In the first lecture on Why You Should Hedge Beta and Sector Exposure, we covered the information coefficient (IC) and effective breadth, providing yet more reasons to make as many independent bets as possible. Here we expand upon the concepts detailed there by decomposing portfolios of varying numbers of securities to further explore the effects of systematic risk.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Let's work from two basic beliefs:
The implication of the second belief is subtle. Why should it matter that your high Sharpe algo is part of a portfolio? The key to understanding the importance of this and what it has to do with beta and sector exposure is the following mathematical result:
In a portfolio, stock specific risk can be diversified out while common factor risk cannot.
To build intuition, let's posit a single factor model:
$$r_i = \alpha_i + \beta_i r_m + \epsilon_i$$where $\alpha_i$ is the intercept, $\epsilon_i$ is the error, and $r_m$ is the market return. This is the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which posits that the returns to a stock can be attributable to its beta-weighted exposure to the market and a return which is idiosyncratic to that stock. Two important assumptions here are that the $\epsilon_i$s are uncorrelated to the market and each other across stocks. See the Lecture on Beta Hedging for more background.
In this case, the "risk", as measured by the variance, for an individual stock is:
$$\sigma_i^2 = \beta_i^2 \sigma_m^2 + \sigma_{\epsilon_i}^2$$A stocks variance is broken into the common risk, $\beta_i^2\sigma_m^2$, and specific risk, $\sigma_{\epsilon_i}$. Common risk is risk in the stock driven by market risk which is common among all stocks proportionate to the stock's beta. Specific risk is the risk that is unique to that individual stock.
Let's look at two examples and decompose the risk into the percent due to common factor risk.
In [2]:
def stock_risk(beta, market_vol, idio_vol):
common_risk = (beta**2)*(market_vol**2)
specific_risk = idio_vol**2
total_risk = common_risk + specific_risk
return total_risk, common_risk/total_risk
We take two separate stocks, each with different market beta exposures and idiosyncratic volatility.
In [3]:
# Betas
b1 = 1.2
b2 = 1.1
# Market volatility
market_vol = 0.15
# Idiosyncratic volatilities
idio_vol_1 = 0.10
idio_vol_2 = 0.07
In [4]:
total_1, pct_common_1 = stock_risk(b1, market_vol, idio_vol_1)
total_2, pct_common_2 = stock_risk(b2, market_vol, idio_vol_2)
print "Stock 1 risk (annualized standard deviation): %0.4f " % np.sqrt(total_1)
print "Stock 1: percent of total risk due to common risk: %0.4f " % pct_common_1
print "\nStock 2 risk (annualized standard deviation): %0.4f " % np.sqrt(total_2)
print "Stock 2: percent of total risk due to common risk: %0.4f " % pct_common_2
This is just looking at the breakdown of the risk associated with each individual stock. We can combine these into a portfolio to see how their combined volatility is affected by common factor risk.
Now let's imagine you have a two stock portfolio with percentage weights $w_1$ and $w_2$. The risk of the portfolio (derived below), $\Pi$, under the one-factor model is then:
$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = \overbrace{\sigma_m^2\left( w_1^2\beta_1^2 + w_2^2\beta_2^2 + 2w_1w_2\beta_1\beta_1 \right)}^{\text{common risk}} + \overbrace{w_1^2\epsilon_1^2 + w_2^2 \epsilon_2^2}^{\text{specifc risk}}$$This is the simplest possible example of portfolio factor risk, one factor and two assets, yet we can already use it to gain intuition about portfolio risk and hedging.
In [5]:
# The weights for each security in our portfolio
w1 = 0.5
w2 = 0.5
In [6]:
def two_stocks_one_factor(w1, w2, b1, b2, market_vol, idio_vol_1, idio_vol_2):
common_risk = (market_vol**2)*(w1*w1*b1*b1 + w2*w2*b2*b2 + 2*w1*w2*b1*b2)
specific_risk = w1*w1*idio_vol_1**2 + w2*w2*idio_vol_2**2
total_risk = common_risk + specific_risk
return total_risk, common_risk/total_risk
The risk for a two stock, equally-weighted, long-only portfolio:
In [7]:
total, pct_common = two_stocks_one_factor(w1, w2, b1, b2, market_vol, idio_vol_1, idio_vol_2)
print "Portfolio risk (annualized standard deviation): %0.4f " % np.sqrt(total)
print "Percent of total risk due to common risk: %0.4f" % pct_common
The astute reader will notice that the proportion of risk in the portfolio due to common factor risk is larger for the portfolio than for the weighted sum of the common risk proportion for the two components. To repeat the key point in this lecture: In a portfolio, stock specific risk diversifies while common factor risk does not.
The risk for a two stock, beta-hedged long-short portfolio:
In [8]:
w2 = -w1*b1/b2 # set weight 2 such that the portfolio has zero beta
total, pct_common = two_stocks_one_factor(w1, w2, b1, b2, market_vol, idio_vol_1, idio_vol_2)
print "Portfolio risk (annualized standard deviation): %0.4f " % np.sqrt(total)
print "Percent of total risk due to common risk: %0.4f" % pct_common
Note that we eliminated all the common risk with a perfect beta hedge.
If $X$ is a column vector of n random variables, $X_1,\dots,X_n$, and $c$ is a column vector of coefficients (constants), then the variance of the weighted sum $c'X$ is
$$\text{Var}(c'X) = c'\Sigma c$$where $\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix of the $X$'s.
In our application, $c$ is our stock weight vector $w$ and $\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix of stock returns.
$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = w' \Sigma w$$Just as we decompose the single stock risk above, we can decompose the covariance matrix to separate common risk and specific risk
$$\Sigma = BFB' + D$$Thus
$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = w'(BFB' + D)w$$$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = w'BFB'w + w'Dw$$Which for the two stock portfolio above works out to
\begin{equation} \sigma_{\Pi}^2 = \overbrace{ \begin{bmatrix} w_1 & w_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{1} \\ \beta_{2} \end{bmatrix} \sigma_m^2 \begin{bmatrix} \beta_{1} & \beta_{2} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w_1 \\ w_2 \end{bmatrix} }^{\text{common risk}} + \overbrace{\begin{bmatrix} w_1 & w_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \epsilon_1^2 & 0\\ 0 & \epsilon_2^2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} w_1 \\ w_2 \end{bmatrix}}^{\text{specific risk}} \end{equation}If you work through this matrix multiplication, you get the stated result above
$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = \overbrace{\sigma_m^2\left( w_1^2\beta_1^2 + w_2^2\beta_2^2 + 2w_1w_2\beta_1\beta_1 \right)}^{\text{common risk}} + \overbrace{w_1^2\epsilon_1^2 + w_2^2 \epsilon_2^2}^{\text{specifc risk}}$$Of course, we can expand the CAPM to include additional risk factors besides market beta. We could posit that there are in total $m$ risks which are common to all stocks.
$$r_i = \alpha_i + \beta_{1,i} f_1 + \dots + \beta_{m,i} f_m + \epsilon_i$$or more concisely
$$r_i = \alpha_i + \sum_{j=1}^m \beta_{j,i} f_j + \epsilon_i$$or, considering all stocks, $i$, from 1 to N, even more concisely, for a given period $t$,
$$r = \alpha + Bf + \epsilon$$where $r$ is the Nx1 column vector of returns, $B$ is the Nx$m$ matrix of factor betas, $f$ is the mx1 column of factor returns, and $\epsilon$ is the Nx1 column vector of idiosyncratic returns. Finally,
$$\sigma_{\Pi}^2 = w'BFB'w + w'Dw$$where $B$ is the Nx$m$ matrix of factor betas, $F$ is the $m$x$m$ covariance matrix of factor returns, and $D$ is a NxN matrix with the variance of $\epsilon_i$'s on diagonal, and zeros everywhere else.
With this result, assuming we had a suitable risk model giving us the matrices $B$, $F$, and $D$, we could calculate our portfolio risk and the proportion of risk coming from common risk.
Likewise, just as we set $w_2$ above in the two stock case to the value that neutralized the exposure to the single factor $\beta$, in the multi-factor case we could use the factor betas matrix $B$ to construct a portfolio which is neutral to all common factors. A portfolio which is neutral to all common factors has zero common factor risk.
Even without a risk model, we can get some intuition as to how the risk of a portfolio of algos looks.
What does a resulting portfolio of algos look like when the individual algos have non-zero common risk? Taking some inspiration from a recent journal article The Dangers of Diversification by Garvey, Kahn, and Savi, imagine that each algo has a certain budget of common risk it can take. This budget is defined as the percent common risk of total risk in the algo.
In the first case, we assume that all algos have this same budget (and use all the budget!) and the correlation between their common risks is 1.0. This is simular to the case of a single factor model.
In [9]:
def portfolio_risk_decomposition(budget=0.2, correl=1.0, algo_count=2, algo_total_risk=0.04):
N = algo_count
algo_common_risk = budget*(algo_total_risk**2)
algo_idio_risk = algo_total_risk**2 - algo_common_risk
w = 1./N
covar = correl*algo_common_risk
common_risk = N*w*w*algo_common_risk + (N*N - N)*w*w*covar
idio_risk = algo_idio_risk*w
total_risk = common_risk + idio_risk
return total_risk, common_risk/total_risk
In [10]:
a, b = portfolio_risk_decomposition(budget=0.2, algo_count=20, correl=1.0, algo_total_risk=0.04)
print "Portfolio total risk: %.4f " % np.sqrt(a)
print "Portfolio percent of common risk: %.4f " % b
In [11]:
algos = np.linspace(1,20)
portfolio_risk_decomposition(budget=0.2, correl=1.0, algo_count=algos)[1]
portfolio_risk_decomposition(budget=0.4, correl=1.0, algo_count=algos)[1]
plt.title('Percent of Portfolio Risk due to Common Risk')
plt.xlabel('Number of Algos in Portfolio')
plt.ylabel('Percent of Portfolio of Algos Risk due to Common Risk')
['20% Single Algo Common Risk Budget', '40% Single Algo Common Risk Budget']
From this plot, you can see that from the allocator's perspective, a "small" budget that allows for 20% of individual algo total risk to be driven by common risk leads to a 20 algo portfolio with 83% of it's risk driven by common risk! Ideally an allocator wants you to have zero common factor risk.
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