In [1]:
# This code block is for automatic testing purposes, please ignore.
    import openfermionprojectq
    import os

Simulating a variational quantum eigensolver using OpenFermion-ProjectQ

We now demonstrate how one can use both openfermion and ProjectQ to run a simple VQE example using a Unitary Coupled Cluster ansatz. It demonstrates a simple way to evaluate the energy, optimize the energy with respect to the ansatz and build the corresponding compiled quantum circuit. It utilizes OpenFermion to prepare the Hamiltonians as well as initial parameters and ProjectQ to build and simulate the circuit.

In [2]:
import os

from numpy import array, concatenate, zeros
from numpy.random import randn
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from openfermion.config import *
from openfermionprojectq import *

from openfermion.hamiltonians import MolecularData
from openfermion.transforms import jordan_wigner
from openfermion.utils import uccsd_singlet_paramsize

from projectq.ops import X, All, Measure
from projectq.backends import CommandPrinter, CircuitDrawer

Here we load $\textrm{H}_2$ from a precomputed molecule file found in the test data directory, and initialize the ProjectQ circuit compiler to a standard setting that uses a first-order Trotter decomposition to break up the exponentials of non-commuting operators.

In [3]:
# Load the molecule.
filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, 'H2_sto-3g_singlet_0.7414')
molecule = MolecularData(filename=filename)

# Use a Jordan-Wigner encoding, and compress to remove 0 imaginary components
qubit_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(molecule.get_molecular_hamiltonian())
compiler_engine = uccsd_trotter_engine()

The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (or VQE), works by parameterizing a wavefunction $| \Psi(\theta) \rangle$ through some quantum circuit, and minimzing the energy with respect to that angle, which is defined by

\begin{align} E(\theta) = \langle \Psi(\theta)| H | \Psi(\theta) \rangle \end{align}

To perform the VQE loop with a simple molecule, it helps to wrap the evaluation of the energy into a simple objective function that takes the parameters of the circuit and returns the energy. Here we define that function using ProjectQ to handle the qubits and the simulation.

In [4]:
def energy_objective(packed_amplitudes):
    """Evaluate the energy of a UCCSD singlet wavefunction with packed_amplitudes
        packed_amplitudes(ndarray): Compact array that stores the unique
            amplitudes for a UCCSD singlet wavefunction.
        energy(float): Energy corresponding to the given amplitudes

    # Set Jordan-Wigner initial state with correct number of electrons
    wavefunction = compiler_engine.allocate_qureg(molecule.n_qubits)
    for i in range(molecule.n_electrons):
        X | wavefunction[i]

    # Build the circuit and act it on the wavefunction
    evolution_operator = uccsd_singlet_evolution(packed_amplitudes, 
    evolution_operator | wavefunction

    # Evaluate the energy and reset wavefunction
    energy = compiler_engine.backend.get_expectation_value(qubit_hamiltonian, wavefunction)
    All(Measure) | wavefunction
    return energy

While we could plug this objective function into any optimizer, SciPy offers a convenient framework within the Python ecosystem. We'll choose as starting amplitudes the classical CCSD values that can be loaded from the molecule if desired. The optimal energy is found and compared to the exact values to verify that our simulation was successful.

In [5]:
n_amplitudes = uccsd_singlet_paramsize(molecule.n_qubits, molecule.n_electrons)
initial_amplitudes = [0, 0.05677]
initial_energy = energy_objective(initial_amplitudes)

# Run VQE Optimization to find new CCSD parameters
opt_result = minimize(energy_objective, initial_amplitudes,
                      method="CG", options={'disp':True})

opt_energy, opt_amplitudes =, opt_result.x
print("\nOptimal UCCSD Singlet Energy: {}".format(opt_energy))
print("Optimal UCCSD Singlet Amplitudes: {}".format(opt_amplitudes))
print("Classical CCSD Energy: {} Hartrees".format(molecule.ccsd_energy))
print("Exact FCI Energy: {} Hartrees".format(molecule.fci_energy))
print("Initial Energy of UCCSD with CCSD amplitudes: {} Hartrees".format(initial_energy))

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -1.137270
         Iterations: 1
         Function evaluations: 12
         Gradient evaluations: 3

Optimal UCCSD Singlet Energy: -1.13727017463
Optimal UCCSD Singlet Amplitudes: [ -1.03662149e-08   5.65340580e-02]
Classical CCSD Energy: -1.13727017465 Hartrees
Exact FCI Energy: -1.13727017463 Hartrees
Initial Energy of UCCSD with CCSD amplitudes: -1.13726981456 Hartrees

As we can see, the optimization terminates extremely quickly because the classical coupled cluster amplitudes were (for this molecule) already optimal. We can now use ProjectQ to compile this simulation circuit to a set of two-body quanutm gates.

In [6]:
compiler_engine = uccsd_trotter_engine(CommandPrinter())
wavefunction = compiler_engine.allocate_qureg(molecule.n_qubits)
for i in range(molecule.n_electrons):
    X | wavefunction[i]

# Build the circuit and act it on the wavefunction
evolution_operator = uccsd_singlet_evolution(opt_amplitudes, 
evolution_operator | wavefunction

Allocate | Qureg[0]
Allocate | Qureg[1]
Allocate | Qureg[2]
Allocate | Qureg[3]
X | Qureg[0]
X | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(12.566370604) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
H | Qureg[3]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[2]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(12.5381035853) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[3]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[1]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(12.5381035853) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
H | Qureg[3]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(1.03662148687e-08) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[3]
H | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(0.0282670290194) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
H | Qureg[3]
H | Qureg[2]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[2]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(12.5381035853) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[3]
H | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(0.0282670290194) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
H | Qureg[3]
H | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[1]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[2]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
Rz(12.566370604) | Qureg[2]
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
H | Qureg[2]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[2]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
Rz(1.03662148687e-08) | Qureg[2]
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[0]
H | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[2]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(12.5381035853) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[3]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[2]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[1]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[2]
H | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(0.0282670290194) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
H | Qureg[3]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[2]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[1]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[0]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[1]
H | Qureg[2]
Rx(1.57079632679) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
Rz(0.0282670290194) | Qureg[3]
CX | ( Qureg[2], Qureg[3] )
CX | ( Qureg[1], Qureg[2] )
CX | ( Qureg[0], Qureg[1] )
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[3]
H | Qureg[2]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[1]
Rx(10.9955742876) | Qureg[0]