Our control algorithm will give us a value of angular acceleration that we would like our rocket to have. In reality we change the roll rate of the rocket with small fins so we need a correlation between the fin angle and the angular acceleration.
Angular acceleration is the result of tourqe on the rocket, where torque is the fin force (lift) and the lever arm to the fin, and the mass moment of inertia in the axis of rotation:
$$\begin{equation} \ddot \theta = \frac{r \times L}{I} \end{equation}$$We design the rocket such that lift is perpedicular to the lever arm of the fin, so the cross product is just multiplication. Filling out with our lift equation:
$$\begin{equation} \ddot \theta = \frac{2C_{L}\rho v^2 A r}{I} \end{equation}$$Where
But will we have access to all these numbers during flight? Yes! Everything in this equation can be shown to be a function of either our state vector or time. Lets rewrite eveything showing them as a function of something we can know:
$$\begin{equation} \ddot \theta = \frac{2C_{L}(\alpha)\rho(x) \dot x^2 A r}{I(t)} \end{equation}$$In particular we see $C_{L}$ is a function of fin angle $\alpha$. Density is a function of altitude ($x$), I rewrote $v$ as $\dot x$ to show that it's part of the state vector. $A$ and $r$ are constant and part of the rocket design. $I$ is a function of time.
We expand $C_{L}(\alpha)$ to show it's dependence on angle of attack. The rocket spends a lot of time subsonic so let's treat it in the subsonic case:
$$\begin{equation} C_{L}(\alpha) = K_P\sin\alpha\cos^2\alpha + K_V\cos\alpha\sin^2\alpha \end{equation}$$Where $K_P$ and $K_V$ are known constants. Implemented in python:
In [1]:
from math import sin, cos, radians, degrees, exp, sqrt, fabs
# Define PSAS:
k_p = 2.45
k_v = 3.2
Cl_base = 3.2
fin_area = 1.13e-3
I_0 = 0.1
I_1 = 0.01
def C_L(a, v):
"""Find C_L for a given speed and angle of attack
:param float a: Angle of attack, alpha in degrees
:param float v: velocity, v in m/s
# math is in radians
a = radians(a)
# Subsonic case
def _subsonic():
sina = sin(a)
cosa = cos(a)
cl = k_p*sina*cosa*cosa
cl += k_v*cosa*sina*sina
return cl
# Supersonic case
def _supersonic():
cl = a*Cl_base
return cl
if v <= 265:
return _subsonic()
elif v < 330:
# Intepolate between super and subsonic
y0 = _subsonic()
y1 = _supersonic()
x0 = 265
x1 = 330
cl = y0 + (y1-y0)*(v - x0)/(x1-x0)
return cl
return _supersonic()
We want to solve for $\alpha$. Not so easy though... So we can replace the complicated parts with a much more simple polynomial aproximation in the form of
$$\begin{equation} C_{L}(\alpha) = a_{f}\alpha^2 + b_{f}\alpha \end{equation}$$And then we can solve for $\alpha$. This will be quite close enough as long as our choices for $a_{f}$ and $b_{f}$ are reasonable.
Lets pick:
In python:
In [2]:
def C_L_aprox(a, v):
# Subsonic case
def _subsonic():
af = 0.0006
bf = 0.045
cl = af*a**2 + bf*a
return cl
# Supersonic case
def _supersonic():
cl = a*Cl_base
return cl
if v <= 265:
return _subsonic()
elif v < 330:
# Intepolate between super and subsonic
y0 = _subsonic()
y1 = _supersonic()
x0 = 265
x1 = 330
cl = y0 + (y1-y0)*(v - x0)/(x1-x0)
return cl
return _supersonic()
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
In [4]:
# range of angle of attack to chart
alpha = [a*0.5 for a in range(31)]
CL = [C_L(a, 120) for a in alpha]
CLaprox = [C_L_aprox(a, 120) for a in alpha]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.title("Subsonic Angle of Attack and Aproximation")
plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha$ [${}^0$]")
plt.plot(alpha, CL, label="Full Solution")
plt.plot(alpha, CLaprox, label="Polynomial Aproximation")
ax.grid(color='grey', alpha=0.3, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5)
Now we can solve for $\alpha$. We'll still use two cases, super and subsonic.
$$\begin{equation} \ddot\theta I(t) = (a_f\alpha^2 + bf\alpha)2\rho(x)\dot x^2 Ar \end{equation}$$Which we solve for $\alpha$
$$\begin{equation} \alpha(x,\dot x,\ddot\theta,t) = \frac{\sqrt{\frac{2\ddot\theta I(t) a_f}{\rho(x)\dot x^2 Ar} + b_f^2} - b_f}{2a_f} \end{equation}$$And bring it together in callable function:
In [5]:
def estimate_alpha(x, v, aa, t):
"""Return an estimated fin angle of attack for to
achieve the required angular acceleration.
:param x: Altitude (meters, MSL)
:param v: Air velocity (m/s)
:param aa: Angular acceleration to compute alpha for (degrees/s/s)
:param t: Time (seconds since launch)
:returns fin angle:
# LV2.3 Constants
fin_area = 1.13e-3
fin_arm = 0.085
I_0 = 0.086
I_1 = 0.077
af = 0.0006
bf = 0.045
cl_super = 3.2
# compute rho
rho = 1.2250 * exp((-9.80665 * 0.0289644 * x)/(8.31432*288.15))
# compute I
if t <= 0:
I = I_0
elif t < 5.6:
I = I_0 + (I_1-I_0)*t/5.6
I = I_1
def _subsonic():
alpha = sqrt((2*aa*I*af)/(rho*v*v*fin_area*fin_arm) + bf*bf) - bf
alpha = alpha / (2*af)
return alpha
def _supersonic():
alpha = (aa*I)/(2*rho*v*v*fin_area*fin_arm*cl_super)
return degrees(alpha)
if v <= 265:
return _subsonic()
elif v < 330:
# Intepolate between super and subsonic
y0 = _subsonic()
y1 = _supersonic()
x0 = 265
x1 = 330
cl = y0 + (y1-y0)*(v - x0)/(x1-x0)
return cl
return _supersonic()
In [6]:
def lift(a, v, alt):
"""Compute the lift of one fin at an angle of
attack, velocity, and altitdue
:param float a: Angle of attack in degrees
:param float v: velocity in m/s
:param float alt: altitude MSL in meters
:returns float lift in Newtons:
# get density of atmosphere with quick exponential model
rho = 1.2250 * exp((-9.80665 * 0.0289644 * alt)/(8.31432*288.15))
l = 0.5*C_L(a, v)*rho*v*v*fin_area
return l
def anglar_accel(a, x, v, t):
"""Compute angular accelation for a single point
:param a: Fin alpha (degrees)
:param x: altitude (meters, MSL)
:param v: air velocity (m/s)
:param t: time since launch (seconds)
fin_arm = 0.085
I_0 = 0.086
I_1 = 0.077
# compute I
if t <= 0:
I = I_0
elif t < 5.6:
I = I_0 + (I_1-I_0)*t/5.6
I = I_1
return (4*lift(a, v, x)*fin_arm)/I
In [7]:
worst = 0
for aa in range(10,30,10):
for v in range(100,350,25):
for x in range(1000,5000,500):
for t in range(0,30,5):
alpha = estimate_alpha(x,v,aa,t)
aa_real = anglar_accel(alpha, x, v, t)
error = fabs((aa_real - aa)/aa_real)*100
if worst < error:
worst = error
print "Estimate never off model by more than %0.1f%%" % worst