In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne
from mne.datasets import sample
data_path = sample.data_path()
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif'
# load the raw data
raw =, preload=True)
picks = mne.pick_types(, meg='mag', exclude='bads')
print('Sampling frequency is %f' %['sfreq'])
In [5]:
# plot the raw psd
raw.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=True, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose='ERROR');
In [6]:
# filter data using mne filter_data
# (mne.filter.band_pass_filter, jumeg.jumeg_preprocessing.apply_filter all use the same underlying function)
l_freq, h_freq = 1., 45.
fir_filt = raw.copy().filter(l_freq, h_freq, picks=picks, filter_length='auto',
l_trans_bandwidth='auto', h_trans_bandwidth='auto',
n_jobs=4, method='fir', iir_params=None, phase='zero',
fir_window='hamming', verbose='ERROR')
# plot the FIR filtered raw psd
fig = fir_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose='ERROR');
fig.gca().set_title('MNE FIR filter');
In [7]:
filter_type = 'butter'
filt_method = 'fft'
iir_params={'ftype': filter_type, 'order': 4}
# apply IIR filter
iir_filt = raw.copy().filter(l_freq, h_freq, picks=picks, filter_length='auto',
l_trans_bandwidth='auto', h_trans_bandwidth='auto',
n_jobs=4, method='iir', iir_params=iir_params, phase='zero',
fir_window='hamming', verbose='ERROR')
# plot the IIR filtered raw psd
fig = iir_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=l_freq, fmax=h_freq, n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose='ERROR');
fig.gca().set_title('MNE BW IIR filter');
In [8]:
from jumeg.filter import jumeg_filter
In [10]:
# apply the jumeg filter using mne (just to check)
filt_ju_mne = jumeg_filter(filter_method='mne', filter_type='bp', fcut1=l_freq, fcut2=h_freq,
filter_window='hamming', notch=np.array([50., 60.]), notch_width=1.0, order=4, njobs=4,
ju_mne_filt = raw.copy() # make a copy
ju_mne_filt._data = filt_ju_mne.apply_filter(ju_mne_filt._data, picks)
# plot the jumeg MNE filtered raw psd
fig = ju_mne_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
fig.gca().set_title('jumeg filter using MNE FIR/fft');
In [16]:
# apply the jumeg filter using bw
filt_ju_bw = jumeg_filter(filter_method="bw", filter_type='bp', fcut1=l_freq, fcut2=h_freq,
filter_window='hamming', notch=np.array([50., 60.]), notch_width=1.0, order=4, njobs=4,
filt_ju_bw.verbose = False
ju_bw_filt = raw.copy() # make a copy
filt_ju_bw.apply_filter(ju_bw_filt._data, picks)
# plot the jumeg MNE filtered raw psd
fig = ju_bw_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0.1, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
fig.gca().set_title('Jumeg BW filter');
In [12]:
In [17]:
## plot the window sinc filter results also
# from jumeg.filter.jumeg_filter_ws import JuMEG_Filter_Ws
# filt_ju_ws = jumeg_filter(filter_method='ws', filter_type='bp', fcut1=l_freq, fcut2=h_freq,
# remove_dcoffset=True,['sfreq'],
# filter_window='hamming', notch=np.array([50., 60.]), notch_width=1.0, order=4, njobs=4,
# mne_filter_method='fft',mne_filter_length='10s',trans_bandwith=0.5)
# ju_ws_filt = raw.copy() # make a copy
# ju_ws_filt.notch_filter(np.array([50., 60.]), picks=picks, filter_length='auto',
# notch_widths=None, trans_bandwidth=1.0, n_jobs=1, method='fir',
# iir_params=None, mt_bandwidth=None, p_value=0.05, phase='zero',
# fir_window='hamming', verbose=None)
# filt_ju_ws.apply_filter(ju_ws_filt._data, picks)
## plot the jumeg Window Sinc filtered raw psd
# fig = ju_ws_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
# picks=picks, ax=None, color='black', area_mode='std',
# area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
# show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
# spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
# fig.gca().set_title('Jumeg Window Sinc filter');
In [27]:
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
# plot the jumeg MNE filtered raw psd
ju_mne_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=ax1, color='blue', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
# plot the jumeg Butterworth filtered raw psd
ju_bw_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
picks=picks, ax=ax1, color='green', area_mode='std',
area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
show=False, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
# # plot the jumeg Windowsinc filtered raw psd
# fig = ju_ws_filt.plot_psd(tmin=0.0, tmax=160., fmin=0, fmax=70., n_fft=None,
# picks=picks, ax=ax1, color='red', area_mode='std',
# area_alpha=0.33, n_overlap=0, dB=True, average=True,
# show=True, n_jobs=4, line_alpha=None,
# spatial_colors=None, xscale='linear', verbose=None);
ax1.set_xlim(0., 75.);
ax1.set_title('MNE (blue)/jumeg BW (green)');
Various available filters are applied on raw MEG data of sampling frequency 1017.25 above.
The mne filter uses filter_data routine to perform band pass filtering and the notch_filter routine to perform notch filtering.
MNE filter with FIR filtering performs better than using an IIR Butterworth filter with oder 4.
Jumeg filter module has three filters implemented
Of all the three jumeg implementations above, mne FIR filter shows the best performance.
The WS implementation performs better than the jumeg BW (with order 4).
Recommendation: Presently, it is best to use the MNE FIR filter for our filtering requirements. The jumeg filter module (which wraps around mne filter) may be used when the MNE band_pass_filter needs to be combined with the notch_filter. In cases where the notch frequencies are removed using the noise reducer, the mne FIR filter can be directly used.