Interactive Network Exploration with pynucastro

This notebook shows off the interactive RateCollection network plot.

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jupyter nbextension enable --py --user widgetsnbextension

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In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import pynucastro as pyrl

This collection of rates has the main CNO rates plus a breakout rate into the hot CNO cycle

In [3]:
files = ["c12-pg-n13-ls09", 
rc = pyrl.RateCollection(files)

To evaluate the rates, we need a composition. This is defined using a list of Nuceli objects.

In [4]:
comp = pyrl.Composition(rc.get_nuclei())

Interactive exploration is enabled through the Explorer class, which takes a RateCollection and a Composition

In [5]:
re = pyrl.Explorer(rc, comp)

In [ ]: