:05.196Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:53:09.287Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:28:02.944Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:58:51.030Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T12:07:53.785Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:47:40.253Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:11:20.200Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:45:46.100Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:55:59.666Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:01:03.656Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:41:06.001Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:57:46.190Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:36:47.741Z'},
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'rms': 0.03,
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'time': '2016-06-18T09:58:22.470Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T10:28:02.381Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T19:57:14.739Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T09:24:54.914Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:11:20.030Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T09:45:50.145Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:58:26.690Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T16:49:48.300Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T08:26:00.274Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:59:03.513Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:58:35.760Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T07:48:31.688Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:00:02.250Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T05:23:04.049Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:29:45.860Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T04:29:26.110Z',
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'time': '2016-06-18T04:26:52.650Z',
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'time': '2016-06-18T04:20:11.024Z',
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'time': '2016-06-18T04:13:07.280Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:12:35.005Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T22:59:52.480Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T03:39:35.340Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:00:19.480Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T04:05:09.333Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T04:05:05.950Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:42:10.652Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T03:14:32.440Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T20:20:02.976Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T03:09:54.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T04:05:04.891Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:58:51.485Z'},
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'rms': 0.69,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:48:01.900Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T02:06:36.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:48:01.024Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T04:00:30.587Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:59:14.334Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:10:32.080Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:15.199Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:13:57.052Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T01:34:18.583Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T01:34:17.934Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:40:11.102Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:25:47.180Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-18T00:18:36.780Z',
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'time': '2016-06-18T00:18:25.810Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:21:28.408Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:05:58.930Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:55:20.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:20:59.455Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:50:12.890Z',
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:48:41.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:21:01.102Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:21:00.404Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:39:49.390Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T03:34:03.187Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:24:52.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:21:01.908Z'},
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'rms': 0.06,
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:24:04.120Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:54:03.080Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T03:58:07.059Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T23:15:44.570Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:04:44.987Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:02:11.790Z'},
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'net': 'us',
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'place': '99km ENE of Keelung, Taiwan',
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'time': '2016-06-17T22:55:42.640Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:39:31.329Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T22:38:13.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:44:44.061Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T21:59:32.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T22:34:35.978Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T21:59:02.190Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:04:36.569Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T21:38:51.880Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T13:59:52.808Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T21:26:19.120Z',
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'time': '2016-06-17T20:59:34.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:06:19.510Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T20:59:25.550Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T19:41:54.128Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:14:07.987Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:48:53.032Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T23:17:08.400Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T17:03:26.420Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:48:54.815Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T20:02:37.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:48:54.113Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:51:44.010Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:03:46.805Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:09:28.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T16:00:43.301Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T19:16:39.960Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:06:39.160Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T19:42:57.753Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T22:37:33.900Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T19:42:59.365Z'},
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'place': '91km SSE of Ruby, Alaska',
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'time': '2016-06-17T18:48:15.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T19:42:58.752Z'},
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'place': '23km ESE of Anza, CA',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:51:39.811Z'},
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'place': '0km E of Quarry near Salinas, CA',
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'time': '2016-06-17T18:18:50.760Z',
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'net': 'ci',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:52:51.810Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T01:58:02.951Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T22:40:02.438Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T18:17:33.350Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T22:57:03.501Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:53:31.282Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T01:21:05.107Z'},
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'rms': 0.51,
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'time': '2016-06-17T16:41:06.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:24:55.216Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T16:29:38.500Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T16:53:09.220Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T16:15:17.852Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:39:00.382Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T00:09:03.684Z'},
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'rms': 0.51,
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'updated': '2016-06-17T16:53:08.205Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:56:32.519Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:48:01.197Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:19:23.323Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T15:43:56.175Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:38:54.481Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:43:02.611Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:38:48.653Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T15:41:31.991Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:37:38.450Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:43:20.500Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:37:32.590Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:19:41.256Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T15:41:31.066Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:51:54.900Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:51:27.321Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T14:19:20.331Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:38:03.173Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:44:17.031Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:34:57.961Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:38:11.209Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:38:30.572Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:48:02.580Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:39:13.930Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T14:03:05.592Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:38:01.688Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:33:13.196Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:59:48.502Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T12:12:40.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:59:47.579Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T12:04:52.010Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T21:44:02.293Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T11:49:42.150Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:20:02.648Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T11:22:43.530Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:18:44.806Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T10:57:25.330Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T11:35:32.255Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:37:04.086Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-21T00:58:02.046Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:17:20.729Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:37:20.906Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:41:49.231Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T10:25:54.651Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T09:30:18.940Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T05:46:22.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T22:30:04.414Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:37:55.719Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T09:53:23.835Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T09:25:17.927Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:20:04.700Z'},
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'place': '29km E of Shingletown, California',
'rms': 0.05,
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'time': '2016-06-17T08:26:34.240Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T18:37:02.864Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T08:26:12.570Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T01:16:02.836Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T08:19:18.410Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:06:50.330Z'},
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'rms': 0.68,
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'updated': '2016-06-17T08:49:57.307Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T08:49:56.398Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T08:18:01.962Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T07:45:52.982Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T07:45:52.041Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T07:17:09.022Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:36:57.150Z'},
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'rms': 0.18,
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'time': '2016-06-17T06:40:51.570Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:34:59.850Z'},
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'rms': 1.09,
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'time': '2016-06-17T06:38:22.670Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T06:54:31.649Z'},
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'rms': 0.2,
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'time': '2016-06-17T06:34:11.390Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:21:16.970Z'},
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'rms': 0.04,
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'time': '2016-06-17T05:49:18.620Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T23:07:02.530Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T05:46:49.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T06:22:13.181Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T05:44:42.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T06:22:11.086Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T05:44:32.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T05:40:03.040Z'},
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'rms': 0.39,
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'time': '2016-06-17T05:37:38.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T06:22:10.421Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T08:08:26.149Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:44:25.643Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:57:08.520Z'},
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'rms': 0.92,
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:39:44.064Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:37:03.119Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:36:04.940Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:11:52.966Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:15:08.750Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T04:27:57.160Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:21:34.160Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T04:14:57.850Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T21:17:03.220Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T03:48:38.910Z',
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'time': '2016-06-17T03:32:57.660Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T18:13:21.740Z'},
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'rms': 1.25,
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'time': '2016-06-17T03:30:53.850Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T03:48:18.762Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'rms': 0.13,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-17T03:09:37.110Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:21:00.492Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-17T03:07:58.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T03:34:43.919Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T02:35:42.130Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:44:48.342Z'},
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'rms': 0.21,
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:22:53.140Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:22:49.020Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T02:34:46.860Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:21:14.148Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
'nst': 37.0,
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'time': '2016-06-17T02:27:14.470Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:21:45.580Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T02:22:13.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:38:33.241Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:39:45.481Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:21:17.846Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:36:43.120Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:53:00.910Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T19:30:03.901Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:51:46.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:35:27.095Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:42:28.320Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:45:04.067Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:13:00.539Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:38:02.537Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:23:21.500Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:14:42.030Z'},
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'nst': 24.0,
'place': '29km N of Lake Nacimiento, California',
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:21:49.490Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:32:02.233Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:20:34.730Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T20:22:55.950Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:20:06.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:05:17.957Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T01:30:34.581Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:05:06.800Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:08:48.470Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T05:22:03.492Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T01:00:10.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T01:31:39.201Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-17T00:34:51.844Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T13:35:52.092Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T23:53:19.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:36:02.385Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T23:45:17.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:35:15.838Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T23:41:56.330Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:57:04.430Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T23:36:27.250Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T18:10:07.350Z'},
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'rms': 0.36,
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'time': '2016-06-16T23:21:26.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:39:27.540Z'},
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'rms': 0.54,
'status': 'automatic',
'time': '2016-06-16T23:02:30.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:39:28.432Z'},
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'rms': 0.12,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-16T22:54:40.070Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:09:10.310Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:13:38.158Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T22:53:23.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:13:40.603Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:13:39.728Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:17:23.173Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T21:42:38.210Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:22:02.019Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T22:03:59.108Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:35:13.355Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:25:06.430Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:22:26.737Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T21:16:46.280Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:53:42.454Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T21:03:29.228Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:31:25.771Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T20:28:42.480Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:51:04.089Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T20:26:38.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T22:20:16.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:49:40.930Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:20:03.530Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T13:25:11.280Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T19:47:46.060Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:32:44.340Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T19:28:30.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T20:04:36.395Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:52:03.772Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T22:10:52.770Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T19:07:39.920Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T15:48:23.664Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:56:27.428Z'},
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'place': '10km SW of Bridgeport, Washington',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:54:09.620Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:47:40.900Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T18:35:42.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T19:09:28.152Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:44:26.670Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:58:02.750Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T18:14:52.772Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T18:15:37.360Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:51:58.500Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T17:24:46.570Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:57:03.752Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T18:09:47.280Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T03:05:03.118Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T17:03:20.738Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:21:28.640Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:51:19.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:22:53.623Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:50:30.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:22:52.718Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:45:14.410Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T16:48:19.510Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:30:14.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T16:56:41.098Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:23:33.500Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:30:56.173Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:16:46.970Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T20:53:16.043Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T16:16:02.470Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:13:01.999Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T15:35:57.470Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:50:02.081Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T15:29:58.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T16:14:13.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T19:27:40.793Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T15:18:49.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:37:47.849Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T19:17:51.682Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T16:02:47.741Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:25:02.470Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T14:33:25.144Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:30:50.272Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T18:37:04.651Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T13:49:17.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:18:46.481Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:25:25.021Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T02:20:04.003Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T13:46:27.130Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T12:56:38.000Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T13:26:43.391Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:30:32.482Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:51:38.545Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:25:40.356Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:25:54.273Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:52:52.366Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:42:08.043Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:25:49.151Z'},
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'place': '23km SSW of La Quinta, CA',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:20:16.271Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:20:51.570Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:22:37.941Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T12:35:20.059Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:20:48.908Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:50:58.189Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T12:08:55.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T12:08:54.427Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T11:42:41.633Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T11:42:40.727Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:39:32.030Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T10:48:54.796Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T10:48:55.666Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:24:29.171Z'},
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'rms': nan,
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'updated': '2016-06-16T09:26:28.368Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T09:26:27.685Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T09:26:23.720Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T09:26:24.599Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:46:13.704Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:07:36.809Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T03:20:02.161Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:21:52.883Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T17:16:50.304Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T04:30:14.236Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:23:09.480Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T07:08:33.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T07:47:48.234Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T06:36:58.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T06:56:36.155Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T06:19:28.400Z',
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'time': '2016-06-16T06:15:36.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T06:56:34.848Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T06:32:22.484Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T06:06:26.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T06:30:16.159Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T07:02:16.339Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T01:39:03.883Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:47:45.000Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:22:25.710Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T05:25:57.456Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T05:14:53.296Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:09:14.610Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T03:53:58.290Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-20T18:37:20.800Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T03:53:31.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T04:28:02.889Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T03:45:12.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T04:26:52.566Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:37:13.219Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T02:50:56.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:12:11.648Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T02:44:58.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:12:09.542Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-16T02:25:38.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T02:46:06.419Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T02:46:05.511Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T02:20:51.907Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:22:36.698Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T02:20:50.471Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T01:25:25.516Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T20:55:17.870Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T01:32:46.769Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T01:32:46.148Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:22:57.008Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T01:33:10.416Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T01:04:07.338Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:51:04.915Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:20:05.680Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:54:41.483Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:24:19.800Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:40.724Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:39.837Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-20T19:01:59.550Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:41.891Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:11.768Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:39:24.180Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:44.783Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T22:45:04.286Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T22:07:24.600Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-20T18:59:20.580Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T22:06:16.340Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:48:38.275Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T22:05:37.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:44.110Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:51:42.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:20:01.698Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:42:20.806Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:52.277Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:41:24.710Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:24:24.730Z'},
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'rms': 0.56,
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:40:11.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:30.705Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:26:48.750Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:14.556Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T21:20:09.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:59.683Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:20:09.836Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:31:22.334Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T20:52:11.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:45.694Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:25:37.810Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:24:33.370Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:04:38.150Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:57.715Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:25:43.310Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T19:16:44.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:51.894Z'},
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'rms': 0.03,
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'updated': '2016-06-15T22:02:03.019Z'},
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'rms': 0.33,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:10.956Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:25:48.940Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:42:46.760Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T19:02:58.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:47.316Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:55.696Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T18:05:04.500Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:50.933Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T18:32:03.370Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:24:35.390Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:55:41.951Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T18:21:44.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:49.610Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T18:17:44.530Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:40:12.520Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T18:17:06.410Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:35:16.597Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T18:14:50.000Z',
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'time': '2016-06-15T17:52:42.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T20:17:03.727Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T17:23:55.880Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:24:52.702Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T17:20:10.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:44.921Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:52.619Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:53.691Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:10.106Z'},
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'rms': 0.14,
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'time': '2016-06-15T16:43:42.300Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:15:48.003Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T16:32:19.730Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:39.975Z'},
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'rms': 0.3,
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'time': '2016-06-15T16:28:24.260Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-15T16:44:13.947Z'},
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'rms': 0.71,
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'time': '2016-06-15T16:19:01.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:08.939Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:54.980Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T17:19:25.970Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:51.563Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:43:05.263Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:49:08.013Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T15:43:53.310Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T15:55:06.704Z'},
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'place': '55km WSW of Amatignak Island, Alaska',
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'time': '2016-06-15T15:37:45.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:50.665Z'},
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'place': '11km NNW of Willow, Alaska',
'rms': 0.44,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:28.404Z'},
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'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:07.940Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T21:55:14.179Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T15:26:29.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:45.672Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T15:26:06.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:06.946Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:13.034Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:43.664Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:37:26.100Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T14:47:04.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T17:33:13.424Z'},
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'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-15T14:46:48.821Z'},
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'nst': 47.0,
'place': '23km SSW of La Quinta, CA',
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'time': '2016-06-15T14:35:58.640Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:27:05.260Z'},
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'rms': 0.63,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:27.521Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T14:30:57.690Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:40:36.530Z'},
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'place': '57km NNE of Atka, Alaska',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:43.911Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:06:58.420Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T20:58:41.760Z'},
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'rms': 0.23,
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'time': '2016-06-15T14:10:00.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:06.262Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:27:00.700Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T13:53:18.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:58.133Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T18:56:37.000Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T13:43:24.130Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T02:54:02.710Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T13:31:17.880Z',
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'time': '2016-06-15T13:06:23.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:12.379Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:25.521Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:05.560Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T12:31:49.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:37.592Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:51:04.594Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:49:02.791Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:41:05.298Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T11:59:12.210Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:28.244Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:24.745Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:57.113Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:51:48.921Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:32:25.861Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:28:20.216Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T17:27:04.306Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:04.800Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:57:02.981Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:46:04.405Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T00:07:06.483Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:56:36.640Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T10:33:40.580Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T20:58:01.874Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:23.849Z'},
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'rms': 0.32,
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'time': '2016-06-15T10:25:57.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:19:37.695Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T10:17:42.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:35.957Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T10:12:24.100Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:33.304Z'},
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'rms': 0.06,
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:59:27.760Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:13:05.220Z'},
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'rms': 0.12,
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:51:16.100Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:02:39.399Z'},
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'place': '63km N of Hatillo, Puerto Rico',
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:49:39.900Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T12:51:26.858Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:45:59.170Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T15:52:23.789Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:33:29.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:26.818Z'},
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'place': '53km N of Arctic Village, Alaska',
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:31:59.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:50.466Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:31:29.340Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:14:02.530Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:24:45.600Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T12:50:34.525Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:21:48.630Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:27:28.121Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:10:37.620Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T03:51:30.761Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:02:40.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-18T02:16:00.097Z'},
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'place': '43km W of `Alaqahdari-ye Kiran wa Munjan, Afghanistan',
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'time': '2016-06-15T09:00:11.390Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:54:14.850Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T20:56:52.500Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T08:53:02.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:24.990Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T08:10:54.130Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:53:55.270Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T08:06:40.882Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:26.752Z'},
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'place': '48km SW of Mazama, Washington',
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'time': '2016-06-15T08:05:08.050Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:01:35.840Z'},
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'place': '15km SE of Esperanza, Puerto Rico',
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:44:46.500Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T12:18:33.946Z'},
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'nst': 4.0,
'place': '62km NNW of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands',
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:42:21.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T12:11:20.681Z'},
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'nst': 32.0,
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:41:03.050Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:23:09.719Z'},
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'nst': 4.0,
'place': '57km NNW of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands',
'rms': 0.05,
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:38:12.800Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T12:01:26.486Z'},
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'rms': 0.28,
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:29:20.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:23.590Z'},
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'nst': 4.0,
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'time': '2016-06-15T07:14:54.200Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T11:51:20.292Z'},
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'net': 'us',
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'time': '2016-06-15T06:58:26.840Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T16:48:13.000Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T06:23:38.300Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T07:16:15.241Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:26:14.958Z'},
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'nst': nan,
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'time': '2016-06-15T06:19:41.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:24.268Z'},
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'net': 'ci',
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'time': '2016-06-15T06:18:14.210Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:56:43.750Z'},
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'gap': nan,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:04.035Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T05:55:15.230Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:50:03.663Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T05:54:55.330Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:56:51.150Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:59.204Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T05:28:42.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:21.927Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T05:21:28.880Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T17:40:21.410Z'},
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'rms': 0.48,
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'time': '2016-06-15T04:49:28.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:16:02.604Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:16:01.222Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:20.942Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:19.948Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:16:04.835Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T17:38:16.650Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:56:58.650Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:52:03.010Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:11.186Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T03:31:35.921Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T03:25:10.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:19.033Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T03:18:44.553Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T02:52:13.440Z',
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'time': '2016-06-15T02:40:11.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:01.989Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:12.789Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T03:02:06.293Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:27:04.075Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T01:21:08.900Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:40:03.298Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:17.449Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T16:35:03.044Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T16:09:27.974Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T00:55:23.040Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:35:03.933Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:17:16.832Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:13.544Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:33:04.368Z'},
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'rms': 0.49,
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:15.812Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:53:17.040Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-15T00:16:33.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-18T02:15:14.991Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:03:44.620Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:32.370Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:36:28.423Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:12:44.740Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T15:06:30.731Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T00:10:10.710Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:58:04.824Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:44:58.086Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:49:10.728Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:27.341Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:19:35.840Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:25:16.290Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T23:23:06.640Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T22:45:03.900Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:49:15.795Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T22:42:24.760Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-14T23:24:41.709Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T22:42:19.420Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T13:58:26.816Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T23:01:03.684Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:43:40.235Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T22:30:25.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:19.158Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T22:27:47.080Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T23:28:25.275Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T20:48:59.973Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:00:25.720Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:25.337Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T22:57:20.000Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T23:23:50.284Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T23:31:05.026Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:23.300Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T21:48:38.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:50:43.953Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T22:12:54.410Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:16.148Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T21:48:02.428Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T21:23:31.110Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T16:40:14.582Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T21:23:22.860Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:25:01.713Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:31.279Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T00:59:13.703Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T01:09:01.072Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T21:00:54.160Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T20:43:02.801Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T20:42:29.300Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-16T14:00:23.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T22:30:42.640Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:37.203Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:16.310Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:36:20.040Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T21:36:03.404Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T22:19:22.063Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T19:25:02.855Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:00:06.303Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T19:19:13.870Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-14T20:56:09.317Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:27:48.596Z'},
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'rms': 0.58,
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:36:23.434Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T23:16:24.496Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:12.138Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T19:50:16.970Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:14.325Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:12.304Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:51:13.393Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:49:07.281Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T18:12:00.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:36:17.425Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:39:18.976Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:10.141Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T21:04:23.580Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:08.300Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:08.907Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:57.876Z'},
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'time': '2016-06-14T17:29:35.000Z',
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:36:15.446Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:35.728Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:06.256Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-15T14:00:28.643Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:02.308Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-16T13:29:03.171Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:36.412Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:34.332Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T21:27:17.450Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:19.235Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:36.991Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T16:59:40.900Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:39.407Z'},
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'updated': '2016-06-14T17:23:02.341Z'},
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'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:58.240Z'},
{'depth': 5.98,
'depthError': 3.9,
'dmin': 1.713,
'gap': 74.0,
'horizontalError': 7.2,
'id': 'us200064bj',
'latitude': 26.9482,
'locationSource': 'us',
'longitude': 130.1875,
'mag': 5.6,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'us',
'magType': 'mww',
'net': 'us',
'nst': nan,
'place': '171km SSE of Naze, Japan',
'rms': 0.55,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-14T15:01:56.890Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-15T15:26:49.040Z'},
{'depth': 59.9,
'depthError': 0.4,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.2,
'id': 'ak13646658',
'latitude': 60.6772,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -151.0285,
'mag': 1.5,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '14km E of Nikiski, Alaska',
'rms': 0.49,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-14T14:54:13.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:43.412Z'},
{'depth': 192.0,
'depthError': 1.3,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 10.4,
'id': 'ak13653716',
'latitude': 52.3547,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -175.6581,
'mag': 2.4,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '86km NE of Adak, Alaska',
'rms': 0.38,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-14T14:52:30.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-19T22:48:55.627Z'},
{'depth': 88.3,
'depthError': 0.6,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 2.5,
'id': 'ak13646655',
'latitude': 52.0516,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -178.4523,
'mag': 3.1,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '28km NW of Tanaga Volcano, Alaska',
'rms': 0.57,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-14T14:39:02.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-17T00:37:15.843Z'},
{'depth': 31.3,
'depthError': 0.2,
'dmin': nan,
'gap': nan,
'horizontalError': 0.2,
'id': 'ak13646651',
'latitude': 61.5223,
'locationSource': 'ak',
'longitude': -149.7891,
'mag': 1.9,
'magError': nan,
'magNst': nan,
'magSource': 'ak',
'magType': 'ml',
'net': 'ak',
'nst': nan,
'place': '8km E of Big Lake, Alaska',
'rms': 0.79,
'status': 'reviewed',
'time': '2016-06-14T14:37:38.000Z',
'type': 'earthquake',
'updated': '2016-06-17T00:38:50.775Z'},
In [33]:
for item in earthquakes:
if item['mag'] >= 4:
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '56km NNE of Port-Vila, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '238km SE of Lambasa, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '21km S of Hukumati Dahanah-ye Ghori, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '56km S of Molibagu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '130km NE of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '99km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '30km ENE of Nanae, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '18km NE of Norsup, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '118km NE of Tadine, New Caledonia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 20', '233km NE of Fais, Micronesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '48km WNW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '190km WSW of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '21km NE of Yilan, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '95km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', 'Off the west coast of northern Sumatra')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '77km WSW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '83km SSW of Nikolski, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '196km N of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 20', '59km NE of Taitung City, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', "164km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', 'Ascension Island region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', 'Ascension Island region')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '54km WSW of Sabtang, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '116km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '110km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '150km ESE of Iquique, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '25km ENE of Linares, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '9km NE of Zonda, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '117km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 19', '92km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '117km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '114km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '91km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '84km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '74km SW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '61km SSW of Juli, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '118km ESE of Bitung, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '136km NE of Aksu, China')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', '264km WNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', 'Southwest Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 19', 'Ascension Island region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '91km ENE of Norsup, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '124km WNW of Bengkulu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', 'Izu Islands, Japan region')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '118km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '204km WSW of Puerto Natales, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '221km NNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '78km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '35km NE of Jarm, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '27km NW of Ayaviri, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', 'Southwest Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 18', '8km W of Uto, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '115km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '213km S of Punta de Burica, Panama')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '23km ENE of Lata, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '105km SSW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '138km NW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 18', '143km S of False Pass, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', '24km ENE of Oarai, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', 'Southern East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', '99km ENE of Keelung, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', '111km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', '123km NNE of Tadine, New Caledonia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 17', '202km E of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '94km NNE of Palue, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '123km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '44km E of Kerman, Iran')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', 'Kepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '64km W of Ovalle, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '22km WSW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '56km SSW of Calama, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 17', '153km W of Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 16', '89km E of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 16', '19km WNW of Atuncolla, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 16', '121km NE of Tadine, New Caledonia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 16', '129km SSW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 16', '274km NNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 16', '22km ENE of Nanae, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 16', '14km WSW of Ovalle, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 16', '24km SE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', 'Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '171km S of False Pass, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '114km SSE of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '36km ESE of Pucallpa, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '2km WNW of La Esperanza, Panama')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.7 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '11km SW of Pueblo Nuevo Tiquisate, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 15', '66km NW of Sola, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 15', '43km W of `Alaqahdari-ye Kiran wa Munjan, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.6 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 15', 'Balleny Islands region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 15', '32km W of Nuqui, Colombia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 15', '279km S of Kute, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '149km N of Calama, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', 'Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '194km ESE of Enarotali, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '93km W of Harian, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '39km SW of Adak, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '171km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '98km NNW of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '20km ENE of Chepen, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '95km NNE of Chignik Lake, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 14', '9km S of San Vicente Pacaya, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 14', '69km SW of Ocos, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 14', '65km SW of Ocos, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 14', '21km SSW of Somotillo, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 14', '6km N of Taron, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '134km NNW of Labuhankananga, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '135km ESE of Kirakira, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', 'South of Panama')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '291km N of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', 'Western Indian-Antarctic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '181km ESE of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '63km SE of Caburan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '31km S of Puerto El Triunfo, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', 'Southwest Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.34 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 13', '52km W of West Yellowstone, Montana')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '176km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '82km SSW of Corinto, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '17km W of Auki, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '178km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '163km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '30km S of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', 'Southern East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '148km S of Puerto El Triunfo, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', '32km NNE of Tumbagaan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 13', 'Central East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', '23km NNE of Ambunti, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', '240km WNW of Bandon, Oregon')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', '93km E of Shikotan, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', '49km E of , Azerbaijan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', '13km SSW of Yatsushiro, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 12', 'East of the Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 12', '56km NNE of Grande Anse, Guadeloupe')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 12', '125km SSE of Kirakira, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 12', '190km NNW of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 12', '61km N of Agrihan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 12', '181km SSE of Bitung, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 11', '24km SW of Lakhdaria, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 11', '6km ENE of Noda, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 11', '40km SW of Ashkasham, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 11', '68km SSE of Tuensang, India')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 11', '58km SSW of Bunisari, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', "62km SE of Kuril'sk, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '4km NNW of Koronadal, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '16km N of Banjar Sidayu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '18km E of Puerto Morazan, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '288km N of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '287km SE of Lambasa, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 11', '186km SE of Sarangani, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '21km ENE of Shughnon, Tajikistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', 'Southeast of Easter Island')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '288km SSE of Sigave, Wallis and Futuna')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '25km WNW of Solhan, Turkey')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '14km ESE of Kabayan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '263km SSE of Sigave, Wallis and Futuna')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', 'East of the Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '110km ENE of Hihifo, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '62km W of Abra Pampa, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 10', '249km ESE of Kamaishi, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '107km SSE of Hihifo, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '106km ENE of Georgetown, Saint Helena')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.17 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '20km NNW of Borrego Springs, CA')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '25km S of Somotillo, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '20km WNW of Auki, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '19km SSW of Somotillo, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '23km E of Puerto Morazan, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '66km NNE of Tela, Honduras')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '24km S of Somotillo, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '17km E of Puerto Morazan, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '251km NNE of Chichi-shima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 10', '183km NNE of Fais, Micronesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '51km S of Molibagu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '108km ENE of We, New Caledonia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', 'Southwest Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '131km NNW of Kiunga, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '201km NW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '5km WNW of Uddiawan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '49km NNW of Chilecito, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 09', '218km ENE of Neiafu, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '35km WSW of Kiska Volcano, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '98km SSW of Bogorawatu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '99km SSW of Bogorawatu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '206km ESE of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '284km S of Kute, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '56km SSW of Tawun, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 09', '4km S of Turija, Serbia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', '99km SSW of Champerico, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', '65km NNW of Barranca, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', '70km W of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', '287km E of Namie, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', 'Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 08', '50km SSE of Korsakov, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', 'Mid-Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '38km S of Puerto San Jose, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '78km SW of Puerto El Triunfo, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', 'Central East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '170km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '175km NNE of Esperance, Australia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '149km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '44km SSW of Ashkasham, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '116km WNW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '96km NNE of Sangiang, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 08', '78km S of Nishinoomote, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '118km WNW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '128km E of Bitung, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '77km NE of Diego de Almagro, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '14km SE of El Valle, Dominican Republic')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', "252km NE of Kuril'sk, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '29km SW of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', 'Fiji region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '76km ESE of Culaman, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '68km SSW of Abancay, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on Jun 07', '156km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '93km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '102km SSW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '30km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '95km S of Chignik Lake, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '112km ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '104km E of Shikotan, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '4km ESE of Demirtas, Turkey')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '70km WNW of Te Anau, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '116km WSW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on Jun 07', '25km ESE of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '74km W of Te Anau, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '53km WNW of Porgera, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '49km S of Las Choapas, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '16km ESE of Mucuchies, Venezuela')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '85km E of Iquique, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '3km S of Muisne, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', 'South of Panama')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '222km N of Chichi-shima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '86km WNW of Polis, Cyprus')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '66km E of Namie, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '23km WSW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on Jun 06', '23km SW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '159km SSW of Biha, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '58km NW of La Ligua, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '161km NNW of Atambua, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', "94km NE of Roshtqal'a, Tajikistan")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '3km SE of Santa Catarina Juquila, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '16km SE of Ocos, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '84km S of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '226km SE of Lambasa, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '53km NE of Sulangan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', 'Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on Jun 06', '61km ENE of Mazamari, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '202km NE of Neiafu, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', 'Central East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '11km W of Canoas, Costa Rica')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '8km SSW of Foca, Turkey')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '133km SW of Leksula, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '52km E of Palu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '145km SSE of Putre, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on Jun 05', '261km ESE of Sarangani, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '124km W of Airbuaya, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', 'Central East Pacific Rise')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '86km NW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '20km NNE of Jayune, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '105km NNW of False Pass, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '78km SE of Acari, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '141km WNW of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', 'Fiji region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '36km SW of Santiago Pinotepa Nacional, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '79km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '13km SW of San Juan Cacahuatepec, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '5km N of San Pedro Amuzgos, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '93km S of Makry Gialos, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on Jun 05', '7km NW of Cabrera, Dominican Republic')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', '34km W of Illapel, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', '60km SSW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', '150km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', '54km S of Hukumati Dahanah-ye Ghori, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', '11km WSW of Lixourion, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on Jun 04', 'Southwest of Sumatra, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '114km WSW of Kota Ternate, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '61km ESE of Kerman, Iran')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '81km NE of Hihifo, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '98km E of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '93km S of Fukue, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', 'Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '93km S of La Libertad, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '64km SW of Pasarbaru, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on Jun 04', '88km WNW of Polis, Cyprus')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', "145km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '108km NNW of Congkar, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '180km NNW of Yunaska Island, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', "242km ESE of Nikol'skoye, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '131km ESE of Hirara, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '55km WNW of Illapel, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '19km SSE of Charagua, Bolivia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '72km W of Pasirnangka, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', "245km ESE of Nikol'skoye, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', "265km SE of Nikol'skoye, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', "250km ESE of Nikol'skoye, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', 'South Indian Ocean')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '239km W of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '62km S of Arica, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '78km ESE of Sucua, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', 'South of Tasmania')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', 'Fiji region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on Jun 03', '141km W of Itbayat, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '227km W of Hihifo, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '180km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '86km S of Chignik Lake, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '60km S of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '25km N of Pujocucho, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '18km SE of Ina, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '111km SSW of Abepura, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on Jun 03', '68km NW of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '101km S of La Libertad, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '147km N of Calama, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', 'Owen Fracture Zone region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '39km NE of Palu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '113km ESE of Port-Vila, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '155km ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '284km NE of Port Mathurin, Mauritius')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '13km NNE of Hamza, Uzbekistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '119km WSW of Itbayat, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '41km S of Boal Atas, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '241km NNW of Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', "217km SW of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '71km S of Molibagu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', '129km NNW of Labuhankananga, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on Jun 02', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 02', '205km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 02', '178km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.8 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 02', '179km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on Jun 02', '36km NNW of Pujocucho, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.6 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '79km W of Sungaipenuh, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '1km ESE of Yachimata, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '24km WNW of Ain Bessem, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', 'Carlsberg Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '86km WSW of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '82km S of Huancavelica, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '91km SSE of Pujiharjo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '95km NE of Chernabura Island, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', 'Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '29km S of Jarm, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '31km E of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '106km S of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '111km SSW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '54km WNW of Pedernales, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '98km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on Jun 01', '63km WSW of Amatignak Island, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '44km WNW of Pedernales, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '192km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '148km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '194km SW of San Patricio, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '40km W of Amatignak Island, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', '23km ESE of Taquile, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on Jun 01', "161km SSE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '24km N of Nanao, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '92km S of Chignik Lake, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '13km SW of Lakhdaria, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '3km SE of Mamburao, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '32km WNW of Pedernales, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '30km NW of Cempa, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '196km NNE of Chichi-shima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '103km NNE of Chignik Lake, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 31', '20km NNW of Cortes, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', 'Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '111km NW of Namatanai, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '78km WNW of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '16km S of Parrita, Costa Rica')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '93km ENE of Keelung, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '94km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '98km S of La Libertad, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '33km W of Andalgala, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '20km S of King Salmon, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', "176km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', "106km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 31', '263km ESE of Lambasa, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '96km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '93km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '10km WSW of Piedecuesta, Colombia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '92km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '111km W of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '82km SE of Amahai, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '11km NW of Nakanojo, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', 'Off the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '4km W of Castel Viscardo, Italy')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '254km ENE of Olonkinbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '99km SE of Old Iliamna, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '55km WSW of Yonakuni, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '134km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '154km SW of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', 'South Shetland Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '85km SE of Cabiraoan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '99km NE of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', '30km W of Illapel, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', 'West Chile Rise')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 30', "117km E of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '116km S of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '126km ESE of Hirara, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', 'Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', "123km E of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '123km S of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '62km NE of Atka, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '127km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '123km SSW of Merizo Village, Guam')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '21km NE of Hualian, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '122km SSW of Merizo Village, Guam')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '252km NNW of Tual, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '24km E of Taniwel, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 30', '52km SSW of Gra Liyia, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '78km N of Iwo Jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '16km SE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '150km SSW of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '108km W of Illapel, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '20km WNW of Ain Bessem, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '277km WNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '83km ENE of Lar, Iran')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '94km S of La Libertad, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '107km NNE of Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '59km S of Hirara, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', 'Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '77km ESE of Iquique, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '204km E of `Ohonua, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '132km SW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '138km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '106km ENE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', 'Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', 'South of the Kermadec Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 29', '51km ENE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '132km ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '84km WNW of Kirakira, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '6km NE of `Alaqahdari-ye Kiran wa Munjan, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '10km SSE of Boyuibe, Bolivia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', 'Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '16km WSW of Ain Bessem, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '154km ESE of Hasaki, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '148km W of Itbayat, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '10km WSW of Huagai, China')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '60km SSE of Lakatoro, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '74km S of Lakatoro, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '36km NW of Kizukuri, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '68km WSW of Puerto Madero, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 29', '8km WNW of Ain Bessem, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '86km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '16km SSW of Lakhdaria, Algeria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '90km W of Vallenar, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '120km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '119km E of Aileu, East Timor')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '12km NE of Poros, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '193km NE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', 'Prince Edward Islands region')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '20km SE of Shardara, Kazakhstan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '115km S of Nabire, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '137km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '166km NNE of Esperance, Australia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '170km NNE of Esperance, Australia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '121km SSW of Raoul Island, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '97km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '119km NE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', "129km ENE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', '31km W of Ashkasham, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Noon on May 28', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Major', '7.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '53km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '33km NNW of Nagarkot, Nepal')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '8km N of Funaishikawa, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '74km N of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.6 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '161km SSE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', 'Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '43km WNW of Lebu, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sat', 'Morning on May 28', '244km NW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '288km NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '136km ENE of Iquique, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '56km NE of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '300km N of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '96km WSW of Ferndale, California')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '223km NNW of Tual, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', 'Southwest Indian Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '55km NNW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '176km NE of Thang, India')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', "186km SSW of Ust'-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '104km SSE of Lolayan, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '72km SW of Ovalle, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '66km SSE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '58km NE of Yelizovo, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '108km E of Pagan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '114km N of Kendari, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '52km NNW of Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '97km N of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '142km ENE of Taltal, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Noon on May 27', '21km WNW of Piura, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '13km WNW of Campoverde, Peru')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '96km NW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '103km ESE of Khonsa, India')
('A shallow', 'Strong', '6.4 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '19km S of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '172km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.9 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '165km SSE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Fri', 'Morning on May 27', '12km SE of Lukatan, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '123km W of Pangai, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', "123km W of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '15km N of Amahai, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '55km W of Coquimbo, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '34km N of Yigo Village, Guam')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '136km SSE of Shizunai, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '237km SE of Vostok, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '9km ESE of Madang, Papua New Guinea')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '65km S of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', '243km NNE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', "220km NE of Kuril'sk, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Noon on May 26', "282km SSE of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on May 26', 'Timor Sea')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on May 26', '2km S of Moyogalpa, Nicaragua')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on May 26', '22km WNW of Massy, Kyrgyzstan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on May 26', '49km ENE of Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Thu', 'Morning on May 26', '77km SSE of Putre, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '248km N of Chichi-shima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '232km W of Riverton, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '55km ESE of Siracusa, Italy')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '53km NNE of Naze, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '15km WNW of Palomares, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '247km E of Miyako, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '12km ENE of Rota, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '95km SW of Mapastepec, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '88km SSW of Pijijiapan, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '19km E of Marihatag, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '106km S of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', 'South of the Fiji Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '190km NW of Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '38km WNW of Hengchun, Taiwan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.03 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '41km NNW of Duchesne, Utah')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '31km ENE of Lakatoro, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Noon on May 25', '24km SSW of Hidalgotitlan, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '112km SSW of Dadali, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '246km NNW of Tobelo, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '12km SW of Kato Mazarakion, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '20km S of Palaikastron, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '9km NNE of Piedra Blanca, Dominican Republic')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '37km SW of Sarangani, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '81km ENE of Misawa, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Wed', 'Morning on May 25', '91km SE of Hasaki, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '181km WNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '49km WSW of Agrihan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '31km ESE of Muisne, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '1km E of Aileu, East Timor')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '19km SSW of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '100km SW of Chirovanga, Solomon Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '58km SSE of Ofunato, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '24km NE of Bojnurd, Iran')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '12km W of Dhi Na`im, Yemen')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '9km SE of Azogues, Ecuador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Noon on May 24', '9km ESE of Taradale, New Zealand')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '19km SE of Kishtwar, India')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '52km N of Miyako, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '150km SE of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '45km SW of San Francisco Menendez, El Salvador')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', "64km E of L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', 'South of the Kermadec Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '50km ESE of Cold Bay, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.9 earthquake was reported Tue', 'Morning on May 24', '51km SSE of Putre, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '3km SSW of Pilar, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '159km SSE of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '52km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '177km NNW of Dili, East Timor')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '129km SW of Abepura, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '19km W of Cintalapa de Figueroa, Mexico')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '18km W of Kirtipur, Nepal')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '169km NNW of Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '30km W of Gyangkar, China')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '255km WNW of Ozernovskiy, Russia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', 'Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '7km SSW of Yachimata, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '71km NNE of Dili, East Timor')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '100km W of Makurazaki, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '35km SE of Hitachi, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', 'Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', 'Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '75km WNW of La Ligua, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.6 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '66km NNE of Pangai, Tonga')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '80km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Noon on May 23', '71km SW of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', 'East of the Kuril Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '15km SSW of Ndoi Island, Fiji')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '91km SSE of Isangel, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '134km NE of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '6km S of Bogorawatu, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '125km S of Attu Station, Alaska')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Mon', 'Morning on May 23', '23km ESE of Jarm, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '142km W of Itbayat, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '249km E of Enarotali, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '162km ESE of Sarangani, Philippines')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '37km SSW of Jarm, Afghanistan')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '37km SE of Iztapa, Guatemala')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '127km N of Saumlaki, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '11km SSW of Piedecuesta, Colombia')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.7 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', 'North of Severnaya Zemlya')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '50km S of Bambanglipuro, Indonesia')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '47km WNW of Tartagal, Argentina')
('A shallow', 'Moderate', '5.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '46km W of Ovalle, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.5 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Noon on May 22', '160km WSW of San Antonio, Chile')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', "102km ESE of Ust'-Kamchatsk Staryy, Russia")
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '31km NW of Agrihan, Northern Mariana Islands')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.8 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '33km W of Chaoyang, China')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '5km ENE of Strumyani, Bulgaria')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.4 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '38km ESE of Kamaishi, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '198km NNW of Sola, Vanuatu')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.0 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '7km WSW of Atalanti, Greece')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.1 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '126km ESE of Iwaki, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.3 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '27km NW of Gyangkar, China')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '265km SE of Hachijo-jima, Japan')
('A shallow', 'Light', '4.2 earthquake was reported Sun', 'Morning on May 22', '30km WSW of Tobelo, Indonesia')
In [35]:
def mag_is(my_mag):
num = str(my_mag['mag'])
return num
def type_of_event(my_event):
eve = str(my_event['type'])
return eve
def date_in_words(timestring):
time = timestring['time']
yourdate = dateutil.parser.parse(time)
date_words = yourdate.strftime("%b %d")
return date_words
def loc(locale):
location = str(locale['place'])
return location
'73km WSW of Haines, Alaska'
In [40]:
def eq_to_sent(my_dict):
return "There was also a magnitude " + mag_is(my_dict), type_of_event(my_dict) + " on " + date_in_words(my_dict), loc(my_dict)
('There was also a magnitude 5.7',
'earthquake on Jun 04',
'73km WSW of Haines, Alaska')
In [46]:
for item in earthquakes:
if item['type'] != "earthquake":
('There was also a magnitude 1.33', 'quarry blast on Jun 20', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.85', 'explosion on Jun 20', '2km E of Granite Falls, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.69', 'quarry blast on Jun 20', '0km SSW of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.77', 'quarry blast on Jun 20', '7km SSE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.29', 'other event on Jun 19', '10km SW of Bridgeport, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.95', 'explosion on Jun 19', '1km SSW of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.36', 'other event on Jun 19', '10km SW of Bridgeport, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.27', 'other event on Jun 19', '30km ESE of Sweet Home, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.74', 'explosion on Jun 18', '9km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.22', 'explosion on Jun 18', '8km E of Yacolt, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.99', 'explosion on Jun 17', '26km WSW of Cheney, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.57', 'explosion on Jun 17', '8km WNW of Junction City, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.48', 'quarry blast on Jun 17', '4km SE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.66', 'explosion on Jun 17', '14km NNW of Philomath, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.85', 'quarry blast on Jun 17', '4km ENE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.63', 'quarry blast on Jun 17', '0km E of Quarry near Salinas, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.27', 'quarry blast on Jun 17', '10km NNW of Big Bear City, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.36', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '2km SE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.24', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.48', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '0km SE of Quarry near Vallejo, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'explosion on Jun 16', '28km SW of Morton, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.16', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '6km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.09', 'explosion on Jun 16', '28km SW of Morton, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 2.08', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '16km SW of Kemmerer, Wyoming')
('There was also a magnitude 1.15', 'explosion on Jun 16', '25km SW of Morton, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.3', 'explosion on Jun 16', '25km SW of Morton, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.07', 'quarry blast on Jun 16', '13km WNW of Searles Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.33', 'quarry blast on Jun 15', '12km WNW of Whitehall, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 2.14', 'explosion on Jun 15', '5km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.56', 'quarry blast on Jun 15', '1km NW of Quarry near Salinas, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.29', 'quarry blast on Jun 15', '4km SSE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.25', 'quarry blast on Jun 15', '5km ENE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.12', 'quarry blast on Jun 15', '2km SW of Quarry near San Rafael, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'explosion on Jun 15', '14km WSW of Cashmere, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.1', 'explosion on Jun 14', '4km N of Fern Prairie, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.57', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '46km NE of Holtville, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.44', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.33', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '3km SSE of Quarry near Aromas, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '4km ENE of Rancho San Diego, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.03', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '10km ESE of Coto De Caza, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.17', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '6km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.36', 'quarry blast on Jun 14', '13km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.05', 'explosion on Jun 14', '5km E of Yoncalla, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.11', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '5km NNW of Boron, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.13', 'explosion on Jun 13', '10km NNW of Philomath, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 2.18', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '46km NE of Holtville, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.38', 'explosion on Jun 13', '1km WNW of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.65', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '1km W of Tijuana, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.26', 'explosion on Jun 13', '13km S of Morton, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.09', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '5km S of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.75', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '5km E of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.53', 'quarry blast on Jun 13', '9km NNW of Big Bear Lake, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.02', 'explosion on Jun 11', '2km NNE of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.47', 'quarry blast on Jun 10', '4km SE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.01', 'explosion on Jun 10', '9km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.19', 'quarry blast on Jun 10', '13km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.41', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '44km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.45', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.11', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '13km W of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.9', 'explosion on Jun 09', '1km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.42', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '7km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.45', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '1km SSE of Quarry near Aromas, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.55', 'quarry blast on Jun 09', '28km SE of Virginia City, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.63', 'explosion on Jun 09', '23km NNW of Baker City, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.72', 'quarry blast on Jun 08', '47km NE of Holtville, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.93', 'explosion on Jun 08', '6km SSW of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.3', 'quarry blast on Jun 08', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.0', 'explosion on Jun 08', '16km ESE of Enumclaw, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.57', 'explosion on Jun 08', '5km SW of Napavine, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.8', 'quarry blast on Jun 08', '7km SSE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.55', 'quarry blast on Jun 07', '0km N of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.28', 'explosion on Jun 07', '3km E of West Side Highway, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 2.1', 'explosion on Jun 07', '1km WSW of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.95', 'explosion on Jun 07', '32km E of Shady Cove, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.44', 'quarry blast on Jun 07', '0km E of Quarry near Atascadero, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.6', 'quarry blast on Jun 07', '8km W of Townsend, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.63', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '43km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '5km NNW of Boron, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.47', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.77', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '4km E of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.1', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '2km SW of Quarry near San Rafael, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.09', 'quarry blast on Jun 06', '13km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.0', 'explosion on Jun 05', '6km SSE of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.93', 'explosion on Jun 04', '3km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.09', 'explosion on Jun 03', '5km N of Fern Prairie, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.76', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '46km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.82', 'explosion on Jun 03', '0km SW of Dundee, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.52', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '4km SE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.38', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '13km W of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.84', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '5km ENE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.24', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '2km WSW of Quarry near Clayton, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.53', 'explosion on Jun 03', '22km NNE of Pasco, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.07', 'quarry blast on Jun 03', '6km ENE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.37', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.0', 'explosion on Jun 02', '25km SW of Cheney, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 2.08', 'explosion on Jun 02', '2km NE of Coos Bay, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.02', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '3km SSE of San Marcos, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.05', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '6km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.53', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '20km S of Quarry near Atascadero, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.33', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '7km ESE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'explosion on Jun 02', '5km E of Buckley, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.34', 'quarry blast on Jun 02', '12km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.56', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '5km NNW of Boron, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.42', 'explosion on Jun 01', '14km S of Leavenworth, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.34', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '3km SSE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.81', 'explosion on Jun 01', '12km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.01', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '7km E of Lebec, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.4', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '7km SE of Bonita, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.3', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '17km N of Orofino, Idaho')
('There was also a magnitude 1.26', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '4km SE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'quarry blast on Jun 01', '6km SSE of Valley Center, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.21', 'explosion on Jun 01', '16km W of Winston, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.18', 'explosion on May 31', '3km E of Kelso, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.56', 'quarry blast on May 31', '8km ESE of Bonita, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.41', 'quarry blast on May 31', '45km NE of Holtville, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.23', 'quarry blast on May 31', '12km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.57', 'explosion on May 31', '2km SSW of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.41', 'quarry blast on May 31', '4km N of Norco, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.04', 'quarry blast on May 31', '28km N of Orofino, Idaho')
('There was also a magnitude 1.2', 'quarry blast on May 31', '7km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 2.23', 'explosion on May 29', '10km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.66', 'explosion on May 28', '2km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.84', 'explosion on May 28', '7km NE of Abbotsford, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.55', 'explosion on May 28', '3km SW of Drain, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.2', 'quarry blast on May 27', '0km S of Quarry near Vallejo, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.79', 'explosion on May 27', '5km SSE of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.37', 'quarry blast on May 27', '7km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.48', 'quarry blast on May 27', '6km ESE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.31', 'quarry blast on May 27', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.63', 'quarry blast on May 26', '46km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.57', 'quarry blast on May 26', '4km NNW of Boron, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.99', 'explosion on May 26', '5km SSE of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.96', 'quarry blast on May 26', '11km ESE of Santa Ynez, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.31', 'quarry blast on May 26', '6km ENE of Three Forks, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.44', 'explosion on May 26', '19km SE of Cottage Grove, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.08', 'explosion on May 26', '24km SE of Sweet Home, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.94', 'quarry blast on May 26', '10km N of Oroville, California')
('There was also a magnitude 1.08', 'quarry blast on May 26', '13km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.13', 'quarry blast on May 25', '8km ENE of Lebec, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.85', 'quarry blast on May 25', '4km ENE of Butte, Montana')
('There was also a magnitude 1.49', 'quarry blast on May 25', '7km SSE of Home Gardens, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.23', 'quarry blast on May 25', '10km NNW of Big Bear City, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.03', 'quarry blast on May 24', '1km WSW of Quarry near Milpitas, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.21', 'quarry blast on May 24', '45km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 1.64', 'explosion on May 24', '14km SE of McCleary, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 2.03', 'explosion on May 24', '7km S of Princeton, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.35', 'explosion on May 24', '10km SE of Graham, Washington')
('There was also a magnitude 1.01', 'quarry blast on May 24', '14km W of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.08', 'quarry blast on May 24', '5km NE of Rancho San Diego, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.31', 'quarry blast on May 24', '2km SW of Quarry near Clayton, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.49', 'quarry blast on May 23', '6km NNW of Boron, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.79', 'quarry blast on May 23', '46km NNW of Los Algodones, B.C., MX')
('There was also a magnitude 2.55', 'explosion on May 23', '11km S of Agassiz, Canada')
('There was also a magnitude 1.05', 'quarry blast on May 23', '1km WNW of Quarry near Vallejo, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.5', 'quarry blast on May 23', '11km E of Quarry near Portola Valley, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.4', 'quarry blast on May 23', '5km N of Lake Elsinore, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.33', 'quarry blast on May 23', '7km SSW of Mojave, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.6', 'explosion on May 23', '5km WNW of Junction City, Oregon')
('There was also a magnitude 1.17', 'quarry blast on May 23', '13km SE of Tehachapi, CA')
('There was also a magnitude 1.6', 'explosion on May 22', '4km S of Princeton, Canada')
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Content source: radhikapc/foundation-homework
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