In [1]:
import requests
import pandas
endpoint = '{project}/{access}/{agent}/{granularity}/{start}/{end}'
headers={'User-Agent' : '', 'From' : ''}
yearMonthCombinations = { '2015' : [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2016' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2017' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] }
for accessType in [ 'desktop', 'mobile-web', 'mobile-app' ]:
for year in range(2015, 2018):
for month in yearMonthCombinations[str(year)]:
if int(month / 10) == 0:
startMonth = ''.join( [ '0', str(month) ] )
startParam = ''.join([ str(year), startMonth, '0100' ])
if int((month+1) / 10) == 0:
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), '0', str(month+1), '0100' ])
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), str(month+1), '0100' ])
startMonth = str(month)
startParam = ''.join([ str(year), startMonth, '0100' ])
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), str(month+1), '0100' ])
if month + 1 == 13:
endParam = ''.join( [str(year+1), '01', '0100'])
params = {'project' : '',
'access' : accessType,
'agent' : 'user',
'granularity' : 'monthly',
'start' : startParam,
'end' : endParam
api_call = requests.get(endpoint.format(**params))
response = api_call.json()
for result in response['items']:
result['year'] = str(year)
result['month'] = startMonth
if 'PageViewDataFrame' in locals():
PageViewDataFrame = pandas.concat([ PageViewDataFrame, pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(response['items']) ])
PageViewDataFrame = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(response['items'])
In [2]:
endpoint = '{project}/{access-site}/{granularity}/{start}/{end}'
headers={'User-Agent' : '', 'From' : ''}
yearMonthCombinations = { '2008' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2009' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2010' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2011' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2012' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2013' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2014' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2015' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
'2016' : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
for accessType in [ 'desktop-site', 'mobile-site' ]:
for year in range(2008, 2017):
for month in yearMonthCombinations[str(year)]:
if int(month / 10) == 0:
startMonth = ''.join( [ '0', str(month) ] )
startParam = ''.join([ str(year), startMonth, '0100' ])
if int((month+1) / 10) == 0:
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), '0', str(month+1), '0100' ])
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), str(month+1), '0100' ])
startMonth = str(month)
startParam = ''.join([ str(year), startMonth, '0100' ])
endParam = ''.join([ str(year), str(month+1), '0100' ])
if month + 1 == 13:
endParam = ''.join( [str(year+1), '01', '0100'])
params = {'project' : '',
'access-site' : accessType,
'granularity' : 'monthly',
'start' : startParam,
'end' : endParam
api_call = requests.get(endpoint.format(**params))
response = api_call.json()
if 'items' in response.keys():
for result in response['items']:
result['year'] = str(year)
result['month'] = startMonth
print('Page Count Data Missing for', accessType, 'on', month, year )
if 'PageCountDataFrame' in locals():
PageCountDataFrame = pandas.concat([ PageCountDataFrame, pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(response['items']) ])
PageCountDataFrame = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(response['items'])
In [3]:
PageViewDataFrame.loc[PageViewDataFrame.access != 'desktop', 'access'] = 'mobile'
PageCountDataFrame['access'] = "desktop"
PageCountDataFrame.loc[PageCountDataFrame['access-site'] != 'desktop-site', 'access'] = 'mobile'
pageCounts = pandas.DataFrame( PageCountDataFrame.groupby(['year', 'month', 'access'])['count'].sum().reset_index() )
pageViews = pandas.DataFrame( PageViewDataFrame.groupby(['year', 'month', 'access'])['views'].sum().reset_index() )
In [4]:
finalCSVDataFrame = pandas.DataFrame( columns = ['year', 'month', 'pagecount_all_views', 'pagecount_desktop_views', 'pagecount_mobile_views',
'pageview_all_views', 'pageview_desktop_views', 'pageview_mobile_views' ] )
for year in range( 2008, 2018):
for month in range(1,13):
if year == 2017 and month > 9:
if month < 9:
monthString = ''.join(['0', str(month)])
pagecount_desktop_views = pageCounts[(pageCounts['year'] == str(year)) & (pageCounts['month'] == monthString)
& (pageCounts['access'] == 'desktop' )]
if len(pagecount_desktop_views) != 0:
pagecount_desktop_views = int(pagecount_desktop_views['count'])
pagecount_desktop_views = 0
pagecount_mobile_views = pageCounts[(pageCounts['year'] == str(year)) & (pageCounts['month'] == monthString)
& (pageCounts['access'] == 'mobile' )]
if len(pagecount_mobile_views) != 0:
pagecount_mobile_views = int(pagecount_mobile_views['count'])
pagecount_mobile_views = 0
pagecount_all_views = pagecount_desktop_views + pagecount_mobile_views
pageview_desktop_views = pageViews[(pageViews['year'] == str(year)) & (pageViews['month'] == monthString)
& (pageViews['access'] == 'desktop' )]
if len(pageview_desktop_views) != 0:
pageview_desktop_views = int(pageview_desktop_views['views'])
pageview_desktop_views = 0
pageview_mobile_views = pageViews[(pageViews['year'] == str(year)) & (pageViews['month'] == monthString)
& (pageViews['access'] == 'mobile' )]
if len(pageview_mobile_views) != 0:
pageview_mobile_views = int(pageview_mobile_views['views'])
pageview_mobile_views = 0
pageview_all_views = pageview_desktop_views + pageview_mobile_views
finalCSVDataFrame = finalCSVDataFrame.append( {'year': int(year),
'month': int(month),
'pagecount_all_views': int(pagecount_all_views),
'pagecount_desktop_views': int(pagecount_desktop_views),
'pagecount_mobile_views': int(pagecount_mobile_views),
'pageview_all_views': int(pageview_all_views),
'pageview_desktop_views': int(pageview_desktop_views),
'pageview_mobile_views': int(pageview_mobile_views)
}, ignore_index=True )
In [5]:
In [12]:
In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dates = pandas.date_range('2008-01', '2017-10',freq='M')
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pagecount_all_views"]/1000000, label = " All PageCounts",
color = "black", linewidth = 0.5)
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pagecount_desktop_views"]/1000000, label = "Desktop PageCounts",
color = "blue", linewidth = 0.5)
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pagecount_mobile_views"]/1000000, label = "Mobile PageCounts",
color = "brown", linewidth = 0.5)
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pageview_all_views"]/1000000, label = " All PageViews",
color = "black", linewidth = 2)
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pageview_desktop_views"]/1000000, label = "Desktop PageViews",
color = "blue", linewidth = 2)
plt.plot(dates, finalCSVDataFrame["pageview_mobile_views"]/1000000, label = "Mobile PageViews",
color = "brown", linewidth = 2)
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 15
fig_size[1] = 10
plt.ylabel("PageViews - millions")
plt.title("Pageviews on English Wikipedia from July 2015 to Sept 2017")
In [ ]: