Emprical Cumulative Distribution Function on the GPU

In this Jupyter notebook we show how to use the GPU seamlessly in a scripting mode with Alea GPU V3 to calculate the empirical cumulative distribution function for a very large sample size. The purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate the new highly efficient GPU primitives that will come with our next release 3.1 of Alea GPU, such as highly optimized parallel sort, scan, reduce, copy if, stream compactification, merge, join, etc.


The empirical cumulative distribution function $\hat{F}_n(t)$ for the samples $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ is defined as

$${\hat F}_{n}(t)={\frac {{\mbox{number of elements in the sample}}\leq t}n}={\frac {1}{n}}\sum _{{i=1}}^{n}{\mathbf {1}}_{{x_{i}\leq t}}$$

It is an estimator of the true distribution function from which the samples $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ are generated. More details can be found on Wikipedia.

Let's Get Started!

Before you continue you should install the F# kernel for Jupyter.

We use Paket to get the newest version 3.1 beta NuGet packages of Alea GPU. You can run Alea GPU free on any CUDA capable GeForce or Quadro GPU. In case you want to run it on an enterprise GPU such as a Tesla K80 or the brand new NVIDIA P100 you need a license.

Unfortunately as of now (January 2017), it is not possible to run this notebook on Azure Notebooks with server side execution because the Azure Notebooks service does not yet provide GPU instances.

In [1]:
#load "Paket.fsx"
Paket.Version [ ("Alea", "3.0.3-beta2") ]
Paket.Package [ "NUnit" ]


In [2]:
#load "packages/Alea/Alea.fsx"
#r "packages/Alea/lib/net45/Alea.Parallel.dll" 
#r "packages/NUnit/lib/net45/nunit.framework.dll"

In [3]:
#load "XPlot.Plotly.Paket.fsx"
#load "XPlot.Plotly.fsx"
open XPlot.Plotly

Inspect the GPU

We first check what GPU is available. As we only need one GPU for our computations, we select the default GPU.

In [4]:
open System
open Alea
open Alea.CSharp
open Alea.Parallel

let gpu = Gpu.Default
let s = sprintf "GPU is %A, Number of Cores %A, GPU DRAM is %.3f GB, Process is %d bit"
           ((float) gpu.Device.TotalMemory / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.)
           (IntPtr.Size * 8)
{ Html = s }

GPU is [0|3.0|GeForce GT 750M], Number of Cores 384, GPU DRAM is 2.000 GB, Process is 64 bit

To sample the empirical cumulative distribution function we use binary search. We code a binary search function that will be used on the CPU and the GPU, giving us full code reuse. In order to be able to compile it to run on the GPU, we add the [ReflectedDefinition] attribute, so that the F# compiler generates the quotation for this function.

In [5]:
let inline binarySearch (n:int) (v:int -> 'T) (x:'T) =
    let mutable l = 0
    let mutable u = n - 1
    while u - 1 > l do
        let m = int((uint32(l) + uint32(u)) >>> 1)
        if x < (v m) then u <- m
        else l <- m

CPU Version

We create a function to sample data and sample the empirical cumulative distribution function on a grid of points for plotting. Here is the CPU version:

In [6]:
let ecdfCpu numSamples numPlotPoints (gen:float[] -> unit) =
    let numbers = Array.zeroCreate<float> numSamples
    let plotX = Array.zeroCreate<float> numPlotPoints
    let plotY = Array.zeroCreate<float> numPlotPoints
    gen numbers
    // start measuring time
    let t = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    // first sort it
    Array.sortInPlace numbers
    // grab min max value
    let min = numbers.[0]
    let max = numbers.[numSamples - 1]
    let dist = max - min

    // binary search to create ecdf
    for i = 0 to numPlotPoints - 1 do
        let x = min + (dist / (float numPlotPoints)) * (float i)
        let v i = numbers.[i]
        let y = binarySearch numSamples v x
        let y = (float y) / (float numSamples)
        plotX.[i] <- x
        plotY.[i] <- y
    // to get more accurate timings, we keep these array alive so we are not interrupted by GC collection
    plotX, plotY, t.Elapsed

GPU Version

The GPU implementation relies on the new highly efficient GPU sort primitive, which we provide with Alea GPU 3.1 beta and a new session concept, which simplifies the API by hiding all the requires scratch pad memory allocation and management:

In [7]:
let ecdfGpu numSamples numPlotPoints (gen:Session -> float[] -> unit) =
    // create a GPU session, which manages the temporary memory required by the different algrotihms.
    use session = new Session(gpu)
    let numbers = session.Allocate<float>(numSamples)
    let minmax = session.Allocate<float>(2)
    let plotX = session.Allocate<float>(numPlotPoints)
    let plotY = session.Allocate<float>(numPlotPoints)

    gen session numbers
    // start measuring time, we synchonize gpu first
    let t = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    // first sort it
    session.Sort(numbers, numbers, (fun a b -> a < b))
    // grab min max value
    session.Gpu.Launch((fun () ->
            minmax.[0] <- numbers.[0]
            minmax.[1] <- numbers.[numSamples - 1]),
        LaunchParam(1, 1))
    session.For(0, numPlotPoints, (fun i ->
        let min = minmax.[0]
        let max = minmax.[1]
        let dist = max - min
        let x = min + (dist / (float numPlotPoints)) * (float i)
        let v i = numbers.[i]
        let y = binarySearch numSamples v x
        let y = (float y) / (float numSamples)
        plotX.[i] <- x
        plotY.[i] <- y
    // synchornize gpu then stop timer
    // to get more accurate timings, we keep these array alive so we are not interrupted by GC collection

    Gpu.CopyToHost(plotX), Gpu.CopyToHost(plotY), t.Elapsed

Run and Visualize

We create sample generators for the normal and log-normal distribution using parallel random number generators from cuRand. Note that these generators also can be used to run on the CPU.

In [8]:
let genGpuUniform (session:Session) (numbers:float[]) =
let genGpuNormal (session:Session) (numbers:float[]) =
    session.RandomNormal(numbers, 0.0, 1.0)
let genGpuLogNormal (session:Session) (numbers:float[]) =
    session.RandomLogNormal(numbers, 0.0, 1.0)
let genCpuUniform (data:float[]) =
    use rng = cuRAND.Generator.CreateCpu(cuRAND.RngType.PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
let genCpuNormal (data:float[]) =
    use rng = cuRAND.Generator.CreateCpu(cuRAND.RngType.PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
    rng.GenerateNormal(data, 0.0, 1.0)
let genCpuLogNormal (data:float[]) =
    use rng = cuRAND.Generator.CreateCpu(cuRAND.RngType.PSEUDO_DEFAULT)
    rng.GenerateLogNormal(data, 0.0, 1.0)  
let layout title x y= 
    Layout(title = title, 
           xaxis=Xaxis(title = x, showgrid = false, zeroline = false), 
           yaxis=Yaxis(title = y, showline = false), 
           showlegend = true)

Empirical Cummulative Distribution Function for the Normal Distribution

Let's estimate the empirical cumulative distribution function on the CPU and GPU for the normal distribution. Because we are only interested in the visualization, we choose a moderate sample size. 1MB gives us already sufficient accuracy.

In [9]:
let numSamples = 1024*1024  
let numPlotPoints = 1000

In [10]:
let x, y, _ = ecdfCpu numSamples numPlotPoints genCpuNormal
Scatter(name = "Normal", x = x, y = y, mode = "lines")
|> Chart.Plot 
|> Chart.WithLayout (layout "Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function on CPU" "x" "probability")


In [11]:
let x, y, _ = ecdfGpu numSamples numPlotPoints genGpuNormal
Scatter(name = "Normal", x = x, y = y, mode = "lines") 
|> Chart.Plot 
|> Chart.WithLayout (layout "Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function on GPU" "x" "probability")


Empirical Cummulative Distribution Function for the Log-Normal Distribution

We repeate the experiment for the log-normal distribution. Note that it has support on $[0, \infty)$ only.

In [12]:
let x, y, _ = ecdfCpu numSamples numPlotPoints genCpuLogNormal
Scatter(name = "Log Normal", x = x, y = y, mode = "lines")
|> Chart.Plot 
|> Chart.WithLayout (layout "Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function on CPU" "x" "probability")


In [13]:
let x, y, _ = ecdfGpu numSamples numPlotPoints genGpuLogNormal
Scatter(name = "Log Normal", x = x, y = y, mode = "lines")
|> Chart.Plot 
|> Chart.WithLayout (layout "Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function on GPU" "x" "probability")



The interesting question is of course how much faster the GPU does the job. Let's collect some timings on a larger sample set.


First we measure the speedup. For a small GPU choose a count of say 10 MB or 100 MB.

In [14]:
let megaBytes = if Gpu.Default.Device.Cores <= 512 then 10 else 100
let numSamples = 1024*1024*megaBytes

let _, _, cpuTime = ecdfCpu numSamples 1000 genCpuNormal
let _, _, gpuTime = ecdfGpu numSamples 1000 genGpuNormal
let speedup = cpuTime.TotalMilliseconds / gpuTime.TotalMilliseconds

type data = { Device: string; Timing: string; Speedup: float }
let records = 
        { Device = "CPU"; Timing = sprintf "%.2f ms" cpuTime.TotalMilliseconds; Speedup =  1.0}
        { Device = "GPU"; Timing = sprintf "%.2f ms" gpuTime.TotalMilliseconds; Speedup =  speedup}

records |> Util.Table

CPU13421.90 ms1
GPU145.44 ms92.2846826393253

Timings for Varying Sample Size

Let's analyze the GPU performance across different sample sizes. For a small GPU choose a smaller working set such as [1..10].

In [15]:
let megaBytes = if Gpu.Default.Device.Cores <= 512 then [1..10] else [100..100..900]

let gpuPerformance =
    seq {
        for scale in megaBytes do
            let numSamples = scale * 1024 * 1024
            let _, _, time = ecdfGpu numSamples 1000 genGpuNormal
            yield (scale, time.TotalMilliseconds)
    } |> Seq.toList

type data = { MegaBytes: int; Timing: string; MegaBytesPerSec: string }
|> List.map (fun (s, t) -> 
        MegaBytes = s
        Timing = sprintf "%.2f ms" t
        MegaBytesPerSec = sprintf "%.2f MB/sec" ((float s) / t * 1000.0)
|> Util.Table

100145.49 ms687.32 MB/sec
200305.55 ms654.55 MB/sec
300451.81 ms664.00 MB/sec
400628.83 ms636.10 MB/sec
500786.48 ms635.74 MB/sec
600944.28 ms635.41 MB/sec
7001103.01 ms634.62 MB/sec
8001315.26 ms608.25 MB/sec
9001479.82 ms608.18 MB/sec

In [16]:
let layout = 
    Layout(title = "Timing in ms", 
           xaxis=Xaxis(title = "Size in MB", showgrid = false, zeroline = false), 
           yaxis=Yaxis(title = "Timing (ms)", showline = false)) 
Bar(x = (gpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (mb, t) -> sprintf "%d MB" mb)),
    y = (gpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (mb, t) -> t)))
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithLayout layout


In [17]:
let layout = 
    Layout(title = "Performance in MB per second", 
           xaxis=Xaxis(title = "Size in MB", showgrid = false, zeroline = false), 
           yaxis=Yaxis(title = "MB per second", showline = false)) 
Bar(x = (gpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, t) -> sprintf "%d MB" s)),
    y = (gpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, t) -> (float s) / t * 1000.0)))
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithLayout layout


Performance Comparison

We now compare the performance of CPU and the GPU version. For a small GPU choose a smaller working set such as [1..10].

In [18]:
let megaBytes = if Gpu.Default.Device.Cores <= 512 then [1..10] else [100..100..900]

let performanceCpuGpu numSamples numPlotTimes =
    let _, _, cpuTime = ecdfCpu numSamples numPlotTimes genCpuNormal
    let _, _, gpuTime = ecdfGpu numSamples numPlotTimes genGpuNormal
    let cpuTime = cpuTime.TotalMilliseconds
    let gpuTime = gpuTime.TotalMilliseconds
    let speedup = cpuTime / gpuTime
    cpuTime, gpuTime, speedup

let gpuCpuPerformance =
    seq {        
        for scale in megaBytes do
            let numSamples = scale * 1024 * 1024
            let cpuTime, gpuTime, speedup = performanceCpuGpu numSamples 1000
            yield (scale, cpuTime, gpuTime, speedup)
    } |> Seq.toList
type data = { MegaBytes: int; GPUTiming: string; CPUTiming: string; Speedup: string } 
gpuCpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, ct, gt, speedup) -> 
        MegaBytes = s
        GPUTiming = sprintf "%.2f ms" gt
        CPUTiming = sprintf "%.2f ms" ct
        Speedup = sprintf "%.2f" speedup
    }) |> Util.Table

100144.17 ms13122.91 ms91.02
200306.89 ms27465.22 ms89.50
300453.69 ms42691.84 ms94.10
400634.50 ms57360.08 ms90.40
500789.93 ms71462.31 ms90.47
600951.10 ms87471.71 ms91.97
7001109.42 ms101020.00 ms91.06
8001319.30 ms116294.78 ms88.15
9001480.24 ms133094.66 ms89.91

In [19]:
let layout = 
    Layout(title = "CPU / GPU Performance in MB per second", 
           xaxis=Xaxis(title = "Size in MB", showgrid = false, zeroline = false), 
           yaxis=Yaxis(title = "MB per second", showline = false), showlegend = true) 
seq {
    let x = gpuCpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, _, _, _) -> sprintf "%d MB" s)
    let yCpu = gpuCpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, t, _, _) -> (float s) / t * 1000.0)
    let yGpu = gpuCpuPerformance |> List.map (fun (s, _, t, _) -> (float s) / t * 1000.0)
    yield Bar(x = x, y = yCpu, name = "CPU")
    yield Bar(x = x, y = yGpu, name = "GPU")
|> Seq.toList 
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithLayout layout


In [ ]: