In [1]:
import time
print('Last updated: %s' %time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'))
Numexpr is a "fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy". It has a internal Virtual Machine to rewrite code more efficiently by breaking down operations into smaller chunks for the CPU cache. By using a JIT (just-in-time compiler), compilation at runtime is not necessary.
As listed in the documentation, it currently supports the following operators:
Logical operators: &, |, ~
Comparison operators: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, >
Unary arithmetic operators: -
Binary arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, **, %, <<, >>
The usage is quite simple, we just have to provide the numerical expression that we want to evaluate as a string to the evaluate
function, e.g.,
import numexpr
import numpy
a = numpy.array([[1, 2]])
numexpr.evaluate('a ** 2')
>> array([[1, 4]], dtype=int64)
For this benchmark, we will compare different arithmetic operators for simple matrix calculations using NumPy arrays to their Numexpr equivalents.
In [2]:
import numpy as np
from numexpr import evaluate
In [3]:
def numpy_modulus(A, B):
return A % B
def numpy_difference(A, B):
return A - B
def numpy_multiplication(A, B):
return A * B
def numpy_division(A, B):
return A / B
def numpy_power(A, B):
return A ** B
def numpy_squareroot(A, B=None):
return np.sqrt(A)
def numpy_sum(A, B=None):
return np.sum(A)
def numpy_log(A, B=None):
return np.log(A)
def numpy_logic_operator(A, B):
return A < B
def numpy_complex_expr(A, B):
return(A*B-4.1*A > 2.5*B)
In [4]:
def numexpr_modulus(A, B):
return evaluate('A % B')
def numexpr_difference(A, B):
return evaluate('A - B')
def numexpr_multiplication(A, B):
return evaluate('A * B')
def numexpr_division(A, B):
return evaluate('A / B')
def numexpr_power(A, B):
return evaluate('A ** B')
def numexpr_squareroot(A, B=None):
return evaluate('sqrt(A)')
def numexpr_sum(A, B=None):
return evaluate('sum(A)')
def numexpr_log(A, B=None):
return evaluate('log(A)')
def numexpr_logic_operator(A, B):
return evaluate('A < B')
def numexpr_complex_expr(A, B):
return evaluate('A*B-4.1*A > 2.5*B')
In [6]:
import timeit
orders_n = [10**n for n in range(1, 5)]
funcs = ['modulus', 'difference', 'multiplication',
'division', 'power', 'log', 'sum', 'squareroot',
'logic_operator', 'complex_expr']
timings_np = {f:[] for f in funcs}
timings_ne = {f:[] for f in funcs}
for n in orders_n:
for f in funcs:
A = np.random.rand(n,n)
B = np.random.rand(n,n)
timings_np[f].append(min(timeit.Timer('numpy_%s(A, B)' %f,
'from __main__ import A, B, numpy_%s' %f)
.repeat(repeat=3, number=1)))
timings_ne[f].append(min(timeit.Timer('numexpr_%s(A, B)' %f,
'from __main__ import A, B, numexpr_%s' %f)
.repeat(repeat=3, number=1)))
In [17]:
import platform
import datetime
import numexpr
import multiprocessing
def print_sysinfo():
print('\ndate: :', str(
print('\nsystem :', platform.system())
print('release :', platform.release())
print('machine :', platform.machine())
print('processor:', platform.processor())
print('CPU count :', multiprocessing.cpu_count())
print('interpreter:', platform.architecture()[0])
print('\nPython version', platform.python_version())
print('compiler', platform.python_compiler())
print('NumPy version', np.__version__)
print('Numexpr version', numexpr.__version__)
In [18]:
import prettytable
def summary_table(funcs):
fit_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(['n=%s' %orders_n[-1],
'Numexpr function' ,
'rel. performance gain via Numexpr'])
fit_table.align['Numexpr function'] = 'l'
for f in funcs:
fit_table.add_row(['', f, '{:.2f}x'.format(timings_np[f][-1]/timings_ne[f][-1])])
In [19]:
%matplotlib inline
In [22]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_figures(funcs):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,20))
for i,f in enumerate(funcs):
plt.subplot(len(funcs)/2, 2, i)
plt.plot([i**2 for i in orders_n], [i*100 for i in timings_np[f]],
alpha=0.5, label='NumPy %s' %f, marker='o')
plt.plot([i**2 for i in orders_n], [i*100 for i in timings_ne[f]],
alpha=0.5, label='Numexpr %s' %f, marker='o')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('number of elements per matrix')
plt.ylabel('time in milliseconds')
In [23]:
Since numexpr
makes use of multi-threading (thereby bypassing Python's GIL - Global Interpreter Lock) we can see an increase in performance for the especially CPU-heavy tasks when we are using numexpr
, i.e., for larger matrix sizes and especially for more complex vectorized expressions (see the plot in the lower left).
In [ ]: