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Generating regular lattices and visualizing shortest paths

Creating data for testing and demonstrating routes

Author: James D. Gaboardi jgaboardi@gmail.com

This notebook is a walk-through for:

  1. Instantiating a simple network through a generated regular lattice
  2. Generating shortest path geometric objects
  3. Visualizing shortest paths

In [1]:
%load_ext watermark


CPython 3.7.3
IPython 7.10.2

compiler   : Clang 9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final)
system     : Darwin
release    : 19.4.0
machine    : x86_64
processor  : i386
CPU cores  : 4
interpreter: 64bit

In [2]:
import libpysal
from libpysal.cg import Point
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spaghetti

%matplotlib inline
%watermark -w
%watermark -iv

watermark 2.0.2
libpysal   4.2.2
matplotlib 3.1.2
spaghetti  1.5.0.rc0

In [3]:
    from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
except ImportError:

1. Demonstration with a synthetic network

1.1 Instantiate a network from a 4x4 regular lattice

In [4]:
lattice = spaghetti.regular_lattice((0,0,3,3), 2, exterior=True)
ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=lattice)

1.2. Extract network elements and visualize them

In [5]:
vertices, arcs = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, vertices=True, arcs=True)

In [6]:
base = arcs.plot(linewidth=3, alpha=0.25, color="k", zorder=0, figsize=(10, 10))
vertices.plot(ax=base, markersize=20, color="red", zorder=1);

1.3. Instantiate several synthetic observations and snap them to the network

In [7]:
synth_obs = [Point([0.2, 1.3]), Point([0.2, 1.7]), Point([2.8, 1.5])]
ntw.snapobservations(synth_obs, "synth_obs")

1.4. Extract point patterns and visualize plot

Note the labeling for network elements and observations

In [8]:
# true locations of synthetic observations
pp_obs = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, pp_name="synth_obs")
# snapped locations of synthetic observations
pp_obs_snapped = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, pp_name="synth_obs", snapped=True)

1.4.1. Defined helper functions for labeling

In [9]:
def arc_labels(a, b, s):
    """Label each leg of the tour."""
    def _lab_loc(_x):
        """Helper for labeling location."""
        return _x.geometry.interpolate(0.5, normalized=True).coords[0]
    kws = {"size": s, "ha": "center", "va": "bottom"}
    a.apply(lambda x: b.annotate(s=x.id, xy=_lab_loc(x), **kws), axis=1)

def vert_labels(v, b, s):
    """Label each network vertex."""
    def _lab_loc(_x):
        """Helper for labeling vertices."""
        return _x.geometry.coords[0]
    kws = {"size": s, "ha": "left", "va": "bottom", "weight": "bold"}
    v.apply(lambda x: b.annotate(s=x.id, xy=_lab_loc(x), **kws), axis=1)
def obs_labels(o, b, s, c="g"):
    """Label each point pattern observation."""
    def _lab_loc(_x):
        """Helper for labeling observations."""
        return _x.geometry.coords[0]
    kws = {"size": s, "ha": "left", "va": "bottom", "style": "oblique", "c":c}
    o.apply(lambda x: b.annotate(s=x.id, xy=_lab_loc(x), **kws), axis=1)

In [10]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(10, 10), zorder=0)
vertices.plot(ax=base, color="r", zorder=1)
pp_obs.plot(ax=base, color="g", zorder=2)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, color="g", marker="s", zorder=2)
# arc labels
arc_labels(arcs, base, 12)
# vertex labels
vert_labels(vertices, base, 14)
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obs, base, 14);

1.5. Generate observation shortest path trees

In [11]:
d2d_dist, tree = ntw.allneighbordistances("synth_obs", gen_tree=True)

array([[nan, 0.4, 3.8],
       [0.4, nan, 3.8],
       [3.8, 3.8, nan]])
Note that a tag of (-0.1, -0.1) labels the points as being snapped to the same network arc

In [12]:

{(0, 1): (-0.1, -0.1), (0, 2): (2, 13), (1, 2): (4, 14)}

1.6. Generate shortest paths as libpysal.cg.Chain objects

In [13]:
paths = ntw.shortest_paths(tree, "synth_obs")

[[(0, 1), <libpysal.cg.shapes.Chain at 0x125159908>],
 [(0, 2), <libpysal.cg.shapes.Chain at 0x12b3f6da0>],
 [(1, 2), <libpysal.cg.shapes.Chain at 0x12b41ea20>]]

1.7. Extract the shortest paths within geopandas.GeoDataFrame and plot

In [14]:
paths_gdf = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, routes=paths)

geometry O D id
0 LINESTRING (0.00000 1.30000, 0.00000 1.70000) 0 1 (0, 1)
1 LINESTRING (0.00000 1.30000, 0.00000 1.00000, ... 0 2 (0, 2)
2 LINESTRING (0.00000 1.70000, 0.00000 2.00000, ... 1 2 (1, 2)

