Sebastian Raschka
last updated: 05/09/2014

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Day 3 - One Python Benchmark per Day

6 different ways for counting elements using a dictionary

Dictionary counting functions

In [1]:
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Counter

def add_element_check1(elements):
    """if ele not in dict (v1)"""
    d = dict()
    for e in elements:
        if e not in d:
            d[e] = 1
            d[e] += 1
    return d
def add_element_check2(elements):
    """if ele not in dict (v2)"""
    d = dict()
    for e in elements:
        if e not in d:
            d[e] = 0
        d[e] += 1            
    return d
def add_element_except(elements):
    d = dict()
    for e in elements:
            d[e] += 1
        except KeyError:
            d[e] = 1
    return d
def add_element_defaultdict(elements):
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for e in elements:
        d[e] += 1
    return d

def add_element_get(elements):
    """.get() method"""
    d = dict()
    for e in elements:
        d[e] = d.get(e, 1) + 1
    return d

def counter_object(elements):
    """Counter object"""
    return Counter(elements)

Dataset 1 - "I have a dream"

The first data set will be Martin Luther King's popular "I have a dream" speech for which we want to count the occurences of the individual words. The data file can be downloaded from here.

In [2]:
def read_speech(datafile):
    Reads in a text file and returns individual words
    in lowercase and stripped from digits and punctuation
    def strip_word(word):
        out = []
        for char in word:
            if char.isalpha():
        return "".join(out)
    with open(datafile,'r') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                for word in line.split():
                    yield strip_word(word)
speech_file = '../data/day3_dictionary_counting/i_have_a_dream_speech.txt'
speech = list(read_speech(speech_file))

Dataset 2 - DNA string

Secondly, we will cound the individual nucleotides ("A", "G", "C", or "T") in a randomly generated DNA string. The file can be found here.

In [3]:
def read_dna(datafile):
    with open(datafile,'r') as infile:
        return list(

dna_file = '../data/day3_dictionary_counting/random_dna.txt'
dna = read_dna(dna_file)


In [4]:
import timeit
from functools import reduce

funcs = ['add_element_check1', 'add_element_check2',
         'add_element_except', 'add_element_defaultdict',
         'add_element_get', 'counter_object']

times_n = {f:[] for f in funcs}

for d in [speech, dna]:
    for f in funcs:
        times_n[f].append(min(timeit.Timer('%s(d)' %f, 
                      'from __main__ import %s, d' %f)
                              .repeat(repeat=3, number=1000)))

Setting up the plots

In [18]:
import platform
import multiprocessing

def print_sysinfo():
    print('\nPython version:', platform.python_version())
    print('compiler:', platform.python_compiler())
    print('\nsystem     :', platform.system())
    print('release    :', platform.release())
    print('machine    :', platform.machine())
    print('processor  :', platform.processor())
    print('interpreter:', platform.architecture()[0])
    print('CPU count  :', multiprocessing.cpu_count())

In [19]:
%matplotlib inline

In [20]:
labels = [('add_element_check1', 'if-else statements (v1)'), 
          ('add_element_check2', 'if-else statements (v2)'),
          ('add_element_except', 'try-except blocks'),
          ('add_element_defaultdict', 'using collections.defaultdict'),
          ('add_element_get', 'using the .get() method'),
          ('counter_object', 'using collections.Counter'),

In [28]:
from numpy import arange
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_timings():

    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})

    ind = arange(2)  # the x locations for the groups
    width = 0.15

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    colors = [(0,'b'), (1,'c'), (2,'g'), (3,'r'), (4,'y'), (5, 'm')]

    for l,c in zip(labels,colors): + c[0]*width,

    ax.set_ylabel('time in milliseconds')
    ax.set_title('Methods for counting elements in a dataset using a dictionary')
    ax.set_xticks(ind + width)
    ax.set_xticklabels(['Luther speech', 'DNA string'])
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

In [29]:
import prettytable

def count_unique(input_data):
    unique = 0
    count_dict = add_element_check1(input_data)
    for count in count_dict.values():
        if count == 1:
            unique += 1
    different_ele = len(count_dict)
    unique_ele = round(unique / different_ele * 100, 2)
    return (different_ele, unique_ele)

def summary_table():

    speech_different, speech_unique = count_unique(speech)
    dna_different, dna_unique = count_unique(dna)

    fit_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(["", "total elements" ,
                                     "different elements", 
                                     "unique elements (%)"])
    fit_table.add_row(["DNA string", len(dna), dna_different, dna_unique])
    fit_table.add_row(["Luther speech", len(speech), speech_different, speech_unique])



In [30]:

Python version: 3.4.1
compiler: GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)

system     : Darwin
release    : 13.1.0
machine    : x86_64
processor  : i386
interpreter: 64bit
CPU count  : 2

|               | total elements | different elements | unique elements (%) |
|   DNA string  |      4000      |         4          |         0.0         |
| Luther speech |      1667      |        536         |        65.67        |


The bar plot indicates that the performance of the different approaches really depends on how many duplicates we have in our data set. But this can be easily explained:

Scenario 1: No or very low number of duplicates

Here, expect that the try-except loop would not perform very well, since an error is raised (and eventually the except-block executed) if we encounter an element that is not already in the dictionary.

Scenario 2: High number of duplicates

The try-except method performs much better if we have a high number of duplicates, because the sumation in the try-block succeeds if we are encountering elements that already exist as keys in the dictionary - the except-block can be skipped in this case.

Anyway, for a real application, I would use the Counter function from the collection module, it is the fastest approach in any case.

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