In [ ]:
# Take The Best
# Data
for (q in 1:nq){
for (i in 1:ns){
y[i,q] ~ dbern(ttb[t[q]])
ypred[i,q] ~ dbern(ttb[t[q]])
} }
# TTB Model For Each Question
for (q in 1:nq){
# Add Cue Contributions To Mimic TTB Decision
for (j in 1:nc){
tmp1[q,j] <- (m[p[q,1],j]-m[p[q,2],j])*pow(2,s[j]-1)
# Find if Cue Favors First, Second, or Neither Stimulus
tmp2[q] <- sum(tmp1[q,1:nc])
tmp3[q] <- -1*step(-tmp2[q])+step(tmp2[q])
t[q] <- tmp3[q]+2
# Cue Search Order Follows Validities
for (j in 1:nc){
s[j] <- rank(v[1:nc],j)
# Choose TTB Decision With Probability Gamma, or Guess
ttb[1] <- 1-gamma
ttb[2] <- 0.5
ttb[3] <- gamma
# Priors
gamma ~ dunif(0.5,1)
In [2]:
In [3]:
model <- "
// Take The Best
data {
int ns;
int nq;
int nc;
int y[ns,nq];
int m[83,nc];
int p[nq,2];
vector[nc] v;
transformed data {
int<lower=1,upper=nc> s[nc];
int<lower=0,upper=3> t[nq];
// Cue Search Order Follows Validities
s <- sort_indices_asc(v);
// TTB Model For Each Question
for (q in 1:nq) {
vector[nc] tmp1;
real tmp2;
int tmp3;
// Add Cue Contributions To Mimic TTB Decision
for (j in 1:nc)
tmp1[j] <- (m[p[q,1],j] - m[p[q,2],j]) * 2 ^ (s[j] - 1);
// Find if Cue Favors First, Second, or Neither Stimulus
tmp2 <- sum(tmp1);
tmp3 <- -1 * int_step(-tmp2) + int_step(tmp2);
t[q] <- tmp3 + 2;
parameters {
real<lower=.5,upper=1> gamma;
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[3] ttb;
// Choose TTB Decision With Probability Gamma, or Guess
ttb[1] <- 1 - gamma;
ttb[2] <- .5;
ttb[3] <- gamma;
model {
// Data
for (q in 1:nq)
for (i in 1:ns)
y[i,q] ~ bernoulli(ttb[t[q]]);
generated quantities {
int<lower=0,upper=1> ypred[ns,nq];
for (q in 1:nq)
for (i in 1:ns)
ypred[i,q] <- bernoulli_rng(ttb[t[q]]);
In [4]:
load("StopSearchData.RData") # Load all data for the model
In [18]:
data <- list(nc=nc, nq=nq, ns=ns, v=v, p=p, m=m, y=y) # To be passed on to Stan
In [7]:
In [8]:
In [9]:
In [10]:
In [14]:
In [13]:
In [17]:
In [19]:
myinits <- list(
parameters <- c("gamma", "ypred") # Parameters to be monitored
In [20]:
# For a detailed description type "?stan".
samples <- stan(model_code=model,
init=myinits, # If not specified, gives random inits
warmup=500, # Stands for burn-in; Default = iter/2
# seed=123 # Setting seed; Default is random seed
In [25]:
In [24]:
# Now the values for the monitored parameters are in the "samples" object,
# ready for inspection.
#### Figure 18.2 ####
means <- get_posterior_mean(samples)
get_mean <- function(i, j) {
means[paste("ypred[", i, ",", j, "]", sep=""), ]
par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1) + .1, xaxs="i", mgp=c(1.3, 0, 0))
plot("", xlim=c(0, 31), ylim=c(1, 20), xlab="Question", ylab="Subject", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
axis(1, c(1, 25, 30), tck=0)
axis(2, c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20), tck=0, las=2)
abline(v=24.5, lty=2)
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (j in 1:nq) {
points(j, i, pch=3, cex=get_mean(i, j))
points(j, i, pch=4, cex=y[i, j])
In [31]:
In [32]:
model <- "
// Stop
data {
int ns;
int nq;
int nc;
int y[ns,nq];
int m[83,nc];
int p[nq,2];
vector[nc] v;
vector[nc] x;
transformed data {
int<lower=1,upper=nc> s[nc];
int<lower=0,upper=3> t[ns,nq,2];
// Cue Search Order Follows Validities
s <- sort_indices_asc(v);
// TTB Decision
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (q in 1:nq) {
vector[nc] tmp1;
real tmp2;
int tmp3;
// Add Cue Contributions To Mimic TTB Decision
for (j in 1:nc)
tmp1[j] <- (m[p[q,1],j] - m[p[q,2],j]) * 2 ^ (s[j] - 1);
// Find if Cue Favors First, Second, or Neither Stimulus
tmp2 <- sum(tmp1);
tmp3 <- -1 * int_step(-tmp2) + int_step(tmp2);
t[i,q,1] <- tmp3 + 2;
// WADD Decision
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (q in 1:nq) {
vector[nc] tmp4;
real tmp5;
int tmp6;
for (j in 1:nc)
tmp4[j] <- (m[p[q,1],j] - m[p[q,2],j]) * x[j];
// Find if Cue Favors First, Second, or Neither Stimulus
tmp5 <- sum(tmp4);
tmp6 <- -1 * int_step(-tmp5) + int_step(tmp5);
t[i,q,2] <- tmp6 + 2;
parameters {
real<lower=.5,upper=1> gamma;
real<lower=0,upper=1> phi;
transformed parameters {
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[3] dec;
vector[2] lp_parts[ns];
// Follow Decision With Probability Gamma, or Guess
dec[1] <- 1 - gamma;
dec[2] <- .5;
dec[3] <- gamma;
// TTB and WADD Subjects in Latent Mixture
for (i in 1:ns) {
vector[nq] lp_tmp1;
vector[nq] lp_tmp2;
for (q in 1:nq) {
lp_tmp1[q] <- bernoulli_log(y[i,q], dec[t[i,q,1]]);
lp_tmp2[q] <- bernoulli_log(y[i,q], dec[t[i,q,2]]);
lp_parts[i,1] <- log1m(phi) + sum(lp_tmp1);
lp_parts[i,2] <- log(phi) + sum(lp_tmp2);
model {
// Prior
phi ~ beta(1, 1);
for (i in 1:ns)
generated quantities {
int<lower=0,upper=1> ypred[ns,nq];
int<lower=0,upper=1> z[ns];
for (i in 1:ns) {
vector[2] prob;
prob <- softmax(lp_parts[i]);
z[i] <- bernoulli_rng(prob[2]);
for (q in 1:nq)
for (i in 1:ns)
ypred[i,q] <- bernoulli_rng(dec[t[i,q,(z[i] + 1)]]);
In [33]:
load("StopSearchData.RData") # Load all data for the model
In [34]:
# To be passed on to Stan
data <- list(nc=nc, nq=nq, ns=ns, v=v, p=p, m=m, y=y, x=x)
myinits <- list(
list(gamma=.75, phi=.5))
parameters <- c("gamma", "ypred", "z", "phi") # Parameters to be monitored
In [35]:
# For a detailed description type "?stan".
samples <- stan(model_code=model,
init=myinits, # If not specified, gives random inits
warmup=500, # Stands for burn-in; Default = iter/2
# seed=123 # Setting seed; Default is random seed
# Now the values for the monitored parameters are in the "samples" object,
# ready for inspection.
In [36]:
In [37]:
#### Figure 18.4 ####
means <- get_posterior_mean(samples)
get_mean <- function(var, i, j="", dim=2) {
if (dim == 2)
means[paste(var, "[", i, ",", j, "]", sep=""), ]
means[paste(var, "[", i, "]", sep=""), ]
#windows(9, 5)
par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1) + .1, xaxs="i", mgp=c(1.3, 0.2, 0))
plot("", xlim=c(0, 31), ylim=c(1, 20), xlab="Question", ylab="Subject", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
axis(1, c(1, 25, 30), tck=0)
axis(2, c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20), tck=0, las=2)
abline(v=24.5, lty=2)
for (i in 1:ns) {
for (j in 1:nq) {
points(j, i, pch=3, cex=get_mean("ypred", i, j))
points(j, i, pch=4, cex=y[i, j])
In [38]:
#### Figure 18.5 ####
#windows(8, 3)
par(mar=c(3, 2, 1, 1) + .1, mgp=c(1.3, 0.2, 0), oma=c(0,3,0,0))
barplot(get_mean("z", 1:20, dim=1), col="black", names.arg=1:20,
yaxt="n", xlab="Subject", ylab="")
title(ylab="Group", outer=T)
axis(2, at=c(0, 1), labels=c("TTB", "WADD"), tck=0, las=2)