In [15]:
paths_gdf.plot(figsize=(7, 7), column=paths_gdf.index.name, cmap="Paired", linewidth=5);

1.8. Plot the routes within the context of the network

In [16]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(10, 10), zorder=0)
paths_gdf.plot(ax=base, column="id", cmap="Paired", linewidth=5, zorder=1)
vertices.plot(ax=base, color="r", zorder=2)
pp_obs.plot(ax=base, color="g", zorder=3)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, color="g", marker="s", zorder=2)
# arc labels
arc_labels(arcs, base, 12)
# vertex labels
vert_labels(vertices, base, 14)
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obs, base, 14);

2. Demostration with emprical datasets

2.1 Instantiate an emprical network, extract elements, and visualize

In [17]:
ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=libpysal.examples.get_path("streets.shp"))
vertices, arcs = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, vertices=True, arcs=True)

In [18]:
base = arcs.plot(linewidth=10, alpha=0.25, color="k", figsize=(10, 10))
vertices.plot(ax=base, markersize=100, alpha=0.25, color="red");

2.2 Snap emprical observations and extract the point patterns as geopandas.GeoDataFrames

In [19]:
ntw.snapobservations(libpysal.examples.get_path("schools.shp"), "schools")
pp_obs = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, pp_name="schools")
pp_obs_snapped = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, pp_name="schools", snapped=True)

2.3 Plot empirical data

In [20]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(15, 15), zorder=0)
vertices.plot(ax=base, markersize=5, color="r", zorder=1)
pp_obs.plot(ax=base, markersize=5, color="g", zorder=2)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, markersize=5, marker="s", color="g", zorder=2)
# arc labels
arc_labels(arcs, base, 6)
# vertex labels
vert_labels(vertices, base, 7)
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obs, base, 12);

2.4 Generate shortest path routes and extract them

In [21]:
d2d_dist, tree = ntw.allneighbordistances("schools", gen_tree=True)
paths = ntw.shortest_paths(tree, "schools")
paths_gdf = spaghetti.element_as_gdf(ntw, routes=paths)

geometry O D id
0 LINESTRING (727287.664 879867.386, 727294.797 ... 0 1 (0, 1)
1 LINESTRING (727287.664 879867.386, 727294.797 ... 0 2 (0, 2)
2 LINESTRING (727287.664 879867.386, 727294.797 ... 0 3 (0, 3)
3 LINESTRING (727287.664 879867.386, 727294.797 ... 0 4 (0, 4)
4 LINESTRING (727287.664 879867.386, 727281.557 ... 0 5 (0, 5)

2.5 Plot the shortest path routes

In [22]:
paths_gdf.plot(figsize=(7, 7), column="id", cmap="Paired", linewidth=5);

2.6. Plot all shortest path routes within the context of the network

In [23]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(10, 10), zorder=0)
pp_obs.plot(ax=base, color="g", zorder=2)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, color="g", marker="s", zorder=2)
paths_gdf.plot(ax=base, column="id", cmap="Paired", linewidth=10, alpha=0.25)
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obs, base, 12);

2.7. Plot the shortest path routes originating from observation 0

In [24]:
obs0 = 0
pp_ob0 = pp_obs[pp_obs["id"]==obs0]
pp_obX0 = pp_obs[pp_obs["id"]!=obs0]
orig_ob0 = paths_gdf[paths_gdf["O"]==obs0]

In [25]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(10, 10), zorder=0)
pp_obX0.plot(ax=base, color="g", zorder=2)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, color="k", marker="s", zorder=2)
pp_ob0.plot(ax=base, markersize=20, marker="s", color="r", zorder=2)
# routes originating from observation 0
orig_ob0.plot(ax=base, color="b", linewidth=10, alpha=0.25);
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obX0, base, 12, c="g");
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_ob0, base, 12, c="r");

2.8. Plot the shortest path routes arriving at observation 4

Since the point pattern is symmetric, origins equal destinations and the shortest paths IDs are sorted and pruned out. Therefore, we have to stipluate either O or D of 4 in this case.

In [26]:
obs4 = 4
pp_ob4 = pp_obs[pp_obs["id"]==obs4]
pp_obX4 = pp_obs[pp_obs["id"]!=obs4]
orig_ob4 = paths_gdf[(paths_gdf["O"]==obs4)| (paths_gdf["D"]==obs4)]

In [27]:
base = arcs.plot(alpha=0.2, linewidth=5, color="k", figsize=(10, 10), zorder=0)
pp_obX4.plot(ax=base, color="g", zorder=2)
pp_obs_snapped.plot(ax=base, color="k", marker="s", zorder=2)
pp_ob4.plot(ax=base, markersize=20, marker="s", color="r", zorder=2)
# routes originating from observation 4
orig_ob4.plot(ax=base, color="b", linewidth=10, alpha=0.25);
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_obX4, base, 12, c="g");
# synthetic observation labels
obs_labels(pp_ob4, base, 12, c="r");